War God Supreme

Chapter 1694: Break through the semi-deity...

"Big Elder knows Heavenly Tribulation Pearl?"

Li Lingtian came to Huangfu Yuyan and others, dragging the God of Heavenly Tribulation.

Then he turned to look at the Yunsheng Shendan Master and others who were not far away, with a trace of doubt on his face, he knew the Heavenly Tribulation Shenzhu, but he never thought that Yunsheng Shendan Master and others knew this Heavenly Tribulation Shenzhu, It seems that this Heavenly Tribulation Divine Bead is related to Ling Feng's ultimate.

Otherwise, Ling Feng's most outstanding people will not directly speak of the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl.

After that, his eyes looked at Master Yunsheng Divine Pill Master with doubts on his face.

"Master Lingtian, the inferior people really know the God of Heavenly Tribulation."

"Ancient records have shown that the trajectory of the Heavenly Tribulation Shenzhu changed and finally stopped on the Shenwu Continent."

"The location is Ling Feng's extreme, but no one believes, and few people know these things, and no one has seen the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Bead. Lord Lingtian is supernatural and defeats the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Bead."

"Otherwise, we would not believe that the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl is really in Shenwu Continent, nor the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl in Lingfeng."

Master Yunsheng Shendan heard Li Lingtian asking him and saluted Li Lingtian.

In fact, they are not sure that the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Pearl is on the Shenwu Continent, nor are they sure that the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Pearl is at the top of Ling Feng. It is just that there is news in ancient records that Ling Feng Extreme is the approximate location.

A few talents at the core of the Danshi Association know these stories.

It wasn't until Li Lingtian's last blow that destroyed Heavenly Tribulation and shot down Heavenly Tribulation's Pearl that they believed that Heavenly Tribulation's Pearl was on top of Ling Feng, and they probably knew that Li Lingtian had encountered Heavenly Tribulation's Pearl.

So quickly came to the front of Mingyan Peak, and under the glance of consciousness, I was sure of the existence of the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl.

So quickly let Li Lingtian seal the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Bead, lest the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Bead be found on the Shenwu Continent, and then the Shenwu Continent would be finished. Naturally, Ling Feng's extinction would cease to exist.

"Sure enough."

Li Lingtian nodded his head and moved his magical consciousness.

Although the Heavenly Tribulation God Bead is a trouble, it is also a peerless treasure. The function is magically powerful and has endless help for him. At the same time, he is in need of such a thing.

After collecting the Heavenly Tribulation God Beads, Li Lingtian glanced at Mingyan Peak.

Then let Yunsheng Divine Pill Master and others refrain from spreading this matter, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble. For him, it is actually nothing. Anyway, there are no more enemies, less one, more, it should be. Coming soon, it's a big deal for soldiers to cover up the water.

"Young people and others understand. Net"

Several vice-presidents are all eighth-order Shengdan Masters. In front of Li Lingtian Supreme Divine Pill Master, they are naturally juniors, not to mention them, even if they are Divine Pill Masters, they are also Li Lingtian's juniors.

However, Li Lingtian did not put on a shelf. After all, they are also the core characters of the three consortiums of Shenwu Continent. Standing on the top presence of Shenwu Continent, if they put on their own racks, they will feel uncomfortable.

"You go back to rest first, I can just look at this place."

Li Lingtian said to Huangfu Yuyan and others, this place, Tang Zimeng and others had just broken through, the state was not stable, he was not in a hurry to leave now, and if something changed, he could deal with it as soon as possible.

"Then let's go back first."

Tang Qingyue and others nodded, and then took Ming Binger and others to leave Mingyan Peak and walked inside the forbidden area.

After Tang Qingyue and others left, Yunsheng Shendan Master and others also left, leaving only Li Lingtian in front of Mingyan Peak.

In Ling Feng's extreme, Li Lingtian's deeds against the Heavenly Tribulation spread throughout the world. A person fighting the Heavenly Tribulation and controlling the Heavenly Tribulation. Such a method can make people look up to worship.

Even the horrible sky-tribulation can be controlled, it is simply a miracle.

However, Li Lingtian's power has made them numb, because in their view, there is nothing in this world that can stump Li Lingtian.

What amazing things can happen to Li Lingtian, these are not strange.

In the following period, Li Lingtian meditated and rested in front of Mingyan Peak while practicing healing while healing. At the same time, he was able to pay attention to the cultivation of Tang Zimeng and others, and found that they encountered incomprehensible places on the stable realm, and passed on the sound to them to solve. .

Time, one month later, one month later, Tang Zimeng and others have long absorbed Xiangyun and vitality, and the state has also stabilized, and the cultivation base has been slowly improved.

The realm is stable, and Li Lingtian is completely assured that as long as he doesn't show his true nature after a while, it will not affect the realm.

The four left Mingyan Peak and returned to the forbidden area.

Li Lingtian's recuperated healing, within a few months, the injury completely recovered.

