War God Supreme

Chapter 1717: Top 10 Supreme...

One move destroyed Yun Qingyu's thirty-six defenses, and finally cut Yun Qingyu in half, and Yuanshen could not escape.

Jianmang's breath of destruction, stirred in the space, cloud light rain completely disappeared.

The peak of the semi-god realm is full of light rain, and the smoke disappears and falls!

This time, the three great empires sent super powers to hunt down Li Lingtian, but the three half-divine peaks were fully consummated, and all fell into Li Lingtian's hands. Li Lingtian didn't even leave any injuries.

However, Li Lingtian did not mean to leave at all.

Not only was there no joy and ease on his face, but a dignified look, as if he had seen something terrifying.

The atmosphere in the air has also become very strange. Gradually, this strange atmosphere suppressed, making Huangfu Yuyan and others feel the powerful force of oppression.

Seeing this situation, Ming Binger quickly put away the spaceship.

All the people are gathered together, the true elements of the whole body are running, the innate artifacts are displayed, and the horror magic power is also ready, waiting for the horrible things to come.




Gradually, the originally torn space calmed down.

However, in a calm space, a strong gale appeared, and the clouds in the sky continued to tremble, and finally the clouds turned into billowing clouds. It seemed that this world was very strange.

The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying!

This gave Li Lingtian the first feeling. The dignified expression on his face, the distant void, came a horrifying threat. This threat made Li Lingtian instinctively nervous.

A strong man who can make him nervous, he has encountered in his life, but definitely not many.

He did not expect that he would not even be afraid of joining forces with the three and a half divine peaks, but he did not expect to be shocked by a distant threat.

Seeing such a situation, he can only run Zhenyuan and prepare for the coming threat.

It can make a super strong like him, not the general semi-divine peak pinnacle perfect strong, most likely the legendary fairyland top ten supreme character, even if it is not a supreme character, it is almost the same as the supreme one.

"Very good, very good."

"If you can surrender to the deity, the deity can kill you."

"Give you two choices, either surrender or fall!"

With the passage of time, the atmosphere in the void became more and more suppressed, and the terrifying gale continued to tear the space.

In the strong wind, Li Lingtian also felt that if he was careless, he was blown away by the strong wind, and even destroyed in the strong wind. network

Inside the body, the Five Elements Yuanshen worked, the earth realm unfolded, and the strong wind was resisted. However, the consciousness has not changed from beginning to end, all of them are watching this void, even the slightest place.

Between this heaven and earth, his space control has reached an extreme, but no other powerful person has been found in this sky, even one creature has never seen it.

The more this is, the more worried Li Lingtian is. This is the real powerhouse. The people have not arrived, but the majesty and pressure of ruining the world are here.

Let the strong here come from fear and trembling.

I don't know how long it has passed. In Li Lingtian's consciousness, a faint red shadow appeared. The red shadow was like a meteor. It quickly crossed the void and kung fu in the blink of an eye. The red shadow passed through the space of tens of thousands of miles. Came to the sky thousands of miles away from Li Lingtian.

Red Shadow is suspended in the air, like a red cloud.

After stopping, Hongying made a faint voice, which was very cold, making people feel a creepy feeling, and there was also a cold on the back. This feeling shocked Li Lingtian.

However, when I saw this red shadow, it was completely hidden or suddenly attacked, and Li Lingtian was even more shocked. Being able to do this step shows that the strong man is very conceited and does not take Li Lingtian in his eyes at all.

Otherwise, when the red shadow arrives, he will display magical powers that destroy the world.

The voice is cold, but with supreme majesty and domineering, it does not give any resistance and disobedience, just like the supreme oracle of the supreme supremacy.

"Female drop."

Hearing this voice, no matter how he listened to it, Li Lingtian couldn't hear the sound of praise.

However, this is not the key to his shock.

The hegemony of the voice is also not enough to shock him, because such hegemonic words, in his opinion, have become accustomed to it.

What shocked him was that this red shadow was indeed a woman, a woman in a red suit in twenty-six or seven, the woman was cold, and there was a giant's breath thousands of miles away.

With long sleeves, the whole person looks like the goddess of the Nine Heavens, beautiful and cold, but it gives a ruthless feeling.

Seeing the woman in red, Li Lingtian could not help but exclaimed.

The first time I saw such a powerful woman, in his opinion, the general strong are women, even if there are super strong women, they rarely act alone.

And the woman in red in front of her, after appearing after the three and a half divine pinnacles of the great consummation of super powers, is definitely a remarkable existence.

Moreover, the cultivation behavior of this woman in red really reached the point where Li Lingtian was horrified. The pinnacle of the semi-god realm was consummated and did not exude an overbearing terror, but it gave a threat of destruction.

