War God Supreme

Chapter 1800: Elves

Seeing the presence of a strong man on the shore, Dragon General will slow down and slowly fly toward the front. [For more exciting novels, please visit www.wuruo.com]

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue and others all changed their breaths. These breaths are also the most suitable place for the Baizu territory, at least the other party will not be disgusted by the breath.

"Humanity, you have crossed the line."

The spaceship came to a stop a hundred miles from the shore, and a tall figure in the air was suspended, seeing the speed of the spaceship slowed down, and the hostility in his heart was slightly reduced, at least the other party did not mean to break in.

The tall figure is a hundred meters high. The whole person is full of horrible power. He holds a huge mountain axe in his hand. Although it is only an inferior ancient artifact, this mountain axe is fused with the giant to give people A threat of destruction.

The giants and the hundred races can be regarded as a super powerful race.

Although the number of giants is not large, only two or three million, but the birth variable of giants is three or four meters tall, and the practice is very fast. As long as they reach adulthood, they are the strength of Wudi and Wusheng.

The most powerful giant also has a semi-divine peak attainment. In the entire Shenwu Continent, the cultivation strength of the giant clan is the most neat.

Giants rarely see giants under Wuzong, that is to say, at least the giants are all Wudi’s cultivation behavior, and Wudi’s cultivation behavior can be regarded as invincible in the same rank.

Because the giant occupies the talent of strong physique and strength, it can be said to be invincible among the same rank.

However, the Giants are afraid of the Elves, the Elves, and the natural shooters, and their light body and long-range attacks make the Giants suffer.

"This palace is a princess of the elves."

"They are my sister, he is my brother."

"Your eye sees his human?"

There was no word on the spaceship, his eyes were all looking at the giant.

After a while, Ji Yi spoke and said softly. When she spoke, she stretched out her slender jade fingers, pointed at Nangong Mingyue and Xiaobai, then pointed at Li Lingtian and questioned the giant.

When Ji Yi was talking, Li Lingtian and Xiao Bai both showed a strong true dragon breath. Nangong Mingyue was also the spirit of the divine phoenix, and Ji Yi himself restored the appearance of the elf family, which was completely an elf. And it's still a fairy princess.

A slap-like elaborate curved bow appeared in the hand, and the curved bow exhaled a breath of breath. At this moment, the curved bow became larger. Ji Yi stepped forward, stepped down, held the curved bow with his left hand, and grabbed the curved bow with his left hand, and grabbed the void with his right hand. Suddenly the space shivered.

A long arrow formed by an immortal spirit was placed on the curved bow, and the silence between heaven and earth suddenly, the Xuantian Divine Bow, the power burst out, and the right hand was loosened. A long arrow hole formed by an immortal spirit broke through the void and bombarded straight. In the space thousands of miles away, the space formed a channel of debris.

Seeing Ji Yi's power of Xuantian God bow, coupled with Ji Yi's identity, and the breath of Li Lingtian's four people, the giant's eyes glanced at them.

I didn't ask any more and made a please gesture.


"The position, please forgive me!"

The giant looked at the breath of Li Lingtian and others, his face shocked.

Pure dragon spirit, powerful phoenix gas, and elven princesses, such a combination, he naturally dare not provoke, similarly, the few people in front of him, it is impossible to pretend to be like this.

Because these people are genuine, although I haven't seen a few people, it is justified to say that they are in the territory of the Bai Clan.

"Don't let any humans and demons enter here."

Ji Yi nodded, and the Xuantian Divine Bow in his hand was put away.

The last few people got off the spaceship and landed on land.

Ji Yi spoke lightly, and after that, several people flashed their bodies and flew away in the direction of the north of the fairy field. They were all breaths unique to the demon clan, and the giant was a martial arts level. The strong, naturally there will be no doubt.

Besides, there are only a few people, and there is no threat to enter the territory of the Bai people.

After entering the northern part of the fairy land, several people did not stop, but flew away in the direction of the elves. After all, Ji Yi was the real protagonist when she came to this place, and she was the real elf.

Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue, although they belong to the dragon and phoenix families, will not be with the strong men of the hundred clan domain.

Li Lingtian also has a real dragon breath, and the same is true of Long Da. Besides, the elf family loves peace, and it is best to go to the elf family.

In the north of Immortal Territory, there is the world of hundreds of people. Here it is said that it is the territory of hundreds of people, but there are definitely more than one hundred races. The largest race is not many, but there are many small races.

These races live in this place, get along very well, there are few disputes and battles, even if there is grudge, it is also about fighting, and it rarely affects the race.

