War God Supreme

Chapter 1774: Fairyland South

"The Pearl of Creation!"

"Door of fortune!"

Above the spaceship, Li Ling sat cross-legged. In front of him, a multicolored light and shadow were suspended. Among the light and shadow was a colorful bead. Yes, this is the pearl of chemistry. network

I started looking at it again, but nothing was found.

After leaving the five demon kings and three supremes, Li Lingtian hides in the air, and finally kills that black figure.

Then he drove the fast flight of the spacecraft. After flying tens of millions of miles, Li Lingtian was at ease here.

I was still shocked by what I just encountered in the sea.

Unexpectedly, there were five demon kings and three supremes gathered in this sea area, and there are so many people who are super powerful in demigod realm. If it is a war, even if he is a true god, he will only fall in that place.

Fortunately, in the end, he successfully got the Pearl of Nature and left safely.

All this is like an illusion.

Looking at the pearl of chemistry in front of him, the look on his face kept changing. This pearl of chemistry carried a magical power in it, specifically, a power that had nothing to do with the attack power, and the power of unclear ambiguity.

Now, he doesn't know what the power of this bead of nature is against the sky, because there is only one bead of nature here, and a total of thirty-three beads of nature must be gathered before he can enter the door of benevolence and play its role. The real power of the Pearl of Nature.

However, it took five years for this door of nature to give him time.

In the past five years, it was just time to solve other things. After five years, we will go to the gate of nature. At that time, we will really compete for the nature of the world.

"This door to fortune has been heard before, but I didn't expect it to be true at all."

Bei Mingxue and others stood behind Li Lingtian, and after Li Lingtian looked over, he said seriously.

After knowing the identity of this pearl of creation, I was shocked. It is necessary to know this pearl of creation, but it is the object chased by the top powers of the Shenwu Continent. , Achievement of the supremacy of soaring heaven and earth.

Although it is only a glimmer of hope, such a martial continent strongman's last hope.

It was originally ten million years ago, as long as it reached the peak of the semi-god realm, you can get Heavenly Tribulation and ascend to the Realm to become the true God, but after ten million years of war, all this has become a fantasy.

Strangle the hopes of all the strong men, and no more strong men will ascend to heaven.

Moreover, it is said that the Gate of Fortune can break the shackles of Shenwu Continent. I don’t know if it is true, but it is also an opportunity and hope. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

"It is true that the gate of fortune is true, it depends on five years later."

"Hopefully five years later, we can open the door to nature."

"I don't worry about the other, just worry about the demon."

Li Lingtian said quietly, his face calm, and then the pearl of chemistry was put away.

Be calm and start thinking about the things behind.

It is best to anticipate what I worry about in my heart, but over the years, many things have slowly surfaced, and they have a relationship with the Devil.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​you are the first division of Shenwu Continent."

"Build a warship, sweep all demons, and destroy all the demons of Youzhou."

Tang Zimeng smiled to Li Lingtian.

We all know that Li Lingtian's position is unparalleled, and the battleships he built before are extremely powerful.

Relying on Li Lingtian's current position and cultivation practice, the warships were built to form an invincible battleship group, sweeping the world and annihilating the demons. In this way, the demons will no longer talk.

"General demons, the three races have the opportunity to resist."

"However, the Demon Race was ambitious towards the Shenwu Continent thousands of years ago. Although it was finally defeated by the three major races, the Demon Race did not give up the Shenwu Continent. Over the years, the Demon Race has been watching."

"Now that they have learned the lessons of tens of millions of years ago, they will naturally learn the lessons. Ten thousand years of time have passed, and now it is time to start again. It should be a great grasp."

"Moreover, there are not many strong players in Shenwu Continent now. If the Devil Clan comes with a few super strong players, Shenwu Continent will still be unable to resist. Therefore, it is the final peak strongman who really wins or loses."

Li Lingtian stood up, with a smile on his face, reached out and stroked Tang Zimeng's face, and said lightly.

Even the Demon Race has extremely high intelligence, not inferior to humans.

Even, the devil has always regarded humans as ants, and its wisdom and strength are stronger than humans.

They have learned for thousands of years, and naturally they will not repeat the same mistakes.

Besides, the demons were not really defeated by humans. No one knew the secrets of it. He didn’t even know about Li Lingtian, but he knew a little bit. The three major races are comparable.

"By Ling Tian, ​​what are your plans for this trip to the south of Xianyu and the north of Xianyu?"

"If these things are related to the Demon Race, what would you do."

Huang Fu Yuyan looked at Li Lingtian and asked key questions. This is what they most wanted to know. I don't know how Li Lingtian would deal with these things.

According to Li Lingtian's character and habits, he will not be passive.

"If it is really related to the Demon Race, then what Mengmeng said will become true."

