War God Supreme

Chapter 1713: Innate artifacts,...

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The war has just begun, the goals of Zhou Ling and Yun Qingyu are placed on Li Lingtian.

Xi Tianwen's devastating attack roared Tang Qingyue and others. With his cultivation practice at the pinnacle of his semi-god realm peak, to kill the early strong man in the semi-god realm was completely a spike.

As long as Li Lingtian is around, he can make Li Lingtian lose his sense of position and reason, and then everyone will join forces to kill Li Lingtian. Anyway, even if Li Lingtian is strong, he may not be their opponent.

Now that Zhou Ling and Yun Qingyu have joined forces to contain Li Lingtian, he will deal with Li Lingtian's woman. Such a plan can be thought of by a strong man.

However, to the surprise of all of them, a group of girls in the early stage of the semi-god completely blocked his attack.

Moreover, a large group of horror beasts appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

These gods and beasts are all terrifying. In the Shenwu Continent, it is very difficult to see one, and even if they are seen, they are all killed, and they cannot be regarded as combat partners at all.

I never imagined that Li Lingtian made so many **** beasts out of thin air. You know, there are no treasures for so many **** beasts.

Unless it is a space treasure that has a strong anti-sky, and it is still the kind of space treasure that can allow creatures to survive.

Now, the two faced several horrible beasts, and the demon's power of destruction filled the space, making people feel suffocated for a while.

Although these mythical beasts may not be their opponents, but to kill these mythical beasts is simply a delusion. These mythical beasts are constantly attacking powerful and defensive.

In particular, two huge beasts and a dragon with wings are extremely terrifying.

As well as spirit earth beasts that can summon horrifying humanoid creatures, the humanoid human creatures summoned are almost endless.

There are also the mythical beasts that show the fire and rain, these are all overbearing.




Suddenly, the detonation of the destruction in the air continued, and the huge gorge's huge palm waved, and the space shook and torn.

Heilin is like a mountainous body, with a 500-meter-long arm, carrying the power of ruining the world. Even if the powerful person of the semi-divine peak is smashed, even if it does not disappear, it will break.

The huge body of the Black Dragon King is only the size of one arm of Black Lin, but the terrifying dragon spirit is peerless, but this time he did not exert the power of the Dragon Clan, but only extended his defense to the extreme, holding a huge meteor hammer, meteor in his hand The hammer is about 100 meters in size, and the waving power is enough to destroy the mountains.

There are the Orangutan and the Black Dragon, as well as the Black Lin, who constantly bombard Zhou Ling and the two, but there are Pterosaur Wild Beasts in the air, and the Metamorphic Reaching Hands summoned by the Spirit Earth Treasure Beast, and the Spirit Fire Beast.

For a time, picking up the terrifying and powerful beasts allowed Zhou Ling and Yun Qingyu to dodge and evade, and even had no chance to shoot. If you take an attack and pause for a while, you will be bombarded by several horrible beasts.




The air, within a thousand miles, is filled with a breath of destruction.

The whole scene, like the ancient wars, the powerful beasts and the terrifying strong men, if someone sees this scene, they must be shocked and stunned.


"It turned out to be these monsters."

Zhou Ling was pressed by several powerful beasts, and there was no chance to fight back at all.

The whole person had the opportunity to run wild, seeing Li Lingtian watching the bustle in the air, just like watching a monkey trick, and immediately scolded it out loudly, but the curse was cursed, but he did not dare to stop and flew towards Li Lingtian. .

Because as long as he moves to this side, he will be continuously bombarded by several horrible beasts.

Li Lingtian was suspended in the air, watching several powerful beasts entangle the peaks of two and a half divine realms, with a shocked look on his face. These years, these beasts have been practicing, and their strength has reached a terrifying level.

Now is the time for them to play a huge role.

Seeing that the mythical creatures are holding the two half-divine peaks of the great consummation of the strong, I feel a little calm in my heart. I looked at Huangfu Yuyan and others. Several wives and sisters, they performed magical powers of destruction, and they battled astronomically with Xi. For a while, there was no slight victory or defeat.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian's figure disappeared, disappeared out of thin air, there was no slight fluctuation in the air, nor the slightest breath of Li Lingtian, as if he had evaporated in this world.

"Brother Yun, you come to contain them."

Zhou Ling saw Li Lingtian disappearing, and suddenly felt bad for a while.

If a character like Li Lingtian is hidden in the air and suddenly attacks, they will be in danger.

Would rather face the bombardment of the mythical beast than want to be attacked by a horrible evil spirit.

Although the consciousness of the semi-deity peak and the great consummation is powerful, under such circumstances, no matter how powerful the consciousness is, it is useless. Therefore, the destructive supernatural powers are displayed to resist the sky of the spirit fire fairy beast. Fire and rain, shouted loudly towards the clouds and light rain.

"it is good."

Yun Qingyu naturally knew that the current situation was not good. This was something they had never imagined. They didn’t think of their three and a half gods and the peak of the Universiade to deal with a middle-aged youth. The war fell into crisis just at the beginning.

