War God Supreme

Chapter 1711: 3 super strong...

Now, although he has reached the peak of the mid-semireal world, but he is afraid of being too high-profile in the face of the strong men of the east of the fairyland.

After all, the super powers of the three empires appear, and the goal is to target him. A single super power does not pose much threat. If two, three and a half **** super powers join forces, then there is little certainty.

Besides, the higher the Xiuwei’s strength, the more he does not want to take risks. After all, he is at a critical moment. If he takes risks as before, he is not responsible for himself, his wife and relatives.

He will not do things that are not sure, think twice before doing things, and then move.

Knowing the situation of the east of the fairy land, Li Lingtian also plans to leave the east of the fairy land. This place cannot be dealt with by his own strength. He only has to wait until he understands everything to make plans.

Therefore, he has to leave here to go to the south of Immortal Territory and go to the south of Immortal Territory to see what is happening in the Sanxue Alliance.

Go to the south of the fairy land, one can avoid the powerful of the three empires, the second is to watch the first palace and two halls.

Moreover, when he went to the south of the fairy land, few people knew him there. He could find a place there to practice, and there were several places in the south of the fairy land he had to go.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I can just go there once and get two results at once.

"Little Brother, are you sure that there are several materials you need in the south of the fairy field?"

Liu Yiyi asked softly, snuggling her body beside Li Lingtian, looking up at Li Lingtian with a small face, and her eyes were cute and lovely.

"Not bad."

"In the east of Immortal Territory, I also collected a lot of materials for refining the Sky Sword Array, but there are too few of these materials, and there are still a few that are not gathered together. If I can refining the Sky Sword, my Strength can be greatly improved."

"Destroy the Sky Sword Array, the Nine Nine Sword Array is the Nine Sword Sword Sword. Every layer on the back needs the Nine Sword Sword Sword. Nine, ninety-one and eighty-one extinct **** sword."

"Innate artifacts like the Nine Heavens Excalibur are the best sword array intros. I only have the Nine Arms Nine Heavens Excalibur now, and I can only show the Nine Heavens Extinction Sword Array. You will be able to show off the two-nine-annihilation sword array."

Li Lingtian nodded, a confident smile on his face.

The dignity of Li Lingtian's heart dissipated when he thought of Sword of Destruction.

This time I went to the south of the fairy field, asking about the situation first, followed by searching for the materials of the extinct **** sword, and the promotion of cultivation, not to mention, the south of the fairy field has the best flames of the fairy field, these flames are refining devices Alchemy is the only choice.

However, there is also a place where alchemy and alchemy are made, that is, the dwarves of the Hundred Clan Territory. The dwarves have talents for refining, and the weapons produced by refining are powerful and unmatched.

Such a place, he went to a human, it is naturally a bit inappropriate, at least he was not sure to go to the refiner in the dwarf clan's territory.

"Indeed, this Sky Sword Formation is terrifying, and you haven't cultivated the first layer until now."

"If you can cultivate the second, third, and even fourth floors, it will be a real horror."

"Destroy Sky Sword Array, plus your body of Sky Sword, destroy the world and destroy the world."

There was a faint smile on Tang Zimeng's face. She was the most aware of Li Lingtian's annihilation of the Sword Array. This annihilation of the Sword Array was originally from the Tianyun Sect. Sky Sword Array, but failed to control all Sky Sword Array.

Because of the practice of destroying the Sky Sword Array, you must have a powerful Excalibur to be able to do it.

At present, Li Lingtian only has the nine-day divine sword, and can display the nine-nine destroying sword array. If he wants to display the twenty-nine destroying sword array, he needs the powerful nine-handed sword.

There are a total of nine layers of Destroyer Sword Array. Li Lingtian was so overbearing to cultivate the first layer. If he gets to the back, I don’t know what level he has reached.

"If you want to refine such a goddess of extinction, you must at least be at the artifact level. If you fail to reach the artifact level, even if you fail, you will not be able to support the sword array when you cast the sword array."

"Are you refining the Sword of Destroyer, it will be a bit early. After all, the previous materials are powerful, but at most they can only refine artifacts and cannot surpass them."

Huang Fu Yu Yan seriously said that if you want to refine the general artifact, there is naturally no problem.

But for Li Lingtian now, there is no use for it at all. Even if it is powerful, it will not help Li Lingtian in the future.

That is to say, such an artifact is only one-time, and when Li Lingtian Xiu is higher, there is no use at all.

"It won't."

"Because I have found three peerless materials."

"The Gengjin and Zijin of the Dageng sword are both innate materials. If you add the innate essence, you will be able to grow the refined artifacts. As my cultivation improves, the artifacts Grow with it."

"My cultivation is to raise a level, and the level of artifacts has also increased."

