War God Supreme

Chapter 1758: Unparalleled

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The air of destruction in the air was distorted, and the powerful wind continued to wreak havoc.

The look on Si Kongtian's face changed from rage to icy cold, and the whole body's power of destruction ran up and down.

He, one of the ten great supremes, has reached half of the true elemental divine power.

The divine power in the body reaches one-half. Such cultivation is strength. It is no wonder that there is a supreme level of existence in the fairy field. It is ten times more powerful than other half-divine peak powerhouses. Time is not at all a grade, nor can it be compared.

In the face of Li Lingtian’s metamorphosis of great consummation of power, Si Kongtian was scared except for shock. He knew the horror of great consummation of power, and it was rumored before that Li Lingtian had a divine personality, as well as peerless supernatural powers and innate artifacts. It is definitely not an ordinary warrior, but the existence of infinitely close to the true God.

"Li Lingtian, you are indeed strong."

"But it is simply impossible to defeat the deity."

"Glass Divine Sword, the third type."


Si Kongtian glanced coldly at Li Lingtian, completely ignoring Linghu Ying and Huangfu Yuyan in the distance, because Li Lingtian was the one who most worried him now.

I would rather give Linghuying, who is supreme, to face Li Lingtian.

Now, as long as Li Lingtian is defeated, other people are not at all concerned, but it is too difficult to defeat Li Lingtian, even if he still has a few killers, but this Li Lingtian is also terrifying.

When the sound rang, the True Elemental Divine Power had reached its peak, and the space around him was torn apart.

The glass sword in his hand was raised, and on top of the glass sword, the ruined knife awns were continually gathered. The knife awns were like glass, and a breath of extinction filled the air.

When the Liuli God Sword hadn't been exhibited yet, the knife awn had already broken and torn the space, and it looked terrifying.

The ruined Daomang was brewing in the air, and Li Lingtian also shot at this time.

The nine-day divine power on his body was shocked, and thousands of miles of empty space became fragments.

At the same time, the defense on the body also unfolded, the divine power of the sky turned, Li Lingtian's hands dashed into the void, and suddenly the space exploded with the destruction of the ice cold power and the flame power.

At this time, the ice-cold divine power and the flame divine power were his bursts of divine power, and they also exerted this divine power to the extreme.

In the past, the fusion of the ice **** and the fire god, he can exert a part of the divine power, but now his body is full of nine days of divine power, and the two gods are also perfectly integrated, just like the gods he cultivated.

The left hand is a disk-size ice **** light group, and the right hand is a disk-size flame **** light group. Behind it is a world of red and blue. The ice world and the flame world merge together. A square is 100 meters in size. World supports Li Lingtian.

This world is terrifying because it is a world where two extremes merge.

Li Lingtian looked at the ice cold power and flame power in his hand, a cruel smile appeared on his face, and his eyes looked coldly at Si Kong Tianyi, his head raised, and a gloomy atmosphere spread out.

The whole person is now fully transformed into a true god, standing tall and unmatched.

This is the strong man who is infinitely close to the true God, and he has already destroyed the world without a shot.

In the face of such power, even the strongest of the semi-deity peak consummation should be suppressed by death. The ordinary strongman directly fell in front of such power.

Divine prestige is like a prison, as if the stars are endless.

The divine power is like heaven, and the power of destruction makes the world tremble and mourn for it.


At this moment, the destruction of Daomang in the hand of Sikong Tianyi had cut through the void and ran towards Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian also flashed in shape, his hands were merged, and a beam of destruction was bombarded out. Bingyan Jiuzhongtian and the sixth heavenly nothingness had already reached the realm.

Moreover, when he exhibited this trick, it was filled with pure divine power, all of which was the divine power of destruction based on divine power, and the ice cold divine power and flame divine power in his hands did not change at all.

At this moment, Li Lingtian, the incarnation of the **** of ice and the **** of flames, flew out with the beam of light after one shot of the destruction mask, wherever the figure passed, the space was imprisoned, and the imprisonment shattered and shattered.


The ruined knife awn fell on the beam of light fiercely, and the beam of light and the knife awn stalemate came down, and there was no difference at all for a while.

In the hands of Si Kongtianyi, the glazed glass knife kept shaking, and the beam of light kept shaking.

When the two attacks collided together, a light curtain erupted. The light curtain was like a strong wind sweeping the space, and the affected area was destroyed. Finally, a vacuum was formed, and it returned to normal after a long time.

The aftermath of the light curtain came to Linghuying and Huangfu Yuyan and others, and they could not help but step back.

One can imagine how powerful this power to destroy magical powers is, the aftermath is so terrifying.

Li Lingtian’s magical power was exhibited with divine power, completely displaying the divine personality and his own strength. The sixth heavy sky of Bingyan Jiugiantian was also resisted in front of the third form of Sikongtianyi glass sword.

