War God Supreme

Chapter 1674: Holy Dragon

From Li Lingtian's dominance, he displayed magical powers that destroyed the heavens and the earth. All the endless magical powers bombarded Yuxu Wukong in front of him. The destruction attack of Shentong flooded Yuxuan Wukong.

Then, when Li Lingtian put Huangfu Yuyan and others into the Dragon Ring, the whole process was just a momentary effort.

But it was this momentary effort that Yu Xuan Wukong had already bombarded Li Lingtian almost completely. Li Lingtian did not understand how Yuxuan Wukong did it all the time.

Not to mention, those supernatural powers alone, even those in the late semi-real world, have fallen countless times.

Even if Yu Xuan, who is at the peak of the semi-god realm, has no time to go against the sky, there is no time to cross his magical power and come behind him to bombard him. All this is beyond the scope of ordinary people's imagination. All this is terrifying and strange.


Blood spewed out of his mouth again, and there was no trace of blood on his face. The whole person seemed to disappear at any time.

"True Dragon Guard."

Li Lingtian's body is constantly torn in his body, even the Five Elements Yuanshen is constantly being attacked.

Feeling the destruction in the body, Li Lingtian's consciousness was weak and weak, but at the last moment, the ice soul Wuhun was in motion, and the whole person pulled back the weak consciousness.

At the same time as the figure flew, the real dragon shield was on display.

Suddenly, the figure turned into a 200-meter-long divine dragon, roaring and swinging in the air.

The real dragon's body was unfolded, and the originally torn and torn body became stronger, and the deterioration of his body stopped.

He has countless defenses and terrifying physiques, but after using magical powers, when he used the dragon dragon to collect Huangfu Yuyan and others, he never thought that Yuxuan Wuxun, who was half-divine realm and perfect peak, was so scary and powerful, it was completely beyond Imagined category.

This injury is also a lesson, underestimating the horror of the Great Seminary Peak.

The Dharma Peak peak half-divine realm has been infinitely close to the existence of the true god, and it is not comparable to other half-divine realms.

Sheng Long roared in the air and looked at Yuxuan Wuxu in the distance. When Ling Yuxuan was empty, Li Lingtian was slightly balanced. I saw that Yuxuan Wuxu also had a lot of scars and blood on his body. Wet your clothes.

The blood in the corner of the mouth kept overflowing, and it seemed that the injury was not light, and the defense on the body had long been broken.

Now I understand that several magical powers of destruction have been exhibited, and Yuxuan Wuxu has also been injured. It may be that Yuxuan Wuxu has used mysterious means to break through the destruction attack network while he is using the Shenlong ring to receive Huangfu Yuyan and others. And then wounded Li Lingtian.

Thinking of this, the despair in Li Lingtian's heart was less.

Indeed, Li Lingtian's current cultivation state, plus the realm of gold and the divine sword, as well as several supernatural powers in the Nether God Ring, such a method, this Divine Martial Continent can withstand intact, absolutely not much people.

What's more, Li Lingtian's attack almost landed at the same time. Without the other party's precautions, it's a strange thing not to be injured. If he didn't appear in front of Li Lingtian and wounded him, Li Lingtian would be completely desperate.

"Yu Xuan is free, this seat is not dead today, you are waiting for this seat's punishment."

The holy dragon was suspended in the air, the huge body was swinging, and the terrifying dragon power raged through the space, giving a visual impact.

Hong Liang's voice resounded through the world, this is the real Long Yin.

Dragon family, the powerful dragon has three kinds of ruining magical powers, dragon language, dragon breath and dragon spirit.

Li Lingtian reached the Sacred Dragon Realm and naturally controlled these three things. His strong physique can withstand the full-strength attacks of the strongmen of the same rank. Even if he becomes an Sacred Dragon after being injured, he can stabilize the injury.

Moreover, Li Lingtian has the Pearl of Life and the Guard of Death Pearl in his body, as well as the remnants of God of Life and Lord of Death, together with the power of life and the power of death, it is definitely difficult to destroy him if he wants to destroy him.

The holy dragon emptied, and the terrifying dragon gas came together. Between the claws of the holy dragon, a one-meter-long dragon gas group appeared. The dragon gas group was full of destruction and death, just like destruction. In this world, the whole world trembles and mourns in front of the Dragon Qi Light Group, and the air hissing and crying.

"Today, you are destined to fall."

"Even if you don't say it, the deity knows clearly that you would rather get the most palace and the second hall and the true god, rather than provoke Li Lingtian. Today, the deity is an insight. Today you are not dead. In the future, the deity will definitely fall into your hands."

"So, no matter how great the price is today, I will destroy you here."

The look on Yuxuan Wukong's face was constantly changing. He heard Li Lingtian's words and shivered inexplicably in his heart. This was the first time he encountered him in his life, and he was still a young man below his own level. before.

When he planned to deal with Li Lingtian, he had thought of the consequences, either Li Lingtian fell, or he fell.