"Unfortunately, other artifacts have been formed and cannot be refined again. Otherwise, batches of congenital artifacts can be refined."

Li Lingtian shook his head. The worry about Huangfu Yuyan had long been thought of, and he had already solved this problem. Zijin and Gengjin, he had more of them, these were all obtained in the death domain.

However, it is not so easy to get the innate essence in the east of the fairy field.

Moreover, in addition to the innate essence, there is also a mysterious anti-celestial material in the territory of the Hundred Clan, so that the material is controlled by the dwarf clan. If this material is obtained, the extinct Divine Sword produced by refining can directly reach the ancient artifact. And even better.

"No wonder you are going to refine the God of Extinction."

"It turns out that the problem of artifact growth has been found."

"If you really build the Sword of Destroyer, you can solve many problems."

After Huangfu Yuyan heard Li Lingtian's words, the expression on his face was stunned, and he was suddenly happy.

During this time, they were all cultivating. They didn't know some things that Li Lingtian had realized. They didn't know that Li Lingtian had solved the problem of extinct Sword of Nature.

However, the premise is to obtain these materials. The precious materials for refining the Sword of Destruction are not yet fully collected.

"Find a place to stop."

When several people in Li Lingtian chatted on the spacecraft, at a critical moment, Li Lingtian suddenly asked Long Da to find a place to stop the spacecraft.

Suddenly everyone feels puzzled, and their eyes are all looking at Li Lingtian, but they have already prepared for battle, because their cultivation behavior is not as good as Li Lingtian, it must be that Li Lingtian found something wrong.

Long Da didn't speak, the spacecraft quickly flew towards the sky, and finally landed on a mountain top.

Long Da has followed Li Lingtian for so long. Although he has been practicing in the Shenlong Ring for some time, he also understands that Li Lingtian's advantage is now on the ground, not in the sea and air.

To speak of a single war, Li Lingtian is the world no matter where it is, but if the other party has more people, it will occupy more advantages on the ground.

Because, Li Lingtian has several monsters to play more advantages in the ground war.

Just after the spacecraft stopped on the top of the mountain, three black dots appeared in the void, and the three black dots quickly became larger. After a moment of effort, the three black dots became three figures.

The figure was suspended in front of Li Lingtian and others and looked at each other from a distance, the whole space was shaking, and the atmosphere gradually became tense.

Li Lingtian's eyes looked coldly toward the opposite three black strong men. Although the three black strong men were all black, they were obviously not a martial art, because the three people had different signs. The three came together, but from They stopped and responded first. It seemed that the three were not together, but temporarily gathered together.

The three strong men in black all exist in the pinnacle of the semi-divine realm, and a violent breath erupted throughout the body.

Obviously, it is not to discuss with Li Lingtian at all, but to deal with Li Lingtian, otherwise, the three and a half **** realm peak will come together.

Seeing such a situation, the expression on Li Lingtian's face became a bit ugly.

From the momentum above, Li Lingtian feels that these three people are more powerful than God's waiting time. The three people come together. This lineup is absolutely rare in the fairy field.

Moreover, of the three people, the young man’s strength is the most terrifying. After that, it is the white-haired old man, and the strength of the other middle-aged strong man is not much worse.



The air is strangely suppressed, and the force of oppression is getting stronger and stronger.

Within a thousand miles, the entire space seemed to be solidified.

The three strong men in black looked at Li Lingtian and others, and the three formed a trend of encirclement. From this standpoint alone, it was the determination to kill Li Lingtian.

In the Shenwu Continent, when all the powerful people are less than a last resort, they will not offend a pill master, not to mention a supreme **** princess like Li Lingtian, standing on the top of the princess of the Dao Road, refining the world's strongest. The big elixir.

Such a Danshi~www.wuxiaspot.com~, even the most powerful continent of Shenwu Continent, does not want to easily provoke offense.

However, when it is related to one's own interests and life, offending Dan Shi is also incapable.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​I'm sorry."

"In the next astronomy, each is his master, as long as Lord Ling Tian returns Qingming Ziyi."

"As long as Master Ling Tian returns Qingming Ziyi, Qingming Empire is willing to compensate Ling Tian Master with a trillion yuan of inferior spirit stones. Presumably, Lingtian also knows the importance of Qingming Ziyi to Qingming Empire."

The white-haired old man looked at Li Lingtian coldly. The true element of his body was working. The look on his face was serious. He did not treat Li Lingtian as an ordinary half-god.

Regardless of which aspect, Li Lingtian is not something they can easily treat.

So even when talking about the conditions, it is still running Zhenyuan, worrying that Li Lingtian suddenly shot, even now he has an absolute advantage on his side. R1148


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