War God Supreme

Chapter 1761: Tear defense

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"Forgot to tell you, you can only look up at the power of the stars in your seat."

Li Lingtian's finger destroyed Si Kong Tianyi's Yuanshen, his face showed a slight disdain, looking at the direction of Yuanshen's destruction, he said lightly, his tone was very flat, and there was no slight emotional fluctuation.

With one-handed grasping, a space ring returned to his hand.

The Divine Consciousness entered the space ring, which contained a large number of storage bags and items. These items and storage bags were left by the strongman who fell here last time. The storage bags and items left behind, It was naturally taken away by Si Kongtian.

Finally, Li Lingtian glanced at God's consciousness, and found Liuli Sword and Thunder's Elves.

After finishing everything, he came to Huangfu Yuyan and others with a faint smile on his face.

"Congratulations, Master."

"Uncle, congratulations."

"Congratulations to Brother Ling Tian."

"Big Brother, congratulations on practicing as a star finger."

"Brother's star power has been stabilized."


For a time, Li Lingtian was happy, all with a look of excitement on his face.

It was natural to see Li Lingtian so powerful.

Even the Supreme has been killed in this way. What other powerful people in Xianyu are Li Lingtian's opponents, and no one can think of who is Li Lingtian's opponent.

On the other side, Linghuying was completely dumbfounded.

She never imagined that this young man was hiding so deep, but she also cultivated the power of stars.

Just like Li Lingtian is omnipotent, no matter what kind of strong man will fall into Li Lingtian's hands, he can always defeat his opponent at a critical moment and reverse it at a dangerous moment.

In other words, the young man in front of him is not hiding deeply, but he has too many things under his control. It is impossible to display all the magical means by killing an opponent.

"All right."

"Go back to the dragon ring first."

"I start the teleportation array and leave here first, so as to avoid other incidents."

Li Lingtian chatted with Huangfu Yuyan and others for a while, and then said flatly that this vast palace of stars is not a place to stay for a long time. It is still safe to leave here first.

Immediately, the consciousness moved, the Dragon Dragon Ring opened, Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue disappeared, and when they appeared again, they had all entered the Dragon Dragon Ring.

Linghu Ying was shocked to see this scene.

Because now in her heart, this Li Lingtian is omnipotent, no matter what strange things happen to him are normal, because of his Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian came to Linghuying and said.

When speaking, I can't hear any tone, because it's too plain.

When he had finished speaking, he walked in the direction of the teleportation array, decisive, clean and free.

Watching Li Lingtian walk towards the teleportation array, Linghu Ying pondered for a moment, and reacted, flashing her body and flying towards the teleportation array. She just wanted to leave here quickly, if she had been with Li Lingtian for a long time , I will definitely collapse.

In front of this young man, there has always been an invisible force of oppression.

As the Top Ten Supreme Master of Immortal Realm, the super genius of Shenwu Continent, it has become the Supreme Master in 400 years. Now it is so daunting and oppressed in front of a young man in the late half of the **** realm.

Li Lingtian came to the teleportation array and carefully memorized the runes on the teleportation array.

Then I began to study the method of opening the teleportation array. Within ten minutes, I knew the opening method of the teleportation array well.

However, he did not intend to cast a spell to open the teleportation array, but sacrificed a huge mace.

Xuanyin Music, the treasure of Xuanyin Tiancheng's Xuanyin Temple, has been suppressed under Xuanyin Tiancheng. During the last war, the elders on the platform of Xunyin Temple destroyed Xuanyin Tiancheng's sacrifice in order to destroy him.

In the end, he was killed by Li Lingtian, and Xuanyin Qiao became Li Lingtian's only top-grade innate artifact.

Xuanyin mace appeared in front of him, and the heavy sense of gravity burst out, just like a mace could shake and destroy mountains.

Seeing that Li Lingtian not only did not intend to open the teleportation array, but sacrificed the top-grade congenital artifact, the look on Linghu Ying's face changed, and looked at Li Lingtian solemnly, not knowing what Li Lingtian was going to do.

You're not going to kill people and kill her, just kill her together.

"This seat is a capricious person?"

When Li Lingtian saw Linghuying, she knew Linghuying thought she would shoot her.

So he said lightly, when he spoke, Jiutian Divine Power burst out, the destroyed Jiutian Divine Power filled the space, and finally condensed in Li Lingtian's hands.

With one hand, Xuanyin held it in his hand.

At the moment of grasping Xuanyin Qiao, Xuanyin Qiao broke out the power of top-grade innate artifacts, the blessing of nine days of divine power, Xuanyin Qiao also showed its terrifying power.

I saw that Xuanyinqai turned into a domineering weapon with a length of thousands of meters and a size of tens of meters.

