War God Supreme

Chapter 1699: Tianfeng Accord

"Little girl, stop talking."

"How about the uncle taking you to eat delicious food?"

Xuanyuan Qingqing caught up and walked slowly beside Li Lingtian, but didn't speak. Ruddy's small mouth muttered. It seemed angry. Seeing this, Li Lingtian was very funny.

He watched this little girl grow up, he had been with him since he was a few years old, and he was naturally familiar with the character of this girl.

For this little girl, he risked his life to fight for the ethereal pearl, so that the ethereal body of Xuanyuan Qingqing could be brought into play, otherwise her cultivation could not be promoted so fast.

He reached out and tapped on Xuanyuan Qingqing's small mouth, and said.


"My stomach is screaming."

Just after Li Lingtian finished speaking, Xuanyuan Qingqing didn't look angry at all, but instead was excited.

This change is surprising. I was angry the last second and very happy the next second. This is the character of the little girl. As long as there are fun and delicious things, I will forget everything.

Meimu looked at Li Lingtian, her small hand was already on Li Lingtian's arm.


"It seems that the uncle did not let you eat."

Li Lingtian naturally knows the character of Xuanyuan Qingqing, this girl is not angry at all, the previous appearance is completely pretended.

This little girl, from small to large, was written by him, and she had never seen her angry.

With that said, the three sisters and sisters walked forward. Chunyang Tiancheng was the imperial capital of the Chunyang Empire. Whether it is civilization or economy, or power, it is one of the best in the fairyland.

Although the strong can not eat for several years or decades, after training, they all eat like ordinary people.

Naturally, countless super restaurants in Tiancheng have become the favorite places for some powerful people.

Tianfeng Accord

One of the most famous restaurants in Chunyang Tiancheng covers an area of ​​more than 100 miles.

It is possible to have such a large restaurant in such a place where the imperial capital of the Chunyang Empire is so large, but imagine the power and status of the Tianfeng Accord.

It is said that the Tianfeng Accord is the industry of some royal families of the Pure Yang Empire. The above forces are extremely powerful and have a strong background. Therefore, the Tianfeng Accord is the safest place in the Pure Yang Empire.

There will be no people with long eyes who come to Tianfeng Accord to make trouble. Besides, the people who come here are either the people with faces and faces in the Chunyang Empire, or the big royal families or the dignitaries in the palace, or some super strong people.

Therefore, the people who come here are all people with identity and will not come here in disorder. network

Moreover, people who enter the Tianfeng Accord must have a VIP card to enter.

"Welcome son."

"Welcome fairy."

Li Lingtian took the three members of the Xuanyuan Qingqing Sisters directly over several streets, and encountered some restaurants that did not want to stop. It was puzzled to see that Li Lingtian did not want to enter the restaurant.

I thought Li Lingtian was funny for them, because after passing a lot of restaurants, they ignored it directly.

Halfway through, Xuanyuan Qingqing kept mumbling, but didn't say it.

However, after walking for half an hour, the four came to an elegant restaurant and stopped.

Seeing Li Lingtian stopping in front of the restaurant, Xuanyuan Qingqing was curious. I didn't know why Li Lingtian had walked so many restaurants without going in, but came to this restaurant, which was not too good to stop.

The four had just stopped, and they saw eight beautiful maids in front of the restaurant. The eight maids respectfully saluted Li Lingtian and gave a noble feeling.

"Please ask your son to show the VIP card of Tianfeng Accord."

After the eight maids saluted, a maid led Ying Li saluted the four of Li Lingtian and spoke to Li Lingtian with a faint smile on her face.

Waiting for Li Lingtian to show his VIP card, the smile on his face felt a bit despised.

"VIP card?"

"A VIP card for dinner?"

Xuanyuan Qingqing and Dugu Ziyin were very surprised when they heard the maid say they wanted a VIP card.

When I was surprised, I couldn't help but exclaimed. There was an unbelievable look on my face. As long as I had the strength and spirit stone in this world where the strong man is respected, everything could be done.

They did not expect that they need a VIP card to eat here, which was completely beyond their imagination.

They rarely eat outside, and naturally do not know these rules.

The two men exclaimed, and suddenly let the maid's eyes show a disdainful look, but this look was fleeting, and no one found it at all.

However, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes was seen by Li Lingtian and others.

Jealous of the beauty of Xuanyuan Qingqing's three people, they made them extremely jealous, but they felt disdainful to see that the three people didn't even know these things.

"Return to Fairy, this is the Tianfeng Accord, not everyone can come in."

"Only the VIP card with the Tianfeng Accord can enter the Tianfeng Accord."

Although jealous of Xuanyuan Qingqing's beauty, as a maid of Tianfeng Accord, she must observe the most basic qualities.

