War God Supreme

Chapter 1722: Vast palace of stars

"Lord, we fly directly over. The mobile phone first release address of this novel: [..]"

"Since it is a lip building in the city, everything is an illusion, or nothing."

"In the face of the power of physics, everything disappears."

Seeing Li Lingtian's appearance, the Black Dragon King proposed, and said, with a serious look on his face, in his opinion, since it was Haishi Lip Tower, he flew directly over, as if all this did not exist.

He is right. Since it is a lip tower in the sea market, it is enough to go directly to the past, because all this is an illusion or an illusion.

If you stay here, it will affect your mood, and even more terrible things will happen.


Li Lingtian's face was startled when he heard the words of the Black Dragon King.

He naturally knows that the Black Dragon King is right. For such illusions, he is directly destroyed by physical attacks, which can be completely ignored. He also thought of this.

However, this idea was ruled out at the end.

Because he found a problem, that is the darkness and mist around the lip tower in this city.

The appearance of the lip tower in the sea is an illusion and illusion, and it needs sunlight.

However, the sunlight here has disappeared, but the Haishi Lip Tower has not changed a bit, and the darkness and mist around it are not normal. It is simply not the darkness and mist that the Haishi Lip Tower can have.

In other words, if a lip tower can appear in the sea, there should be no darkness or fog. These two are exactly the same as day and night, and it is impossible for the two to meet together.

"What did you find in Lord?"

The Black Dragon King showed a surprised look on his face and followed Li Lingtian for a long time. Naturally knowing Li Lingtian's wisdom and power, he would never be confused by a little illusion.

Even if everyone in this world is confused, Li Lingtian can't be confused, because Li Lingtian's will and strength are unmatched, and the owner's physique and talents against the sky will not let Li Lingtian be affected by the outside world.

The thing that the Black Dragon King can think of, Li Lingtian can definitely think of, Li Lingtian will not let him fly over, it must have discovered what is, suddenly shocked and curious.

"Have you ever seen Haishi Lip Tower and Darkness appear together?"

"If you have seen the darkness coexist with the lip tower of the city, we can fly over."

"Otherwise, do you want to hit your head and break the blood?"

There was a smile on Li Lingtian's face, and his eyes looked at the darkness and mist in other places, and said lightly.

The Black Dragon King also looked with Li Lingtian's eyes. When he saw darkness and mist, the look on his face became difficult to look. Even if he had never seen the Haishi Lip Tower, he also knew that the Haishi Lip Tower and the dark did not May coexist. The starting address of the mobile phone of this novel:

He didn't think about this at first. After Li Lingtian's reminder, he was shocked.

Such a situation is really not a general trouble. If you fly by force, you might hit your head and break the blood flow. If you don't pass, you will be in a state of fluctuating mood and fall into a dangerous situation.

"I didn't expect it to be magical."

Black Dragon King, the look on his face changed a bit. At this time, the powerful space magical power and control are not at all useful. In this place, he can only watch with his eyes open, waiting for Li Lingtian to find a way.

"You protect the law."

"Take a good look at this seat."

Li Lingtian said to the Black Dragon King that although he was sure that the scene in front of him was not a means for Linghu Ying, he was also worried that Linghu Ying would appear here, so he was not afraid to climb in case of 10,000.

After finishing talking, close your eyes and cast out the eyes of the soul.

A rune appeared in the eyebrow, the three-petal lotus-shaped blood-red rune, the lotus-shaped rune was extremely exquisite, but it was more strange, and suddenly, Li Lingtian looked very strange.

This is the God's Soul's Eye. When the God's Soul's Eye is cast, a blood-red light appears in the eyebrow, and the blood-red light disappears, as if it is integrated into this space.

At first there was nothing, the look on Li Lingtian's face was calm, but gradually the look on Li Lingtian's face changed constantly over time.

In front of the God's Soul Eye, the Haishi Lip Tower and the darkness around him were revealed in his mind.

All the disguise and concealment cannot escape the eyes of the gods.

Therefore, everything in front of him was nothing to hide. When he saw the lip tower in Haishi in front of his eyes, he was shocked and shocked, and the expression on his face changed accordingly.

All this is completely beyond his imagination.

In the Shenwu Continent, he has entered countless mysteries, seen countless magical things, and encountered countless powerful things. It can be said that no one can compare him with the things he encountered in Shenwu Continent.

But seeing everything in front of him completely shocked him and couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

Because, the scene in front of me is not a lip building in the city.

