War God Supreme

Chapter 1728: Star Value

"This astral crystal, I don't know what the use is, but let the Supreme Guardian of the Supreme Alliance pay such a big price to buy it. Fortunately, he is the top ten supreme of Xianyu, otherwise I can't believe it."

"This astral crystal is difficult to find, but no matter how you look at it, it is not worth a trillion inferior spirit stones."

One of the strong men said lightly that he came here in the past few days and found a few pieces of star crystals, but he fought with each other. Although the four of them worked together very powerfully, the other party also had a group of strong men. After the war, they only got three pieces. Star Crystal.

Even if it is three stars, it is a fortune.

Because a star crystal can be exchanged for two middle-grade congenital artifacts, and one top-grade congenital artifact, it can also be exchanged for 100 billion inferior spirit stones. Such wealth alone is enough to shake the world.

The middle-class congenital artifact, the top-grade congenital artifact, is simply against the sky. I did not expect that the great protector of the Supreme Heaven Alliance will come up with such a big hand in exchange for the star crystal.

If it were not for his identity, he would not believe that all this was true.

Others may not know this great protector of the Supreme Alliance, but the superpowers in the Sanxue Alliance are well aware that this great protector is one of the ten supreme supremacy of the fairyland.

The Supreme Alliance is the most mysterious alliance in the Sanxue Alliance, and the Grand Guardian is naturally even more mysterious.

No one has seen the Grand Guardian a few times, or, in the Shenwu Continent Realm, I have heard the name Grand Guardian, but I don’t know what the Grand Guardian is called and what it looks like.

No one even knows to what extent the practice of the Da Hu Fa is achieved, but no one dares to provoke him. His strength has made countless super powers go.

"People who come here naturally doubt."

"But I couldn't find out what the Great Guardian wanted for this star crystal."

"If it is really useful for Da Hufa, Da Hufa can come here by himself."

"Yeah, this vast expanse of star palace has never been heard of by Shenwu Continent. I did not expect that the Grand Guardian directly found out the location of the vast expanse of star palace and how to enter it.

"Despite this, be careful."

"There are as few as four or five hundred strong people coming in this time. The four of us joined forces and we have to be careful."

"This is natural, we not only have to face the strong men of the loose repair alliance, but also face the unknown dangers here."

"Let's go, the star crystal in this place is gone, so I'll go find it elsewhere."

The four strong men looked at the palace where the Star Crystal was taken away, and each person's face showed a dignified look.

The more astral crystals I saw this time, the deeper my curiosity and confusion. If there is only one astral crystal, it is justifiable to release such a powerful task, but now I have encountered a lot of astral crystals. Every piece of astral crystal has to pay so much, even the Supreme Alliance cannot do it.

The price of a piece of astral crystal can be brought out by Supreme Alliance, but if there is more, no one will believe it.

Because the price they have to pay is the innate artifact, even if the Supreme Alliance is mysterious and powerful, it may not be able to bring out the middle-grade and top-grade innate artifacts, not to mention two things.

As for the Lingshi, one trillion or even several trillions and tens of millions, such a number is inevitable.

Several people sighed, left with a puzzled look, and quickly flew away in the direction of the distance.

After confirming that several strong men disappeared, Li Lingtian's figure appeared in the air, looking at the direction of the few strong men who left, and the expression on his face became more and more dignified.

This place is not necessarily there.

In the late half **** state alone, there are hundreds of strong people, and there are even a lot of great perfection peak powerhouses. With so many strong people gathered together, he is in this place in the middle of a half godland, and he is completely like a thin ice.

Moreover, this place is a mysterious place that is not known by the powerful continents of the Shenwu Continent. Only the Supreme Guardian of the Supreme Alliance knows, and this Great Guardian has not yet come here. It seems that there is any danger in this place.

Thinking of this, Li Lingtian is more and more dignified in mind of the mighty Star Palace.

In the next few days, Li Lingtian also met a dozen super powerhouses. Most of these powerhouses encountered were the peaks of the semi-deity realm, and only a few of them were late powerhouses.

Moreover, these strongmen are basically for the so-called star crystal to kill each other, competing for the star crystal in the other hand.

Although Li Lingtian was curious about these astral crystals, he had no idea of ​​competing at all, because this astral crystal was not useful to him, and even if it was precious, he would not risk competing.

One has to know what one needs, because it can have its own goals.

One needs to know that he doesn’t need anything, because it can put more steps and efforts on the goals he needs.

He, Li Lingtian is like this.

Don't take risks for things you don't need.

I won't regret what I need.

What to do and what not to do, there is a bottom line in everyone's heart.

