War God Supreme

Chapter 1878: Great Matrix

c_t; "How are you guys?"

Li Lingtian asked Huangfu Yuyan and others with concern. (Advertising) Visit:.

He didn't expect to come here this time, and he saw that Huang Fu Yuyan had been attacked by the Devil Emperor. If he came later, Huang Fu Yuyan and others would definitely have something wrong.

Now I feel terrified when I think about it. I have secretly decided not to let them do these things.

"It's okay, I was injured a little, and I'll be cured."

"We have nothing to do with you, just rest and rest."

Seeing Li Lingtian's concern, she knew that Li Lingtian was worried about them.

A group of people shook their heads, indicating that nothing was wrong.

Indeed, they did not suffer the damage of destruction, but were crushed by the coercion of the Devil Emperor, but if Li Lingtian was a little late, they would not be so relaxed.

"You first enter the Dragon Ring to heal the rest."

"There is an emergency in Jiuzhongshan. I have to rush back to Jiuzhongshan."

Li Lingtian glanced at Huangfu Yuyan and others, and saw that the most serious injury was Xiao Bai ∫∠, m and Master Sister Tianyue Palace Master, but it didn't have much impact, as long as the rest healed.

Other people suffered a little bit of injury.

Seeing that his wife and relatives were injured, Li Lingtian was so angry that he had hated the Demon Race to the extreme. Now he can’t wait for the Demon Race to "pump" the soul and refine all the Demon Races of Jiuzhong Mountain into the Demon Realm.

"Brother, be careful yourself."

Ji Yi and others, of course, knew Li Lingtian's'sex' personality. Although Li Lingtian couldn't see his anger now, he knew that after Li Lingtian returned to Jiuzhongshan, he would explode all his anger on the Mozu.

Later, Li Lingtian opened the dragon ring, and Tang Qingyue and others entered the dragon ring.

After finishing everything, Li Lingtian flickered and quickly flew away in the direction of Jiuzhongshan. The devil emperor here and the demon emperor appearing in Jiuzhongshan were resolved. Strongman found.

With his strength as a cultivation base, even if it is flying, it will teleport several times faster than the average half-god strong.

Ice Flame Divine Wings spread out, the atmosphere of destruction exploded in space, under the flapping of wings of two miles in size, flying thousands of miles in an instant, less than a moment of kung fu, Li Lingtian approached Jiuzhong Mountain, and finally put the Ice Flame God Wings , Quietly entered the main ship.

When returning to the main ship, the battle of Jiuzhongshan not only did not end, but became more and more tragic.

Countless Shenwu mainland powerhouses disappeared, and countless demons destroyed and disappeared.

Li Lingtian returned to the main ship's practice room, and the exercises were running, slowly calming down his violent killing intentions. Now, as long as the Devil's Demon Emperor Powerhouse does not appear, he will not be easily dispatched. (ad)

Unless you find a good opportunity, otherwise it is reads that will not act rashly;.

"Bing Yan's ninth heaven has been cultivated to the eighth heaven."

"Unfortunately, my cultivation behavior is still too low. Otherwise, I can cultivate the ninth heavy heaven."

"Ice Flame Divine Wing is magically overbearing, and the eighth heavy sky is ignoring the existence of the Devil Emperor, a still space. In this space, I can dominate everything, but it is already my limit to kill nine strong men in the fingertips. "

"And, on the eighth day, I can only perform it once a day, otherwise it will hurt the ice **** and fire god."

Li Ling sat cross-legged and calmed his mood, then said to himself.

His Ice Flame Nine Heavens has already practiced to the Eighth Heaven, but the Eighth Heaven still has many restrictions.

Others do not know these restrictions, and the magical powers he cultivates naturally knows the existence of the restrictions, and he wants to overcome these restrictions unless it is cultivated for promotion.

But this is not possible, because it is already the pinnacle of semi-god realm. If you want to improve your cultivation, you are the true god.

"Now, the Supreme Master of the Starry Sky has also cultivated a lot of "fine", but it does not necessarily have a chance of winning against the Devil."

"The magical power I control is okay against the ordinary Devil Emperor, but it is difficult to deal with the super Devil Emperor Strong. The only thing that uses great power is the second and third layers of the Sky Sword Array. The third layer is on display, and you will have some confidence in dealing with the Demon Race."

I have estimated my own cultivation ability and supernatural powers, and I have an approximate chance of winning the victory and defeat in my heart. If I am now based on my own supernatural powers, I am not an opponent of the demon race.

If cultivation is to achieve the true God, that is another matter, but it is obviously impossible to achieve the true god.

Now, he has put his attention on the Sword of Heaven Extinction, hoping to build the Sword of Heaven Extinction, and then use the Sword Formation to deal with the Demon Race.

The war never stopped.

The powerful of the Shenwu Continent has also attacked the Jiuzhong Mountain.

The Mozu Powerhouse has been retreating continuously, and has retreated to the top of the Nine-Shan Mountain. On the top of the Nine-Shan Mountain, they are all super Demon-Straw Powerhouses.

The fleet is also suspended on the top of Jiuzhong Mountain.

