War God Supreme

Chapter 1795: Black Ice Demon King

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Holding the Devil Sovereign symbol of the magic wand in the hand, controlling the true devil qi of the Demon Royal, it is the beloved person of the Devil Princess princess.

Such characters are naturally not accessible to ordinary demons.

But the young man in front of him is the mythical figure. It’s just that after the reincarnation of Jiuyang Shengjun, why did he see the Great Demon God Emperor Heaven? To know that the Great Demon God has disappeared for thousands of years, it is impossible for Li Lingtian to see the Great Demon God. Emperor's.

Now, he has countless doubts, but now there are not many opportunities.

Because he knew he was not the Devil Emperor, he could not resist the power of the Sky Wand.

The magic wand is a symbol of the supremacy of the demon race, and is also a powerful treasure.

When the Demon Clan sees this Heavenly Wand, it is like seeing the Great Devil God. By nature, it suppresses the Devil's Power. Only those who are above the Devil Emperor can have the power to resist the Heavenly Wand, because the Heavenly Wand is more powerful, It's just a symbol.

The really powerful treasure is still the Sacred Dragon Blade of the Demon Race, but the Sacred Dragon Blade has long disappeared for countless thousands of years. No one has seen the Sacred Dragon Blade, and has always regarded the Sacred Dragon Blade as a legendary existence. , Only exists in legend.

"Some things are not what you can imagine."

Li Lingtian's face was cold, and the magic wand in his hand waved, and the power of the demonic energy that destroyed the world suddenly attacked the black ice demon king.

This time, the magic wand with all the devil qi rising from the ground to crush the black ice devil, powerful and unimaginable, the devil qi within a thousand miles trembling.

In front of the sky wand, the black ice demon king was physically and mentally scared, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

However, he is not a person waiting for death.

Even if it is dead, Li Lingtian must be brought back.

With a loud roar, a destructive qi power came straight to Li Lingtian, approaching Devil Emperor's cultivation behavior indefinitely, a power blow, terrifying power, and for a time, space continued to tear and destroy.

Although the strong men in the distance can't see the situation in the battle over the sky, but at this moment, they feel the threat of destruction, and the atmosphere of space depression is almost suffocating.


Finally, the two ruined supernatural powers were crushed together.

The magical energy of the Devil's Wand was blasted with the power of the Black Ice Demon King, and a detonation sound exploded in the air. The tearing and destruction continued within a thousand miles, and then recovered after the destruction. Repeatedly repeat this destruction and restore.


Black Ice Demon King spit out blood, and his body receded back.

His face was full of horror, but it was a fluke to survive in front of Sky Wand.

Not daring to pause at all, he quickly fled outside. He knew that as long as he left this area, Li Lingtian would not be able to cast his magic wand anymore.

He now also understands that Li Lingtian led him here, just because he didn't want other strong men to see him display powerful magical deities and treasures. With Li Lingtian's current identity, it is a bit improper to perform magical deeds.

"Want to go?"

"Is it so simple?"

Li Lingtian also knows that the Black Ice Demon King knows his thoughts. The more this is, the more he will not let the Black Ice Demon King leave this range. It is absolutely necessary to destroy the Black Ice Demon King within this range.

"Aren't you just occupying the magic wand?"

"If you don't have a magic wand, this devil will easily kill you."

"Look at how you cast the magic wand in front of them."

Black Ice Demon King flashed quickly, and was about to leave this range. He was very happy and said aloud.

But he forgot, even if Li Lingtian didn't show the magic skill and the magic wand, he always counted his attacks, and he didn't see the black ice demon squeeze him to death.

However, just before leaving this area, the black ice demon king's face showed a horrified look, the flashing figure had to stop, turned around and looked back.

When he saw the weapon in Li Lingtian's hand, his face looked ashamed.

I saw a long knife in Li Lingtian's hands. This long knife was black and shiny, and there was a horrible and pure magical energy on it. Although it was far apart, this long knife gave a huge death. Threat.

As horrible as a sickle of death, seeing this long sword, the black ice devil could not help but exclaim.

"Holy Dragon Blade!"

"Dragonblade of the Demon Sage Treasure!"


Looking at the Sacred Dragon Blade in Li Lingtian's hands, the expression on Hei Bing Mo Jun's face was horrified.

The sound of screaming fell when exclaimed.

In the air, the Holy Demon Dragon Blade erupted into a gleaming knife awn, and the knife awn flashed away. The knife awn appeared across the space of thousands of miles and directly bombarded the black ice devil. After the black ice devil screamed, dozens The tall body of the meter turned into a powder.

The war is over, the black ice demon king of the Mozu Ice Soul Devil Ancestor disappears.

Li Lingtian waved in the air with one hand, a space ring returned to his hand, and then his body flew downward.

In the air, the air of death, the air of darkness, the air of dragon, the divine power gradually disappeared, and the strong wind disappeared.

However, the terrifying magical energy constantly eroded the space.