This is the killer experience of the Great Perfection Supreme Master of Semi-Divine Realm, but it is still resisted.

The beam of light, the thorn of the sword, can't hold each other.

But at this time, Li Lingtian's body had come behind the beam of light.

A smile appeared on his face, and a fierce punch hit the beam of light. When the flame **** bombarded the beam of light, the beam of light shook violently. At this time, Li Lingtian's ice-cold magic power also bombarded the beam of light.

The two divine powers bombarded the beam of light almost at the same time. The beam of light received two kinds of divine power, and the power was furious.

Finally, the power to destroy the heavens and the earth was bombarded toward Daomang, and with a click, the beam of ice flames was destroyed, and Daomang was destroyed. Within two thousand miles of the entire space, the world of ice flames and flames was completely filled with destruction. in.

In one move, the two are comparable, the mighty supernatural power and the peerless superpower's peerless supernatural power are bombarded together, but there is no difference. We all know that Li Lingtian has the upper hand.

Because Li Lingtian's cultivation base is not Sikong Tianyi's opponent, and the supernatural powers he displays are not killer skills, and Sikong Tianyi is the top ten supreme of the fairyland, and cultivation is the strength of the earth.

The ruined move of the two did not distinguish the outcome.

There was no difference in one move, and the two played the second move at the same time.

Another ruined peerless Daoman bombarded, Li Lingtian did not look at Daoman in his eyes at all, turned into a meteor, and greeted Daomang.

With a fiery fisted fist, he bombarded fiercely towards the sword, completely relying on his divine power to fight against the peerless supernatural powers.


A clear sound appeared, between which fists bombarded Daomang fiercely.

Daomang cracked, space cracked.

Li Lingtian's fist of ice force bombarded again.

Suddenly, Daomang and his fists continually bombarded, Li Lingtian stood in the air, and the power of destruction continued to wave out.

Moreover, the divine power is getting stronger and stronger, and the space trembling is more terrifying.

Seeing this scene, the look on Linghu Ying's face is constantly changing. Is this young man really a demigod? This completely transcended the demigod, pressing the Supreme Power to bombard.

Use your own divine power and top-grade congenital artifacts to harden, and the powerful body is impacted by the sword, so there is no need to use defense to resist it.

In front of Daoman Yujin, his powerful physique was completely ignored.

This is his divine body, and he has no fear of external attacks. Unless he encounters a strong man of the same rank, even if it is so, he may not be able to shake his body.

Huangfu Yuyan and others were very happy and almost cheered.

And Si Kong Tianyi, the whole person will collapse.

His most powerful supernatural power turned into a child's play in front of Li Lingtian.

"The power of ants."

The magic power in Li Lingtian's hands was constantly bombarded, the look on his face was plain, and he already had a great understanding of his own divine power. In front of the nine-day divine power, the innate artifacts could not compete with him, even the supreme supernatural powers could not fight. Disperse his divine power.

The voice fell, the divine power in his hand condensed, and did not bombard, but looked at a knife awn in front of him fell down, seeing that knife awn would be chopped down on his body, Li Lingtian still did not start.

This situation shocked Huangfu Yuyan and others. They didn't know what Li Lingtian was going to do. Could it be that they had to use their own physique to withstand the destruction.

No matter how powerful Li Lingtian is, he can't accept such magical skills.

Just one meter before Li Lingtian came to Li Mang, one action of Li Lingtian made everyone speechless in horror.

I saw that Li Lingtian raised his hand and greeted the bombarded knife mang. His right hand made a scissors hand gesture, just like holding the knife mang with two fingers.

Such a move is crazy, or a fool.

The supreme strongman cast the top-grade congenital artifact, one trick of peerless supernatural powers fell down, even with **** to grip, in this world, who dares to have such crazy ideas and actions.

When everyone was horrified, Daomang stopped. Daomang was gripped by Li Lingtian's **** of his right hand with divine power. Suddenly Daomang did not move at all, as if stuck.

Daomang shivered, Li Lingtian was like a god, and he clamped Daomang, showing a disdainful look on his face.


Li Lingtian gripped the knife with two fingers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The space was suddenly quiet, the wind and the air were confined at this time, everything stopped in general.

Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue and others also looked at Li Lingtian like a **** in horror.

The look on Linghuying's face was completely numb, and a scene in the air was what God could do.

Si Kong Tianyi, holding the glass magic knife in both hands, the real power of destruction was continuously blessed in, and the force of real power was forced to run, causing blood to overflow from the corner of the mouth.

Seeing that his peerless sword was completely caught by Li Lingtian, the whole person's mind was like thunder, and he couldn't believe everything at hand.

At this moment, Li Lingtian moved, gripping Daomang's right hand and twisted.

Suddenly, the Nine Heavens Destructive Power of Distortion twisted Daomang, and a clicking sound appeared. Daomang completely fell into fragments under this twist, and finally collapsed and disappeared between heaven and earth. R1148

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