The three beautiful girls just made her jealous, and almost made her lose her mind to do something to discredit the Tianfeng Accord.

Immediately, the rules of the Tianfeng Accord were stated. To enter the Tianfeng Accord, you must be a superpower, or a person with a head and a face in the Pure Yang Empire.

Seeing Li Lingtian's four people, although their temperament is extraordinary, at first glance they are people from other places, and they certainly do not have a VIP card for the Tianfeng Accord.

"You need a VIP card for dinner, Master, let's find a restaurant again."

Dugu Ziyin heard the maid telling the rules of the Tianfeng Accord, and immediately kicked back.

There is no need to make trouble here for dinner, which insults the status of his master.

Quietly came Li Lingtian's sleeve and said softly.

Xuanyuan Qingqing and Wang Xiaoman also looked at Li Lingtian and planned to find a restaurant again. It didn't matter if they were hungry.

"Just eat here."

"The teacher doesn't want to leave."

Li Lingtian glanced at Xuanyuan Qingqing and said with a smile.

Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, the faces of Xuanyuan Qingqing and Wang Xiaoman Dugu Ziyin were stunned. This place needs a VIP card, so it’s impossible for them to be their masters and to fight here. If they fight for dinner, they will shake at the time. In the world, Lord Ling Tian, ​​the Supreme Divine Pill Master, fought a battle in order to enter the Tianfeng Accord for dinner, that was shocking.

The eight maids, when they heard Li Lingtian's words, were stunned. They didn't know what Li Lingtian would do next.

But I never imagined that a purple gold crystal card appeared in front of Li Lingtian. The purple gold crystal card exuded a faint radiance, and it looked mysterious and noble.

The amethyst crystal card is only eight centimeters wide and ten centimeters long, the same size as the jade jade.

With the rotation of the purple gold crystal card, the light of purple gold slowly exudes. The purple light with supreme coercion and noble spirit is not a simple thing at first glance.

"Zijin Tianyu Card!"

Seeing the card in front of Li Lingtian, seven of the eight maids, the look on his face was puzzled.

But the head maid's face was dumbfounded, constantly changing, like seeing a magical thing.

After a moment, Li Lingtian exuded a cold breath. The cold breath would awaken the first maid, the expression on his face kept changing, his eyes were completely attracted by the purple gold crystal card, and finally he exclaimed.

"Zijin Tianyu Card!"

"Is it one of the nine Supreme VIP cards of Tianfeng Accord?"

Hearing the words of the first maid, the other seven maids also exclaimed, and the expression on their faces kept changing.

Finally, I looked at Li Lingtian in horror. I never thought that this young man from a foreign land would have the Zijin Tianyu Card of the Tianfeng Accord. You must know that the Zijin Tianyu Card is one of the nine Supreme VIP cards of the Tianfeng Accord.

There are only nine pieces in the legend of Tianfeng Accord.

In the Tianfeng Accord, VIP cards are divided into seven types, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. Each color represents an identity. The lowest red color must be introduced and guaranteed by someone.

Red is the lowest level, and there are the most people in the Tianfeng Accord. There is no limit to the number. After the orange, orange cards can only be processed by the strong men above the semi-realm.

Huang Se's cards are all people with faces and faces in the Pure Yang Empire, and they cannot be handled without a certain status.

There are only 9,999 green VIP cards in the entire Tianfeng Accord, which are unique to all major families.

The cyan VIP card, the entire Tianfeng Accord has only 999 cards. These people who hold the cards are super characters who shake the Pure Yang Empire. Any one is equivalent to the existence of 128 city castle masters.

There are only ninety-nine blue VIP cards in the entire Tianfeng Accord. Such VIP cards can only be owned by each royal family, or the super elders of the super powers, and some super powers.

After such a blue VIP card is issued, the Tianfeng Accord can only be seen a few times a year, which is almost the same as the legend.

As for the most noble purple VIP card~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That is the real legend. In the Tianfeng Accord, no one knows what kind of person is such a card, and no one knows the owner of the purple VIP card. who is it.

Because of this VIP card, the entire Tianfeng Accord has only nine cards. No one except the founder of Tianfeng Accord knows who the purple VIP card holder is.

Similarly, the purple VIP card has been used in the Tianfeng Accord for decades, and no one has seen it used. This is only a legend.

Although no one saw the person holding the Zijin Tianyu Card, the maid and staff of the Tianfeng Accord must remember these VIP cards, as well as those familiar with the VIP card, so as not to offend and provoke people who should not be provoked.

The more advanced the VIP card, the more noble the identity, even if it does not come once every few decades, but it is also the most expensive person.

Recognizing the purple crystal card in front of Li Lingtian for the first maid, the whole person was shocked.

They never imagined that this young man had the most expensive VIP card of Tianfeng Accord, it was hard to believe. R1148


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