War God Supreme

Chapter 1777: Royal Finger

Nine Guardians heard Li Lingtian's name, and his face suddenly appeared shocked.

The first demon of Li Lingtian Shenwu on the first day of the continent, the reputation of the Supreme Divine Pill Master, no one knows no one knows.

Before the appearance of the magic energy, he was a strong player in the Ten Jue Alliance, and naturally knew Li Lingtian's existence.

I just didn't expect Li Lingtian to come to the south of Immortal Territory and appeared in front of him. I felt something bad in my heart, but I thought of my current cultivation as a strength, even if Li Lingtian was in evil spirits, it was just a late strongman.

After he reached the peak of the semi-god realm and mastered the magic energy, he did not take Li Lingtian in his eyes at all.

Not to mention Li Lingtian in the late half of the **** realm, even if it is the Top Ten Supreme Master of Immortal Realm, he is confident to defeat it.

Moreover, there is still a great opportunity. If the first demon of Shenwu Continent, the first day array division, and the supreme Divine Pill Master Li Lingtian are destroyed into puppets, it will be able to crack down on human confidence.

He can also get the reward and trust from the Demon Race. Such an opportunity is simply a pie in the sky.


When the sound of Nine Guardians fell, a destructive gas appeared in his hands.

The gas of the true demon turned into a huge dragon, and bombarded Li Lingtian fiercely. In an instant, the space was torn to form a huge channel. In a blink of an eye, the destroyed dragon came to Li Lingtian.

Seeing the magic dragon was about to devour Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian waved with one hand, the Dageng Excalibur in his hand broke out a golden ruin of destruction, and with the power of the sword domain, he severely cut it out.


A click sounded, and the golden edge fell on the giant dragon. I saw that the dragon stopped before Li Lingtian 100 meters, and finally it was divided into two halves. After that, the smoke disappeared into the sky where the magic energy dissipated.

At the same time, the golden edge of the Dageng Excalibur bombarded the unchallenged Chaojiu Guardian and directly pierced the space, just like a golden glow, giving people a feeling of destruction.

Seeing this situation, the look on Jiu Hufa's face changed, and Li Lingtian's strength exceeded his imagination.

"Yu Shenzhi!"

He still hasn't discovered that Li Lingtian has already achieved his divine body, and his divine power has been consummated.

Watching the ruined golden frontier bombarded him, he no longer dared to carelessly, and pointed a bit, suddenly a dark finger force bombarded Li Lingtian's golden frontier.

The finger force penetrates the void, and the speed is extremely fast. Wherever it passes, the space becomes a void.



The golden sharp edge, the imperial finger, bombarded together with two attacks.

Suddenly, the golden edge was destroyed and shattered, and the God of God directed straight at Li Lingtian and shot. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

The imperial deity refers to the creation of the Demon Race specifically for human beings and the Heavenly Tribulation Powerful True God Powerhouse. The Demon Race Powerhouse creates powerhouses that destroy humans and true gods above. The Powerful Powerhouse of Humanity is to create a magical power to destroy the Devil Race.

Nine Guardians became a puppet of the Demon Clan. With his strength as a cultivation base, he also has a very high status in the Shenwu Continental Demon Clan. Naturally, after becoming a Demon Cultivator, he practiced the Demon Clan's skills and controlled the Demon Clan's supernatural powers. The quenched body of Devil's Air.

Devil qi, penetrating power and erosive power are all terrifying. Finger strength is the most terrifying existence among all kinds of magical powers. Demon magical powers and magical powers are even more powerful.

In a blink of an eye, Yushenzhi destroyed the golden edge of Dageng's sword and went straight to Li Lingtian.

"The realm of earth!"

"Three thousand defenses!"

During the war, Li Lingtian entered the state, even in the face of a weak warrior.

I was shocked when I saw the overbearing imperial lord's finger. The look on my face changed, my consciousness moved, the realm of earth unfolded, and hundreds of earth walls appeared in front of me.

Among the five elements, the soil system is the thickest and is famous for its defense.

Among his defenses, three thousand defenses are one of the most powerful. Hundreds of earth walls are the most effective for penetrating attacks.



The imperial **** means that the power of destruction quickly destroys the earth wall.

"Heaven sword unites!"

At the same time as Li Lingtian finished the earthen wall, the Dageng Excalibur in his hand waved out, and suddenly a huge swordman's ruin burst out, carrying the power of the sword domain.

He naturally would not think that the earth wall can resist the imperial finger.

With a soft drink, the ruined golden swordmanship bombarded fiercely.

Jianmang landed in front of the last soil wall.



The imperial deity refers to the penetration of the earth wall, and the power is also weakened by half. When leaving the earth wall, there is little power left.

Li Lingtian's cultivation was promoted, all aspects were sublimated, and any supernatural powers were transformed into magic.

Although the Yushenzhi is powerful, it resists a part of the force in front of Li Lingtian's Jianmang. When penetrating the earth wall, it consumes most of its strength. When it breaks away from the earth wall, it has little power left.

With a loud bang, the imperial god's fingers disappeared, and the sword sword that Dageng's sword destroyed was bombarded towards the other party.

