War God Supreme

Chapter 1771: Invisible agreement

"Four great empires, I believe there will be no war now. [For more exciting novels please visit]"

"Will there be a fight between the three great guilds, there will be only one palace and two halls in the east of Immortal Territory.

"The deity has been retreating and cultivating all these years, and doesn't know much about the following things, but the deity can believe that these things should be specially picked up by someone."

"Although the Temple of God Punishment and the Palace of the East Emperor have been competing to suppress, the deity can take a step back and try not to worry about the Temple of the East Emperor.

Aotian supreme, a trace of pride appeared on his face.

His cultivation strength is definitely the existence of the top five in the fairy field. In his memory, he never gave in, but this time, he has to take a step back.

As the supreme of the Temple of Punishment, some small beatings are inevitable.

But the super strong, he has absolute control.

As long as the superpowers do not participate in the war, and save these strengths, even if they play harder, they will not affect the fundamentals.

"If the East of Immortal Territory is too calm, it will definitely attract the attention of the Devil."

"This king has a word, as long as we control the core strength, don't care about the following things. This is also what the world is said by His Excellency Ling Tian, ​​what it used to look like now."

"Even, we can create some unrest and help him."

"What do you think?"

Hai Sheng Yao Wang opened his mouth, with a trace of madness on his face.

"Hisense is right."

The Yanlong demon king nodded his head and expressed his approval of the Haisheng demon king.

"Well, this is not bad."

"As long as things are in our hands."

Shenyang Supreme smiled, he naturally knew what was going on.

All of them here are old foxes. They are crazy to do things and can count people as dead.

"Actually, in the Shenwu Continent, they should have coexisted peacefully."

"It doesn't matter whether you are killed or killed below, because this is the law of the world, as long as the general direction is controlled."

"Regardless of whether or not the Devil Clan arrives, the strong men above the peak of the Semi-Divine Realm should not participate in the race."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, seeing the appearance of these supreme and demon kings, naturally knew that these guys would not lie.

After all, at the level of their cultivation, standing at the pinnacle of Shenwu Continent, fame and fortune are things outside of their bodies. They even know that if Shenwu Continent is gone, they will not have a foothold even if they are strong.

"Your human race, just one Ling Tian is okay."

"Where do you care about such an old ghost as you."

Divine Demon King glanced at Shengyuan Supreme and snorted coldly.

"You old bird is not a good thing."

Shengyuan Supreme is not weak. The two have always been old opponents.

However, it is impossible for the two to defeat each other, and the thousands of years old opponents, the wars and wars have basically become friends. You have to know that if you live for thousands of years, you are accompanied by the enemy, the biggest enemy It is loneliness, and the real companion is his opponent. An opponent who has accompanied him for thousands of years is the most rare.

"Let them go."

"Leave the two best."

Li Lingtian looked at the battle between Shengyuan Supreme and Divine Demon King, and a smile appeared on his face.

Envying the two in my heart is like a god-like enemy and friend, and an enemy like a friend is also lucky for a lifetime.

Then the eyes looked at the eleven strong men below. The look on the faces of the eleven strong men was ugly. They did not dare to escape, but they did not know how to live or die.

Such a situation is simply the most painful torture.

"Okay, it's up to Your Excellency Ling Tian to handle this matter."

The Sea Eclipse Demon nodded and said to Li Lingtian.

The other three supreme and four demon kings also looked at Li Lingtian and signaled such a thing as Li Lingtian to solve. They also wanted to see how Li Lingtian could solve such a thing.

"Then solve it here."

Li Lingtian did not ponder, knowing the thoughts of these guys.

He promised to come down and waved with one hand, the mask formation disappeared.

All the Supreme and the Demon King left each other and returned to their original places, watching Li Lingtian waiting for Li Lingtian to deal with the matter in front of him, all with a curious look.

"This seat has been discussed with the eight Excellencies."

"You hand over eleven beads of chemistry."

"It is safe to leave by handing over the Pearl of Nature, but the news cannot be spread. If the news is spread, even if you leave the Shenwu Continent, you and others will pull you out."

"However, I can give you a chance. Two of you can get the Pearl of Nature, but it depends on your ability."

Li Lingtian's body flickered and came over the eleven strong men.

His eyes glanced at the eleven strong men, and then said lightly.

"Never let the news leak underneath."

"Thank you Lord Lingtian."

"Thank you, Lord Demon King."

"Thank you Supreme Master."

