War God Supreme

Chapter 1734: Enlightenment


When all the powerhouses were shocked, Li Lingtian completely ignored these superpowers.

Coming to the star palace, his eyes looked at the star palace, and finally his eyes fell on the mask inside the star palace, and he took a serious look. This time, he was completely assured to look at it and look at it in all aspects.

When I first came here, I was hiding in the air, but I just looked at it for a while.

Now, he is not hidden, and all the powerful people know his existence, and they can look at it freely, and now, if they do not figure out this mask, they cannot leave here.

The star palace is hundreds of miles in size. The entire star palace is made of countless pillars and a mysterious material.

The whole star palace looks exactly like a starry sky, without the feeling of a palace, a kind of freedom without restraint.

Inside the Star Palace, there is a huge mask, the mask is blue sky.

The reticle is about one mile in size. There are several treasures inside the reticle. There is a reticle behind the treasure. Layers of reticles form a pagoda. This reticle has a hundred layers, every few layers. There are several treasures, hundreds of masks, and hundreds of treasures.

The more powerful the mask, the more powerful the treasure will be.

At the most, it is also the place where the pagoda is at its peak, and the treasure is also cherished by the Yueshen.

However, with a hundred layers of masks, it is not clear how powerful the treasures are. If you want to get the treasures, you must crack these masks.

The masks overlap and look mysterious.

After Li Lingtian probably looked around again, his figure glide automatically and looked around the mask.

As the first division of the Shenwu Continent, encountering such a powerful formation is naturally exciting, and the more challenging the more exciting.

It took a few months for this vast palace of stars to understand a little formation. This vast palace of stars is an endless avenue, and his cultivation is a trail in the world of heaven and earth.

Fortunately, there is a trail as an introduction and foundation, so that he has greatly helped this avenue.

With the practice of the formation, he also found the heart of the star palace, so when he came to this place, all the formations of the formation and his calculations were correct, which also made him more aware of his formation. Much confidence.

When he looked at the star palace, all the shocked strongmen awakened and reacted.

The look on his face was still shocked, but there was a glimmer of hope.

Many strong men, the look of the face is constantly changing.

The emergence of Li Lingtian has brought about changes, but it also brings hope. If you compete for treasures at that time, if you meet Li Lingtian, you will definitely be a rival.

Gradually, when the strong players present saw Li Lingtian looking at the mask, they all turned to look at Li Lingtian.

Everyone knows that Li Lingtian's reputation is not only the Supreme Divine Pill Master, but also the first day array division of the Shenwu Continent.

If even Li Lingtian had no way to solve this mask, they would have no choice. So, for a time, all the strong men put their hopes on Li Lingtian.

"Sure enough!"

"The heart teleportation point of the vast palace is not as simple as trying to break it."

I don't know how long it took. Li Lingtian looked at the entire mask countless times, and even looked at the ground symbols on the ground several times. After understanding, the figure stopped and sighed.

Finally, looking at the strong man present, seriously, the look on his face also became a little dignified.

In fact, he knew that this mask was not easy to solve.

What is the best solution to everything in this vast palace of stars, and there is no one that can deal with it.

However, he did not expect that the difficulty of this mask is beyond his imagination.

"Doesn't even Ling Tian have a way?"

"If Master Ling Tian can't solve it, who else can crack this mask."

"Is there any way to attack Ling Tian forcibly, if there is a way to attack and crack the mask, we all join forces to increase the strength of Lord Ling Tian, ​​there may be a chance of breaking this mask."

"If you can't break this mask, let's not get the treasure, it's just a matter of leaving here."

All the strong men looked at Li Lingtian and looked forward to Li Lingtian's answer.

However, when Li Lingtian spoke of the power of this mask, he was stunned, and his face also changed. He knew that Li Lingtian was the first division of the Divine Martial Continent, a super figure who surpassed the division.

If even Li Lingtian had no way to solve it, then no one here would crack this mask.

Li Lingtian's words made all the powerful feel crumbled, and the last hope was gone, almost making people unable to bear such an ending.

"Not all formations can be forcibly broken."

"To be honest, it's been a few months before this seat came here to figure it out a little bit. I don't have much confidence in this mask in front of me."

"Moreover, the price to be paid for breaking this mask is too great, and this seat is still uncertain."

"Waiting for a while, you will have a good understanding and hope to find a way to get rid of the mask, otherwise we can only take risks."

