War God Supreme

Chapter 1790: Horror


"Boom, boom!"

In the air, the golden edgy and horizontal, Li Lingtian's figure flashed quickly. (First published by шщш.щ Novel Network)

Between the shots, there must be a half-divine realm strong fall, even in the later period is a sword destruction, only the half-divine realm peak can conquer Li Lingtian's sword mansions.

For each kill, one storage bag was taken away by Li Lingtian.

More than a dozen semi-godlike pinnacles of the great consummation, chasing Li Lingtian in the back, but Li Lingtian's figure flew directly to the crowded place, and everything he went through was destruction.

Moreover, the powerful divine body, even if it is the attack of the semi-divine realm, is directly ignored, and it cannot shake his divine body at all.

All of a sudden, a scene of slaughter was performed on the Qingyan Tiancheng, and these powerful men who were killed were all demigods.

One and a half gods, the strong, fell like a rain.

There are fewer and fewer powerhouses in the air. The original powerhouses of more than two thousand have become only hundreds of people.

Eight hundred, seven hundred, six hundred!

When the last scream rang out, there were only fourteen semi-god peak pinnacle powerhouses left in the air. When the last late powerhouse was killed, Li Lingtian's body disappeared into the air strangely.

Finally, the space of the strong and the weak became quiet.

But on the ground, there are already countless corpses of strong men, and every strong man is killed with a sword.

The strong man watching from a distance has a pale face and dull eyes.

Fear of all this, this is not a war of the strong, but a war between humans and gods. A group of weak and strong fights against the characters of the true god. The situation below Mingyueju is their end.

The fourteen semi-deity peak pinnacles are strong, and there is no trace of blood on his face.

Such a war has made them trembling and numb.

The most powerful force in the Supreme Heaven Alliance was completely killed by a young man in a moment, and the destruction was lightly described.

There is no supernatural power, only the true ability, with the divine body and divine power, and a long sword, like the vegetable cutting, the two thousand and a half gods of the heavenly league are all killed.

Such a thing is completely beyond the scope of imagination.

From the time they joined forces to crush Li Lingtian with momentum, to the fall of the more than two thousand strong players in the Supreme Alliance, no one met Li Lingtian, let alone injured Li Lingtian. Even if it was hit, it is impossible to destroy Li Lingtian’s body. Divine power.

"Li Lingtian, have the ability to fight us!"

Jun Mo asked that his heart was both angry and frightened, his mouth trembling and his face pale.

In the face of Li Lingtian, he could not even rise a bit of war, and watched the strong men of his supreme heaven alliance being exterminated by Li Lingtian. The targets of the extermination were all the powerful men below the semi-real world late. Hands on the semi-divine realm of the great consummation.

After killing all the powerful men in the latter half of the demi-real world, they disappeared in the air, and there was no trace of him.

They naturally knew that Li Lingtian did not leave, but was adjusting his state, and he would not lose the slightest opportunity when he came out. There were more than a dozen semi-god-top pinnacles of power and perfection in the field, which could not be understood.

When speaking, the other 13-and-a-half God Realm Peak Perfectionists will also exhibit the most powerful magical powers. As long as they find a trace of Li Lingtian, they will perform a magical power that destroys the world and bombards and kills Li Lingtian.

"The realm of earth!"

"Three thousand defenses!"

"Nine Heavens Excalibur, Nine Heavens Sword Formation!"

In the air, quiet, no movement at all.

Even after the voice of Jun Mo asked, there was no response from Li Lingtian.

Fourteen strong men, the magical power of destruction in their hands is already ready.

Time, a second and a second passed, all the strong people's hearts thumped, and they felt a huge oppressive force in this quiet space.

I don't know how long after that, Li Lingtian's voice suddenly sounded, and the voice appeared in the south of Qingyan Tiancheng. This direction is just behind the fourteen semi-god peak pinnacles.

Hearing Li Lingtian's voice ringing in the back, the look of the fourteen strong men's faces changed drastically, and his consciousness swept out and turned to look out, but there was no shadow of Li Lingtian.

In this case, the look on the face of the fourteen strong men changed dramatically, and naturally knew what was going on.

Turning around again, the magical power of destruction has blasted out.

It was at this moment that Li Lingtian had appeared a hundred miles across from them, but at this time Li Lingtian had already exhibited thousands of earth walls.

More than ten destruction magical powers bombarded the earth wall in front of Li Lingtian, and the earth wall was continuously destroyed.

At this time, Li Lingtian's figure rose into the sky, the Jiutian Excalibur was already spinning, and the nine ruined swords were fiercely bombarded by dozens of powerful men.



"Ah, ah!"

"Ah, ah!"

The earth walls are constantly destroyed, and finally thousands of earth walls disappeared.

But Li Lingtian was no longer behind the earth wall, but bombarded with the destruction of the Nine Heavens Excalibur.

Suddenly, four screams rang out, the four half-divine peak pinnacles of the great consummation of the powerful disappeared, and the three great consummations of the powerful fell directly towards the ground, and there was no more hands-on power.

The whole process is within fingertips.