I never thought that the girls around Li Lingtian were so powerful, nor did they think that Li Lingtian still had a few horrible beasts.

"Boom, boom!"


Zhou Ling left the attack area of ​​the **** beast, his figure flashed, and quickly disappeared into the air.

In this space, only a few powerful beasts and Yun Qingyu were left.

Both Li Lingtian and Zhou Ling disappeared, and the air battle not only did not stop, but instead became more intense.

Xi Tianwen's semi-divine realm peaked in perfection, but in the face of a group of girls, there was no way to get rid of the impossible, and to defeat and kill these women, he was very anxious.

Yun Qingyu, without Zhou Ling, suddenly experienced a sudden increase in pressure. He was bombarded several times in the face of several horror beasts. His face was pale, and his mouth had blood red blood. It looked a bit bleak.

"Power of the Holy Dragon!"

"Yuntian Yinlong!"

The air battles are endless. Li Lingtian and Zhou Ling did not show up from beginning to end. They did not know where they were, because they were hidden in the air, and there was no slightest breath and space fluctuations.

Both of them are super powerhouses who control the space. They are hidden in the air, and ordinary people simply cannot find them.

With the passage of time in seconds, the war between the two sides has reached a point of fierceness. The battle between Huang Fu Yuyan and Xi Tianwen has no victory or defeat, and neither has the upper hand, but Xi Tianwen carries a few The blood marks are just not so serious.

The worst thing is Yun Qingyu. Although the semi-divine realm peak consummation practice is higher than that of any of the gods and animals present, but the injuries are severe.

He bombarded the gorilla and the black dragon, it was totally tickling the two gods and beasts, and the two fighters bombarded him, and he almost hit him, and every time he bombarded, the defense was broken.

And there are other huge meteor hammers bombarding constantly. In front of the giant meteor hammer, it is like the top of the mountain. As long as it hits, it will disappear.

The metamorphosis beast summoned by the Spirit Earth Treasure Beast, killed another identical, spirit fire fairy beast that burned the world.

The entire battlefield, which is his worst, if this continues, sooner or later it will be destroyed.

Hidden in the void, Zhou Ling, although there is no war, is also very uncomfortable, because he is a strong man in space, but in front of Li Lingtian, he is completely innocent.

In the ruined sky, the space magic that was constantly destroyed by Li Lingtian was crushed, and the invisible crushing simply made him want to destroy the general. If he called out, he was immediately known by Li Lingtian. If he didn’t make a noise, the whole person was uncomfortable. No way.

He naturally didn't know that he didn't hide anything in front of Li Lingtian at all. He was hiding in front of Li Lingtian like a clown, but he didn't know how to hide himself, but he was clearly seen in Li Lingtian's eyes.

Because he is the real king of the sky, Li Lingtian controls the supreme space.

Knowing that he would not be able to hide anymore, there was a ruthless look on his face, and the ruined supernatural powers bombarded Huangfu Yuyan and others, his purpose was to destroy Huangfu Yuyan and others, and take the opportunity to lead Li Lingtian out.

At the same time that Zhou Ling appeared, Li Lingtian was transformed into a holy dragon, and his huge claws held a 100-meter long spear. The spear turned into a silver dragon and went straight to Zhou Ling.

The silver spear brought the destruction and coercion of the innate artifact, and the power of destruction tore the space, digging the space into a broken channel. In an instant, the destroyed Silver Dragon bombarded Zhou Ling fiercely.

This speed and power, so that the prepared Zhou Ling has no chance to resist, this is speed and power.

Li Lingtian's space supernatural powers are far from Zhou Ling's imagination. Zhou Ling's every move hidden in the air is under Li Lingtian's gaze. When Zhou Ling wants to deal with Huangfu Yuyan and others, he will naturally lead him out. This kind of thing will definitely not let Zhou Ling succeed.

The power of the destructed holy dragon, with the Yuntian silver dragon spear, the destructive blow, even if it is the peak of the semi-god realm, it will be seriously injured under the bombardment.


Zhou Ling's eyes are desperate~www.wuxiaspot.com~Without the slightest reaction, the power of destruction is bombarded behind Zhou Ling.

The power of tearing the void, Yinlong slammed against Zhou Ling, and Zhou Ling was bombarded and flew out, flying straight for two hundred miles. Yinlong did not leave Zhou Ling from beginning to end, but constantly Torn to destroy Zhou Ling.



A scream screamed through the world, Zhou Ling's body was severely shattered and shattered, and finally disappeared.

Yinlong also disappeared, and the whole space was filled with violent power.

Shenglong also turned into a deity at this moment, revealing Li Lingtian's figure. In Li Lingtian's hand, a two-meter-long silver spear. This spear came from the Pure Yang Palace, a middle-class congenital artifact.

PS: Recommend my friend "Feitianyu"'s fantasy fantasy "Eternal God", idle friends can go and see! R1148

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