Li Lingtian held a dazzling tone, his eyes dignified.


A roar sounded, the figure rose into the sky, the whole person was suspended in the air, and Xuanyin struck fiercely into the distance.

Suddenly, the power of Xuanyin's destruction directly split the void into two halves, and finally bombarded **** the light curtain.



With a terrifying muffled sound, Li Lingtian's body shook up, and finally fell down fiercely towards the ground. Fortunately, he stabilized his body in the air, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The light curtain defense of the Star Palace made a clicking sound, and finally a tear was ripped out by the gravity of the destruction of the Xuanyin machine. The mouth appeared, and the light curtain continued to tremble.

Seeing this situation, Linghuying also knew what was going on.

Without the slightest hesitation, the earth elf with the ingenious artifact in his hand waved, and the power of the innate artifact suddenly burst out, and the terrifying power bombarded towards the crack of the light curtain.



There was a loud noise, and the light curtain disappeared.

The entire light curtain turned into fragments, and finally disappeared.

Li Lingtian landed on the ground, put away the dazzling sound, with a faint smile on his face, reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked into the air. This light curtain no longer existed, and even if someone came in, it could not be opened. Teleportation can also leave here to find other ways to leave.

Linghu Ying's cold face showed a rare smile.

When Li Lingtian spoke, she knew that Li Lingtian was not dealing with her. As for what she did, she did not know.

She knows Li Lingtian's character and Li Lingtian's style of doing things.

It is also known that Li Lingtian is different from other strong men and will not play any conspiracy.

Naturally, he will not kill his partner after killing Si Kongtianyi.

Until I saw Li Lingtian playing a dazzling sound, he bombarded the light curtain, and immediately understood Li Lingtian's meaning. He didn't want other powerhouses to be trapped here and destroyed the light curtain to help other trapped powerhouses.

The light curtain disappeared, Li Lingtian operated the exercises for a week, and the injury was stabilized. This injury was only the vibrating force when he played the dazzling sound of the bombardment of the light curtain, and it did not cause much harm.

After taking a rest, cast the spell to open the teleportation array.

A series of deciding methods were displayed, and finally the deciding method fell on the altar of the teleportation array. Suddenly, a strong blue and white light radiated from the teleportation array. The light was dazzling, and it looked magical.

The light rises into the sky, the size of a thousand kilometers.

boom! boom!

Above the teleportation array, there was also a booming sound at this time.

Hearing this sound, Li Lingtian glanced at Linghu Ying, and his body flew into the light as soon as he flashed, and Linghu Ying also entered the light, just a few seconds after the two entered the light, the roar of the teleportation array The voice is even more powerful.

After the last muffled sound, the light disappeared, the whole world regained its quietness, and the front of the altar was extremely quiet. There was no slight change. Li Lingtian and Linghuying had disappeared.


The fairy land is vast and no one knows how big the fairy land is.

It is only roughly divided into four huge areas, the four areas centered on the Qingyuan sea area.

These four areas are east of the fairy land, south of the fairy land, north of the fairy land, and west of the fairy land.

The East of Immortal Territory is a gathering place of human power. There are countless forces, large and small. The biggest force is one palace, two palaces, three guilds, and four empires. These forces are the giants of the East of Immortal Territory.

The South of Immortal Territory is a paradise for mankind. There is no power in this place, only alliances formed by the strong, but these alliances do not control the strong under the same power as the forces, but only do some basic constraints. And benefit protection.

Moreover, the main purpose of the alliance is to mediate and arbitrate the grievances among the strong.

Here, there are countless large and small alliances, there are a few people in the small, hundreds of thousands and even more in the big. The most powerful are the top ten leagues.

The north of the fairy land is dominated by other races. There are elf races, dwarf races, giant races, mountain demon races, etc., known as the territory of the hundred races. There are more than one hundred races in this place.

The races that live here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are inherently repulsive to human beings, there are battles between races, but they will all resist human entry.

The three places are inhabited by humans and other races, but only the West of the Immortal Territory has no humans and souls, because here is the endless sea area, or here is the source and end of the Qingyuan Sea area.

And there are countless unknown dangers here, and there are no strongmen who dare to enter.

Besides, three places in Xianyu are enough to live, there is no need to go to the west of Xianyu.

Where there are souls, there is competition for fighting, especially in Immortal Territory, because Immortal Territory is a paradise for the powerful continents of the Shenwu Continent. The most powerful are all here. The strongmen gather together. Naturally, fighting and fighting are indispensable.

However, even if it is fighting and fighting, in such a sea-like world, there can be no huge waves at all.

Although there have been wars in the fairyland for countless thousands of years, there have been no major changes, and no race wars have occurred, except for the war between the demon and human races thousands of years ago. R1148

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