It turned out that when Li Lingtian's voice sounded behind the 14 strong men, he had already cast out the emptiness of the heavens and came to the front of all the strong men. When all the strong men turned around, he had already taken the opportunity to display his defense and the nine gods. sword.

The 14 strong men are under the confusion of Li Lingtian. Later, Li Lingtian will explode the magical power of destruction, so they all bombarded the magical power, but Li Lingtian is no longer in place.

By the time they discovered it, the nine ruined swordsman had been bombarded.

These nine sword swords are completely different from the **** swords. Now the sword swords are exhibited by the nine-day **** swords. They also bring the power of the sword domain and the terrifying destructive power to complete the four gods and half gods. The realm is killed, three shots can no longer be shot, and the remaining seven are also injured to varying degrees.

After the nine swordsmans, they suddenly condensed together again. The nine colors of the nine swordsmans formed a nine-color sword array. The sword array was ten miles in size, and it rushed straight up to Jiuxiao, stirring the void.

Inside the sword array, there are endless sword silks, sword spirits, sword mansions, sword shadows, sword lights.

The air was also cut into pieces by the sword array, and the spirit of the spirit was constantly devoured and destroyed. The sword array became more and more powerful.

The sword formation was formed, and Li Lingtian's body flickered, and he bombarded the remaining seven powerful men with a ruined sword formation.

Very fast, and in a flash came to the seven strong men.




The seven semi-godly peak powerhouses, watching the destruction of the sword array, all flashed quickly.

The magical power of destruction was bombarded continuously, but when the magical power bombarded the sword array, the destruction of the sword and the shadow on the sword array swallowed the magic power. The sword array just shivered.


A scream rang out, and one entered the sword array.

The sword array shivered, and finally there was no response at all, completely swallowed and destroyed by the sword array.

Li Lingtian pushed the sword array, flashing fast, the ten-mile-sized sword array stirred the void, destroying the space, the speed was extremely fast, flexible and agile, the faces of several strong men were white, like dodges like seeing ghosts. .



Another two strong men, Yan Xiaoyunsan, were swallowed by the sword array. The remaining four strong men in the air were even more ugly on their faces, and there was no chance to escape.

Because Sword Array has long locked their qi, they want to escape completely dreaming.

While furiously bombarding the sword array, the fast mountain was hiding.

Four, three, two.

Finally, there was only one half-god peak pinnacle in the air and the strong man was dodge.

However, Li Lingtian's speed slowed down, as if the effect was overwhelming, and the sword array slowly shook, the expression on his face was pale, and the brilliance on his body was nonexistent.

In this case, the powerful people who watched from afar knew that this was the end of consumption.

However, fortunately, Li Lingtian has already killed all the strong men. The last one will certainly not escape Li Lingtian's killing. It is only a matter of time before the killing is done. After all, this sword array is too terrifying.

Even if Li Lingtian did not have the divine power to destroy the sword array in the end, he would be able to kill the last semi-divine peak pinnacle of the powerhouse.

Gradually, the strong men in the distance will react, because the war is about to end.


Li Lingtian's voice sounded, and his figure shook.

The sword array changed a bit strangely. The destroying sword array instantly swallowed and destroyed the doomed peak of the semi-god realm, and the sword array could no longer support the final dissipation.

The Nine Heavens Excalibur turned around Li Lingtian, but the sword array at this time no longer had much power. It was completely the state that Li Lingtian’s Jiutian Divine Power was exhausted.

Li Lingtian's face also showed a tired look, but his face showed a smile, a triumphant smile.

At this moment, Li Lingtian's smile suddenly disappeared, the whole person became horrified, and his face looked ugly.

All the strong men also found something general, and the look on their faces was shocked.

I saw that there was an unmatched sword in the void.

Daomang seems to come across time and space, severing everything with the power to destroy the void. The 3,000-meter-long Daomang, from the appearance of the void to the bombardment in front of Li Lingtian, is a kung fu.

Such a blow does not give anyone a chance to respond.

Such an attack does not give anyone a chance to resist.

Such an attack completely destroys all existence.

"Three thousand defenses!"

"Tianhan Altar."

Li Lingtian's face was horrified. At this time, the drama was consumed, and there was no resistance at all.

At the final juncture, thousands of earth walls were instantly formed, and a dark shield was in front of them.

Just when the earth walls and shields appeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~The sword mansions had been cut down.



With the speed across time and space and the power to break through the sky, Daoman directly bombarded the earth wall and destroyed it, without any pause to fall on the shield, and the shield made a crisp click.

The shield was not destroyed, but it was beaten back to its original shape, hitting Li Lingtian and thrown out.

Li Lingtian's body swayed like a broken kite, and a spit of blood spurted out.

At this time, a figure appeared in the void, holding a four-foot long knife in his hand. The figure shook like lightning struck the space. He flew fiercely towards Li Lingtian, and the long knife in his hand bombarded away again.

Another slash, Li Lingtian swaying fiercely to the past.

The power is stronger than that of the beginning, and the speed is faster than the beginning. In a blink of an eye, he bombarded Li Lingtian.


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