Devil qi is surging, more and more, spreading rapidly in Qingyan Tiancheng.

In this situation, all the strong players watching in the distance are terrified, because they have found that the Black Ice Demon King has disappeared, but the destructive qi is increasing.

What can explain all this is the array of demonic energy in the Supreme Alliance. This array of eyes was opened by the demon king. Now Li Lingtian destroys the devil, but the demon energy continues to spread out. This place, to The time is the second mountain range beyond the Dream Cloud Sky City, where a magical world will form.

"It's done, it's done."

"It's a terrifying magic energy, this magic energy is emitted from the Supreme Alliance."

"It must have been the magic air hidden in the Supreme Heaven Alliance that was opened by the Demon Race."

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​why haven't you seen Lord Ling Tian?"

"Sir Ling Tian seems to be going down. It should be the formation of the seal to seal it."

"Such a thing can only be resolved by Master Ling Tian. I did not expect that the Supreme Heaven Alliance has such a powerful magical power. If this place is not sealed, it will become the same as Mengyun Tiancheng."


Looking at the devil qi rising from the sky, the strong men of Qingyan Tiancheng are all horrified.

I don't know how Li Lingtian killed the Black Ice Demon King, but these are not important, because now the Demon King has fallen, leaving such a terrifying magical energy.

Only Li Lingtian can solve this magical energy.

All the objects of concern, Li Lingtian, have now come to the ground. The Holy Ring opens, constantly absorbing the qi of the true demon, the Holy Ring absorbs the qi of the devil, and the decree is constantly displayed, quickly opening the front of the altar.

This altar must be the same as the stone forest altar in the mountain range outside the dream cloud sky city. If you want to seal it, you must seal it below.


call out!

The bursts of law and order are in the magical energy.

The monstrous devil qi is constantly coming out, and it is not a temporary thing to want to crack this altar, but the demon qi overflowing in this altar is absorbed by the Holy Ring, and the devil qi in the air is constantly absorbed.

Within a few minutes, the devil qi was fully absorbed, and the devil qi that came out of the altar was absorbed by the holy ring for the first time.

The strong men in the distance, seeing that the magic energy disappeared, and seeing that Li Lingtian was busy here, all rushed over and watched Li Lingtian continue to exert his decision, and knew that Li Lingtian was working hard to deal with this battlefield.

"Perform the Spirit Array and bring the air pressure of the fairy spirits."

Li Lingtian saw the arrival of these powerful men, and his eyes did not glance at these powerful men.

While casting a decision, he shouted loudly, the tone was like a command.

However, even in this case, there is no strong man who feels disgusted, just like the normal one like Li Lingtian.

Other formations may not, but formations like Juling Formation will still work.

Soon, hundreds of gathering spirit arrays appeared, and the endless rich spirit spirit quickly condensed in the sky above Li Lingtian. The powerful and rich spirit spirit continuously replenished the magical energy consumed by Li Lingtian while suppressing the magic energy.

Time, a second of seconds, three hours, the battle is on.

Li Lingtian's body flashed, and quickly landed towards the dark abyss beneath the battlefield.

With the experience of the last time, it quickly landed at the bottom, while landing, while absorbing magic energy with the holy ring, the holy ring absorbed the rich true devil gas in it.

One day later, Li Lingtian returned to the ground again.

But there was a tired look on his face, and the altar below was sealed.

After he came out, he quickly displayed his formation and sealed the altar in the Forbidden Land of the Supreme Alliance with dozens of ancient divine formations. Such a formation seal could not be solved in Shenwu Continent.


Li Lingtian took a breath of fresh air and relaxed his spirit.

"The Supreme Alliance has been resolved."

"You pay attention to it in the future. The Demon Races appear frequently, which is not good for human beings. Try to kill each other as little as possible."

Li Lingtian glanced around, all the strong men bowed their heads wherever they passed.

He said faintly at the beginning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After he finished speaking, his figure disappeared and disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already on the edge of the sky. The next moment, Li Lingtian completely disappeared in the sight of all powerful people. Outside.

Listening to Li Lingtian’s words, all the powerful people also understood that there was something wrong with Shenwu Continent.

Qingyan Tiancheng is ruined.

What was once a powerful heavenly city, the base camp of the Ten Alliances and the Supreme Alliance, has now become a ruin. Although only the center is destroyed, the popularity here has plummeted.

The unpopular Sky City has no use at all even if the site is large.

Qingyan Tiancheng was the highest alliance, and the collusion of the demon was discovered by Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian appeared in Qingyan Tiancheng and was besieged by the Supreme Alliance before he started. In the end, more than two and a half of the gods of the Heavenly Alliance were destroyed by the gods, Nalan Ling The wind and smoke disappeared.

The black ice demon hidden in the supreme heaven alliance opened the magic energy array, but was finally killed by Li Lingtian, and the array of eyes was also sealed by Li Lingtian. These news spread throughout the southern part of the fairyland. R1148

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