War God Supreme

Chapter 1860: Come to 9 Chongshan

c_t; No one will stay in the face of the horror demons who are not in a level. [Please see the latest chapter of this book]

Because this is a meaningless death, there are hundreds of millions of puppets and puppets in the Cangnan region, and there are only 10 million humans in Jiuzhong Mountain, and the number is not on a single level.

More importantly, there are a large number of devil emperors and demon kings in the powerful demon clan, and even the legendary devil emperor strong.

No matter in quantity or strength, humans are not rivals of the Devil.

"No, this Jiuzhong Mountain is the last front in the Cangnan region."

"And Jiuzhong Mountain and Tiandao Mountain in Tianmen are the key to suppressing the Demon Race. If it is occupied by the Demon Race, the Devil Race will be stronger."

"Even if we withdraw, let other people go first. Our real purpose now is to delay the time and try to let other people leave here."

There is a determined look on Wuhua real person's face. His strongest half-god peak is the strongest in Cangnan domain. Even in Tianyu, he is also the strongest in the Celestial Realm. He also has a place in Immortal Realm.

But it has always been in Tianmen, in order to suppress the Demon Race.

Now that the demon clan is attacking, Tianmen has fallen behind, and everyone can only stay on this Jiuzhong Mountain.

However, there are hundreds of millions of demons gathered in front of Jiuzhong Mountain. Such a force cannot be resisted by human beings. With his cultivation behavior, there is no problem to leave alone.

But he couldn't do this. He asked the people in Cangnan and Xuanzhou Cangzhou to leave here first, and to buy time for people in Cangzhou and Xuanzhou Cangnan.

He can deal with one of the super powers of the Demon Race, but there are countless Demon Kings of the other side, and he has no way of defeating the other side. Besides, the Demon Race has no worries at all in the Shenwu Continent War. It is endless destruction. Even if he defeats one or even kills one of the Demon Clan, humans will fall into the millions.

"In three years, the Mozu has invaded the Shenwu Continent for three years."

"But neither Immortal Territory nor Heaven Territory has any movement. With the power of the Danshi Guild, you should know about the Demon Race. Lord Ling Tian also returned to Cangnan Territory, but after three years, there was no news."

"Did Xianyu have given up the rest of Shenwu Continent?"

Dong Ling's face showed a puzzled look, and looked at Wu Hua's real person.

It stands to reason that Xianyu and Tianyu will send people to support, but Xianyu and Tianyu have no news.

Although they have been in the Cangnan region, they are very clear about Li Lingtian's affairs in the fairyland. Li Lingtian's strength is extremely terrifying, and he has long stood on the top of the Shenwu Continent. Now that the Demon invasion, Li Lingtian has no message. Full text reading of the latest chapter

"The more this is, we have to resist the Demon Race and let others withdraw."

"Three years ago, I got the news that Lord Ling Tian and Xianyu Power entered the door of fortune."

"Most of what happened to Shenwu Continent a while ago was mostly caused by the Gate of Fortune, so now we have to delay the time. If Lord Ling Tian comes out and gets the news of Shenwu Continent, he will rush back."

Wuhua Zhenren glanced at Dongling Zhenren and said softly.

This news, so far, only he knows it, and he did not say it. No wonder the real person of Dongling would think that Li Lingtian gave up the Cangnan domain. As for the immortal domain powerhouse, he did not send people to resist the demons, and most of them were the fairyland powerhouse himself. In the face of a strong enemy, or other arrangements, it is not impossible to abandon the Cangnan domain and keep the fairy domain.

"Then let other people retreat and leave us with this formation."

"No matter how many people are left, it is in vain."

Dongling Real Man tried to ask Wuhua Real Man. Tianmen’s mission was to suppress the Demon Race, but now the Devil Invasion has reached such an irreparable level that the only thing that can be done now is to let other people withdraw.


"People will prepare the teleportation array and turn it on at any time."

"It's enough to leave us as the others. Others try to withdraw as much as possible. Don't fall here. When you become a puppet of the Mozu, the situation of the Shenwu Continent will be worsened."

Wuhua real person nodded and turned to Dongling real person.

When speaking, I looked at the powerful formation above the Nine-fold Mountain. This formation is the most powerful formation of the Tianmen. The Tianmen has fallen, and the nine and half powerful gods have created a terrorist formation here. Resist demons.

This formation not only requires nine and a half gods to stabilize, but also burns hundreds of thousands of spirit stones every second.

After a while, countless strongmen of Jiuzhongshan flew away into the distance, and the whole black pressure in the sky completely blocked this space.

It was at this time that countless powerhouses of the Demon Clan also rose into the sky, and violent attacks erupted.

Rumble reads;!


Hundreds of millions of demons kept bombarding the formation, and the formation continued to tremble.

