War God Supreme

Chapter 1802: Lord Rah

The elven city has arrived. The beautiful elven city is definitely the most beautiful city Li Lingtian has seen. 【Wu Ruo Novel Network】

This city is fully integrated into the world.

There is no tall walled castle, no luxurious street, no majestic buildings, only green trees, a city built from living trees.

This is the real world, and the spirit of fairy spirit is extremely rich.

Countless elves flutter their wings and dance in the air or in the woods. Every elf is very beautiful.

Elven city is said to be a city, but it is not a city, because it has no defense, no castle wall, it can only be said to be the place where the elves are concentrated, and it is also the place where the elf queen lives.

Millions of elves live in tens of millions of miles, basically half of the elves of the elves are gathered here.

When I saw the arrival of Li Lingtian and others, they were all curious and did not fear humans in their imagination.

This is also that they have never seen human beings, and humans endanger the elven tribes. It is also a matter thousands of years ago. For these elves, there is no impression at all.

The little charming elf flew to Li Lingtian's shoulder and looked at Li Lingtian curiously, just like looking at fun things.


"This is human?"

"How come humans have come to our wizard city?"

"Really human."

"There is also the breath of the dragon race."

When Li Lingtian and others came to the wizard city, they were stared at by all the elves. In this wizard city, there was no transaction because the elves did not need to trade.

No accommodation, no inns, nothing, because this wizard city is just the place where the elves live and live.

When I saw Li Lingtian and others, countless elves were very surprised. Some elves with high cultivation level were also careful to watch out for Li Lingtian and others. If there is no Sutou to lead the way, all elf strongmen have already begun to treat Li Lingtian. Humans started.


Sotu took Li Lingtian and others to walk directly into the wizard city, completely ignoring other curious elves.

Now, he also has some doubts about what to do.

Because these people brought him, one of them is an elf, and the others are not elven.

Moreover, he didn't know how to give this elf to him well.

At this moment, a loud voice sounded, with a powerful power, people could not help but trembling, Sotu was shocked when he heard someone yelling his name, because he didn’t come here at all, Few people know.

Looking up, his face changed, and he was pleasantly surprised.

"Master Rah."

"I met Lord Rah."

Sotu quickly stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

Li Lingtian and others have long discovered this powerful existence. The semi-deity peak's consummation is completed. A threatening atmosphere flutters on his body. When he looks at this powerful existence, the other person's eyes are also looking at Li Lingtian. .

The semi-deity peak's consummation practice is like an elf, but more of it is like a sacrifice, just like the nine sacrifices in front of Ji Yi, holding a scepter in his hand, a symbol of status.

Seeing Li Lingtian and others, the look on Lord Rah's face changed drastically, because Li Lingtian and others were not elven races, only one of them was an elf, and the strong outside the elven race would never come here.

I never imagined that human beings would come here, it was unimaginable.

Staring at Li Lingtian and Ji Yi, he asked Sotu.

"Why did you bring people from the human race and the Phoenix family here?"

The strength of Lord Lach quickly climbed up, and suddenly a powerful natural power slowly brewed. Although it seemed calm and natural, no one thought that this power was very weak.

The appearance of humans and other races in Elven City is definitely not good for Elven City.

If these humans dare to plot against the elves, he will first kill the people in front of him.

Moreover, he recognized one of them.

Although the elven tribe will not leave the north of the fairy field and the elven city, the super elves of the elven clan will also walk in the north of the fairy field. They still know a few things about humans.

The young man in front of him is the first demon of Shenwu Continent.

Human Supreme Divine Pill Master, the first day array division, the strength is amazing.

Unexpectedly, this man came to the elven city, so that he raised a sense of fear.

"Master Lakh, they want to see Her Majesty."

Sotu felt the powerful momentum of Lord Rah, and his heart was trembling. He brought human beings here. It was a death sentence, and it was unforgivable.

At the same time, the other elves quickly flew away, looking at this far, with a horrified look on their small faces.

"Yes, this palace is going to see your majesty."

At this time, Ji Yi also opened her mouth, her breath changed, and her beautiful wings spread. At this time, she was an elf, the most beautiful elven princess of the elven family, and she also carried the breath of an ancient god. Breath is like the gap between mortal breath and God's breath.

The other elves, in front of Ji Yi, are that mortals meet gods.

Beautiful, peerless in the world.

At the same time, the left hand stretched out slowly, and the slim and jade-like arm showed a mark in the palm of the hand, an exquisite bow. This bow came alive, and it also carried a strong mysterious atmosphere.