It is a real space comparable to the Lip Tower in Haishi, a real world.

In other words, this place hides a miraculously beautiful palace with a lip tower in the sea, but no one finds it under certain circumstances, or that the palace originally did not belong here, but came here temporarily.

The fact that the lip tower in Haishi City became real was shocking to Li Lingtian. Nothing was more shocking than what I saw now.

When shocked, Li Lingtian did not take back the eyes of the soul, but began to look up and continue to look at the palace.

This palace, on the outside, looks at least 20,000 miles long. How deep is it in the back, and his consciousness cannot estimate here, so it seems that this palace is at least hundreds of millions of miles in size.

The palace is beautiful and beautiful, surpassing the beauty of the lip tower in the city and the beauty of the fairyland.

Moreover, the palaces do not know how many there are. These palaces are connected together. The palaces have five or six floors. With his current cultivation, he can’t see the depths of the palace, but he can be sure, The more to the center, the higher and higher the number of palace floors.

"Vast Star Palace!"

The look on Li Lingtian's face gradually faded, because he had been completely numb by this lip-like palace in the city.

I don't know how long after this, Li Lingtian's complexion has been changing.

It's as if he has entered a mysterious situation, and his look also changes with this mysterious place.

On the side of the Black Dragon King, seeing Li Lingtian's look change, he was shocked at the same time. At the same time, he was very curious. I didn't know what Li Lingtian discovered. Even Li Lingtian was so shocked.

It was not until Li Lingtian opened his eyes and the delicate blood-red runes of his eyebrows disappeared that Li Lingtian woke up from that shock.

After waking up, the look on Li Lingtian's face was calm, with no change at all.

"The Lord."

The Black Dragon King shouted respectfully, his face curious.

I don't know how to leave this place, now I'm watching Li Lingtian.

"This place is not a sea lip building."

Li Lingtian said lightly, there was no slight change in his face.

When I spoke, I looked at the Haishi Liplou Palace in front of me, and the palace seemed to have no movement at all, but the palace had not stopped from beginning to end, just like the stars in the starry sky. Follow your own path.

"Really not a lip shop in the city."

"Then what is this, there can't be a palace above this sea."

"Qingyuan sea area is almost unknown in Xianyu area, but no one knows that there is a palace in this place."

The Black Dragon King was shocked when he heard Li Lingtian said that this lip building is not a lip building in the city.

Because in this sea area, there can be no palaces, and there are no legends about strong palaces in the Qingyuan sea area. Even if there are some islands and mountains, there are absolutely no palaces.

Moreover, the dark mist around the palace and the surroundings appeared temporarily.

Speaking of formation, Li Lingtian is the first formation division of Shenwu Continent. It is impossible to even see the formation.

Suddenly, the whole person became more and more curious.

"This is a palace."

"Whether it is the palace of Shenwu Continent or the palace of other places, this seat is not clear."

"But this seat can be sure, we want to leave here is not so easy."

"This palace, called the vast Star Palace, is the largest palace I have ever seen. This palace is built according to the stars of the world, or it is formed from the stars in the sky."

Li Lingtian said nonchalantly, shocked all the time.

He did not expect to encounter a palace in this place. This situation is no different from the last encounter with the Wanhua Holy Palace. The only difference is that the Wanhua Holy Palace has always existed above the sea.

This palace is not like this, but is constantly moving and changing.

No matter where it is, the resources above the sea are the most abundant, and the sea is also the most magical place. Only the sea can withstand the advent of powerful things.

One reason is that there are no people on the sea, and the other is that the sea can withstand greater pressure and can also cause changes in the world.

Li Lingtian's treasures and opportunities are basically inseparable from the sea area ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Countless powerful people and forces are all competing for the resources of the sea area.

Now, when I came to the sea area of ​​Qingyuan, I originally thought about monsters and sea beasts, as well as other races and powerful people, but I never imagined that I met the lip tower of the sea in the sea area.

And this lip tower in the city is still a real palace.

"Huge Star Palace?"

"Listening to this name, it should not be the existence of Shenwu Continent."

"And, all this is beyond our understanding and imagination."

The Black Dragon King sighed, and the look on his face kept changing.

He did not expect such a thing to happen in this place, nor did he expect to have such a terrifying and powerful palace, but fortunately was blocked by Li Lingtian, if he himself, he must have broken through, and if he did, he would definitely hit his head and break the blood. I don’t know what horrible things will happen.

Thinking of this, I felt scared for a while. .

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