War God Supreme

Chapter 1913: Domineering return




Zhen Tian’s murderous intentions rose into the sky. After hearing the words of the Supreme Sovereign, the hundreds of millions of martial continent strongmen knew their situation and the situation of others. Both advance and retreat were death. Instead of being slaughtered, it is better to try their best to kill the devil. Strong. Baidu Search to Lili Literature Network

They have already prepared for the fall and set their lives to death.

No one knows the harm and horror of the Demon Race. No one knows. If you don’t unite and destroy the Devil Race, the Shenwu Continent will be completely destroyed and become the world of the Devil Race.

There may not be their loved ones here, but there are their juniors and family members in Xianyu. This Shenwu Continent is their hometown, and they must not be affected by the devil.

At this moment, there is no extra language, and the simple shouting has proven their determination.

For a time, the body of the billionaires of the Shenwu Continent was full of lore, and those who were barefoot were not afraid of wearing shoes. They fought together, even the tiger had to bite.



The earth, trembling constantly.

Space, constantly tearing.

The demonic qi of destruction is rolling in, and the sky beyond a million has become a magic domain.

Mozu's endless powerhouses and puppets, as well as Warcraft, like the tide flowing into Cangzhou, the air and the earth are all a piece of black pressure. I don't know how many Mozus there are.


Youzhou border is only a million miles away from Cangzhou.

The endless demons gather here, and the endless stream of demons are still coming, all the demons are gathered here, waiting for the attack command.

At the forefront of the Demon Strong, all are Super Demon above the semi-deity.

Devil races above half **** realm are counted in millions. This lineup is even stronger than Shenwu Continent.

Moreover, in addition to the demons in the demigod realm, there are nearly three hundred demon emperor strong.

Among these Devil Emperor Powerhouses, there are eleven super existences at the beginning of Devil Emperor.

However, these are nothing, because this time the powerful attacking Shenwu Continent is led by the four major demon guards, commanded by the dark demon master.

The four Demon Guardians commanded the strength to be astonishing. No one knows how powerful they are. In the Demon Race, it is said to be invincible under the Devil Emperor in the mid-term.

This is nothing, because the most powerful one is the Dark Lord Commander, the super existence of the Devil Emperor in the mid-term.

The super demon emperor of these demons is aimed at Li Lingtian. As for the other superpowers of the continent, they are simply not seen by them.

Countless demons gathered, the dark demon commander and the four demon commanders and eleven super powers, suspended in the air, standing in front of the demon army, at this time, a demon power came quickly, toward Shouted the leaders of the four demon guards.

"What happened to the Shenwu Continent?"

One of the four demon commanders, Gatian Demon Emperor's **** eyes, looked at the demon spy in front of him and asked coldly.

When speaking, the whole space is trembling constantly, just like this space must be cracked and destroyed in front of him at any time, showing the horrific cultivation of the Heavenly Devil Emperor.

"Master God, the martial arts continent of the congregation gathered, already know the situation on our side."

"It's just that Li Lingtian and the people around him have never appeared. It is said that they have gone to the south of the fairy land to build treasures, and they have also built the treasures. No one knows what the specific treasure is."

Mozu detectives felt the cold breath of Demon Emperor, and the body could not help shaking.

Not daring to hesitate, he quickly said what he had learned earlier.

"Explore again!"

One of the four magic guards commanded the Emperor Demon Emperor and waved with one hand.

The demon spies quickly saluted and retreated.

Demon Emperor Demon Emperor, one of the four Demon Emperor Commanders, cultivated as the peak of Demon Emperor's early stage, with unparalleled strength. Known as the invincible hand below Demon Emperor's mid-term, when he heard the words Li Lingtian, his eyes exuded bloodthirsty light.

Here, the most hated Li Lingtian is not other people, or he boiled the Devil Emperor, because Li Lingtian killed the Devil Emperor, who is his brother.

Although there are no affections in Mozu, there are exceptions.

His younger brother, commanded by his four demon guards, was killed by a semi-divine realm of mankind. For him, it was a shame and shame. This time he came here to kill Li Lingtian himself.

"It seems that Li Ling really went to the south of the fairy land."

"While Li Lingtian is not here, we will destroy the Shenwu Continent."

"Every human being, dare to move the people around the devil emperor to find death."

After the Demon Scouts left, the harsh voice of Demon Emperor Demon Emperor sounded.

Looked at the Dark Lord in front, waiting for the decision of the Lord.

"A Li Lingtian is not enough to be afraid."

"Our main purpose is to get something from him."

"Order, first destroy the people of Shenwu Continent in Cangzhou, and then directly kill the fairy land, destroying Shenwu Continent in one fell swoop, then Shenwu Continent will be the world of Demon Race."

The Dark Lord Commander did not consider it at all, and directly ordered people to attack the Shenwu Continent.

In his eyes, Shenwu Continent could not withstand a blow at all. Without the existence of Li Lingtian, the Demon Clan could sweep the Shenwu Continent with just one Devil Emperor.