In the same way, the remaining power of the sword awns of the Dageng Excalibur is also very few. The Nine Guardians can easily block it, and the sword awns collapse and disappear.

The two were at great speed, and the speed was extremely fast, and they had already fought a few tricks in a flash.

"Nine Heavens Tribulation!"

Li Lingtian looked at Jiu Hu Fa coldly, and his killing intention reached the extreme.

The Nine Heavens Divine Power of the whole body was revealed. After the Nine Heavens Divine Power appeared, the Nine Heavens Divine Power also exploded.

Suddenly, the magic energy within a thousand miles of the circle was swayed, and his hands were stroked in front of him. The Nine Heavens God Tribulation was exhibited. The Nine Heavens God Tribulation was one of Li Lingtian's most powerful killers.



In the air, the explosions of destruction continued, and hundreds of millions of thunder and lightning arcs bombarded towards the Nine Guards.

At this time, even in the world of magical energy, the Nine Heavens Tribulation also exploded its greatest power, changing the color between heaven and earth.

"Nine Heavens Divine Power!"

"Heavens are destroyed, destroy them!"

Looking at Li Lingtian's magical powers, the look on Nine Guardians' face changed.

Now, he finally understands why Li Lingtian is so powerful. He has already mastered the horror of divine power.

Facing the horrible magical power, the Nine Guardians shuddered a little, and if they were not careful, even if they were now cultivated to strength, they would be destroyed and dissipated.

No longer dare to hide anything, the demonic qi of destruction spins up, and the demonic qi of the entire world of qi trembles with the skill of Nine Guardians.

In a blink of an eye, I saw a hundred miles of pure magical energy rolling towards Li Lingtian.

There was a supreme magic power in the devil qi. For a time, the entire mountain range shook and collapsed.




The magic power of a hundred miles, bombarded with the power of the Nine Heavens Tribulation, suddenly shivered and torn in space.

Li Lingtian and Jiu Hufa were also completely overwhelmed by the power of the devil qi and the Jiu Tianshen robbery, and they simply couldn’t know the outcome.

In the Devil Qi and the Nine Heavens Tribulation, Li Lingtian’s body unfolded, and a light mask appeared on his body. The mask exuded a mysterious atmosphere, and all the power disappeared and destroyed in front of Li Lingtian automatically.

"Divine Light!"

It was at this time that the power of the Nine Heavens Tribulation and the Devil's Qi were offset, but the Nine Guardians didn't know when a dark scepter appeared, and the Dark Scepter exploded with countless dark and pure qi.

This sudden change made Li Lingtian feel shocked, wanting to use other magical powers to resist this magical energy. It was too late. The consciousness moved, a golden light appeared on his body, and the light of God's blessing burst out.

He has a **** body and a strong defense, but he doesn't want to be hurt a little.

In this place, he must always ensure that he reaches the peak of the heyday, and he must not be hurt a little, otherwise he will not be able to leave this magical world.


There was a muffled sound, and the destructive qi bombarded Li Lingtian.

The light of Divine Blessing collapsed, the defense collapsed, Li Lingtian's body exuded a mysterious glory, and the power of the Divine Body was revealed.

The body shook gently, a smile appeared on his face.

The divine body is the divine body, and the attack of the Shenwu Continent cannot harm him. Unless it is a true divine strongman, even the true divine strongman, it may not be able to hurt him, because his divine body has countless antagonisms.

Besides, there is no true **** in Shenwu Continent. It can also be said that as long as he does not die on his own, few people in Shenwu Continent can break his divine body.

"The gods are dead!"

For the first time to truly show the power of his own body, Li Lingtian was extremely satisfied.

When the **** body resisted the attack from the other party's sudden rise, Li Lingtian had already thought about the magical power of the shot, and his hands were dashed in front of him. Suddenly, a disc-shaped light cluster appeared between the hands.

The light mass appears, the air is twisted and torn, the space trembles, and the magic energy oscillates.

This light group was exhibited by Li Lingtian's nine-day divine power, and it was the last form of the three-stroke peerless supernatural powers at the top of the sky, which required strong divine power to be displayed.

In other words, it is necessary to consummate the divine power to practice.

It can be said that in the last form, the divine spirit is extinguished, and it can only be cultivated if it reaches the cultivation level above the true god. Li Lingtian has not yet reached the true god, even the semi-divine realm is not perfect, but he controls the magic of the true god~www. wuxiaspot.com~ The power of magic! "

Nine Guardians, the expression on his face is constantly changing.

He is the top powerhouse of the Shenwu Continent. Joining the Demon Clan, practicing the magic skills, and becoming more powerful, the experience is also very rich. Naturally, Li Lingtian’s body can be seen at a glance.

In the face of the divine body, even the most powerful supernatural power cannot shake the divine body.

He didn't think of a young man in the late half of the **** realm. Not only did his divine power become perfect, but he also cultivated a divine body, which shocked him beyond recognition.

Looking at Li Lingtian's divine power in front of him, his heart shivered constantly. This was the most terrifying thing he encountered in his life.

At this moment, I can't take care of anything else. All the devil qi is running, the devil qi in the body is running, and the pure and real devil qi in the mountains is also turning.

For a time, the magic energy of the entire mountain range was trembling and tearing, and the momentum was shaking. R1148


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