War God Supreme

Chapter 1937: Powerful devil

The battleships are connected together, forming a honeycomb-like formation. network

The endless destruction is blocked by the formation, and there is a terrifying and magical vortex above the main ship. This vortex is like a space-time channel.

The spirit spirits between the heavens and the earth flowed here.

In this sea of ​​flames of magic energy, all the magic energy is absorbed onto the main ship.

"Thank you fairies."

All the powerful people looked at the destruction outside through the array mask, and they were shocked. They had a deep understanding of the terror outside. In the face of such destruction, even their semi-divine realm disappeared at any time.

Now coming to the battleship, there is no longer any threat, and I am very grateful to Huangfu Yuyan and others.


"Quickly adjust the position."

"The attributes of the five elements are separated, and it will help Ling Tian deal with the devil."

Tang Qingyue nodded, in response to the salute of all the strong.

Immediately, let all the strong people separate the five elements, and the five attributes of the golden wood, water, fire, and earth come to the side, so that the strong people here can join forces to help Li Lingtian.

In the world of devil qi, if you want to fight against the devil, you will not be able to do the same things.

Moreover, the cultivation of the demon master is supernatural, and he has no certainty.

Even Li Lingtian did not have the slightest chance of winning. If they lost to the devil because of the spirit of fairy spirits, it would be injustice. They had already made preparations to help Li Lingtian, but they did not have much confidence, so they took all The strong get together to help Li Lingtian.



Hearing Tang Qingyue's words, all the strong men quickly flashed and came to where they should be based on their attributes.

In a moment of effort, countless powerhouses formed five powerful camps, and five camps of gold, wood, fire, and earth. After the camps were allocated, all the powerhouses looked seriously at the outside world.


Boom, boom!

Flame Sea has been completely destroyed.

The endless bang, the endless destruction, the world is turned upside down, and there is no more complete place to survive. Even the city walls and the demon castle are turned into ashes, and it is completely in disarray.

Li Lingtian suspended in the air, the five-element field and the multicolored light shield on his body, as well as the powerful nine-day divine power, and the powerful defense of the heavenly roulette, all the destruction was resisted outside.

At this time, he did not pay attention to the destruction of the world at all, but looked at the direction of the magic castle with his consciousness and eyes.

Because the most powerful demons of the demons are in this place, all the demons are basically gone, and only a small part of the demons are struggling in the destruction.

With a strong mysterious atmosphere and continuous strengthening, the expression on Li Lingtian's face became more and more dignified.

Dare not to have the slightest distraction, the space supernatural power and the emptiness of the sky are also displayed at this time. As long as there is a devil in this space, he cannot escape his space induction.

"Li Lingtian."

Just when Li Lingtian looked at the direction of Destruction Devil Castle, a dull sound rang in Li Lingtian's ear. This sound rang, and Li Lingtian's face was ashamed, completely shocked and dull.

The momentary sluggishness reacted, but when he reacted, it was too late.


There was a horrible muffled sound, with the sound of broken bones inside.

Then, Li Lingtian's body shuddered violently, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His body flew like a shell, and at the same time, behind Li Lingtian's body, a blue-gray figure followed closely.



The blue-gray figure fist bombarded Li Lingtian continuously, and Li Lingtian had no chance to react, and became a sandbag.

It turned out that when Li Lingtian heard that dull voice, a greenish-grey figure came to Li Lingtian. When he came to Li Lingtian, the countless strongmen on the battleship did not see it, and Li Lingtian did not find anything at all.

If this blue-gray figure didn't speak, Li Lingtian wouldn't know that someone had appeared next to him.

Being able to escape the destruction of space, being able to escape Li Lingtian's vision and consciousness, being able to escape the induction of space supernatural power, came to Li Lingtian so quietly, and even Li Lingtian didn't even notice it, what a horror.

In this world, Li Lingtian's space supernatural power has reached the extreme, claiming that no one can match it, but that is the case. A blue-gray figure came to his side and did not know it, which shocked him.

Moreover, the destruction of this gray-grey figure was so terrifying that he had no luck at all and ignored Li Lingtian's realm. He came to Li Lingtian's realm and defeated Li Lingtian's multicolored light shield and divine body.

Li Lingtian's cultivation is his strength, even if he fights against the Dark Demon Commander with a full blow, he cannot be injured.

Because of his five-element field and colorful light shield and powerful **** body.

However, this blue-gray figure broke Li Lingtian's defense with a single blow, which could not be described as horror.


Li Lingtian's body collapsed, and his heart was shocked.

He never imagined that the devil appeared beside him, so that he did not react at all.

Such supernatural powers and cultivation practices made him unacceptable.