I didn't expect that they had mixed in Lingfeng's summit for two years. In two years, Tang Qingyue and others have also successively made breakthroughs. Li Lingtian's cultivation practice has also reached the peak of the early semi-divine realm. Only one step away from the middle.

In the past two years, Li Lingtian has merged with the three major guilds.

Li Lingtian became the elder of the Danshi Guild, the honorary elder of the Refining Guild and the Guild of Guilds.

Although only the elders and honorary elders, but the status is very high, even the elders of the three major guilds must be treated with respect and respect, because Li Lingtian's cultivation behavior and identity are here.

On the first day, the division, Supreme Divine Pill Master, these two identities are all supreme in the Shenwu Continent.

With the refining machine, although Li Lingtian did not have many refining times, the battleship God of War created by Li Lingtian was shocking and powerful. Although these things were previous things, they were known to the world's powerful people.

Moreover, Li Lingtian has invested five trillion yuan of spirit stones, as well as some cherished materials, as well as several drawings, so that the land of heaven and the top of the inorganics can jointly build a battleship in secret.

According to Li Lingtian's description, if this battleship is successfully built, even the semi-godly powerhouse is also a spike. The power and terror are extremely extreme. For the time of war, it is definitely a killer.

Each warship has one trillion inferior spirit stones, a total of five hundred.

The main body of the battleship is completely built by the land of heaven and the top of the inorganic, and the final main battle is the final battle of Li Lingtian. The battleship created by then can be in the world.

In two years, Li Lingtian has adapted to this.

During this period of time, not only was the injury recovered, cultivation was promoted, but more importantly, all kinds of supernatural powers were cultivated to the extreme.

On this day, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed, because Xiu loosened the state.

This situation made Li Lingtian almost jump in excitement. This is what he dreamed of. After reaching the early stage of demigod realm, he met countless demigods who were not his opponents.

But then when he met God's waiting, the semi-God Realm was the pinnacle of the strongest, and he almost failed even to escape.

Since being injured by God's opportunity, Li Lingtian's desire for strength has reached an extreme, and he dreams of reaching the mid-semi-realm. However, after reaching the semi-semi-realm, it is difficult to cultivate for the slightest improvement.

In two years, Pindan Medicine and Shipin Tianyang Pill continued to refining, and finally reached the peak of the initial stage of the semi-divine realm. This speed can be called retrograde in the sky.

Others are often unable to make progress by cents and centuries, but Li Lingtian has reached its peak in two years.

The state is loose, either break or fall.

He Li Lingtian will let his realm fall, and if the realm looses and there is a breakthrough, it will naturally not be missed. When the body flashes, he flew out of the palace.

Finally, I came to a place thousands of miles away from the palace, simply performed a few formations and meditated cross-legged.

Huangfu Yuyan and others naturally saw Li Lingtian's movements. Although they didn't know what happened, they guessed a little.

"Is the young man about to break through."

"You mean that Ling Tian is going to break through the early to mid-terms of Semi-Divine Realm."

"Well, the son has reached the initial peak. The current situation should be to break through the middle period. If you practice magical powers, you will not go so far."

"Brother Ling Tian is going to break through the middle period?"

"If the uncle reaches the mid-semireal world, it will be stronger."

"From the early stage of the semi-deity to the middle period, the movement is not so great, and the threat is not so big, as long as the state of mind is stabilized, we don't have to worry."

Qingling and others were outside the palace and looking away, they were all talking.

Fortunately, the movement from the early stage of the semi-god realm to the middle stage was small, otherwise, it would not dare to break through in this place.

As long as it reaches the early stage of Semi-God, the movement of each breakthrough is not large, and the power is also very flat, unless the breakthrough in the late Semi-God reaches the peak and complete.

Li Lingtian is now in the early stage of the semi-divine realm, and the sky-tribulation reaching the middle stage is not strong.


Qingling and others are right. Li Lingtian is already breaking through, and Heavenly Tribulation is coming.

Seeing Heavenly Tribulation, Huangfu Yuyan and others are very happy. As long as Li Lingtian reaches the mid-semi-realm, then his strength will skyrocket. When he meets those super powers again, there will be no danger, even if he can't beat it. Grasp the escape.

Half an hour~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian accepted six days of catastrophe, and finally accepted the last one.

"Mid-Semi Realm!"

The look on Li Lingtian's face was pale, but there was excitement flashing in his eyes, and finally reached the mid-semi-realm.

Now, as long as the state is stabilized, the cultivation will be improved, and the magic power and strength in the mid-semi-realm will be controlled.

In the future, the powerhouses in the later period of Semi-God Realm will no longer need to worry and fear.

Feeling the powerful real element and divine power in the body, Li Lingtian's face was excited. The power of this real element and the purity of the divine power, even if he encountered the opportunity of God again, he would not be so embarrassed, even if he could not beat the opportunity of God. , Can easily get rid of.

Moreover, the true elements and divine power in the body are constantly improving and sublimating.

Li Lingtian gradually closed his eyes, feeling the true element and divine power in his body, and feeling the power of the mid-semi-realm. R1148


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