War God Supreme

Chapter 1798: Preparation before the war

A huge spaceship was flying fast, without knowing how many miles away from Qingyan Tiancheng. (First published by шщш.щ Novel Network)

On the spaceship, Li Lingtian stood in front and looked at the void in the distance. Behind them were Sister Beimingxue and Yun Yaoyao, both of whom were clever.

They have left Qingyan Tiancheng for thousands of miles, and Qingyan Tiancheng has nothing to do with them.

Now there are other things waiting for them, the time is getting more and more urgent, and I dare not have the slightest delay.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​what are your plans now?"

Bei Mingxue looked at Li Lingtian and asked.

Some time ago, it was to resolve the Supreme Alliance, and now the Supreme Alliance has also been resolved. I don’t know what Li Lingtian’s plan is to cultivate or do other things.

"The Supreme Alliance is solved."

"But there are other alliances. In addition to the top ten alliances, other alliances may also have Demon Races. During this time, we are in the south of the fairyland."

"Looking for materials, replacing the inferior spirit stones with the best spirit stones, collecting materials and searching for traces of the demon races. After we have checked the top ten alliances and some top alliances, we will look for places to practice."

"Finding a place to practice is similar to going to the north of Immortal Territory. If you find the place to practice first, you should first practice.

Li Lingtian turned around with a languid smile on his face. The whole person did not look like a strong man. It was no different from a family child. The folding fan shook gently in his hand.

"Replace the inferior spirit stone with the best spirit stone?"

Both Yun Yaoyao and Bei Mingxue were shocked. They knew some things to be done by Li Lingtian, but they didn't know why Li Lingtian had to replace the inferior spirit stone with the best spirit stone.

The spirit stone is the currency of the next class, the super spirit stone is rarely used, and the super spirit stone is still very precious, all used for cultivation.

"Not bad."

"I learned from an ancient book that Heaven Realm does not use inferior spirit stones."

"Using the best spirit stones, ordinary spirit stones are used by some ordinary strong people."

"Furthermore, every time I use Spirit Stones, there are a lot of them. If they are replaced with Needs, the number will be smaller and it will be easier to use. Besides, Needs Spirits will also be very helpful to the battlefield."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, these things are seen from the ancient books.

Regardless of whether it is needed by the Celestial Realm or convenient to use, he needs to replace the inferior spirit stone with the ultimate spirit stone, because he found a way to attack with a line.

It is to seal the Divine Array and use it directly when it is used. This array requires the best spirit stone.

A premium spirit stone can seal a divine formation, borrowing the terrifying aura of the premium spirit stone, condensing into a little, and exerting the power of terror. If such a formation is created, it is a kind of existence against the sky.

Compressing the power of the Divine Array into a little burst, which is equivalent to the peak of the semi-divine realm or the blow of the true God. Such a presence, even if he does not need it, people around him can use it or sell it for precious medicines and materials. .

"So this is ah."

"A superb spirit stone is equivalent to one million inferior spirit stones."

"Even if it were so, it would be extremely difficult to find a premium spirit stone."

Bei Mingxue heard Li Lingtian's explanation and understood Li Lingtian's meaning.

However, the ultimate spirit stone of Shenwu Continent is extremely rare. This ultimate spirit stone is not only a currency, nor is it as simple as the absorption of cultivating by low-level warriors. Although there is little hope of hitting the bottleneck, it is also a way.

"Well, just by the way."

"However, we have another important thing to deal with."

"Develop your own forces. These forces are hidden. I will reappear when I need them. I don’t have a helper when I get them. So, these things must be done at the same time."

Li Lingtian said seriously, the look on his face also became serious. When he was serious, the whole person exuded a strong momentum, a confidence to control the world.

It's like everything is in control.

Next, Li Lingtian took Sister Beimingxue and Yun Yaoyao, and the three of them hung out in the south of the fairyland. Each city stayed for a day or two, exchanging elixir and spirit stone for the best spirit stone. Cherish the material, and at the same time, you will not miss the news that you need the material.

The two sisters followed Li Lingtian for two months, and finally entered the dragon dragon to practice, and replaced them with Tang Zimeng and Xuanyuan Yingying. Both have the same personality and are lively and fun.

Li Lingtian was also attracted by the two daughters. To achieve his level, no one could threaten him. Even playing and entering and leaving the auction house were all deities' appearances, without any disguise.

In the south of Immortal Territory, there were the things of Mengyun Tiancheng Ten Jue Alliance, and there was the matter of Supreme Heaven Alliance. Both alliances are related to the Demon Race, and they were solved by Li Lingtian.

In everyone's mind, Li Lingtian came to the south of Immortal Territory, and it was specifically aimed at the Sanxie Alliance and the Demon Race. As long as that force is related to the Demon Race, it will definitely disappear.