Moreover, when the strong humans retreat, countless demonic strongmen are also chasing and killing. For a time, the battle of destruction broke out in space, and the continuous figure fell from the sky.

Seeing this scene, the look on Wuhua Real Man's face was shocked. He didn't expect that the Demon Race was waiting for the strong man to evacuate.

Seeing the rain-like falling of countless human strongmen, the look on his face was extremely unsightly, and his body flashed towards the Demon Race.

The powerhouse of the pinnacle of the semi-god realm peaked in the endless demons, and the demons fell into pieces.

However, he alone couldn't stop the Demon Clan Powerful. Countless Devil Clan Powerful bypassed the formation to chase down the human strong man. This situation is obviously to kill all human beings cleanly.

what! what! what!

what! what……

The blast of destruction, the screams that rang throughout the world, torn apart the whole sky.

The strongmen of the four super powers rushed to kill them, fleeing into the distance while fighting.

Xuanzhou and Cangzhou fled the strong, and flew away in the distance, but in front of the terrifying Demon strong, they were like ants, with no resistance at all, even being torn apart by space To destroy.

The demon clan poured out, and the demon clan suddenly slaughtered the human clan and all creatures.

Destruction, death, and continuous.

I don't know how long it has passed, the formation has shattered, and countless superpowers of Tianmen have fallen.

The demon powerhouses do not want to attack humans at all, which is almost a suicide attack.

Moreover, the countless demons and demons within the demons continue to slaughter human beings. This is not a war at all, but slaughter.

In the air, more than a dozen Demon Pinnacles of the Great Demon's pinnacles are suspended in the air, and they look at the falling humans in this space with disdain. kill.


It was at this time that there was a clicking sound in the devilish sky.

In this devastating battle, this click sound is like a spring thunder, which shakes the eardrums of all demons and strong men. Countless demons and humans are looking into the void.

Seeing the situation in the air, all the strong human beings were shocked, and the Devil looked at the void disdainfully.

I saw a scarlet grid in the void, which was hundreds of miles in size.

Anyone with insight knows that this is someone who came across the border, and based on the size of the grid, it can be seen that the comer has cultivated strength to the earth.

The grid suddenly appeared and disappeared instantly. When the grid disappeared, a huge crack appeared, and the crack was a hundred miles long.

In the crack, a white figure appeared. When the white figure left the crack, the crack closed.

The white figure is suspended in the void, like a true **** standing high above him, his eyes gazing down at everything in the world.

Seeing this figure, countless human strongmen are relieved. After all, the comers are humans regardless of their strength and weakness. They are not demons. It is much better to have one helper than one demons.

The strong in Cangnanyu, Cangzhou and Xuanzhou, basically no one knows who the white figure is in the void.

However, the super powers of Tianmen and Canyang Valley and Piaoyun Valley and Qingyang Sect recognized the white figure. Although this figure was in the void, they could not escape their vision.

When I saw this person, I was all excited.

Just when the white figure appeared in the void, there were more than two dozen figures beside him. Each of the twenty figures was peerless and graceful.

This scene is like the advent of the Nine Heavens and Goddesses. Because these figures are all peerless beauties, even the Nine Heavens and Goddesses will be overshadowed in front of them.

Seeing these people, even if they don't know who the white figure is in the sky, they probably know who the person is.

"It's Lord Lingtian!"

"It is the owner of Tianyue Palace."

"Sister Meier."

"Brother Li."


Suddenly, countless strong men who knew Master Tianyue Palace and Li Lingtian were exclaimed.

These people who knew Li Lingtian and the girls around him were all people from Cangzhou Xuanzhou and Qingzhou, as well as the powerful people in Cangnan region. They were all very excited to see the arrival of Li Lingtian and others.

"I didn't expect that this seat is not here, and the demons are coming to make trouble."

"It seems that the lesson from you is not enough."

The white figure in the air is Li Lingtian.

Looking at the devastating wars below, these were killed by the strong in Cangnan and Cangzhou Xuanzhou, and many of them have people they know~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or the strongman in a previous place.

Seeing this, the expression on his face was cold, and he said coldly.

It turned out that he controlled the fast flight of the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, but he did not reach the Cangnan region for nearly a month. In the end, there was no way but to display a large cross-border formation.

The cross-border formation allowed him to descend on the void of Jiuzhong Mountain. This Jiuzhong Mountain had a burst of heart. He was naturally familiar with this burst of heart. Through this burst of heart, he crossed precisely.

"Li Lingtian!"

When the Devil Strong saw Li Lingtian in the void, he was subconsciously shocked.

Li Lingtian, who had been chasing down by the Mozu, had not killed Li Lingtian. Now Li Lingtian came here and was shocked. Similarly, they also know that Li Lingtian is not the same as before, and Xiu Wei is already extremely powerful.

But thinking of the countless strong on his side, Li Lingtian was not in his eyes at all, and all the demons suddenly felt relieved.


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