"court death!"

"Under the palace, unnamed people will not die."

"You are good enough, remember this palace is called Peerless Red Shadow."

The woman in red was stunned by Li Lingtian's exclaimation. He knew that this young man was the myth of Shenwu Continent. He was the supreme Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent. The first day of the division was the most powerful demon in the entire Shenwu Continent.

She did not expect Li Lingtian to exclaim her **** at this time. Hearing Li Lingtian's exclaimation, she also knew that Li Lingtian did not know her and had never heard of her reputation.

The original cold and ruthless face was even more frost, and the anger slowly rose.

When speaking, the sound is as cold as ice.

The look shifted from Li Lingtian to Huangfu Yuyan and others who were thousands of miles away, and when they saw Tang Qingyue Xuanyuan Yingying, the look on the face of the woman in red also changed.

Naturally, she did not expect that there are such beautiful women in this world, and that there are so many together, it is simply a powerful shock.

She believes that the world is beautiful, although cold and ruthless, but let the world's proud son pursue.

But after seeing Tang Qingyue and Xuanyuan Yingying Ji Yi and others, they finally knew that there are more prettier girls in the world, and there are still so many.

So many peerless girls are all around this young man, and only these peerless girls can match this fabulous young strongman in front of them.

In her body, the killing is getting stronger and stronger. She is more powerful than her, and more beautiful than her. She will kill, especially girls.

She didn't want to see someone prettier than her, even if she didn't threaten her at all.

In the air, the suppressed breath became more terrifying, and there was a trace of killing intention in the suppression, which was obviously aimed at Tang Qingyue and others.

Tang Qingyue and others felt the eyes of the woman in red in the air and felt the killing intention. Li Lingtian naturally discovered the killing intention and killing opportunity of the woman in red.

But at the moment, he was completely shocked by the identity of the woman in red.

"Peerless Red Shadow-Linghu Shadow!"

"Peerless Hongying, one of the ten great supremes of Immortal Territory."

"I didn't expect that the Supreme Masters of the Qingming Empire also appeared here. The Qingming Empire really can afford this seat. Even the ten great supremes have been dispatched. Is this seat honored or unfortunate?"

The look on Li Lingtian's face changed, but he didn't dare to move at all.

Although the opponent didn't do anything, he knew that as long as he had a touch of movement, he would be attacked by the destruction of the earth, and he also fell into destruction.

With a shocked look on his face, he did not expect that he had led to the Peerless Red Shadow, one of the ten supreme supremes of Immortal Realm.

Although I don’t know the Top Ten Supremes, I have also heard about the existence of the Top Ten Supremes, and the ten characters in the Top Ten Supremes. The woman in red in front of you is the Top Ten Supreme Realms.

The ten most powerful characters in the entire fairyland are also one of the two women in the Ten Supremes.

The strongest man in the Qingming Empire is high above him. Even if the Lord Emperor is in front of her, he should be respectful. The empire is strong because of her. With her, the empire is qualified to sit on par with other empire.

Her status is not only the supremacy of the Qingming Empire, even in the fairyland.

He Li Lingtian naturally did not expect that after the three great empires sent three half-divine peaks to the great consummation, there was a supreme strongman coming behind him. Such an arrangement can be imagined as having multiple hearts for Li Lingtian's lore.

The peak of the three half-god realms is perfect, and to deal with a half-god mid-term youth, this lineup is definitely a lore.

Even if Li Lingtian is strong, he is not an opponent of the three super powers.

In front of such a lineup and absolute grasp, the Supreme Power is also sent. This is the rhythm of absolutely killing Li Lingtian, and there is no chance for Li Lingtian to escape.

Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, Tang Qingyue and others were also shocked.

I didn't expect this beautiful woman in red ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to be the top ten of Xianyu.

For a moment, I was shocked, and the whole person was also stunned. The most powerful true element and divine power were exhibited. The magical power is also in the making. As long as the woman in the red dress has the slightest movement, all people will be launched in the first time. The most powerful joint technique.

"Knowing this palace, you have a little knowledge."

"Give you a minute to choose, either die or surrender."

Linghu Ying looked at Li Lingtian ruthlessly, and his voice became colder and colder. A terrifying and powerful atmosphere enveloped Li Lingtian. As long as Li Lingtian had the slightest movement, he would send out a magical power to destroy Li Lingtian.

The space also seemed to sense the strength and trembling of Linghuying.

The earth is constantly collapsing, and the whole situation is like the end of the world.

The look on Li Lingtian's face gradually changed and became dignified. This was the most powerful and dangerous encounter in his life. R1148


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