War God Supreme

Chapter 1720: Powerful Linghu Ying

"For your words, if this seat has a chance, you are absolutely finished. (starter)"

When Li Lingtian heard Linghuying's words, he was stunned, and the murderous intention suddenly rose from his heart. He dare to have the mind to deal with his own woman. That is sin.

And this way of insulting one's own woman, this idea cannot be used.

Now that you have such an idea, you have to pay a heavy price.

This woman must not be able to give her the slightest chance, otherwise the woman next to her will be in trouble, even if she is being hunted down now, she will not be given a chance.

For their own loved ones and wives, they also have to find a way to escape. If they have the opportunity to catch her, she must regret it.

The killing in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

However, when I saw Linghuying suddenly disappeared, I felt a terrible crisis in my heart. I knew what horrible magical power this supreme must have performed. I dare not have any other thoughts. The shape touched two thousand miles in an instant.


"call out!"

The figure turned into a white streamer, leaping through the void in a jumping manner, and within a blink of an eye was the distance.

The speed of terror and the friction of space made Li Lingtian's body of the real dragon and the body of the phoenix feel too much to eat. At this moment, the body of the sky sword, the body of flame, the body of five elements and so on are all in operation.

The defense in the body also broke out at this time.

The faster the speed, the more terrifying the body's friction against space. If the bearing capacity is small, the friction alone can destroy him. This is also the key to the strong man's fear of rapid flight.

However, Li Lingtian is now facing the chasing and killing of the Top Ten Supreme Masters of Immortal Territory.

If he has a little scruples, he will be chased by the other party, making it impossible to imagine the end. This end is not what he is willing to imagine.


Just a few seconds after Linghuying disappeared, Li Lingtian also escaped a distance of tens of thousands of miles. In the other two thousand miles in front of Li Lingtian, a hole was broken in the void.

The hole was very dark, and in this dark hole, a sleeve of water came out.

The sleeves are like coming across time and space, with all the power to destroy all the bombardment straight down in the direction of Li Lingtian's teleportation, Li Lingtian's direction of teleportation, just right where the sleeves bombarded.

In this way, it was like Li Lingtian's attack on the sleeves destroying himself.

Seeing the holes and sleeves in the space, as well as the terrifying and glorious glory on the sleeves, Li Lingtian couldn't help but tremble in heart. This power and speed were beyond the scope of his imagination.

Moreover, he has now teleported, striking straight towards the sleeves, it is impossible to change the direction.

This sleeve, obviously has already calculated his direction and foothold, and counted him every step of the way.

This point, Li Lingtian is naturally very clear. It is naturally the supreme that can have such a calculation. This sleeve is naturally the sleeve that I have seen before. The top ten exalted red shadow Linghu Yingxian in Xianyu.

This abominable woman was so horrible, and the degree of horror exceeded his expectations.

Not only is cultivation a horror, but the calculation is also very delicate. He counts every step of him into it. At this time, he is completely like a chess piece. The nature of playing chess is Linghu Ying.

"Sword Domain!"

"Five Elements Method!"


The sleeves seemed to be soft, but at this time, the power of destruction was exploding, and Li Lingtian also felt that he had no certainty to catch it. At this time, he was completely hitting the sleeves.

Dare not have the slightest hesitation, the ruined sword territory erupted, three sword territory sword awns broke out, and bombarded toward the sleeves fiercely.

However, the horrible and ruined three sword domain swordsmands, in front of the sleeves, had no use at all. The swordsmands disappeared, and the sleeves just shivered a little, and landed on Li Lingtian.

Seeing that it was about to be destroyed in front of the sleeves, Li Lingtian waved his palms intentionally or unintentionally, but he carried five colors on the palms, and the sleeves greeted the sleeves with multicolored colors.


With a muffled sound, the sleeves hit the water sleeves with colorful colors.

Suddenly, a halo of destruction spread out, the sleeves trembled, Li Lingtian's whole person was also bombarded and flew back out, the terrifying impact force made his heart shake, a sweet throat, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

The whole person was shocked and flew, which just changed the direction of the teleportation and avoided the destruction attack of the water sleeve.

However, the sleeves did not penetrate the void as Li Lingtian imagined, but turned and continued to bombard Li Lingtian. Such a situation made Li Lingtian almost scold.

"The gods are dead!"

Seeing the sleeves follow me endlessly is completely like a shadow. If you don't defeat this sleeve, you can't escape the sleeve's attack at all.

When the figure was thrown away, the divine power of the whole body was working, and the divine element's silence was exerted.