Therefore, what Li Lingtian had experienced was all cheering and shocking, like a powerful sword that shook the south of the fairyland.

There are ghost alliances and powerhouses in my heart. I am naturally afraid of worrying. There are no powerhouses and alliances related to the demons. Naturally, I am very welcome. After all, Li Lingtian’s status and strength, as well as what Li Lingtian did, are also for the purpose of Divine Martial Arts. mainland.

Moreover, no matter what Li Lingtian fancy, no one competes with him.

However, Li Lingtian rarely shot, because he can't use ordinary things, and he can't look down on them.

Under the shot, it is either the soul-stirring spirit stone, or the anti-sky panacea, or the powerful lineup. Anyway, trading with Li Lingtian will never suffer.

At the same time, Li Lingtian also released a mission.

That is the material of the extinct Divine Sword, and the materials of the tenth-level pill medicine and the exchange of the best spirit stone. As long as these things are available, you can trade with him. The transaction is guaranteed to be fair. It is definitely the best transaction in Shenwu Continent. Object.

How many come, how much is good, and the comers will not refuse.

This news will soon spread throughout the southern part of the fairy land. The strong men in the southern part of the fairy land will wait in the sky city that Li Lingtian is going to as long as there are items they want to trade.

Although Li Lingtian did not announce the route he went to, the strong man in the south of the fairy land already knew Li Lingtian's route. The place Li Lingtian was going to was nothing more than the Ten Leagues and some super alliances, or some super sky cities.

Gradually, every sky city south of the fairy land formed a phenomenon.

That is, the Super Sky City or the Sky City with a strong alliance will have a trading place. This trading place is called the Peppa Pavilion. The important point is that this place is specially prepared for those who want to trade with Li Lingtian.

As long as there is an item to trade with Li Lingtian, the strong will wait in the Peppa Pavilion, and the strong man who enters the Peppa Pavilion will not be threatened in any way.

No one dared to start here, because the Supreme Divine Master Li Lingtian may come here.

In this way, Li Lingtian will be much easier to trade. He will never go to the auction house and methods, nor will he look for the materials and medicinal materials, because the powerful people in the south of the fairy land know some things Li Lingtian needs, as long as Those who are willing to trade will come here and wait.

Time is also passing day by day.

Li Lingtian took his wife, sister, disciples and maid around in the south of the fairy field. For two years, the Lieutenant General's Ten Leagues and some Super Leagues explored it.

Although no problems were found, Li Lingtian knew that his movements had caused the Mozu to converge a lot.

In this situation, Li Lingtian has no way, but he can be sure that the Devil is still waiting for, waiting for the time, the time has not arrived, so there is no hands until now. If the time comes, Li Lingtian will never be allowed to suppress them like this.

Therefore, Li Lingtian knew that the Mozu was still waiting for the opportunity, so that he would have more time to prepare.

For two years, Huang Fu Yuyan and Li Lingtian strolled around the south of the fairyland. Every two people followed Li Lingtian for two months, and they were allowed to play for two months.

During these times, Li Lingtian also collected countless precious medicinal materials and materials, and he also exchanged a lot of top grade spirit stones. Although there are not many, there are also tens of thousands of top grade spirit stones.

What makes Li Lingtian happy is that he has obtained countless materials for refining the goddess of extinction. These materials are enough to support him in refining the eighteen swords of extinction.

If the eighteen-handed swords of extinction are refined, they will be able to practice and display the twenty-nine extermination sword array.

If you show the Two Nine Destroyer Sword Array and the Three Nine Destroyer Sword Array, you will have a much greater grasp at that time.

While he was collecting materials and medicinal materials for the Sky Sword Formation, he was also collecting materials for building warships, collecting the powerful monster Beast Nedan, and even the God Beast Nedan.

These are all combat preparation resources~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the time comes to fight against the Devil, it is difficult to collect resources.

At least he has the capital to start a station. War is to collect resources while fighting. For the weak, it is life and death. For the strong, it is to make a fortune.

Although such a racial war is not to make money, but this money is used to deal with strong enemies.

He has to ensure that he has the resources to prepare for combat by then, so these are all ready.

The matter of the southern part of the fairy land has basically been solved, and the places of the alchemy and alchemy have been selected, but now the **** of extinction of the gods can not be refined, because there is still a lack of innate essence, and the northern hundred race territory of the northern part of the fairy land A kind of magical material.

Only by gathering these two materials to create the God of Destruction can it become a congenital artifact.

[The real splendidness has come slowly. Bookmates can help me to vote the free guaranteed monthly pass and recommended vote in the hands of the Supreme God of War. Today’s monthly pass of 300 yuan will be added tomorrow! 】


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