War God Supreme

Chapter 1696: Fairy chaos

Came to the teahouse, Li Lingtian asked for a elegant room.

Entering the room, a man brought the best fragrant tea and some snacks from the teahouse and retreated.

Cheng Ping looked at Li Lingtian, but he didn't dare to sit down. This is also a kind of rule and etiquette.

Without getting the other party's agreement, it is impossible to sit on par with the client. Moreover, the young man in front of him is not a simple character. If he is not good, he will lose his life. Naturally, he will not do it.

"sit down."

"Tell me what happened in the fairy land."

"Whether you can take away these spirit stones depends on your ability."

Sitting in front of the coffee table, Li Lingtian made a gesture of invitation, a faint smile appeared on his face, and with a sense of consciousness, a storage bag was sacrificed, and the storage bag fell on the coffee table, just in front of Cheng Ping.

After he finished speaking, he picked up the fragrant tea in front of him, and ignored the middle-aged man in front of him. He needed to know that it was a matter in the fairy field, and he didn't care if he spent a little spirit stone.

A smile appeared on Cheng Ping's face, and he was admired by the young man's ease of doing things. He said that the price was first, so as to avoid some unpleasantness.

Immediately thanking Li Lingtian, he sat down, reached out and grabbed the storage bag, his mind swept inside, and the look on his face suddenly changed.

Inside, it is indeed a spirit stone of 100 million inferior grades.

For the God of Warrior, 100 million lower grade spirit stones are also a huge asset. Like them, they rely on news. Some ordinary news and open secrets do not need many spirit stones at all, but they are tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Shi, the biggest business he encountered was only 20 million.

But a business of 20 million is a secret that he finds difficult, otherwise it is not worth 20 million.

I didn't expect that the other party's random shot would be a hundred million inferior spirit stones. He was also shocked and dignified. If he could not satisfy the other party, he would not get these spirit stones.

"Thank you son."

"Be sure to tell your son what happened in all the fairy fields you know."

Cheng Ping was very happy, placing the Lingshi on the coffee table, a smile on his face, and clenched his fist at Li Lingtian.

He took a sip of the fragrant tea in front of him, and then began to tell what happened in Xianyu in the past ten years. This is also Li Lingtian's request, as long as it has been in the last ten years.

He didn't want to know about the previous events and allusions. He has known a lot about himself in the fairyland these years, and he doesn't want to delay time in this place. Read the full text of the latest chapters [To see the latest chapters in this book]

As long as he knows the things of this decade, although he is in the fairy field, he inevitably misses something he didn’t know. Many times he didn’t walk outside, naturally he didn’t know what happened in the fairy field. thing. (s.)

But then, Li Lingtian was a little disappointed. In the past ten years, basically what happened in Immortal Territory has something to do with him. The most shocking thing about Immortal Territory is his Li Lingtian.

In the whole fairyland, the most shocking thing is about Li Lingtian.

The first Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, the first day array division descended from the heaven domain to the immortal territory, battled the dazzling sound palace, entered the pure Yang Palace, obtained most of the treasures, killed countless strong men, obtained the divine personality and mysterious sword, achievement Supreme Divine Pill Master, refining ten-level elixirs to achieve semi-divine realm, and kill countless in the later period of semi-divine realm.

In the end, the battle with the gods of the semi-god realm reached its peak. Although it was defeated, it killed the avatars of the gods. After the gods used countless forbidden spells, they continued to fall.

Finally, he reached the top of Ling Feng and became the supreme figure of the three major guilds.

All this is the story of Li Lingtian's myth.

In addition to this is the battle of the four empires. The imperial power of the Chunyang Empire was controlled by the prince, and the forces of the Chunyang Empire were condensed to resist the other three empires, making it impossible for the three empires to advance. The war has been stalemate.

Moreover, the two palaces in the first palace and the second palace are constantly in friction. The two palaces are one of the most powerful forces in the fairy field, but they have always been intolerant and want to swallow each other, but the strength of the two is almost the same, and they cannot be swallowed at all. other side.

Inside the fairy land, there are one palace, two halls, three trade unions, and four major empires.

They are the Shrine, the God Punishment Hall and the East Emperor Hall, the Danshi Guild, the Guild Guild, the Refining Guild, the Pure Yang Empire, the Qingming Empire, the Sunset Empire and the Longyang Empire.

Jingu has always been the most powerful force in Immortal Realm, almost dominating Immortal Realm. No one dared to disobey the will of the Immortal Realm, not even the Holy Realm.

The friction between the God Punishment Hall and the East Emperor Hall made the whole fairyland even more turbulent.

Moreover, it is said that in the Sanxue Alliance, a monstrous aura of vortex has appeared, and hundreds of millions of miles are full of terrifying magic qi, which makes the strong humans can only evacuate.

