War God Supreme

Chapter 1678: Final showdown

"Hey, Li Lingtian, the divine power surpassed the semi-deity."

"Your defiance, the deity has to admire you, but no matter how powerful you are, the divine power and the true element are not opponents of the peak of the semi-divine realm. Now, see what you have to do."

Seeing Li Lingtian's true yuan running out, Yu Xuan Wukong finally showed a smile on his face.

To the young man in front of him, he had already shivered and feared from the bottom of his heart. This young man's methods and supernatural powers were too horrible. Various supernatural powers were simply endless.

If he goes on like this, he will have the mood to run away.

But seeing Li Lingtian now blocked his own destructive power, although shocked in his heart, but showed a trace of comfort, and finally exhausted Li Lingtian's true elemental power.

If Li Lingtian had true magical powers and exhibited mysterious and horrible magical powers, he would really suffocate to death.

"Haha, should I be pleased to hear this praise from God?"

"Now there is no difference, just wait."

When Li Lingtian heard Yu Xuan's words, Lianshan showed a bit of a wry smile, and he used his own divine power to extinguish. He had already exhausted all his divine power and true yuan, and could no longer display his supernatural powers and treasures.

However, his eyes looked toward the sphere of light in the air, and he said loudly, indicating that Yuxuan was empty, the war was not over, and the victory or defeat had not been divided. It was not a final victory at all.

"Then let you die."

"Destroyed the deity's avatar, you should feel honored."

"Xuantian Divine Mirror, Divine Profound Light!"

Yu Xuan Wu Wu listened to Li Lingtian's words, his hands continued to bless the divine power and the true yuan, but his true yuan divine power was only a trace, and it was impossible to exert other supernatural powers.

When the sound fell, a strand of fine blood appeared in the air.

Essence blood suspends in the air, the power of terror erupts, the essence blood of the semi-divine realm consummation peak is also the source of his power and life, every drop of essence blood is invaluable, more than true yuan Cherish.

At this time, Yu Xuan Wukong sacrificed his blood for the second time, showing how uncomfortable it was to face Li Lingtian's perversion, and let him continuously sacrifice blood to deal with Li Lingtian for a semi-divine consummation.

Yu Xuan had no time, and was deeply moved in his heart. In the early days of a young man's semi-deity, he made himself like this. He used the blood twice in a row and destroyed it. When thinking of this, Li Lingtian hated him The bone was gone, and the blood was spinning in the air, and finally landed on the finger of the left hand.

Suddenly, a powerful and magical light erupted from the top of the finger. This light was full of destruction, with an unstoppable feeling.

The light pressed against Li Lingtian, and the space was imprisoned, making people breathless. In a blink of an eye, he bypassed two devastating attacks and came to Li Lingtian.

In Yuxuan Wukong's eyes, there are all colors of excitement, just like seeing Li Lingtian's destroyed God Profound Light.

"Too confident."

"Too much self-confidence will only make you lose everything."

"Xuan Ming Sheng Dian-Blood Moon Shining World!"

Li Lingtian watched the devastating light bombard, and there was a glorious look on his face.

The true yuan of the whole body is exhausted. If other powerful people encounter such a situation, there is only one end, that is, waiting for the smoke to disappear, but here in Li Lingtian, all are variables.

In Shenwu Continent, almost everyone knows that Li Lingtian is a misfortune. There will not be a fixed number of places and things where Li Lingtian is located, and variables will appear on Li Lingtian.

Without True Elemental Divine Power, Li Lingtian did not panic at all. At this level of war, it was completely destroying supernatural powers, that is, killer skills and forbidden attacks. At this time, weak supernatural powers will not appear and will not rush to launch attacks.

A smile appeared on his face, the Xuanming Holy Scriptures were in operation, and the destruction of the Yin and Ming Qi burst out, and the Yin and Ming Qi appeared, replacing the true elements and divine power. The entire Dantian was full of horrible and domineering Qi and Qi.

The horror of Yin Qi is a little worse than divine power, but it is more domineering than true Yuan.

At this time, the whole person was almost restored to heyday.

The Yin Qi appeared, and the third trick of the blood moon appeared.

Blood Moon gave him three magical powers, two magical powers are natural talents, one magical power, and the first two magical powers, he learned and practiced them several times.

Only the third trick of Peerless Abilities has no way of enlightenment. After reaching the semi-divine realm, the third trick of enlightenment is also cultivated.

The third trick is peerless magic, blood moon shines through the world.

Suddenly, a mysterious and strange blood moon was suspended in the air, and the blood moon carried a powerful and terrifying glory. The situation at the moment is the same as when Li Lingtian first encountered the blood moon.

Even the blood moon shining at this time is more powerful than that encountered in the underworld hell, because the blood moon has no entity, just a soul body, even if it is strong, it cannot be played.

