War God Supreme

Chapter 1701: Adult hermit

After returning to the Royal Palace for more than three years, all the difficulties have been solved step by step, and now it has finally attracted the moment of its peak, becoming the adult of the Holy Emperor of the Pure Yang Empire.

However, he knew that to become an emperor was to assume the responsibilities of the empire and to be a real man.

A real man needs to be responsible, and now, to become an emperor, he must bear more.

"His Royal Highness."

"His Royal Highness."

"His Royal Highness."

When Li Zhengyang appeared, all the people and the strongmen paid homage to Li Zhengyang.

For a time, the sound above the square resounded loudly.

Hearing all the cheers, the smile on Li Zhengyang's face was more exuberant, but when he thought of facing all the princes and the core forces of the empire, he felt a bit stunned.

After all, most of these forces oppose him becoming an emperor.

He took a deep breath and calmed the restless heart. He walked towards the Shenyang Temple step by step. Every step he felt was very heavy and his eyes were flat, but his heart was a little depressed.

He didn't expect to feel this way when he was at his peak, but he should come, and he will go through this step sooner or later.

Soon, Li Zhengyang came to the front of the Shenyang Temple and passed countless super characters all the way. Although he was also in contact with many super characters, he felt anxious when facing everyone.

"See His Royal Highness."

All the ministers and representatives of the royal family stood up and saluted Li Zhengyang.

However, in the eyes of most royal representatives and ministers, not only did they not have the slightest respect, but on the contrary, there was a trace of disdain, with a faint smile on their faces, and the smile was strange, making people unable to guess.

"Prince, Li Zhengyang, among the dragons and phoenixes, inherits the body of the pure yang, and can obtain the imperial vein of the pure yang empire."

"Lonely, I decided to pass on Li Zhengyang. Now, all the princes of the royal family, the merits of the empire, bear witness to this."

Li Longtian stood up and looked at all the royal representatives and family representatives, as well as important figures of the empire. His eyes shifted and finally fell on Li Zhengyang.

Then he said aloud, the sound was very loud, but inside the loud sound, there was an old breath, giving a sense of twilight.

The voice fell, with a smile on his face, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

However, without waiting for the succession ceremony to begin, someone stood up and found it difficult.

"Sir Emperor, His Royal Highness the Prince is still young, he needs more training, and he should not be in power."

The person who spoke was King Tianlin, brother of Saint Emperor.

There are five brothers and a lot of cousins ​​in Li Longtian, the emperor of the emperor. Although the emperor of the emperor is the supreme, the emperor has the clan family, which is the center of imperial rights in Chunyang.

It is also supported by the imperial power of the Pure Yang Empire. To put it bluntly, it is the real power of the Li family, the imperial power of the family. This pure Yang Empire is the world of the Li family.

There are elders in the Li family, which can affect the emperor's imperial power. When choosing an emperor, the elders are also qualified to supervise.

Naturally, if other royal families refuse to accept, they will not become the Lord of the Emperor.

When the emperor has several princes, the general royal family will support a prince, standing behind a prince, so that if the prince becomes a sage emperor, the status will rise.

If the emperor had no prince, the imperial power would be replaced by other royal families.

Li Longtian had only one son, Li Zhengyang. The disappearance of Li Zhengyang allowed countless royal families to see hope, the prince disappeared, and the palace was in chaos.

But what people did not expect is that the prince Li Zhengyang, who has disappeared for more than ten years, has appeared.

Moreover, he appeared with Chunyang, who has a high status in Chunyang Empire, because he guarded Chunyang Palace, the holy place of Chunyang Empire.

Although the cultivation strength of Master Chunyang is not the highest, his status cannot be ignored by any royal family.

With the help of Master Chunyang, Li Zhengyang also stood firm.

Now, if Li Zhengyang wants to become an emperor of the emperor, Tianlin Wang will naturally not agree, because as long as Li Zhengyang cannot become an emperor of the emperor in recent years, they will have the opportunity to secretly remove Li Zhengyang and let the latter compete for imperial power.

"King Tianlin, Chunyang Empire suffered war."

"The three empires are watching, and they have captured half of the world of the Chunyang Empire. His Royal Highness succeeded to the throne, which can gather people's hearts and expel the three empires."

"What's your purpose in blocking your crown prince from succeeding?"

Lord Chunyang looked at the entire Shenyang Temple, and no one stood up to speak, and said loudly, although he is not a representative of the royal family, his identity is not inferior to that of the royal family, and he absolutely has the right to speak.

Moreover, he is now entrusted to support Li Zhengyang. If he does not speak at this time, Li Zhengyang will be blocked. Besides, at this time, Lord Emperor is not good at speaking.

Others who helped Li Zhengyang did not dare to stand alone to help Li Zhengyang. It was difficult to stand alone. If Li Zhengyang could not succeed, he would be suppressed by other opposing forces in the future.

"Adult Chunyang should pay attention to the size of his speech."