Seeing these strong men competing for Xingjing, they are basically dead.

It’s not wrong to think about it, because a star crystal is equivalent to a trillion inferior spirit stones, two middle-grade innate gods, one top-grade innate **** and a peerless supernatural power. In this way, even if it is a semi-divine realm, it’s a strong peak It is also rushing.

You know, in Shenwu Continent, no one ventures to get the innate artifact, let alone the middle class and top class.

As long as a few decades ago, some powerful people of Shenwu Continent obtained several innate artifacts in Jiutian God City.

In the Shenwu Continent, if you want to find a congenital artifact, it is difficult to enter the sky. Now that you have the opportunity to get the congenital artifact, you will naturally not give up and miss it.

"What is this mysterious star crystal?"

"It is at such a great price to collect Xingjing."

"A two-piece star crystal can be justified, but with so many star crystals, even I can't pay for so many treasures."

Li Lingtian found a hidden palace, and the whole person digged into it. After entering, a simple formation was cast to shield the entrance of the palace.

In addition to shock, I was shocked by what I heard in the past few days.

Impressed by the consciousness, he took out the diamond-shaped star crystal from the heavenly ring.

Eyes are fixed on the diamond-shaped crystal suspended in front of you, and you look at it intently, as if you want to see through this crystal. You want to know what power this crystal has and what kind of treasure it is, even if someone takes innate artifacts and spirits Stone peerless supernatural powers come to exchange.

The diamond-shaped crystal is the size of a slap, with ample color on it, exuding a mysterious and splendid glory. The glory is not powerful, but it gives a dazzling feeling.

When you look carefully, the brilliant multicolored above this diamond-shaped crystal is either colorful, or nine-color, or very purple and red.

The mysterious star crystal is extremely beautiful and beautiful, giving people an unforgettable liking.

I can't tell from the appearance of this star crystal. I don't know what power the star crystal has.

Divine consciousness spread out and the whole person's six senses emerged.

It was found that there is a faint power on this star crystal. The power is only the brilliance of the surface. This power is magically incomparable.

However, Li Lingtian can be sure that this power is powerful and unmatched, and these forces are just a little outside. The real power is in the spar. If the power of this spar is exerted, it will be extremely terrifying.

Based on his knowledge, he doesn't know what attribute this power is or what kind of power it is.

"Shenlong ring, open!"

Neither eyes nor induction can know the origin and use of this star crystal.

Li Lingtian wanted to expand his consciousness to see the structure inside Xingjing, but thinking about the situation of this place, if he encountered something unexpected, he would have to wait here to die.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the Dragon Ring opened.

The space inside the palace fluctuated, and a white figure appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

The figure in white appeared, revealing a beautiful and delicate face with a faint and confident smile on it. The whole person was completely Li Lingtian, the smallest one.

The clothes, expression, and every move are exactly the same as Li Lingtian.

The only difference is that this figure in white is a woman, a beautiful girl.

The eyebrows had a hint of delicacy, exquisite body, perfect and hot.

After the girl came out, the smile on her face was more intense, her eyes were smart, and she looked at Li Lingtian, her face showing a touch of coquettishness.


"What happened?"

Xiao Bai looked at Li Lingtian and stretched out Li Lingtian's clothes corner, looking very spoiled.

Yes, this girl in white is naturally Xiaobai. Xiaobai followed Li Lingtian for the longest time. She followed Li Lingtian before transfiguration. After the natural transfiguration, it looks exactly like Li Lingtian, only the gender is different.

She practiced in the Shenlong Ring, but she did not expect Li Lingtian to call her out.

Generally speaking, Li Lingtian wouldn’t call her when she didn’t meet a super strong enemy. Moreover, so many girls around Li Lingtian naturally didn’t want her company anymore.

Now Li Lingtian didn't call Huangfu Yuyan and others out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Instead, she called her out and felt curious.

"Something happened."

"There is no danger for the time being, but it will be difficult to say later."

"This place is the vast Star Palace, encountered in the Qingyuan waters."

"It's just that I've been in for almost two months and I don't know anything about it, but I found something. This thing should be dangerous. You come out to protect me. If something happens to me, you will take the Dragon Ring and me. The treasure left here."

Li Lingtian said all the things he encountered after entering the waters of Qingyuan, and the expression on his face was dignified.

He didn't say that Linghuying from beginning to end, now for him, this place is more terrifying than encountering Linghuying, at least Linghuying is just a superpower on the surface, but he has the opportunity to escape if he fights.

But when I got here, I didn't even have a chance to escape, so I felt extremely powerless. R1148


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