Fighting against such a strong man is completely an asymmetrical war. There is simply no qualification to fight. The gods are constantly torn apart, the mind is trembling constantly, and blood is constantly spitting out.

The blue-gray figure, he does not need to think, is the most powerful devil of the devil.

Except for the mysterious devil, he can’t think of anyone else in this Shenwu Continent who can make him so powerless to resist. Even a strong like the Dark Lord Commander can’t do this step.

Now, there is no chance to dodge, and it has completely become the sandbag of the devil.

In this way, the devil does not have to use magical powers at all, and he will be killed with ordinary fists. This is the first time he has encountered such a stifling thing.

This time, he encountered the most powerful opponent in his life and the most dangerous time in his life.

"But so."

"The deity doesn't want to do it, but I didn't expect you to be so uninteresting."

The blue-gray figure, the whole person is very chic, can't see the slightest demon clan, and there is no slight devil qi on his body, it is completely a super human strongman.

He looked at Li Lingtian coldly, and looked disdainfully at Li Lingtian.

When speaking, a huge fist constantly bombarded Li Lingtian's body. His shot was extremely fast and magical. It did not give Li Lingtian a chance to resist, but he did not use the terrible supernatural power to kill Li Lingtian. Fist crushed Li Lingtian.

"Want to kill this seat?"

"Do you think it's that simple?"

"too naive."

"Five Elements World!"

Li Lingtian's body continued to throw, and a mouthful of blood spouted continuously.

The look on his face was pale, and his body gradually collapsed. In this way, even if he had no chance to fight back, he would be smashed and vanished. At this time, there was no chance of Yuanshen's awakening and running of consciousness.

Looking at the demon not far away, Li Lingtian's face showed a crazy look.

This is the last war, the most tragic war, and the last war of the Shenwu Continent.

If I don't try my best, I won't have the chance to wait.

The sound fell, and the almost disintegrating five-element field shone for a moment, and instantly merged with this heaven and earth. The colorful light shield on Li Lingtian's body flickered. The whole process was only instantaneous. At this time, a dazzling colorful glow came from Li Lingtian's body. It broke out.

Li Lingtian is like a luminous body, bursting out a multicolored brilliance, the colorful brilliance instantly satisfied millions of miles, the devil's entire person was also bounced off by this ruinous brilliance, and the body was thrown out.

The colorful brilliance bounced the demon-lord away, Li Lingtian's body violently retreated, and suddenly appeared 20,000 miles away.

The colorful shield shone, and the colorful brilliance stirred the void.

In Li Lingtian's body, a slap-sized amorous halo continuously rotates, and each rotation is like this heaven and earth are rotating.

All the multi-colored brilliance comes from this radiant brilliance. This halo is naturally the world of five elements.

The Five Elements World is a treasure and a big world, a treasure with a big world.

The body of Li Lingtian is constantly recovering in front of the colorful brilliance, and the five elements of the immortal spirit are constantly circulating in the body of Li Lingtian. Between heaven and earth, Li Lingtian has become the most dazzling colorful brilliance. destroy.


Li Lingtian snorted coldly and looked coldly at the devil in the distance.

The divine body recovered quickly, gradually, the multi-colored brilliance disappeared, and finally all entered Li Lingtian's body, and the Five Elements World also stopped at this time.

Just now, if he did not force the world of the Five Elements, he would be killed by the devil.

Fortunately, there is the Five Elements World. Although the power of the Five Elements World has not hurt the Demon Lord, it has ejected the Demon Lord. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Lingtian’s Five Elements Great Scroll moved to the exhibition, and immediately 20,000 or 30,000 miles away.

This teleportation is mythical in the Shenwu Continent. The peak of the semi-divine realm is consummated, and the teleportation is only two or three thousand miles away, but his five-elements movement is two or three thousand miles.

"Not bad."

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Devil Lord Emperor Shi Qingyun looked at the colorful brilliance around Li Lingtian with a surprised look on his face, but his heart was shocked. He did not expect that Li Lingtian's cultivation ability was not good. , But it controls such a magical treasure.

Fortunately, this Li Lingtian Xiu is not high, and there is no real control of the magical treasure, otherwise he will be killed by this glory.

When he spoke, there was a greedy look in his eyes. He was the devil, but he practiced human skills, and he was a super demon with both humans and demons.

With his strength and knowledge, it is natural to see that Li Lingtian's cultivation ability cannot control the magical treasure in his body, otherwise the power of this treasure will not stop there.

Although shocked by Li Lingtian's magical treasure, Li Lingtian was not seen in his eyes. In his eyes, Li Lingtian was just a slightly larger ants. WWW.GEILIWX.COM happy reading every day

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