"This king is only for the sake of the empire. Does Master Chunyang think you can assist His Royal Highness?"

"If this is the case, what should we think of the prince and minister?"

Tianlin Wang said aloud, and when he spoke, his eyes glanced at the people around him.

After talking, with a smile on his face, his eyes shifted to Master Chunyang.

"This King also feels that His Royal Highness is not suitable for inheriting the Great Command."

"The same is true of this king."

"His Royal Highness is so young that he should not inherit the Great Command."

"Please, Lord Saint, think twice."

"Please, Lord Saint, think twice."

Suddenly, most of the royal representatives and the princes stood up against His Royal Highness, but he spoke very gently, not that His Royal Highness could not inherit the Great Command, but that Li Zhengyang was too young to inherit the Great Command.

For a time, countless princes throughout the Shenyang Temple were also pilgrimage emperors, Li Longtian, asking Li Longtian to think twice.

Looking at everything in front of him, Li Longtian, the emperor of the Holy Emperor, was also shocked. He never thought that so many people opposed it, which was completely beyond his imagination.

"The deity, thinks that His Royal Highness the Prince can inherit the Great Command."

At this time, a faint voice sounded from a distance, and when the voice fell, a figure appeared in front of Shenyang Temple, and stopped not far from Li Zhengyang.

Hearing this voice, everyone looked at the speaker.

When everyone saw this person, they were shocked. Li Zhengyang's face showed a happy look.

The dignified expression on Lord Sheng's face also became lighter. When this person appeared, Li Zhengyang would have no problem after he succeeded.

"Sovereign Lord Feng!"

"Sovereign Lord Feng!"

Everyone exclaimed in shock, the expression on his face was different, and those who supported Li Zhengyang were happy, but opposed Li Zhengyang but dignified.

I didn't expect that this God-Bad Lord came out at this time.

Lord Shenfeng, one of the top ten powerhouses in Chunyang Tiancheng, is the most influential powerhouse in the Chunyang Empire, and his cultivation is extremely profound. Even if he is not a prince, the princes will not dare to provoke them.

Because he controlled one-fifth of the strength of the Chunyang Empire and was one of the pillars of the empire. Although the power is now given to his son and he stays in the empire for years, no one dares to object to his words.

There are such people standing on the side of Li Zhengyang. Li Zhengyang can successfully inherit the unification without other princes.

This is the symbol of strength, and the influence of the Lord God has completely crushed all the princes.

"I have seen Lord Fengfeng."

Lord Yang Yang respected God Feng Feng as a respectful man, his status was detached, but his cultivation base was far inferior to Lord Feng Feng, and his identity was not as good as Lord Feng Feng.

Divine Lord, the top consummation of the semi-divine realm, the top ten of the pure Yang Empire.

"Everyone may have objections to Prince Li Zhengyang's inheritance."

Seeing the coming of Lord Fengfeng, Lord Saint Emperor's face showed a faint smile and spoke to all the princes and ministers.

As an emperor of the Holy Emperor, he must consider everything for the empire, and he must not be partial.

Even if his son's inheritance of Datong is blocked, he can't do it alone.

Now Li Zhengyang has a magical master here, which basically means a certain victory.

"His Royal Highness, Decheng, became the emperor and deserved to inherit the unification."

"His Royal Highness, Decheng, became the emperor.

Suddenly, all the ministers and family representatives who supported Li Zhengyang spoke at this time. Under such circumstances, if they do not stand up, there will be no chance in the future.

The people on the side of Tianlin King's face are constantly changing, and the situation is not good for them. They have some regrets in their hearts, and they didn't expect that Lord Shenfeng will appear at this time.

The strong and the people in the square looked at the scene in front of the Shenyang Temple and were all looking forward to it.

Countless strong men saw the gods and lords, showing a look of worship on their faces.

In front of the Shenyang Temple, King Tianlin's face was at ease, without any change, as if he was waiting for something.

When countless princes opposed to Li Zhengyang’s inheritance of the rule, another soft voice sounded. When the voice sounded, it was still outside the palace. When the voice fell, the two voices had landed in front of the square~www .wuxiaspot.com~ All the powerful and the people, as well as the princes and ministers in front of the Shenyang Temple, and the princes and nobles, are all people who look to the front of the square and are very curious about the visitors.

But when everyone looked at the comer, the look on his face was constantly changing.

Lord Li Zhengyang and Chunyang, as well as Lord Shenfeng, the expression on his face was also dignified, and the atmosphere of the whole Shenyang Temple was very strange.

Because the identity and status of the comers are beyond their imagination.

If only one person is okay, but these two heavyweights came all of a sudden. The appearance of these two characters makes things that were supposed to be a foregone conclusion confusing.

"It's just him."

Li Zhengyang looked at the two people in front of the square and said coldly that the look on his face was constantly changing, and he could never see any hope for the succession of the Great Command.

Moreover, when he saw the visitor, there was a hint of hatred in his heart. R1148


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