War God Supreme

Chapter 1958: Qingyuezong

The stars refer to the power of destruction penetrating the space and bombarding the true **** Aoki.

Aoki True God also unfolded the power of his True God at this time. The fairy qi in the hundreds of miles of space formed a ruined light group, which was crushed with the supreme Divine Power.

For a time, two ruined supernatural powers bombarded together.


With a loud explosion, the power of destruction of the star finger disappeared.

Aoki's destruction supernatural power also disappeared, and Li Lingtian's blood spurted out again. The light above the god's body flashed nonstop, just like it would collapse at any time.

Aoki, the real **** in the air, was amazed to see that the dying lower real **** was able to resist his magical powers.

"God Wheel!"

Impressed, a huge light wheel appeared in front of Aoki.

The light wheel condenses the immortal energy of the space, a terrifying and magnificent divine power is formed in the space, the light wheel explodes the power of destruction, and then bombards with the power of the crushing force downward.

The speed is faster than Li Lingtian's imagination.

"Pure Yang Fairy Sword!"

Watching the Shenguang wheel bombarded with the power of destruction, Li Lingtian's heart shivered.

Unexpectedly, when the median true **** has the absolute upper hand, there are still treasures such as unique congenital artifacts to bombard him, and he simply does not give him a way of life.

I dare not have the slightest hesitation, nor dare to perform other magical powers.

Impressed by the consciousness, the Pure Sun Immortal Sword was displayed, and with one hand, the Pure Sun Immortal Sword exploded with a ruined blood-red sword awn straight to the Divine Light Wheel.

The terrible coercion skyrocketed in the air, turning into an invisible power rushing towards Aoki.


True God Aoki came out in shock, but did not expect a subordinate true **** in every district, there is such a precious treasure.

Although I don't know what level the blood-red sword is in the hands of this lower true god, it definitely surpasses his own ingenious artifact, Shenguang Wheel. He has a unique congenital artifact, which is already very powerful, and the inferior real god's shot in front of him is such a domineering treasure.



A clear voice sounded. Shenguang wheel and pure Yangxian sword hit together.

Then, the blast of destruction exploded. The whole Aoki fairy mountain shook and shook.

The light of the Shenguang wheel dimmed, the blood-red sword burst through the light, and bombarded toward the Aoki God, just at this time, a terrifying chill blew out below.

"God King Amethyst Ice!"

"Frozen Miles!"

Li Lingtian's voice sounded, the blood on the corner of his mouth kept overflowing, and his face was pale.

With one hand, the power of God King Amethyst Ice burst out. The ice system is running, and the magical powers of the ice are displayed at this time, and the entire space is frozen.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's body of fire also turned on, and the fiery flames were displayed.




"This seat remembers you."

The ruined sword mansions, the ice that has frozen thousands of miles, the flames that ruined the world, and the overwhelming **** Aoki rolled away.

For a time, the entire space showed a horrible scene.

God Amethyst Ice is powerful. The flames of the Great Burning Heaven engulfed the heavens and the earth, and the pure Yang Xianjian was indestructible.

Although the true **** Aoki is powerful and unmatched, he wants to resist the three devastating attacks. I can only do my best. When the three magical powers of destruction appear, Li Lingtian's voice sounds.

Aoki's face was extremely ugly, these three supernatural powers were terrifying, and he dared not underestimate him.

But wanting to injure him is also impossible, but at this time, it was an insult to him, because when a subordinate true **** was dying, he forced him into a dilemma.

and. In sight, I saw a burst of multicolored light in the giant pit.

When the multicolored brilliance appears, it disappears. The lower true **** in the giant pit also disappeared. The entire space does not have the breath of the lower true god.

Want to chase away, but the power of the three attacks in front of him has not yet been resolved.



A burst of destruction, the whole **** Aoki was furious.

After the explosion, Aoki True God's mouth was covered with a trace of blood, and his eyes showed blood red light. The whole person was almost violent, but at this time, he did not know where the lower true God had gone.

Xianshan was destroyed by the war, the cave house was destroyed, and the cooked ducks flew away.


True God Aoki solved the three magical powers of destruction, suspended in the air, watching where Li Lingtian disappeared.

Just now, the lower true **** was dying, and his injuries were so serious that he couldn't do it at all. If he didn't talk nonsense or underestimate his enemies, he would definitely kill him. Now let the lower true **** escape.

As for the threatening words of the lower true god, he didn't even care.

However, he was very interested in the treasures and supernatural powers in the hands of the lower real god. If he could destroy the lower real gods and get the treasures and powers, he might be able to improve his strength a lot.

In the distance, countless monks and monsters and beasts, looking at the war from afar, were shocked.