At this time, the strong sides of both sides have stopped, and the two sides are separated by thousands of miles, looking far away.

Although the war has temporarily stopped, the atmosphere is extremely strange, and we all know that this is a temporary stop of the war, and it may break out again at any time.

"Sir Ling Tian."

Shengyuan Supreme came to the main ship and saluted Li Lingtian.

He is the first person in the Danshi Guild, which is the same as Li Lingtian's cultivation practice, but his strength is quite different from that of Li Lingtian.

It has been ten days since the mighty continent strongman came to the top of Jiuzhong Mountain, but Li Lingtian did not order to attack the Demon Race. Although he knew that Li Lingtian had his own arrangements, he was still curious.

"The Demon Race is starting the seal of Jiuzhongshan."

"Wait a few days, they can't open this seal."

"The seat will keep them trapped in the seal forever."

Li Lingtian said lightly that this seal was reinforced by him, and he also used the devil wheel. Even if the devil is powerful, he would not dare to touch the devil wheel easily. If he touches the devil wheel, , There will be terrible changes.

This is also the reason why he did not rush into the top of the Nine-Shan Mountain, so as to avoid the destruction of the powerful people of Shenwu Continent.

"Master Ling Tian knows this seal?"

Shengyuan Supreme looked at Li Lingtian, and he naturally believed in Li Lingtian's strength.

"This seal is arranged by this seat."

There was a smile of evil in the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth. When he had finished speaking, he stopped talking. He looked at the top of Jiuzhong Mountain as if he was waiting for something.

Shengyuan Supreme saw the evil smile on Li Lingtian's face and immediately understood what it was.

At the same time, I felt a cold in my heart. It is not difficult to see from Li Lingtian's smile. This seal was calculated by Li Lingtian long ago, waiting for the devil to be fooled.

Indeed, he did something for Li Lingtian naturally.

It is certainly his intention to let him give up the cultivation holy land like Jiuzhong Mountain and put the town demon wheel here.

He is waiting for an opportunity, as long as this opportunity comes, the Demon Clan of Jiuzhong Mountain will be lost in a thousand disasters. If the powerful Demon Clan does not touch this town magic wheel, he will face the powerful Devil Emperor. .


"It's really abominable."

"Master Longhu, this array of eyes must have been manipulated by humans in the past few years."

"According to our understanding, the opening of the Jiuzhong Mountain's array is very simple, but now, there is a magic wheel on the array. If you touch this town, there will be destruction."

In the endless abyss of the top of the nineth mountain, nine strong demon emperors surrounded the array of eye seals, and one of the devil emperors stood up and came to the other side of the array, saluting respectfully to a blood-red demon emperor.

After saluting, the benefits of this burst of seals were reiterated, and his face was angry.

However, after speaking, he stood on the side respectfully and was terrified of the blood-red demon emperor in front of him.

"Years ago?"

"Did Li Lingtian move?"

Lord Long Huo opened his eyes, blood red hair, and blood red eyes.

The whole person exudes a strange destructive qi, and the air becomes twisted at this time.

When the eyes glanced at the demon emperor in front of him, the body of the opposite demon emperor shivered involuntarily.

"Back to Lord Long Huo, Li Lingtian had been here when my demon came to Cangnan."

"Finally let the humans evacuate. I believe this town of demons is what Li Lingtian did. Now Li Lingtian has no movement outside the top of the Jiuzhong Mountain. It should be waiting for us to touch the town of demons."

"Li Lingtian was the first division of the Divine Martial Continent. The seal of his formation method must have endless calculations in it."

The Great Demon Master shivered, and said respectfully, and couldn't help shaking when speaking.

Soon, Li Lingtian came to Jiuzhongshan more than ten years ago. At that time, the Demon Emperor of the Demon Race had not yet come here, which allowed Li Lingtian to do things in Jiuzhongshan.

Finally, Li Lingtian evacuated the humans from Shenwu Continent, and gave up Jiuzhongshan.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to make a move on the seal to make the Demon dilemma.

"Did you just give up here?"

"Let’s think of a way for Ben Demon Emperor, but he can’t think of a way to destroy the town.

"Within ten days, if you can't break this seal, you will destroy the Town Demon Wheel. This Devil Emperor wants to see how powerful Li Lingtian is, huh!"

The look on Lord Longhu's face is extremely cold~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's like a piece of ice that will never change.

When speaking, there is no emotion in the tone.

The voice fell, his eyes closed slightly, and he no longer ignored the Great Demon Array Master.

"Subordinates obey!"

When the Master Matrix heard Master Longhuo's words, his body shivered and his face suddenly changed dramatically.

He is a super lineup master of the Demon Race. Although he is not as good as the Soul Array Master, the lineup is strong and incomparable. Knowing the complexity of this seal, he also knows the horror of the town.

This town demon wheel is designed for the Demon Race, not to mention the devil, even the devil ancestor and deity may instantly destroy the smoke, and now Lord Longhuo let him break the seal within ten days. If it cannot be broken, it will be destroyed. Devil wheel, isn't it death?

But Lord Longhuo's orders didn't dare to disobey, or he would be wiped out by Lord Longhuo without waiting for the Demonic Wheel to destroy him. ;


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