"Xuantian Divine Bow!"

"Divine Lord's Xuantian Divine Bow!"

Lord Lach's face changed when he saw Ji Yi's movement.

He had long seen that opportunities are elves and thought they were elves of the elven clan, but he did not expect Ji Yi to exude such a strong breath, which is definitely not something that the elven clan can have.

Seeing the mark of Xuantian God Bow appearing in the hands of Ji Yi, the whole person's mind seemed to be bombarded by thunder.

Although it is only a mark, but I know that after the master refines the natal artifact, it will be able to merge with the master. When it is displayed, it is only a mark, and it will appear instantly when it is used.

What shocked him was not that Ji Yi refined this bow, but shocked the origin of this bow and the identity of opportunity.

When you speak, you worship.

Regardless of the origin of these people in front of you, when you see the treasures of the elves, you should treat them with respect.

After saluting, he looked at Ji Yi seriously, then pondered.

"Here comes to Elven City, there is no malice."

"It's just that there are some things to be solved in the north of Immortal Territory. When I first arrived, I wanted to settle in the wizard city for a while."

Li Lingtian had a faint smile on his face and spoke slowly.

When speaking, he looked at Lord Rah calmly. In front of him, Lord Rah, the peak of the semi-god realm was perfect, and he should be a very important person in the wizard city.

When he came here, he did not want to offend any elf, nor any race in the north of the fairyland.

"it is good."

"I hope you don’t mess around in the wizard city."

"You humans, you are the first to enter the wizard city in millions of years."

Lord Lahe listened to Li Lingtian and then thought for a while, then nodded and promised to let Li Lingtian and others go in.

He also knew that Li Lingtian's character and reputation on Shenwu Continent would not come to deal with the elven clan, and this elf together with Li Lingtian, who controlled the legendary Divine Lord's Xuantian Divine Bow in his hand, must have come from a simple history.

This matter must be known to other priests and Her Majesty the Queen, and let them make a decision.

"Your decision is right."

There was a smile on Li Lingtian's face.

Afterwards, Lord Lahe took several people from Li Lingtian into the elven city, and Sotu was also called in.

In the city of elves, there are auras everywhere, countless elves dancing, and big elves practice like humans. In this place, there is a feeling of home. Even if there is elf practice, there are other elves flying and playing beside them.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian's heart became more and more calm.

Along the way, I didn't say a word, and the atmosphere was a bit weird and depressed.

After walking a distance, Lord Lahe took Li Lingtian and others to fly toward the deepest part, because this place is only the periphery of the wizard city, and the real wizard city center is still far away.

Outside the elven city, the elven cultivation is lower.

The more you go to the center, the higher the elves' cultivation. The more elves you play, because the center is safer, and there are no outsiders to disturb. In fact, the elves are not disturbed by outsiders.

After a full half-hour flight, the group finally came to the center of the lively wizard city.

The center of the wizard city is no different from the outside. The buildings are generally the same, but the buildings here are denser and there are more wizards.

However, within the range of hundreds of miles from the center, there are basically no elves, even if there are, they are all demigods, because this place is where the elf queen lives.

The elf queen, but claims to be beyond the existence of the top ten supremacy of immortal domain, the strength is built to be invincible.

Because of the strength of the elf queen, no one came to make trouble, and other races in the northern part of the fairy field did not dare to provoke the elf clan easily.

"You guys wait here first."

"Let me go in and follow up."

Lord Lahe took Li Lingtian and others to a pavilion. After several elves presented the snacks and fruits of the elven tribe, Lord Lahe greeted Ji Yi and Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian nodded~www.wuxiaspot.com~He naturally would not embarrass this Lord Lach.

Besides, it's already very good for the other party to allow themselves and others to come here.

To bring them to see Her Majesty the Queen, he will naturally have to give a briefing or discuss with others.

Lord Lach clenched his fists, and then left, walking towards a building.

However, Li Lingtian saw that after Lord Lach walked out hundreds of meters, the air showed a slight ripple, just like the ripples on the calm lake.

Seeing such a situation, as a Sky Array Master, he naturally knew that this was a powerful and unparalleled formation.

It is certainly not easy to hide his past formations from his past, but he did not care. After all, this is a racial forbidden place. It is natural to have a powerful formation.

Later, they and Xiaobai tasted the snacks and fruits of the elven tribe, waiting for the results of Lord Rah, hoping to see the elven queen soon.


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