Now Li Lingtian is exhibiting, the power is terrifying, and in a blink of an eye, the blood red glory of the blood moon shines the light of the mysterious mystery.

Yu Xuan was empty and shocked. He never thought that things would become like this. It turned out that Li Lingtian didn’t have true magical power, but he displayed such magical powers at critical moments. Qi has been replaced.

He still doesn't know whether Li Lingtian is a human, or a dragon, or an underworlder.






One missed, Li Lingtian's light ball destroyed Yuxuan's empty light group, and the light ball was also destroyed.

At the same time, the glory of the blood moon shining world also destroyed the light of the divine mystery. The blood moon radiance covered the entire space. Within tens of thousands of miles of the whole space, there was blood red, and the blood red stained the world.

The space is continuously destroyed after the explosion of the four destructive supernatural powers. The world is in chaos and there is no perfect place.


Li Lingtian spurted out blood, and his body was thrown out by the force of the horrible explosion.

The look on his face kept changing, and then the look on his face became firm. A decision had been made. The strange figure flashed in the air, and the whole person disappeared into the world of destruction.

Under such circumstances, he still has various means to restore the true yuan, even if he does not restore the true yuan, he also has the use of true dragon spirit and devil qi, as well as yin qi and death qi.

However, the most powerful magical killer is used up, and Yuxuan cannot be defeated.

Although both of them were injured and thrown away by the power of the explosion, he did not dare to stop and take the opportunity to deal with Yu Xuan’s free time. Even if the other party did not have the true power, in case of other destruction skills, he was neither Stay to die.

Moreover, even if he can defeat Yuxuan Wuxu, with Yuxuan Wuxu's status and cultivation as his strength, he will never give up, and will definitely pull him back. Such a thing, he will not do it.

Rather than taking the risk, you might as well leave here first, leaving Qingshan without worrying about firewood, you are still young, and the chances are that at most, you can improve yourself by practicing for decades. Yuxuan was not too late.

In an instant of time, I have thought about everything, looked at the ruined space, and cast off the sky and the void.

"Look at it a bit, and if you catch up later, don't do it without me asking."

Li Lingtian flew for thousands of miles, a panacea was thrown into the mouth, and Zhenyuan recovered instantly. While teleporting, he said to the eye of death on his shoulder.

The entire teleport desperately in the air quickly flew away in the direction of the Danshi Guild.

He dare not pay attention to the back now, and flew towards the front with all his strength. If he gave up a chance to kill Yuxuan and had no chance to escape, he would really be overwhelmed if he was to be chased by the other party.



Li Lingtian's figure is like a meteor constantly shuttled in the air, with a speed of thousands of miles. Kung fu for a moment has no idea how many miles he has flown.

I don’t know how far away from Yu Xuan’s empty space is, but gradually he was reassured that the eye of death did not find a strong man chasing behind him, and the spirit of the eye of death would not compare with his consciousness. Weak, even the eyes of death could not be found, then no one came after.

Even so, Li Lingtian did not dare to stop, and his injuries were getting worse.

Along the way, countless powerful people found Li Lingtian's figure, but at a speed of thousands of miles, he could not see Li Lingtian's true face at all, and no one knew Li Lingtian's identity and origin.



"This is Providence, Providence!"

I don't know how many miles away from Li Lingtian, Yu Xuan knelt on the ground half-empty, the blood in the corners of his mouth kept overflowing, his face was pale and there was no blood, and the vitality of the whole body became weak.

Even more frightening is that there are blood marks all over the body, and his clothes are stained with blood.

Originally, all the black hair has become silvery-white~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lonesome look is more old, the whole person is completely an old man, where is there the old and handsome look.

Yuxuan Wukong looked at the void and roared, with unwillingness and anger in his voice, but the voice gradually became weak, without the slightest momentum, as if he had already accepted his destiny.

It turned out that at the end of the war, Li Lingtian's true element was exhausted, but he displayed a spirit of darkness, and a magical power of destruction broke out, completely breaking the deadlock. When Li Lingtian's energy of Yin and Ming replaced the true yuan, it was destined to occupy Advantages and advantages.

The power of terror knocked him and Li Lingtian away. Li Lingtian was hurt by the destruction. Although he Yuxuan Wuxian had a deep cultivation, but without the real element, the injury was even more terrifying than Li Lingtian.

Falling to the ground, watching Li Lingtian escape in the cracked space.

Now he not only said that he didn't have the strength to chase Li Lingtian, he didn't even have the strength to fly away. In such a situation, how dare he go to chase Li Lingtian.

I knew better than anyone in my heart that I had offended Li Lingtian and let Li Lingtian escape. It was undoubtedly that the tiger returned to the mountain and left me with troubles. In the future, it was Li Lingtian's revenge that awaited him.

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