In the past few decades, I don't know how many Devil Emperors were killed by Li Lingtian, so that the Devil Emperor of the Demon Clan felt trembling when he heard Li Lingtian's name.

This time Li Lingtian let their good deeds fail, and the Mozu no longer had patience. Suddenly half of the Mozus were dispatched, and they will definitely destroy the Shenwu Continent this time.


Suddenly, the endless demons rolled towards Cangzhou, and the space was constantly torn.

The terrifying voice made the powerful continents of Shenwu Continent a million miles away feel the momentum of destroying the terrifying continent, and the powerful continents of Shenwu continent boiled with blood.

Even if it is not defeated by the Demon Race, but a desperate battle, unscrupulous destruction, regardless of the death of life and death, makes people almost crazy.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The shocking momentum, less than half an hour, the rolling Demon Army came thousands of miles away.

Seeing the destruction and the endless demons, Shengyuan Supreme shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the floods of the billionaires on the Shenwu Continent generally flowed towards the Demon Race.

However, the seemingly scattered powerhouses formed a mysterious formation. Nine people formed a small formation, nine small formations formed a large formation, nine large formations formed a lore formation, and nine lore formations Form a world of unanimous meaning.

Shenwu Continent, all the powerful, formed a formation of destruction.



Hundreds of millions of powerful people slammed together like two floods.

Suddenly, the earth was constantly destroyed, the endless strongman vanished under this impact, the air of destruction in the air continued to tear the space, and the breath of death spread into the void.

At the beginning of the war, countless Devil Emperors of the Demon Race also joined the war. Such an asymmetrical attack is to destroy the Shenwu Continent. There is no humanity at all.

The cruelty of the demons and the ruthlessness of the war are perfectly interpreted in this place.

Countless strong men, even the sound of screaming, has disappeared without a chance to shout.

The Devil Emperor entered the war and was completely slaughtered.

Only the eleven super devil emperors and the four demon commanders did not start, because they were disdain for such a slaughter, but were waiting for Li Lingtian to appear, or waiting for the Shenwu continent to be slaughtered.

The eyes of the Dark Lord Commander are closed, suspended in the air, and the rolling magic energy around him will resist the endless destruction.

In every second of the war, tens of thousands of powerful people disappear.



In the void, two roaring sounds shook the world.

In the war that has spread for thousands of miles, these two roars let all the powerful and the demons hear.

In the roaring sound, there is an endless icy breath and flame breath.

At the same time, this world is completely flooded with ice and heat.

Countless strong men and demons looked at the place of the roaring sound, and when they saw the situation in the void, everyone was shocked, and the look on their faces was constantly changing.

The powerful of the Shenwu Continent was shocked and excited, and suddenly felt bloody, and their fighting intentions skyrocketed!

The strong of the demon clan is in horror and fear.

Because, they saw someone coming from the sky.

I saw the void, a ten-meter-sized ice-blue monster and a ten-meter-sized fiery red beast suspended in the air, and the flames of destruction and the coldness of ice were emitted from them, although they were still away from the battlefield. There are tens of thousands of miles, but everyone can feel the meaning of destruction.

More importantly, on the two horrible monsters, stood a young man in white.

Behind the young man in white is a mile of red and blue wings, and beside him is a shield of colored light. On him, exudes the glory of flames. The whole person is like a flame of war.

The whole person, fused with ice and flame, the world shivered involuntarily in front of him.

Domineering, majestic style, like a **** of war style, impact everyone's vision.

"Sir Ling Tian!"

"Li Lingtian!"

The powerful of the Shenwu Continent and the powerful of the Demon Race exclaimed.

Who is Li Lingtian in the air?

That glorious world's momentum and supreme breath, arrogant of the destruction of the world, makes people tremble.

At this moment, all the wars stopped, and the Mozu gradually moved closer to his companion, with horror and fear on his face, and subconsciously feared Li Lingtian.

The strong man of Shenwu Continent also slowly retreated, gathered with his companions, and finally retreated to the side.

Because they knew that after Li Lingtian came, they could control the battlefield, and the number of people here was useless. If Li Lingtian was killed, Shenwu Continent could be declared destroyed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Li Lingtian wins, Shenwu Continent The strong can crush the demons.

"Sir Ling Tian!"

"Sir Ling Tian!"

"Sir Ling Tian!"

All the strong men of Shenwu Continent couldn't help but feel excited, shouting out loud.

Every strong man, with excitement on his face, with excitement, with admiration and respect, is like seeing a savior.

Zhen Tian's cheering told the Shenwu Continent and the Demon Race, this is Li Lingtian's status, this is Li Lingtian's strength, this is Li Lingtian's cohesion and popularity.

In the eyes of the powerful martial art continent, Li Lingtian has surpassed the existence of the true god.


Shengyuan Supreme also spoke at this time, so that all the mighty continents of the continent began to defend against the attack of the Devil Emperor. In this way, Li Lingtian could resist part of the Devil Emperor Strong, at least not let Li Lingtian serve them during the war. Worried and distracted.

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