War God Supreme

Chapter 1855: The land of nature...

Above the altar, there is nothing but this roulette.

Li Lingtian looked at the altar and the roulette, but he dared not take a step closer.

He is a celestial division master, the formation of the battlefield is strong, and the knowledge of the battlefield is also unmatched. Naturally, he knows that such an altar and the roulette together cannot be easily touched, so that nothing will happen.

Brilliant, mysterious breath and power.

Li Lingtian was shocked, and he didn't know what attribute was mysterious.

But I know that one of the breaths is the breath of space. This treasure is a treasure of space.


Stroke with one hand, the magic qi is scattered.

Suddenly, within ten miles of the altar, there was no more magic.

Li Lingtian's body stood suspended in the air, his eyes closed slightly, his consciousness slowly extended, and finally he used his consciousness to sense the brilliance and breath above this formation.

If you want to understand the battlefield, you must crack this battlefield one by one.

At least you must know the structure of this formation, otherwise it will be impossible to crack the formation, and a bad one will lead to the destruction of the formation. In this way, not only the formation cannot be cracked, but also the person himself is destroyed in it. .

Such a thing cannot happen to him naturally.

Time, day by day, Li Lingtian was still suspended in the air, but the consciousness did not leave this altar from beginning to end, and the mind of the whole person was fully integrated into this altar.

On his face, the expression kept changing, sometimes shocked, sometimes excited, sometimes calm, and sometimes fearful.

It's like seeing various pictures.

I don't know how long after that, Li Lingtian opened his eyes, and the look on his face was still shocking.

"Array of Destruction!"

"It's a powerful battlefield. It's a space treasure to support this battlefield."

"If this line is broken, the Shenwu Continent will undergo earth-shaking changes."

"When the thirty-three heavens are completed, that is, when the heavens and the earth are changing, I don't know who is exhibiting such a means, it is completely a heaven and earth avenue."

Li Lingtian said to himself, the look on his face was still shocked.

During this time, he had already understood the structure of the formation above this altar, and the roulette had also learned a little. This altar was the only exit from this space.

Moreover, as long as this altar is opened, the entire Divine Martial Continent will undergo earthshaking changes.

He also knew a lot about the cause and effect of all this.

Thirty-three giants entered the 33rd Chongtian. If the 33 strongests of the 33rd Chongtian were all forged, this formation and roulette would appear.

That is, when the gate of fortune ends, it will end forever.

There will never be a saying about the door of fortune in the future.

However, there has not been a great consummation since the emergence of this door to the present. After all, if the thirty-three strong men enter the thirty-three space world, it is impossible for all to be forged. As long as one less person cannot be forged, this formation and Roulette will not appear.

Thinking of this, he also understood that the real purpose of this gate of fortune is to target the Five Elements Great Consummation.

Because in this world, there cannot be a strong man with five elements of great consummation. Even if there are five elements of great consummation, it is impossible to reach the pinnacle of semi-divine realm and enter the gate of fortune. This opportunity is extremely slim.

Not only a five-element great consummation, but also five-element eucharist, but also the other thirty-two strong men and all of them were forged.

Such an opportunity is simply looking for a mile of sand in the vast desert.

However, Li Lingtian was just the Five Elements Great Consummation, the Five Elements Eucharist, and luck to find the direction, all kinds of opportunities together, let him enter the colorful world to get the Five Elements World.

This is a slim opportunity, plus the other thirty-two strong men have also been forged, making the door to perfection perfect, and this formation and roulette appeared.

He can imagine that all this is a heaven and earth avenue arranged by a peerless powerful man.

What is the strong man who plays the world between applause?

He dare not imagine, nor can he imagine the other party's strength.

Naturally, if the gate of fortune cannot be consummated, other formations will appear to replace it.

Laughing at the demons in their hearts, even if the demons all come in here, they can't make the gate of fortune perfect, because the demons don't have the strong elements of the five elements. The real purpose of everything here is for humans.

Thinking of all this, Li Lingtian could only shock.

However, when he looked at the roulette, his face showed an excited look.

Although I don’t know what the roulette is, what it is called, what level it is, but I can be sure that this is a space treasure. I cultivate space magic and control the space by myself. If there is this space treasure, my strength will increase greatly in the future.

If you want to get this treasure, you must control this position in your own hands, so as not to lose this treasure from your hands when you get it.

