War God Supreme

Chapter 1743: Shot out


In the air, Sikong Tianyi's star power has been pressing the holy glory of Linghu Ying. The starting address of the mobile phone of this novel:

Linghu Ying, one of the top ten supreme supremes, was about to vanish, and there was a terrifying breath and power in the star palace.

The emergence of this power and breath made both Supremes terrified.

Because there were no other strong men coming in this place, even Li Lingtian was imprisoned, and there was no shot at all, but at this time, such a terrible breath and strength appeared, and the two were shocked to the extreme.

At this moment, both of them have reached the most critical moment. When a strong man arrives in yà, there will be a misfortune. Even Sikong Tianyi will be injured.

When they felt this power and breath, the two looked at the source of the breath and strength, but it didn't look good. At first glance, the look on their faces was even more ugly.

Because, this breath of destruction and strength came from above the steps, and this person was no other than Li Lingtian.

"Li Lingtian!"

Linghu Ying and Si Kongtian were so shocked that they couldn't add more. They never thought that Li Lingtian, who had been imprisoned without real yuan, was not imprisoned, and that the true yuan divine power was at its peak. This situation made them unacceptable.

Now I finally understand that Li Lingtian was not imprisoned at all, and the true elemental divine power was not lost. Instead, he deliberately pretended to be like this, and waited until the crucial moment before he shot. Both of them underestimated Li Lingtian.


The real power of Li Lingtian's body reached its peak. Between his hands, a group of horrible divine light circles kept spinning. This divine power was pure to the extreme, and its hugeness was beyond their imagination.

This is simply not the divine power that the Shenwu continent can possess. Even the legendary true **** does not necessarily have such a pure divine power.

This is the third trick of the top of the sky controlled by Li Lingtian, the peerless magical supernatural power, which can only be exerted by divine power, and requires huge and pure divine power.

He has nine days of divine power, and 90% of the true yuan in his body has become divine power.

This kind of divine power exerts the death of the divine element and destroys the world with might.

During the speech, Li Lingtian stood up slowly, and his figure was suspended in the air, not at all imprisoned.

The sound fell, and the divine light group between hands shone fiercely towards Si Kongtian, and the space continued to tear, the imprisonment of the entire space disappeared instantly, and the star palace trembled.


"Just pretend to be imprisoned. The mobile phone starting address of this novel:"

When Si Kongtian saw the devastating divine light bombardment coming, the look on his face was frightened and furious, and he suddenly yelled.

There was also a faint light at this time, forming a defense.


A shocking explosion appeared, and the entire star palace was swallowed up by the destruction of light.

The entire space is constantly torn, and the space is broken like a broken mirror.



The blast of destruction continued, and Li Lingtian was also rebounded by the power of destruction. A trace of blood spilled on the corner of chuqu's mouth, and his face was pale. But at this time, there was a scream that resounded in the air, followed by a spur of blood. sound.

Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, his body disappeared strangely, and when he appeared again, he had stood on the steps and returned to the place where he began to be settled.

When the consciousness moved, between the waving of both hands, the treasure above the steps disappeared.

Only the crystal box remained, and the crystal box remained immobile.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian unfolded the Heavenly Dao Roulette, and instantly hundreds of laws were displayed. The laws landed on the crystal box, and the crystal box trembled.

Finally, he floated slowly and left the steps.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian's consciousness moved and put the crystal box into the Shenfeng ring.

However, just as he took away the crystal box, a force of destruction bombarded him. This power was so terrifying that his heart trembled.

"Divine Light!"

With a light drink, a golden light appeared on his body. The golden light formed a mask. The mask just appeared, and the power of destruction bombarded him.

The power of destruction directly tore the golden mask, Li Lingtian spurted out blood, and the body threw chuqu fiercely and finally hit the star palace.

His body was constantly torn, and the whole person seemed to be torn into pieces. The degree of pain made him almost collapse.

In the eyes, I saw Si Kongtian suspended in the air, the whole body was **** and bleak, and the injury looked very serious, but it did not fall.

It turned out that when Li Lingtian suddenly displayed the death of the Divine Yuan, it exceeded his imagination.

And he didn't almost fight against it, while resisting the holy glory of Linghu Ying while defensive, but in the face of the destructive power of the god's death, he almost destroyed him.

I was also terrified by Li Lingtian's divine power. After seeing Li Lingtian take away the treasure, he could no longer care about his injury and forcibly bombarded a force.

"Dageng Sword, the stars are falling!"

Resisting the power of destruction, Li Lingtian endured the pain, and his consciousness moved, a golden streamer appeared in his hand, the golden streamer fell, and the Dageng sword appeared in his hand.