The Sanxu Alliance is not a force, but a piece of heaven and earth. This piece of heaven and earth occupies one-third of the territory of the Immortal Realm. There is no empire, no super powers, only the Sanxue Alliance, countless alliances, and finally formed the three major alliances. These alliances specifically fight against the superpowers of one palace and two palaces.

At the same time, the Sanxue Alliance has also been in constant friction with the strong men of other races.

However, there has been a change in the Aboriginal territory that has not been moving, and countless ethnic unrest.

The entire fairy field was filled with countless restless factors for a time, making the powerful people in this fairy field uneasy.

After two hours of time, Cheng Ping finally finished the big things in the fairyland. These things are very common, but for Li Lingtian, it is too important.

In the past two years, he has been healing and practicing in Ling Feng's extreme top, completely isolated from the world, and has no idea of ​​the outside world.

After listening to Li Lingtian, he asked some more information and things about the Chunyang Empire, and then let Cheng Ping leave. He was sitting alone in the elegant room, his face constantly changing.

Then, Li Lingtian left the teahouse, found an inn in Dongyang Tiancheng, asked for two separate courtyards, and finally called out Huangfu Yuyan and others.

For their group, two separate courtyards are enough. If there is one separate courtyard, there is no place to sleep.

Each individual courtyard has twelve rooms, and two courtyards have just lived.

"I didn't expect that so many things have happened outside in the two or three years in Lingfeng's extreme."

"The four great empires in the east of the fairy land are in chaos, the two palaces are in constant friction, and the situation is volatile."

"There is a monstrous evil spirit in the Sanxue Alliance in the south of the fairyland. This evil spirit must be the movement of the demons."

"The clan territory in the northern part of the fairyland is also intensified and turbulent."

"It all happened in the past few years, and it will certainly not be that simple."

In the separate courtyard of the inn, Li Lingtian asked Tang Qingyue to settle in the room, and they gathered together to tell what they had heard.

These things seemed to have nothing to do with him, but a dignified expression appeared on his face.

"Young Master, if you say all this, will it be agitated by the Demon Race."

"Or is it just a coincidence?"

After listening to Li Lingtian's words, everyone was meditating and did not speak.

After a long time, the main owner of Tianyue Palace spoke, and made out the conjecture in his heart. After all, when Li Lingtian was a solitary peak in the dark sea, he met a strong man like the devil, and even a terrifying demon.

Besides, Tianmen said that Youzhou Mozu is not so simple.

If this is the case, everything in this fairyland and even the entire Shenwu Continent is inseparable from the Demon Race.

It doesn't matter if it is a human race for hegemony alone or normal turbulence in humans, because all this is normal.

They are just worried about the demon meddling in. In this case, the world is in danger.

I didn't expect that in just two or three years, Xianyu became like this, which made people feel extremely jealous and uneasy.

"Hope is just a coincidence."

"However, all this cannot be a coincidence."

"Last peak and dark sea last time, this time for the alliance, no time for the Hundred Clan Territory. If it is really related to the Demon Clan, the Shenwu Continent will enter the race war."

Li Lingtian shook his head, he also wanted to make all this just a coincidence, let all this be just a human war, the forces under the historical roulette wheel shuffled, rather than the demon behind to manipulate.

However, all this cannot be believed to be a coincidence.

After all, what he saw in recent years, as well as things about Youzhou and Tianmen, made him determine the complexity and uneasiness of this Shenwu Continent.

"This time, it's really not easy to handle."

"If we go to the Pure Yang Empire, we may not be able to suppress the four empires."

"Our current strength, in this turmoil, is completely drifting with the waves, and there is no slight power to dominate the turmoil of Immortal Territory, unless you control the entire Immortal Territory in your own hands."

Nangong Mingyue opened his mouth and compared the current situation with the strength of his own people. Although his own people were semi-divine, standing on the peak of the Shenwu Continent, but this is also what people from outside see.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Real strength and status, they only knew themselves, although it is a semi-deity, but it is also a negligible dust in the fairy field. There is no way to face the turbulent fairy field. .

To be able to stop all this, unless you are in control of Immortal Realm, but all of this is just dreaming, and dare not do it. After all, Immortal Realm is too powerful to be solved by an empire alone, let alone Immortal Realm.

"Control the fairyland?"

"Control the fairyland!"

After Nangong Mingyue's words were spoken, all of them were shocked, with a surprised look on their faces. They couldn't even imagine such a situation.

There is no way to control the fairy field. If you can control the fairy field, there will not be so many forces in the fairy field. If you can control the fairy field, the fairy field will not need them to control it. Someone has already controlled it.

The two palaces in the east of Immortal Realm both wanted to annex each other, but they could not annex each other for thousands of years. The two palaces alone could not be merged and unified, let alone the powerful immortal immortal forces.

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