The divine element is extinct, the last move of the three tactics of Peerlessness on the top of the sky It has also reached the extreme level, the power is beyond imagination.

Shen Yuan Silent Exhibited, and saw a ruined light group gathered in front of Li Lingtian.

The spirit of heaven and earth is constantly destroyed and distorted, the space is trembling and tearing, and the whole world is cracking in front of the death of the divine element. The situation is terrifying.

Li Lingtian's eyes were also cold, as if to destroy the world.


In the blink of an eye, the extinct light ball of the **** element bombarded on the sleeve of the water, and suddenly, a detonating popping sound appeared.

The water sleeves, the smoke disappeared, and the light ball of the god's death also exploded. The entire space was filled with the light of destruction. The light drowned the world, and Li Lingtian also disappeared in the world.

"Damn, let you run away again."

"With two sons, this palace today looks at what else you have."

Among the rays of destruction, a red figure was suspended in the air. In the face of endless destruction, it was completely ignored. All the rays of destruction disappeared in front of her automatically.

Linghu Ying's figure became clear, and his eyes looked at the sleeves, and his frosty face looked extremely unsightly.

I saw a glimmer of light on the sleeve. Needless to say, after the sleeve was attacked by destruction, it could no longer be used.

However, his eyes swept in the air, trying to find out Li Lingtian's figure.

Finally, looking at the sky, the strange shape disappeared, and there was no slight fluctuation in the whole space from beginning to end, and there was no trace of Linghuying.

From the time she casts a mysterious supernatural power to chase Li Lingtian, displays a powerful and devastating attack in front of Li Lingtian, and then displays her supernatural power to resist escape, the whole process seems to be a long time, but the real time is only in an instant.

At this point, Li Lingtian had already performed several magical powers, turned countless times in his mind, and finally escaped with injuries.


The figure was constantly flashing, a thousand miles away. After not knowing how many times, Li Lingtian spurted blood out.

Shocked in my heart, shocked the horrible means of the Supreme Powerful.

The horrible gods communicate with each other. Although these magical powers are not peerless, they are displayed in the hands of the Supreme. That is to turn decay into magic, and the power is shocking. Any move can make Li Lingtian disappear.

This was the case just now. Linghu Ying appeared in front of him at random, and counted his foothold to the utmost precision, so that characters like Ling Tian had no room for resistance.

The power of the water sleeve is just a casual move. Li Lingtian must use magical and powerful magic power to resist, even if it is so, it is also a wounded escape.

"This woman is so perverted."

"It's better to find a place to hide."

Li Lingtian's figure shifted rapidly, his face dignified.

In front of the Supreme, he was completely an ant, just like other strong men in front of him. This situation turned upside down and made him feel a little uncomfortable.

This is not only a problem of discomfort, but also a problem of one's own life. One accidentally disappears.

Thinking of this, Li Lingtian thought in his mind.

Now, in the face of the supreme chase, no matter where you go, no one can resist, you can only rely on yourself, and no one can help him except to find a way.

A moment of effort has been decided in my heart.

The goal does not change, or enter the Qingyuan sea area, go to the free repair alliance, as long as you enter the sea area, in this endless sea area, there are countless storms and uncertainties, and naturally have the opportunity to escape Linghu Ying's pursuit.

Thinking of him, Li Lingtian, in the middle of the half divine realm, Shenwu Continental Supreme Divine Pill Master, the first day of the division, was completely hunted down by a woman like this.


Li Lingtian flew in the air for thousands of miles. From the beginning to the end, Li Lingtian's figure didn't stop at all.

Time, one second and one second.

There was no slight movement behind him, as if Linghu Ying didn't chase him down again.

However, Li Lingtian didn't pause at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because he was sure that this Linghuying did not give up, but played a trick when he followed him from afar to relax him.

An hour, a full hour passed.

Li Lingtian teleported for an hour, he did not know how many miles he had flown.

However, there was no slight movement from the beginning to the end, which made Li Lingtian feel a little relaxed. The consciousness glanced within a radius of 30,000 miles, and there was no Linghu shadow everywhere.

At this time, a blue sea appeared in the eyes, and a faint sea breeze breathed out.

Feeling the breath of the sea breeze, Li Lingtian felt the power and vastness of the sea.

Seeing the waters appear, Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all, his mind moved, and a spaceship appeared in front of him.

The figure landed on the spaceship, driving the spaceship to fly into the sea. In a blink of an eye, the spaceship disappeared between the sky and the sea, and even the last breath was blown away by the sea breeze.


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