Without any pause, Dageng's Excalibur appeared, and the sharp edge of the middle class congenital artifact suddenly burst out, and endless stars erupted in the air, and hundreds of millions of stars bombarded Si Kongtian.

From the time he took away the crystal box and was injured by Si Kongtianyi's bombardment, to the show of stars falling, the whole process was just a blink of an eye.

When the stars fell during the show, the figure flashed, and the whole person disappeared. When he came out again, he was suspended in the air. The look in his eyes changed a little. With one wave of one hand, a force penetrated the space, power. Linghu Ying, who landed on the ground, grabbed Linghu Ying as soon as she caught it.

In an instant, Linghuying's splendid body came to Li Lingtian, grabbing Linghuying, and disappeared strangely.

When he came out again, Li Lingtian had already traveled thousands of miles away.



"Want to go, delusion!"

Just as Li Lingtian fled thousands of miles away, the magical star fall exhibited by the Dageng Excalibur had attacked Sikong Tianyi, and the stars exhibited by the Zhongpin congenital artifacts fell extremely powerful.

The ruinous stars fell, causing Si Kongtian to suffer a terrifying bombardment.

However, the defense and means of the Supreme Strongman, even if it is a magical power of destruction, cannot destroy him.

After resisting the falling of Li Lingtian's stars, he saw Li Lingtian was already five thousand miles away, and suddenly angered, his body flashed, and chased shàngqu towards Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian didn't dare to distract at all, regardless of whether Sikong Tianyi in the back had resisted the star's fall.

At this time, his purpose was to escape, to escape the star palace light curtain defense.

With one hand clinging to the Linghu shadow, the figure flew through the air like lightning, and the kung fu in the blink of an eye, the heavens and voids were displayed to the extreme, and soon came to the light curtain.

Linghu Ying was crushed by Si Kongtian when she was showing the Light Bible. When she saw that she was going to be destroyed, Li Lingtian suddenly shot and bombarded Si Kongtian, allowing her to escape from birth.

However, the injury fell to the ground, and it was even worse. There was no real magical power in the whole body, and even the bullets could not work.

Watching Li Lingtian bombard Sikong Tianyi, he took away the treasure.

When fleeing from a devastating attack, Linghu Ying was ashamed, because Li Lingtian yà fled, she would be killed by Si Kongtian. What she did not expect was that Li Lingtian shot her away when she fled.

Watching Li Lingtian escape and come to the front of the light curtain, I want to scold Li Lingtian because this light curtain simply cannot chuqu. Although she is not an array master, but with her knowledge and cultivation, the power of this light curtain can only be entered. Can't get out.

Now Li Lingtian wants to go here to escape, completely to death, because Sikong Tianyi behind him has already been chased. After a delay in this place, Sikong Tianyi can chase him up.

But now the energy to remind Li Lingtian was gone, and he watched Li Lingtian crash into the light curtain.

Seeing this situation, I sighed in my heart. Instead of being killed by Si Kongtian, I was about to be killed here. My eyes could not help but close, and I dare not watch this bleak scene.

But she never imagined that Li Lingtian ignored the existence of the light curtain and directly penetrated the light curtain and left the star palace.

By the time he found out, Li Lingtian had taken her out of the star palace and out of the light curtain.


At this moment, a horrible muffled sound rang above the light curtain, and the light curtain shuddered a bit. It was obvious that someone had hit the light curtain severely without ào.

Don't think, it's all Sikong Tianyi, because there is only Sikong Tianyi inside.

And Sikong Tianyi happened to be chasing them down, and now it was Sikong Tianyi who hit the light curtain.

Linghuying is puzzled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why Li Lingtian passed it directly, but Si Kong Tianyi hit the light curtain, the two turned around, just saw Si Kong Tian was bounced back fiercely, a spit of blood Squirt out.

The whole person was dizzy and almost fell, as if drunk.

Seeing this funny look, Linghu Ying couldn't help but show a smile on his face, the smile was fleeting, Li Lingtian didn't have kààn at all.


At this moment, Li Lingtian spurted out blood, and his face was pale.

It looked very painful. Of course, after he cast out the Divine Yuan, when he took the treasure, he was bombarded by Sikong Tianyi, and was bombarded by the Supreme Power, even if there was a divine light, it almost disappeared.

Afterwards, he attacked Sikong Tianyi with another attack, which aggravated his injury.

But he did not dare to have a slight pause, nor to suppress the injury. He could only escape with vigour, and his spirit was tense. Now, when he escaped, when he was relaxed, he couldn't help but spit out blood. .

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