Li Lingtian waved his hand and wanted to forcibly attack. It would be impossible for him to use some powerful means to add these powerful ones, because this mask would not bear the attack power at all and was immune to the attack power.

Not only is he immune to attacks, but he also devours the attacks and becomes more powerful. This position shocked Li Lingtian.

He has seen the formation that engulfed the attack stronger before, and he has played a lot, but he has not encountered such a powerful formation. To be able to control such a formation, it is against the sky, and he has practiced his own way. With help from the sky.

In the future, such a formation will definitely be a guarantee of life, or it will be a myth to evolve this formation into a defensive supernatural power.

In fact, he has found a way to crack this formation, but he is not very sure.

This method of cracking can be used, but he will not use it now, because he will take this opportunity to get a good understanding of the battlefield, and strive to control and understand the battlefield of this mask.

His idea, other strong people naturally cannot think of it.

I can't think of Li Lingtian coming to study positions at this time. If I knew it, I wouldn't be so angry. But if I knew it, I wouldn't dare to say anything. After all, Li Lingtian's strength is here.

He Li Lingtian doesn't want to do anything, and he only needs to be happy. No one in this world is qualified to let Li Lingtian do what he doesn't want to do.

Even self-esteem is not enough, not to mention the strong men in front of them.

"Sir Laolintian."

"If Master Ling Tian really has no other way, we can only pay a price."

"Yeah, as long as there is a slight chance, you can't give up. It's much better to fall some people's headquarters."

"We protect the law for Lord Lingtian."

"Sir Ling Tian feels at ease, we are not in a hurry."

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, all the strong men were shocked.

Being able to understand the formations in this vast astral palace in a few months is a miracle. It is clear that Li Lingtian is here for the first time and is not familiar with it at all, but he is relying on his own anti-Tian Shen Realizing the formation of the vast Star Palace came to the heart.

And they came here completely according to the instructions of the round card, but still trapped here, and still rely on Li Lingtian.

In Li Lingtian's words, I saw a glimmer of hope, because Li Lingtian said that it would cost a lot of money to leave here, and the big price is at most his life.

As long as you have the opportunity to leave here, you will have to fight even if you fall. It is impossible to wait for death here.

However, Li Lingtian did not want to use the opportunity to pay a heavy price to open the mask, but to rely on his own ability to understand and minimize the heavy price.

Suddenly, all the strong people's favor for Li Lingtian increased a lot.

They haven't seen Li Lingtian, but they are clear about Li Lingtian's deeds and character. Now when he sees Li Lingtian, it's exactly the same as the legend.

I used to fear Li Lingtian, but now I have some good feelings about Li Lingtian.

All the strong men, with their bodies unfolded, quickly moved hundreds of miles away from the star palace, so as not to disturb Li Lingtian's enlightenment. This is related to their life and death and future.

Gradually, the entire star palace was quiet, even silent.

Li Lingtian saw all the strong men leave, and he was left alone in a star palace in Nuo Da, with a faint smile on his face, and began to look around the mask, a mile-size mask, he did not know how many times he had observed it. .

After looking around, he sat cross-legged and entered into contemplation.

After meditation, I stood up and looked again. After looking at it, I pondered again, even every corner and every engraving of this star palace, every symbol on the ground altar, and the distance between the altar and the star palace and the reticle. Not let go.

It can be said that the altar, the star palace, the reticle, the space, the breath, etc.~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he has looked at and observed countless times.

All the strong people looked at Li Lingtian as if they were completely enchanted. Observe, think, evolve, and test. These actions do not know how many times they are repeated. All the strong people are shocked. This carefulness and patience are not. Any one of them can imagine.

Li Lingtian repeated these actions over and over again, and the time passed.

Unconsciously, the time has passed for three months. In the three months, all the strong men meditate and practice in the distance, recovering their injuries, and watching Li Lingtian's movements.

Three months later, after Li Lingtian meditated cross-legged, his face finally showed a slight smile.

Seeing the change in Li Lingtian's expression, all the strong minds also shivered, as if his expression affected the emotions of all the strong.

Indeed, for three months, Li Lingtian's expression on his face was solemn and changeable, with no trace of joy.

Now when I see Li Lingtian showing a smile, it naturally reminds me that Li Lingtian has made progress on this mask, and all the powerful people suddenly showed a little excitement.

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