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Shoo..."

The eleven strong men also knew the situation in front of them. If Li Lingtian didn't show up, their ending would be all gone.

However, they did not expect Li Lingtian to show sympathy for some people they didn't know, but now, they dare not hesitate, otherwise they will cause displeasure to the people above, and they cannot leave if they want to leave.

There are still some expectations in my heart, because there are at least two opportunities, not only will not fall here, but also get a chance of a pearl of fortune.

So, they all thanked Li Lingtian and several demon kings supremely.

After thanking him, he hurled the pearl of nature towards Li Lingtian.

The eleven pearls of fortune came to Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian did not do anything. His eyes looked towards the pearl of fortune, and the pearl of fortune immediately flew away towards the five demon kings and three supremes.

Each demon king and supreme received a chemical orb, and the remaining three, he charged one, and two suspended in front of him.

Eyes, carefully looked at the chemical pearl, this chemical pearl is nothing strange, the multicolored color on it, the Ambilight, is somewhat similar to his previous multicolored spirit beads.

Feeling all eyes fixed on him, he didn't hesitate anymore. One-handed stroke, a mysterious dharma landed on the Pearl of Nature, and the Pearl of Nature was imprisoned in the air, the glory remained.

Shot, chic, elegant, magical.

It makes people look envious, but one-handed but not envious, because this is the strength of Tianjin Division.

However, what they are curious about now is how Li Lingtian will deal with the two beads of chemistry, and if the two beads of chemistry are given to people casually, it will be a bit eccentric and casual.

Moreover, the eleven strong men are three races, but there are only two beads of chemistry. For any two races, the other race is unhappy. The only thing is to let the strong wars below win two beads of chemistry.


"Hoo, hoo!"

What puzzled the strong players was that Li Lingtian did not speak at all, but came to show his decision.

However, watching Li Lingtian's decision was shocked.

The action looks like flowing water, and the sky is full of beautiful light and shadow because of the traces left by the formation method. The entire void is trembling and changing in front of the method.

Gradually, a light curtain with a size of a hundred miles appeared in the air.

The blue and white light curtain looks amazing.

Li Lingtian finished his decision, his face was dull.

"Eleven of you, enter this, and finally leave the two here, you can get these two beads of fortune."

After doing everything, he yelled at the eleven strong men.

He naturally has his way to prevent these strong men from killing each other, and can see the strength of these strong men.

If these strong men can stand up in front of his nine-day divine power, they can prove their true strength.


The expression on the faces of the eleven strong men became a bit stunned. They all thought that Li Lingtian would embarrass them with the formation method.

But there was no choice, and the figure flashed into the light curtain.

After entering the light curtain, I realized that this array of light curtains can enter and exit at will, without any prohibition.

The five demon kings and the three supremes are also curiously looking at Li Lingtian. If you trap these strong men with a line, it is really a way to leave. It is also a means and strength.

"This light curtain is just a simple formation."

"You can go in and out freely, without any prohibition. If you can't bear the means of this seat, you can leave here at any time, leaving the last two to get the beads of chemistry."

"If you want to trap you with this position, you will be too little to see this seat, haha."

After Li Lingtian waited for the eleven strong men to enter, he said aloud and laughed when he had finished speaking.

It's not that he despised these strong men. If he really got into his line, it would be impossible to get it out. These strong men are not worthy of him to use the lineup to deal with them.

Hearing Li Lingtian's words~www.wuxiaspot.com~Several supreme and demon kings, as well as the strong men in the array light curtain, are shocked, with a curious look on their faces. By.

You have to know that even if the eleven strong men are not the opponents of the Supreme and the Demon King, there is still a chance in the face of a late half god.

However, after seeing Li Lingtian's actions, everyone was shocked, and the look on his face gradually changed.

I saw Li Lingtian swiped in the void with one hand, and suddenly the whole person's breath and momentum changed. The original bland and non-existent breath and momentum burst out at this moment.

The terrifying momentum and power are shocking and frightening.

Because, Li Lingtian is full of powerful and unparalleled divine power. The divine power is pure and terrifying. They are more powerful than them. They are countless powerful, and there is no more than one level between the two.

Li Lingtian, the five-element primordial body in his body worked, and the Nine Heavens Divine Power burst out. The Great Complete Nine Heavens Divine Power suddenly shuddered in space, and the sea area was tumbling when the destroyed Nine Heavens Divine Power appeared.


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