"Instead of letting the Demon Race disturb the Shenwu Continent, it is better to disturb this seat."

"Build a group of warships, sweep the Shenwu Continent, and flatten the Youzhou Demon Race. At that time, you will compete with the Devil Super Powers. You cannot delay the time. If you delay the time, it will be the Shenwu Continent."

Li Lingtian exuded a slight momentum, and the look on his face became confident.

As long as you understand these things yourself, you will work hard to improve your strength, build battleships, and prepare for a real battle with the Devil.

It used to be like this in Qingzhou, in Cangzhou, and in Xuanzhou.

Naturally, it is also possible to face the powerful Demon Race now, and it is more crazy and violent than before.

As a man, he is naturally passionate, and he is naturally belligerent. When facing a strong enemy, he must stand at the forefront and fight with the enemy. In the previous life, you can only think about it, but you can do it in this life.

"The best thing is that the devil should not come too early."

Tang Qingyue was happy to see Li Lingtian, and this was the man she liked.

"Another problem is that if the demons invade, it must be everywhere. That way, it is not conducive to control unless every place has a strong commander."

Nangong Mingyue also said, Shenmu Continent, Qingzhou, Youzhou, Cangzhou, Xuanzhou, Shenzhou, are not in one place.

Moreover, the heaven domain and the immortal domain of Shenzhou are not together. If there are demons everywhere when the demons appear, then the entire Shenwu Continent is a battlefield, which is not conducive to the Shenwu Continent.

"In recent years, our time is very tight."

"It is necessary to observe the situation in the south of the fairy field and the north of the fairy field, and there is also the gate of fortune."

"And, I have to go to the Sky Devil Tower."

Li Lingtian nodded, and what Nangong Mingyue said was the most difficult problem to solve at the moment.

None of these things can be solved by human power. The outbreak of war is the matter of the entire Shenwu Continent. The entire Shenwu Continent is a battlefield, and no one can avoid it.

Next, Li Lingtian and others drove the spacecraft to fly over the sea quickly.

I don’t know what method the eight demon kings used. The powerful sea beasts in the Qingyuan sea area disappeared. Even if Li Lingtian occasionally saw these sea beasts, these sea beasts did not attack the spacecraft of Li Lingtian and others.

At this point, Li Lingtian naturally knew it was the command of the demon king.

It is normal to meet some small sea beasts and monsters.

Therefore, the spacecraft has not been attacked by a powerful attack, flying safely all the way.

For three months, Li Lingtian switched to the Emperor's chariot, quickly punctured the void and flew towards the edge of the sky. After three months, he finally flew out of the Qingyuan waters.

Leaving the depths of the Qingyuan sea area, and using the spaceship, he came to the ten unique alliances on the edge of the Qingyuan sea area.

Ten Jue Alliance, one of the ten alliances in the south of Immortal Territory, is extremely powerful.

For the ten unique alliances, that is, an alliance headed by ten super powerfuls. The ten super powerfuls are known as ten uniques.

There are hundreds of thousands of strong people in the entire Ten Jue Alliance, and in the south of the Immortal Territory, there is definitely a Big Mac. However, although the Sanxu Alliance is an alliance, it is not a force, and it will not be because of some things and others. The Alliance War is just a arbitration stop.

However, the strong men who can enter the top ten leagues are all elites among the elites, and countless strong men are proud to be able to enter the top ten leagues.

Naturally, there are exceptions, and there are countless powerful individuals who go it alone and do not join the alliance.

In the south of Xianyu, the city has its own name, just like the east of Xianyu. Each city has countless alliance strongmen.

No matter when, the name of your alliance will not be revealed, because even the name of the alliance will be useless, because the alliance will not work with other alliances because of personal problems, and the existence of the alliance is not strong. Backstage.

It is just a unified management, not to let the southern chaos of Immortal Territory become a mess.

Even if there are grudges between the strong among the alliances, they are all about appointments and will involve the alliance, but the alliance behind the strong will come forward ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to ensure that the appointments are fair.

However, with the passage of time, the existence of the loose-repair alliance slowly changed and became dominant.

There is also open battle between the alliances. They all want to be the top ten alliances. The top ten alliances want to be the first existence. Gradually, the situation in the south of the fairyland is becoming more and more chaotic.

There are often alliance wars. The alliance wars are dozens, hundreds, or even tens of thousands of people.

In every battle, countless powerful men disappeared.

With the passage of time, such things have become more and more common, so that the powerful people in the south of the fairy field do not feel the slightest security, and they have become more and more serious in recent years.

The changes in the South of the Fairyland have made the South of the Fairyland no longer a paradise for free repairs, but have become a force to fight and chase the corner.

This is even more true of the Ten Unique Alliances.

Ten Jue Alliance is also the first super league to participate in the competition. R1148


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