Moreover, in this place, there are fights between races every year, but they are all suppressed, and they will not secretly shoot.

Most of these two races are the same as human beings. The strong also like to be transformed into human form, so that life is convenient, only some powerful existence can not be transformed, and some do not like transformation.

Flying like a few people like Li Lingtian is also normal in the territory of the Bai people, and will never be recognized by other powerful people.

"Xianyu, really the best in the north of Xianyu, is the most suitable for cultivation."

"It is said that human beings are unique, but they do not know that other races have a greater advantage."

"This is true of the Hai tribe, so is the demon tribe, and so is the race of the Bai tribe."

"Cultivation in this place is at least twice as fast as in other places. It is even more promising to break through. It is no wonder that the number of people in the hundred races is not as good as humans, but humans dare not come here easily."

After leaving a sea of ​​tens of millions of miles, the group has entered the northern part of the fairyland. After flying for so long, they also encountered some strong and racial creatures. These strong men and creatures have no slight doubts about Li Lingtian and others, because Li Lingtian exudes a strong breath on them, all of which belong to the strong people of the Baizu territory.

I haven't been discovered for so long, and I feel relieved.

While flying, Nangong Mingyue was talking, shocked by the fairy spirit and resources of this place.

This place, everywhere, is a treasure land that is hard to find in the east of the fairy land.

I used to think that humans occupy the most land and the land is also the best, but now it seems that these ideas are completely wrong and very wrong.

It is the other races that really occupy the best territory.

The demon clan occupies powerful mountain resources, the sea clan occupies all the sea areas of the Shenwu Continent, the race of the hundred clan domain occupies the best cultivation treasure in the fairy field, the sea area in the Shenwu continent, the proportion is too large, the sea area More than ten times larger than land.

Only by knowing this can we know how small and poor the human territory is.

"The races of the Hundred Clan Territory, as well as the Demon Clan and the Hai Clan, are even stronger than humans."

"If these races are not strong, humans have already robbed these sites."

"Don't say that human beings, even if they are demons, don't dare to easily provoke the demon sea clan strong."

"It's not so much that the Demon Race to fight for the territory and resources of human beings, it is better to compete for the territorial resources of the Demon Race and the Sea Race and other races. Because there are too many human beings, it bears the brunt. ."

These things are only known to the real powerhouses. If the Mozu invasion of the Shenwu Continent had no effect on the Demon Sea Clan and other races, the Demon Clan and the Sea Clan would not help humanity.

Helping mankind is to save ourselves. In fact, mankind is the cannon fodder.

"The area north of Immortal Territory is larger than the area south of Immortal Territory, and it is not a day or two to go to the elven clan."

"We go to the elven clan and find places to practice by the way, and, if we go to the elven clan, I don't know if the elven clan will reach us."

Xiaobai flew side by side with Li Lingtian and asked Li Lingtian.

The north of Immortal Territory is the same as other places, except that all living creatures live on it.

It is not possible to fly to the elves in the north of this vast immortal territory.


"But even the vast expanse of the northern part of the fairy land, where the spirits of the fairy are rich, are occupied by other races. It is difficult to find a place where no one practices."

"We naturally won't fight for the territory already occupied by other races. If the territory is overturned, we will definitely be attacked by all the races in the north of the fairyland."

"We are heading straight to the elven clan now. It's enough to pay attention to it along the way. After going to the elven clan, I have a way."

Li Lingtian said with a confident smile on his face while flying.

In the territory of the Bais, the best place is the elves.


Elves, darlings of the world.

Every elf is very beautiful, cute and deplorable.

Moreover, the elves are all natural marksmen, controlling archery.

The elven race cultivates and absorbs the natural spirit of the five elements in heaven and earth. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is very fast. It is the race that loves peace in the Shenwu Continent.

In the same way, humans like to catch elves the most, and treat them as everything.

Countless tens of thousands of years ago, the elf family suffered the scourge of mankind. Countless elves fell into the hands of the strong human beings, and the insulted elves were better off.

Fortunately, in the end, other races joined forces to prevent the human race from entering the territory of the Bai race.

As a result, there are more and more elves in the elven family, and they are getting stronger and stronger.

The place where the elves live is also the deepest part of the north of the fairy field, surrounded by other powerful races. This situation is like protecting the elves.

The elven tribe can be protected by all the strong people of the hundred clan domains. One is that the elven clan never participates in the battle of races and is the most peaceful race. The second is that the elven clan has the legendary throne of the hundred clan.

Take control of the throne of all creatures in heaven and earth. This throne symbolizes the status of the elves and the status of all creatures in heaven and earth.


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