War God Supreme

Chapter 1821: Dwarves

The dwarves are almost as tall as the elves. 【Starting】

But overall, the dwarves and elves are two extremes.

The elves are beautiful and beautiful, with elves that are slap-sized, as well as elves the size of humans, and dwarves also have small and very small dwarves, taller than humans, but they are far worse than the elves. Far away.

The dwarves, born founders, have a strong forging talent.

The quality of refined weapons is unique in this world, and even some of the human forging masters cannot be comparable to the dwarves.

Every dwarf is a powerful blacksmith, with a very strong body.

"Welcome the young master to the dwarves."

"Welcome the young master to the dwarves."

Li Lingtian and his party followed a dwarf strong to fly towards the dwarf clan's central city. Within half an hour, the group had arrived on the dwarf clan's square.

When they arrived, countless powerful dwarves were already waiting on the square.

Seeing Li Lingtian and others, countless dwarf super powers shouted in congratulations and saluted Li Lingtian.

These strong men seem to be short, but all of them exist in a semi-deity level. In other places in the square, they are the people of the dwarf clan, and their cultivation strength is also deep and powerful.

When Li Lingtian saw the dwarves greet, he also waved his hand, which was regarded as a salute.

"Congratulations to the young master."

At the opposite side of the square, the chief of the dwarf tribe and the thirty-two guardians salute Li Lingtian. These strong men are the peaks of the semi-divine realm, similar to the guardians and priests of the elven tribe.

"Lord Andy is courteous."

With a faint smile on his face, Li Lingtian gave a gift to the dwarf patriarch's fist, although there were also gifts to other protectors.

His action aroused the hearts of countless dwarves. They all knew that Li Lingtian was powerful and inherited from Lord God. He didn't need to return the gift at all. Now Li Lingtian looks like this, but Li Lingtian is kind.

"Please in the young master."

Patriarch Andy made a please gesture and led Li Lingtian towards the dwarf tribe.

The last group of people came to the depths of the dwarves and arranged for Li Lingtian to rest in a secluded courtyard.

Li Lingtian rested for three days in the dwarves, and during these three days, he also had enough rest.

In one month of the Giants, he was also tired enough to come to the Dwarves. This was a good rest for three days. After three days passed, Li Lingtian came to the forbidden ground of the Dwarves.

He didn't turn around and talked directly about his purpose of coming to the dwarven race.

"This seat comes to treasure this time, the purpose is to borrow the hammer of heavenly crafts."

"If at other times, this seat will not be in a hurry, it is not necessary, but the Demon Race is coming, this seat wants to use the hammer of heaven to create a treasure to deal with the Devil Power."

In the palace inside the dwarf clan's forbidden area, Li Lingtian and 32 guardians and patriarchs sat down and talked about what he was going to borrow from the hammer of heaven.

When speaking, look at all the dwarven clans.

He naturally knew the importance of this Heavenly Hammer to the dwarves.

The Heavenly Hammer is not only a peerless treasure, but also a symbol of the Dwarf Clan. For the Dwarf Clan, you can lose your life but not the Heavenly Hammer.

This kind of treasure can only be used by the patriarch in the dwarf clan, or it can be used by other dwarf clan's protectors when refining super treasures.

Now Li Lingtian, an alien, came to borrow the hammer of heavenly craftsmanship.

"Do you mainly use the Hammer of Heaven?"

"I don't know what treasure the young master needs to refine?"

"There are countless congenital artifacts in the hands of the young master, and there are also unique congenital artifacts. The hammer of heavenly craftsmanship in the Shenwu Continent can at most refine the congenital artifacts, and the opportunities are slim."

Hearing that Li Lingtian was going to borrow the hammer of heavenly craftsmanship, the look on the face of all the dwarven clans changed.

Suddenly the atmosphere was a little strange, and no one said anything.

After a long time, Patriarch Andy spoke and broke the silence.

His eyes were also looking at Li Lingtian. He didn't know what treasure Li Lingtian needed to refine. He still needed to come to the dwarven race to borrow the hammer of heavenly craftsmanship.

You know, a strong man like Li Lingtian does not have congenital artifacts. Some people even see that Li Lingtian has used unique congenital artifacts. Li Lingtian naturally does not need to refine his own treasures.

Even for refining, the most powerful forge of the dwarven race can only refine the inferior artifacts of the inferior quality.

Not to mention refining by yourself, even if he was given his innate artifact, Li Lingtian wouldn't look down on him.

"This seat controls a set of swords."

"The sword array shares nine floors, this is the first floor."

Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, and the Nine Heavens Sword appeared in front of him. When the Nine Heavens Sword appeared, the Destroyer Sword Formation also unfolded, and there was no eruption that destroyed the sky.

But the strong men present are all in the presence of the pinnacle of the realm of the semi-divine realm, and at a glance the destruction of this sword array can be seen.

If such a sword array is exhibited, even they will not be able to resist, and this is only the first layer. If the sword array behind is cultivated, who else can resist.

"This is Young Master's Sky Sword Formation."