Now a true **** escaped, leaving the true **** Aoki, they did not dare to step forward, lest the anger of the true **** Aoki be thrown on them, in such a case would be innocent.

"Go, find out the origin of this guy."

True God Aoki looked at some monks and transformed beasts and monsters in the distance and spoke to them.

After receiving orders, countless monks and metamorphosis beasts quickly took their orders.

Aoki Immortal Mountain is a million miles in size. Although it was destroyed a lot during the war, it can still be cultivated. It is a good place to cultivate.


Thousands of miles away from Aoki Immortal Mountain, a white figure appeared strangely from the air, and then fell down.

The young man fell to the ground, his face pale, and the whole person was so weak that he almost collapsed.

However, at this time, he did not dare to stay in the slightest, not taking care of his injuries. While suppressing the injury, the five elements move quickly.

He was naturally Li Lingtian who had just soared up and met the median true god.

Was wounded by the median true god, and now he dare not stay in the slightest. This median true **** is so powerful that it is only tens of thousands of miles away from Qingmuxian Mountain. It will be easily discovered by Aoki Shinshin.

If you are slower, you will be chased. If you are chased, you will not be able to escape even if you are against the sky.

"What a horrible guy."

Li Lingtian's face was pale, and he didn't dare to stay. The five elements moved again, and disappeared.

The Five Elements Movement is constantly being exhibited. Li Lingtian's injury was getting heavier and he looked more and more ugly on the face. Finally, the injury could no longer be suppressed.

I don't know how long it has passed, Li Lingtian's consciousness gradually blurred, and he is no longer under his control.

After the last five-element move, it lost consciousness.


Qingluo Xianhai, located in Dongmu Shengjing, is the largest fairy sea in Dongmu Shengjing. No one is as big as Qingluo Xianhai, and no one is as deep as Qingluo Xianhai.

In this blue sea. There are countless islands and countless treasured cultivation resources.

At the same time, Qinglu Xianhai forces are intricate. Even some of the super powerhouses in Xianshan don't dare to make trouble here easily.

Qingyuezong, is located on the most remote island in the Qingluo Xianhai, and the islands with a radius of tens of thousands of miles are all Qingyuezong's territory. To say Qingyuezong, it was still a super power tens of thousands of years ago, but With the passage of time, Qingyuezong has fallen into a small Zongmen that does not enter the stream.

Generally speaking. In a sect and family, there are true gods sitting in town. There is only a part of the Xiaozongmen small family, or there is no true **** in the declining family and zongmen.

These families and sects. They will be annexed by other sects or attached to other great forces as time goes by.

The current Qingyue Sect Master only had the cultivation practice at the beginning of the Semi-Divine Realm. Even so, some scattered repairs and small family members around the family did not dare to move the Qingyue Sect easily.

However, in this world where the strongest is respected, strength is everything.

Qingyuezong's current situation is not optimistic anymore. Many big and small strengths have their eyes fixed on Qingyuezong. Although Qingyuezong is not worth mentioning now, although the mosquito is small, it is also meat.

In recent years, some large and small Zongmen and families have begun to suppress Qingyuezong.

The distribution of resources, the distribution of medicinal materials and spirit stones are constantly being occupied by other forces.

Qingyuezong Sect Master Lan Yueyue, watching the hundreds of disciples under Qingyuezong is increasingly lacking in cultivation resources, and some of the disciples have also gradually left.

In Lantianyue's heart, there is already an idea of ​​Sanqingyuezong, but the ancestor's foundation does not want to be destroyed in his own hands.

Just a while ago, a small Zongmen who was attached to the big forces came to Qingyuezong with blatant conditions, and if he could marry her daughter as a concubine, she would be able to match up with a big force.

Lan Tianyue turned over on the spot. In her heart, her daughter's weight was comparable to that of the current sect. Someone caught her daughter's attention, and she couldn't care about the current situation and the powerful forces.

"Mother, mother!"

"He woke up."

I don't know how long it has passed~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian's numb body finally felt a trace of pain.

Consciousness gradually recovered, and my hands and feet moved subconsciously.

Before opening his eyes, he heard a crisp, silver-like sound. Hearing this sound, Li Lingtian's heart tightened, and his eyes suddenly opened, and he would fly up and flash open. During this critical period, he could not Get caught.

But he didn't have the slightest power in the whole body, not to mention flying hands and feet, even if he wanted to move, it was extremely difficult. The body was sorely hurt that he took a breath.

The eyes opened at this time, and what appeared in the sight was the pavilion with carved beams and a small face with an exquisite and exquisite face that was only one meter away from her.

Smart eyes, exquisite small face skin as white as jade blowable.

The owner of this exquisite and beautiful face is looking at him with joy, suddenly letting Li Lingtian relax a little, but the vigilance still mentioned the extreme. (To be continued)


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