War God Supreme

Chapter 1764: Dragon Slaughter

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Just as Li Lingtian's words fell, a mysterious muffled noise appeared in the sky.

This muffled noise is not an attack from a strong man or a mythical beast, but an auspicious sign.

In the void, the dark clouds spin like it is rolling down from the void. Although there is a distance of tens of thousands of miles from them, they still give them a strong oppressive force.

The waters tremble uncomfortably.

All this is unusual.

Li Lingtian looked at the change of the void, the look on his face changed, and his heart shook. Such a situation is definitely something that has to happen in front.

Immediately, she looked towards the woman in the distance.

After seeing Li Lingtian's words, the middle-aged woman was stunned.

She could not think of such a young human being, who had the courage to speak in front of her, and the look on her face was calm and relaxed, without any slight pressure.

While curious, the muffled sound of the void changed her face, and looked at the void in the distance. After seeing the change of the void, the whole person became anxious.

In this way, it was obvious that something happened inside, and it was also related to her.

Few people in the demon clan will hide their inner changes, and everything will be revealed on their faces, as is this Yuanbo Dragon.

"Humanity, give you three seconds, and if you don't detour from here, I will tear you apart."




Yuan Bozhi's dragon looked at Li Lingtian's eyes, and the human in front of him found something.

At this time, there can be no further delay.

When speaking, the terrifying power of the whole body was revealed, and the surrounding space was constantly shaking and shattering.

With both hands waving, a terrifying dragon qi appeared in the hand. When the dragon qi appeared, the entire void began to tremble unsteadily, and the fairy spirit of space also continually coagulated.

In the eyes, looking at Li Lingtian, the three numbers were counted backwards, but seeing Li Lingtian did not move at all.

Neither planned to run nor planned to escape, which made Yuan Long's dragon feel a little puzzled, but she did not hesitate at all, the dragon qi in her hand instantly condensed into a few meters in size, and finally bombarded Li Lingtian fiercely. Here.

The dragon spirit swept the fairy spirit in the space, and the space shattered into a passage.

If you are hit by this group of dragon qi, even the half-goddess great consummation will be injured even if it is not dead, let alone a young man in the late half-god.

"Frozen Miles."

"Flame eats the sky."

Watching the ruined dragon gas light group bombard through the space of hundreds of miles, the look on Li Lingtian's face was calm, but his heart was shocked. Such power is much stronger than the general semi-deity peak consummation strong man.

And it can be seen that although this dragon-qi light group is not as pure as his dragon-qi, it is much more powerful than his holy dragon. The power of the holy dragon wants to please in front of this dragon-qi, it is simply delusion.

Seeing the ruined dragon air bombarded, the smile on Li Lingtian's face was even more intense.

However, at this moment a terrifying horror power broke out all over the body. The whole person was completely different from the previous one. If it was an ordinary youth, then now it is a powerful true god.

Ice power and flame power burst out at this moment.

Li Lingtian's eyes looked coldly at the dragon air that was sweeping from him, and he waved it with one hand. A horrible ice dragon was bombarded out, and the pure nine-day divine power carried the air of destruction.


With a loud bang, the dragon air and the ice dragon were bombarded together. Under the muffled sound, the dragon air was imprisoned by the ice power and instantly became a glacier.

Just when the glacier was formed, the dragon gas had struggled to destroy the glacier, penetrated the glacier through a cracked channel, and rolled straight towards Li Lingtian. This is the real power.

Even at the point where Li Lingtian's cultivation is now, and the display of pure ice power, it is impossible to completely imprison this group of dragon spirits.

However, a little imprisonment is enough.

Even when Li Lingtian exhibited the first ice supernatural power, a flame supernatural power bombarded him fiercely.

The blaze of magical powers, a blaze of flames with a size of 100 meters, rolled towards the dragon air, and the entire space seemed to be burned.

The sea water in the sea area was also boiled, and countless powerful sea beasts were directly destroyed.



Space, fragmented.

When the dragon air penetrated the Wanli Glacier, the flame light ball of the flames bombarded the dragon air beam.

With a loud explosion, Wanli Glacier turned into ice debris, and the sea churned.

Dragon energy, smoke disappeared, flames of light, and the world that passed through the ice debris unprecedentedly, bombarded towards the dragon of Yuanbo. The speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, the light ball of flame divine power rolled to the dragon of Yuanbo. before.

The divine power of destruction shattered the space for thousands of miles. Li Lingtian stood on the spaceship and stepped out in one step. When it appeared again, he was already behind the blaze of flames hundreds of miles away.

With one hand stretched out, horrible pure divine power is emitted from the right hand. The divine power makes the flame light ball more powerful.

