War God Supreme

Chapter 1920: Dark Lord Commander...


There was a horrible muffled sound, the destruction of the Qingming Saint Emperor's Sword was bombarded with no suspense on Fernan Devil Emperor, and the defense of the Fernan Devil Emperor continued to tremble, as if to be destroyed at any time, but in the end it still supported Down.

At this time, the supernatural power destroyed by the Emperor Jiatian was also crushed in front of Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's body swayed, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his body was quickly thrown out into the distance. At the same time, a pair of crystal clear wings appeared behind Li Lingtian.

However, the wings at this time were not Ice Flame God Wings, but Thunder Wings flashed, and the sound of thunder thundered in the air. Li Lingtian's whole body produced arcs. These arcs naturally originated from Thunder Wings.

The thunder wing flashed, Li Lingtian's body cut through hundreds of miles of space, and the distance from Jiatian Demon Emperor was further away. The shape of Demon Emperor and the demon's power of destruction also continued to crush the past, and the two retreated As soon as he entered, he quickly swept across the void.

"The power of stars-the stars mean!"

Li Lingtian flickered with thunder wing, and kept retreating back.

The magical powers and magical powers of the Heavenly Devil Emperor and the magical powers continued to bombard the past, and Li Lingtian kept flashing in front of the destruction of the magical powers.

But, at this time, something that shocked all the strong people happened.

The Venan Demon Emperor, who was originally bombarded by Li Ling Tianqing's Sage Emperor's Sword, had already canceled the power of the sword's awn, and his body flashed, and he would fly away in the direction of Li Lingtian.

But he stopped as soon as his figure flashed, and there was a horrified look on his face.

I saw a white figure appeared not far above him.

This figure in white is not Li Lingtian or who. All the powerful people saw two Li Lingtians appearing in the air. One Li Lingtian was chased and killed by Demon Emperor Jiatian. On the side of Demon Emperor Fernan, another Li Lingtian appeared.

Everyone was shocked to see two Li Lingtians appearing at the same time.

Moreover, both Li Lingtian are real, not illusions and hallucinations.

The strong men of Shenwu Continent reacted because they knew that Li Lingtian was the five elements Yuanshen, the superpower of the Five Elements Great Consummation, two Li Lingtians were in the air, one was the deity and the other was the Yuanshen deity.

Soon, it became clear that Li Lingtian above Demon Emperor Fernan was the deity, because he had a multicolored light shield on him, and Li Lingtian who was chased by Demon Emperor did not have a multicolored light shield, just a light shield of the gold system, so no It is hard to see that this is Li Lingtian's deity.

Li Lingtian's deity appeared above Fernan Devil Emperor, his face was extremely cold, the divine power of the whole body was running, the starry sky was working, and the power of the stars exploded at this time.

When the power of the stars appeared, the stars were also exhibited.

I saw Li Lingtian's right hand stretched out, the index finger and the **** merged, exuding a mysterious halo between the two fingers, it looked magical.

At the same time, the whole space trembled.

The stars refer to the stars.

The power is like a starry sky. In Li Lingtian's body, it is also exuding the power of an overbearing star. The power of the star quickly condenses away between two fingers.

Pointing out with a finger, the void was penetrated, forming a fragmented hollow of a hundred miles in size.

Xingchen pointed out that all heaven and earth are extinct, and everything is still.

At this time, the entire void became the night sky, and only one finger penetrated the whole world, and finally bombarded Demon Emperor Fernand.

The fingers of the stars disappear, and everything in the world returns to normal.

Li Lingtian's body also flickered at this time. At the same time as his body flickered away, two devastating demonic energies destroyed the space. The place where he originally stood turned into a black hole, forming a vacuum. .

These two attacks were naturally performed by the Emperor Demon Emperor and the Peng Tian Demon Emperor. The two of them were shocked to see Li Lingtian's destruction. Even in front of such forces, even they could not grasp it, What's more, there is no defense against the Emperor Fernand.

In the air, Emperor Fernan's eyes were horrified, his face pale.

Gradually, the body of Fernan Demon Emperor disappeared in the air and was completely turned into ashes.

Super Devil Emperor, Fernand Demon Emperor, falls!

Emperor Jiatian also naturally discovered everything that happened in the air, knowing that he was fooled, but he was also chasing and killing Li Lingtian's Yuanshen deity. As long as the Yuanshen deity was killed, Li Lingtian's cultivation behavior would fall.

But at this time, Li Lingtian, who had killed Fernan Devil Emperor, had already appeared in front of him.

The two Li Lingtian appeared in one place, but did not merge together.

The two Li Lingtians showed a smile on the corner of their mouths, and their movements and charms were generally the same.

"Pure Yang Fairy Sword!"

Li Lingtian smiled at the corner of his mouth, waving with one hand, a mysterious long red sword appeared in his hand. The blood red long sword drew a mysterious sword awn. The sword awn was like Hongguang, and it landed at no distance between time and space. In front of God Emperor.

The pure Yangxian sword, beyond the existence of the unique congenital artifacts, is extremely magical. Even Li Lingtian does not know how powerful the pure Yangxian sword is, and does not know what kind of treasure is the pure Yangxian sword.