"Shenwu Continent is rumored, the young master exhibited the Nine Nine Sky Sword Array, is there still the Nine Nine Nine Sky Sword Array?

The big protector Tuba looked at the sword array, which was only a few meters in size, but with endless destruction.

Immediately, a horrified look appeared on his face, and he looked at Li Lingtian.

Asked respectfully after a salute.

"Yes, there are nine floors of the Sky Sword Formation."

"This seat has already cultivated the first layer to the realm, and the second layer is basically in control. The third layer has realized it, but there is no chance to practice."

"If you want to exhibit the Sword Sword Formation, you will have to destroy the Sword of the Heaven Sword. This nine-sword sword can be used to display the Sword Sword Formation, but there are only nine handles. Excalibur, the third floor requires twenty-seven handles."

"Nine-nine extinct sky sword array is the nine-nine-eighty-one extinct sword, and all the swords must become one, otherwise the sword array cannot be displayed."

"The material has been found in this block. Only the hammer of heavenly craftsmanship is needed, and this block can refine the sword of extinct gods. It will be a powerful killer for dealing with the devil."

Li Lingtian nodded, and did not shy away from telling the story of his destruction.

With his current reputation, who in Shenwu Continent does not know his magical powers and means? Any of his means and magical powers are known to the powerful of Shenwu Continent.

Although the super dwarves of the dwarves did not leave the north of the fairy land, they knew a lot about the Shenwu Continent.

"So it turns out."

"If the young master builds the God of Destruction God, then he can cross the Divine Martial Continent and cross the Demon Race."

"The Hammer of Heavenly Works can naturally be lent to the Young Master."

"However, Young Master, you are proficient in battle and refining, knowing the difficulty of refining, and you cannot refine a treasure like an innate artifact. You can't accomplish it at all."

"At that time, the subordinates will help the young master to work together to refine the sword of extinction."

After hearing Li Lingtian's words, all the powerful people of the dwarves were shocked.

I did not expect that Li Lingtian had already cultivated such a powerful sword formation. If the God of Sword of Destruction was built, no one in Shenwu Continent would be his opponent.

After being quiet for a moment, Patriarch Andy spoke, not refusing Li Lingtian to borrow the hammer of heavenly craftsmanship.

"For a while, this seat will not refine the God of Extinction."

"There are still some things that need to be dealt with by this seat, and you will follow this seat to refine the God of Sword Extinction, naturally there is no problem."

"Now there is a problem, that is the matter of the Demon Race. I am worried that the Hammer of Heaven is being coveted by the Demon Race, so I am anxious to come here."

Li Lingtian brought out his worries and looked at Andy after he finished speaking.

"This little master is assured that no one can take away the hammer of heaven."

"Because the Heavenly Hammer not only needs more than eight dwarves of the dwarves to open it, but also takes three years to remove the Heavenly Hammer."

"In other words, even if the young master uses the hammer of heaven now, it will take three years."

"As long as the young master takes eight of them away, even if something unexpected happens, the hammer of heaven will not fall into the hands of others, so that eight of them can also take the hammer of heaven. take out."

Andy stood up and said to Li Lingtian respectfully.

The Heavenly Hammer is the treasure and symbol of the Dwarf Clan. Even if the Dwarf Clan is strong, if you want to use the Heavenly Hammer, it will take a lot of effort to open it.

You know, this hammer of heavenly craftsmanship is the most perverted treasure in the world, because it can forge an innate artifact, which has violated the rules of heaven and earth.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to use the Hammer of Heavenly Works.

The Heavenly Hammer will be replaced every three years, and even if it is not replaced, the Heavenly Hammer will automatically disappear.

"I didn't expect these reasons for Heavenly Hammer."

"Okay, please make arrangements for this seat to leave in a few days."

Li Lingtian nodded, he doesn't need the hammer of heavenly craft now, as long as the hammer of heavenly craft doesn't fall into the hands of the demon, he can rest assured.

"Subordinates will handle it."

Andy answered respectfully.

Subsequently, Li Lingtian left the forbidden area and returned to the place of rest.

The matter of the Heavenly Hammer has been resolved. As soon as you come back from the Gate of Fortune, let the Dwarven Clan's powerful person turn on the Heavenly Hammer, get the Heavenly Hammer into your hands, and create the God of Destruction ~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Now, the most important thing is to face the door of innovation.

Although the Demon Race did not go to the Gate of Fortune, there will be a super power in the Holy Realm. He does not want to be killed by the strong power of the Holy Realm. If it is killed, everything will be in vain.

In the dwarf family, Li Lingtian took a rest for six days, and after six days passed, it was time to leave.

Because the pearl of fortune on him has moved.

The gate of fortune flashes automatically. In this way, it prompts the gate of fortune to open.

According to his understanding, before the opening of the gate of fortune, the gate of fortune will prompt the owner half a year ago, and the gate of fortune will also indicate a general direction to those who have the pearl of fortune.

Now the pearl of chemistry has moved, that is to say, half a year later, it is time to open the door of chemistry.

Therefore, he cannot delay a minute or a minute.


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