The whole person, the flame sacred body unfolded, pushed the flame light ball and crushed fiercely on the Yuanbo Dragon.


With a muffled sound, Yuan Bolong's dragon was flung out by the fierce light ball of flame.

The body is constantly subjected to the erosion of flame divine power, and the corners of the mouth are also stained with blood, which is very ugly.

She did not expect this young man to be so terrifying. If the two were judged before and after, he was still an ordinary young man in the late half of the **** realm. When he started, he became the supreme true god.

Faced with this devastating flame light ball, the look of Yuanbozhilong's face was terrified, the horror cultivation was all unfolded, the defense was exerted to the extreme, and he resisted fiercely on the flame light ball.

But she still underestimated the power of the flame ball of light, and the whole person was directly crushed and thrown out.

Fortunately, the dragon's defense and physique are against the sky, otherwise it will disappear in front of this blaze of flame.

A stroke of bombardment struck the wounded Yuanlong Dragon, Li Lingtian suspended in the air and stopped. His right hand was in control of the blaze of flame. The blaze of flame was getting smaller and smaller, and finally only looked like two seconds.

The whole person was suspended in the air, and the flaming ball of light turned in Li Lingtian's palm, which seemed extremely overbearing.

What shocked Yuan Long's dragon was that Li Lingtian's left hand appeared a dark blue light group. This light group was naturally formed from the ice power, the left hand ice power, and the right hand flame power.

The two extremes were completely gathered to reach the extreme point. The ice power and the flame power were constantly repelled in the air, but there was continuous fusion. Two worlds appeared behind Li Lingtian, an ice-cold world about ten miles in size, and one ten miles. The world of flames, big and small, merged when the two worlds appeared.

The whole space is flooded with death and destruction, and the sea area is constantly boiling and freezing.

At this moment, Li Lingtian is completely a true **** suspended in the air, looking at Yuan Long's dragon's eyes, with all kind of scorn and disdain.

"A little weaker."

"Take out your true skills, otherwise it will be too late to regret."

Li Lingtian looked at Yuan Bolong's dragon, and was more and more satisfied with his cultivation ability.

The control of divine power is also handy. During the shot, the powerful supernatural powers are all hand in hand. There is no reluctance. When the ice power and the flame power just worked, it was also a matter of divine thought.

"who are you?"

"Did it also come here?"

"You guys are really ubiquitous, everything has to be inserted."

Yuan Bolong’s dragon looked at Li Lingtian from afar, and his body's dragon spirit reached the extreme, but his eyes could not hide his fear of Li Lingtian. Just a move, although he did not exert the most terrifying magical power, but such a move is enough. Let the general semi-divine realm complete the disappearance of human beings.

However, I never imagined that instead of killing this human being, I was injured by this human being. The young man in front of me was so terrified that the powerful breath is simply not controlled by ordinary human beings. Only the super strong can have it.

Encountered such a perverted strong, she did not dare to carelessly.

While speaking, my eyes looked at the void in the distance from time to time, and I was anxious.

"This Li Lingtian."

"It seems that something really happened here."

"It's a good look at this seat."

Li Lingtian had a faint smile on his face. The dragon of Yuanyuan did not have the slightest ambition, and the secret here was exposed between words. Although he didn't say what was the matter, he said that there was something in this place.

It is definitely not easy to make such a powerful Yuanbo Dragon so valued.

Coupled with the illusion of the void, it was even more certain that something unusual happened here, and a trace of curiosity rose in my heart.

The figure flashed, and the ruined ice light sphere and flame light sphere swiftly walked towards the dragon dragon ridge of Chaoyuan. At the same time, the hands merged fiercely, a beam of light was formed, and the beam of light followed closely. Behind two light balls.

Moreover, Li Lingtian's figure flew away in the direction of Yuan Bolong's dragon. Wherever he passed, the Nine Heavens divine power stirred the void, and the entire void and sea area were constantly torn apart.


Yuan Bolong's dragon saw Li Lingtian's hands, the power of destruction made her heart tremble, and she was terrified.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, it was too late to escape, and roared again, and turned into a dragon, a demon strong, only when it turned into a deity.

Yuan Bolong's dragon, the most powerful power is displayed at this time.

The huge tail bombarded two light **** fiercely, and suddenly the space shattered.


The destructive ice divine light sphere and flame divine light sphere were instantly destroyed in front of the huge tail, but Yuanlong's dragon was also scarred, and the huge body flew out.

At this moment, Guangzhu penetrated through the space and bombarded Yuanlong's dragon fiercely.

Within 10,000 miles of the entire sea, the ice power, the flaming power, and the destruction of the dragon gas drowned all the tens of thousands of miles, and there was no way to see what was inside.

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