At this time, in the face of several super devil emperors, he had to find a way to destroy these devil emperors, so he displayed the pure sun fairy sword without any reservation.

Coupled with the five elements of immortality in the body, the power of the Pure Sun Immortal Sword is more terrifying than before.

The look on the face of Jiatian Modi was also shocked. He didn't know what treasure the blood-red sword exhibited by Li Lingtian was, but the terrifying coercion and the sword that devoured the mind made him tremble from the bottom of his heart.

Watching Jianmang bombarded him, he no longer dared to chase down Li Lingtian's Yuanshen deity. With both hands swiped, the Demon Ancestral Staff was exhibited, and he wanted to resist the pure Yangxianjian's swordmand.






A click sounded, and the Devil's Staff was cut by the sword of the pure Yang fairy sword. At the same time, the pure Yang fairy sword in Li Lingtian's hand did not stop at all. Instead, he scored dozens of sword swords faster.

He had already taken it seriously, even if several other devil emperors came, he would have to kill the **** of the sky first, and then, only by killing a **** of the sky, his threat would be reduced a little.

Even if he is hurt by himself, he must destroy the God of Devil Emperor.

The power of the Pure Sun Immortal Sword is terrifying, and the order is mysterious. Even with his current cultivation practices, he can only barely exert the Pure Sun Immortal Sword once or twice, and he still cannot exert the true power of the Pure Sun Immortal Sword.

Even if there are five elements of fairy energy, it can only exert the power of the pure Yang fairy sword a little more, and the number of times it is cast is a little more.

However, Li Lingtian is now fighting to kill the Emperor Katian, and he bombarded dozens of swords.

Finally, the Emperor Jiatian could not support the sword mand of the pure Yangxian Sword. With a scream, the sword mandrel completely destroyed his physique. The destruction power of the sword mandrel shattered the body of the God Emperor Emperor into pieces, and even the Yuanshen was pure. Yang Xianjian's blood-red sword awn and Wu Xian Xian Qi were destroyed.



As the Heavenly Devil Emperor fell, Li Lingtian was also rushed and wounded by the Demon Emperor and Pengtian Demon Emperor at this time.

Li Lingtian's body was also quickly thrown out. At the same time, the Jin Yuanshen deity also returned to Li Lingtian's body. The two united and the broken colorful light shield was unfolded again.

How powerful the multicolored light shield is, but Li Lingtian released the Jin Yuanshen deity, the multicolored light shield lacked the gold system, the power was greatly reduced, and the power of the two demon emperors was terrifying. When Li Lingtian did not react, Came from the bombardment.

In the face of defensive reduction and no defense, it is reasonable to be injured by the two Devil Emperors. It is already a defiant of being able to survive under the bombardment of two Super Devil Emperors.


In the void, a cold hum rang out.

This cold hum came from the Dark Lord Commander. When the voice fell, the Dark Lord Commander disappeared strangely.



The Dark Lord Commander disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already behind Li Lingtian.

The huge palm was shot on Li Lingtian's multicolored light shield. The multicolored light shield was severely bombarded, and disappeared without any resistance. Without the defense of the multicolored light shield, Li Lingtian's body was completely exposed to the attack of the Dark Lord. under.

With a muffled sound, Li Lingtian spurted out blood, and the **** body was tearing constantly, as if it was about to disappear at any time.

This situation, so that all the powerful did not think.

I did not expect that the Dark Lord Commander shot at this time, nor did I think that the Dark Lord Commander was so powerful. With a single blow, Li Lingtian’s defense was destroyed even without supernatural powers. The horror of the colorful light shield was clear, even if it was The Demon Emperor's strongman could not be shaken, but when he came to the Dark Demon Commander, he was completely vulnerable.

Devil Emperor's mid-term power and means could not be imagined.



At this time, Demon Emperor Peng Tian and Emperor Peng Tian did not stop. The two took advantage of Li Lingtian's serious injuries to bombard Li Lingtian. For a time, Li Lingtian's body was torn and his body was constantly thrown away.

With no power in him, he was completely crushed mercilessly.

Defeating Demon Emperor, Peng Tian Demon Emperor and Dark Demon Commander ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Three super devil emperors crush Li Lingtian overwhelmingly.

Li Lingtian's divine body is constantly being destroyed, and he has no chance to fight back.

Shenwu Continent, all the powerful people, watching Li Lingtian being crushed by the three super devil emperors, are shocked. There is no slight accident. After all, the four demon guards and dark demon commanders are too powerful, not ordinary demon emperors. Strong.

Li Lingtian was able to kill two of them.

Now Li Lingtian was crushed and bombarded by the three super devil emperors. In this way, Li Lingtian will disappear in a few moments and completely fall on this Shenwu Continent.

Although all the strong men are worried about despair, they have no solution at all, because they do not even have the qualification to join the war group.

I can only watch Li Lingtian being continuously destroyed by the three super devil emperors. Li Lingtian's breath is also getting weaker and weaker, and the body of God gradually collapsed at this time.


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