Because all the powerful people in Shenwu Continent know Li Lingtian's character, he only has friends and enemies. As long as he does not provoke him, he can give away the treasure of immortality for free. He never looks down on anyone, even if he is a low-level warrior. , He will not treat it differently, on the contrary is unconditional support.

This type of person is Li Lingtian's friend.

But if you provoke Li Lingtian, who is Li Lingtian's enemy, become Li Lingtian's enemy, either kneeling or lying down, even if you are the true God, he will not let him bow his head.

The whole Shenwu Continent is up to the semi-sacred consummation, and down to the Wuling Wuling. These things are known to him. He Yuxuan Wuxian naturally also heard some.

Therefore, he knew that this time he came to Li Lingtian to ask for the gold system, and Li Lingtian must have fallen, otherwise he would suffer revenge from Li Lingtian's destruction.

With his cultivation practice of the pinnacle of the perfection of the semi-divine realm, and the control of the talents against the sky, he can completely kill Li Lingtian when he does not respond.

Indeed, the development of things along the way is to follow his expected trajectory, but only at the most critical moment did he realize that he had been counted by the other party.

In the same way, Li Lingtian's antagonism and strength are beyond his imagination. All the accidents and accidents have caused him serious injuries.

"Just know."

"What you say is exactly what this seat wants to tell you."

"In this life, you are destined to destroy in this hand."

"True Dragon's Spirit, Holy Dragon's Radiance."

"Three thousand worlds, everything is destroyed!"

The dragon-qi light group between the holy dragon claws became more and more scary, and finally the dragon-qi light group was compressed to only one meter in size.

Looking at the power of Yuxuan Wukong's whole body destruction and the horror of the perfection of the peak of the semi-god realm, the huge body of the holy dragon swung, and a crack appeared in the space. Just when the crack appeared, the ruined dragon Qiguang group towards Yuxuan No bombardment came.

Suddenly, the Dragon Qi Light Cluster was like a comet, with all the power of destruction to roar towards Yuxuan without space. Where the Dragon Qi Light Cluster passed, the space shattered, forming countless fragments, all the destruction Both the breath and the spirit spirit are swallowed by the Dragon Qi Light Group, which is more and more scary like a snowball.


When the dragon air group was on display, the space crack of the torn dragon shivered. When the crack was about to close, the huge body of the dragon disappeared strangely in the air. With a dragon chant, the space crack closed.


"I want to go, there are no doors!"


Yuxuan Wukong looked at Shenglong's tearing space, and knew that Shenglong was going to escape, and the magical power of destruction was exhibited.

In the face of the destruction of the world's dragon energy, Yuxuan Wukong's destruction magic bombarded him fiercely, his body flew towards the front, his hands stretched out, and the originally closed space was easily torn apart again.

However, at this time, the magical power of destruction and the Dragon Qi Light Bomb were bombarded together, and a burst of destruction was issued, and the whole world seemed to be destroyed.

Within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, everything turns into nothingness, everything is destroyed, and even the air within a radius of tens of thousands of miles becomes fragments.

In the destructive explosion, the body of Yuxuan Yufu, who was flying forward without space, was thrown up by a fierce bombardment. The body retreated backward, and a spit of blood spurted out, and the torn space crack was closed again.


"Heaven and earth, the deity will also destroy you."

Yuxuan Wukong fell to the ground fiercely, a spit of blood spewed out, no blood on his face.

Looking at his injury, the whole person ran away. The peak of the half-god realm was complete, and the imperial **** of the pure sun was waiting. Above one thousand people under one person, he was now continuously injured by an early calculation of a half-god realm.

The sound fell, and a golden pill was thrown into the mouth. The injuries on the body stabilized, and the figure flew away into the originally torn space crack, and disappeared in an instant.

He naturally didn't expect Li Lingtian to have such horror after he became a holy dragon. It is rumored that Li Lingtian has cultivated the body of the holy dragon in Shenwu Continent, but he doesn't believe how powerful Li Lingtian is when he is a human being.

But looking at the ruined Dragon Qi light group, I felt inexplicable in my heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With such a feeling, I didn't dare to carelessly, the forbidden magical power of destruction was exhibited.

His forbidden supernatural powers, in his view, could sweep the world, and a dragon light group was easily destroyed in front of his forbidden supernatural powers. Ignored the impact of the two attacks.

Such is the case with arrogance, and it should be punished.

If he knew that Li Lingtian's holy dragon glory was using the world's dragon spirit, he would definitely not be so careless.

Li Lingtian was transformed into a holy dragon. He was distressed and bombarded Yu Xuan of the world with a waste of dragon energy. He still felt distressed when thinking about it, but he had to give up in order to escape his life. Have the opportunity to enjoy.

After the Holy Dragon passed away, Yuxuan was wounded and chased away, completely destroyed within tens of thousands of miles. There is no trace of fairy spirit and no vitality here.

This place has completely become a desert of tens of thousands of miles in size and has become a wasteland.

[Selling cute and asking for monthly tickets! 】

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