In my heart, I feel a little heavy, because everything here is for the Five Elements Great Consummation, I am the Five Elements Great Consummation, and I got the Five Elements Great World. I don’t know what the ultimate purpose of this place is.


With a deep sigh, Ice Soul Martial Arts works and his mind calms down.

No matter what, they came over step by step.

Such a powerful Avenue of Heaven and Earth is still inaccessible to me. When the natural water falls out of the way, let's say, aren't all humans and all creatures in this world in the Avenue of Heaven and Earth?

The most important thing now is to improve your own strength. Only strong strength is qualified to speak.

After calming down, Li Lingtian once again entered the realm of emptiness, suspended in the air, his eyes slightly closed, and began to understand the formation above the altar, striving to crack the formation and control it before the automatic opening of the formation.

Time, day by day.

Finally, Li Lingtian woke up three days before the formation was automatically turned on, with a faint smile on his face. His smile was full of confidence, because this formation was still cracked by him.

The magical energy in the air has been restored long ago, and the entire space is not the same as before.

Thirty-one strong men have been practicing in this space.

With the passage of time, all the strong men have awakened, waiting for the exit to open and leave here.

"Three years is coming."

"We should also leave here. This seat can tell you that this time the gate of fortune is different from other times. Please be careful when you leave."

"Because all the creations in the 33rd Heaven are obtained by us, it is impossible for this gate of creation to appear again in the future. Therefore, when this formation is opened, there may be some accidents."

"When going out, try to avoid being torn by space."

Li Lingtian looked at the strong man who came to him and said seriously, the expression on his face was dignified.

He didn't want to be too full of words, after all, such things were not 100%, and he did not want such things to happen, just to wake up the strong here.

"Sir Ling Tian said that the space has changed?"

"No wonder there will be such a roulette. It turns out that the 33rd heaven is perfect."

"The predecessors who entered the gate of fortune in the past have records. The place to go out is also the square and the altar, but there is no such roulette, and I did not expect that there are these reasons."

"Thank you Master Lingtian for reminding us that, fortunately, Master Lingtian is here, otherwise we really don't know this."

"I don't know who has entered the 33rd heaven."

"Think about it, the thirty-three days that Your Excellency Ling Tian should enter."


Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the thirty-one strong men present were shocked.

Looking at Li Lingtian, he wanted to know more news.

They naturally prefer to believe whether it is unbelievable or not, because in such a place, it is originally magical, and it is normal to have a change. Besides, Li Lingtian is also a celestial division master, the only celestial division master in Shenwu Continent.

In the past few months, they all know that Li Lingtian has been comprehending this lineup. Now it seems that Li Lingtian must have found something in this lineup.

Among these strong men, they want to know who has entered the 33rd Heaven.

Because, Li Lingtian has already said that the creation of thirty-three places in this place of creation has been obtained. Naturally, the creation in the thirty-three heavens has also been obtained.

You must know that the thirty-three heavens and thirty-three creations are different from each other.

However, the higher the land of nature, the better the nature will be.

Although this entry into the land of fortune is the portal of fortune based on each person's physique and talents, these powerful men still want to know who has received thirty-three days of fortune.

Thirty-three heavens, the last few heavens are the best, and the thirty-third heavens are naturally supreme.

A few strong men looked at Li Lingtian with their eyes, all suspected that Li Lingtian had achieved 33 days of creation.

"Yes, this seat has entered the 33rd heaven."

"However, you certainly don't think what is in the 33rd Heaven?"

"In there, there is no treasure you want, only creation, this creation is not a supernatural power, and, for the entire Shenwu Continent, only this seat can get this creation."

Li Lingtian did not want to hide, because this thing cannot be hidden, and there is no need to hide it.

Besides, this creation is not available to other people, and it is almost specifically tailored for him.

And it's just a supplementary creation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not magical, it is not useful for other strong people, when speaking, the tone is bland and relaxed, without any slight fluctuations.

"No treasure?"

"I don't know if Your Excellency Ling Tian will let us see."

Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, all the strong men were stunned. They didn’t expect that there were no treasures or magical powers in the 33rd Heaven. It was incredible.

But everyone knows that Li Lingtian has a lot of money, and he will never lie, and there is no need to lie.

I want to know what kind of creation Li Lingtian got in the 33rd Heaven. If it is not magical, it should be a practice. I want to see what Li Lingtian got.

And it's still the kind of creation that only Li Lingtian can get. It's really exciting, I don't know what it is?

For a time, all the strong people looked forward to Li Lingtian.


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