War God Supreme

Chapter 1961: Heaven

He looked at Xiao Mengxuan's expression changes and every move.

He was the one who came over and naturally understood the little girl's shyness.

But at this time, he had no other thoughts, but put the whole body and mind on the elixir, and all hopes were placed on this elixir, hoping that the elixir would give him a beginning of recovery .

The quality of Qipin's Elixir, which is refined with immortal gas, is powerful and unmatched, and the magical effect is naturally needless to say.

He didn’t give this medicine to anyone else. They were all collected by Tang Qingyue. He also had a lot of them. He really cherished the medicine. The medicine made from immortal gas was used by himself and his relatives. Never go outside.

This immortality is not only made out of immortal qi, but also contains the essence of the five elements of immortal qi, which he can use alone, but there is another person who can use it, that is Xuanyuan Yingying.

The healing remedy made with the essence of the Five Elements Immortal Qi as an auxiliary material is definitely more magical and powerful than the ten-grade elixirs. Li Lingtian is a perfect match.

The essence of the Five Elements Immortal Qi is a genius and treasure. Without refining, it has magical power. Now it is a panacea. The power and efficacy are naturally needless to say.

The elixir entrance was instantaneous, and suddenly, the powerful force impacted the injured Li Lingtian.

The look on Li Lingtian's face was getting paler and white, and his teeth were biting tightly. The whole person was almost comatose, but his will made him stand firm. If he could not recover from the injury, he would be scrapped.

The refined healing remedy of the Five Elements Fairy Qi just solved Li Lingtian's injury.

The power of the essence of the Five Elements Immortal Qi constantly activates Li Lingtian's Five Elements Yuanshen, and the five elements field slowly recovers, although the speed is extremely slow. But at least it is certain that the injury is slowly recovering.

Divine power, slowly opened.

The consciousness slowly mobilized.

For a time. Li Lingtian is like a dusty machine turning on.

The **** body also responded.

Found this situation, Li Lingtian was very happy. But he didn't dare to take the slightest carelessness, holding his heart full of heart, not letting himself pass out in the pain of destruction.

I don't know how long it took, Li Lingtian was almost numb.

Elixir's power is also completely refined, Li Lingtian's injury is activated, and the divine body is also activated.

At this time, he was in pain and his injuries had reached a limit.

but. Li Lingtian was satisfied, although the injury was serious, but at least he had a solution. He wouldn't be able to work even with divine power and consciousness as he started. Without divine power and consciousness, he didn't even have the qualification to heal.

Even, even with heart healing, you can't activate your injury to repair it.

He started out as if he had been frozen, and he would not die or live.

Now activates the injury at the same time. It also activates the divine body power and consciousness, and waiting for yourself is to slowly heal the wound and restore the injury.

Finding his injury, Li Lingtian could only shake his head.

Injured this time. It's beyond his imagination.

The divine body collapsed, the divine power was exhausted, and the forcible use of the Five Elements Movement left a sequelae. All kinds of injuries and problems were piled up together. When you want to recover to the peak, it is definitely not a matter of one and a half.

The peak of the next true god, all kinds of supernatural powers have already reached the realm.

Even if it meets the median true god, it will not fail.

However, during the ascent. He was injured and torn by the destruction of the space-time tunnel. Before he could react to rest, he met the median true god. Fleeing in front of the median true **** and continuously performing the five-element move, the whole person was almost scrapped.

It is a miracle to be alive now.


After checking the injury, Li Lingtian could only shake his head.

With a sigh of relief, he calmed himself down from the severe shock.

Immediately, he used the consciousness to induce Blood Lotus, but he was too seriously injured, and the consciousness was not enough to start Blood Lotus, but there should be no problem in looking at the situation of Blood Lotus.

As long as Xuelian had no problems, Xueyue and Tang Zimeng had nothing to do with them.

After his injury recovers, just call out Tang Zimeng.

Now I have to recover from the injury and understand where I am, and I will ignore other things.

Li Lingtian's healing was only a month away.

Within a month, his injury has gradually stabilized, but he can't easily do it. As long as he doesn't do it, his injury will not worsen.

But if you want to recover from the injury, don't dream in a few decades.

According to the previous situation of healing, his current injury cannot be restored to the peak of its heyday in hundreds of years. However, he does not have to worry, as long as he does not die, he will not worry about this injury.

After the injury was stabilized, Li Lingtian's lower real **** realm also recovered, and the realm was not affected. This is also the most fortunate thing for Li Lingtian. It was difficult for him to reach the real **** realm. If the injury fell to the realm, it was an injustice.

During the month of healing, Lantian Yue also came once, but when he saw Li Lingtian being healed, he did not disturb Li Lingtian. He glanced away and hurried away.

When Li Lingtian was healed, he was familiar with Xiao Mengxuan, a little girl.

Lan Tianyue couldn't see Li Lingtian's cultivation as the realm, and Xiao Mengxuan couldn't even see it clearly. However, in the cultivation, Xiao Mengxuan's cultivation problems Li Lingtian all came to hand and could be solved easily.

"Xuan Xuan."

"Go and get me the Qingluo Xianhai and some ancient books here."

After the injury was stabilized, Li Lingtian relaxed a little bit in his heart. As long as he didn't shoot, he would not worsen the injury. Now he has to figure out the situation here.

He naturally does not ask where this place is, as long as he asks himself, he will reveal his identity.

It is still a matter of inquiring about these things by yourself. As long as you know whether this place is a celestial realm, as long as you understand the general world situation here, you can inquire about other things. After all, even if it is a local strongman. It is impossible to know the whole world.

"You wait."

Xiao Mengxuan knew Li Lingtian's name, but did not know the origin of Li Lingtian.

However, he did not admire Li Lingtian's cultivation opinions. Respect to Li Lingtian is also from the bottom of my heart.

For Li Lingtian's words, she did not hesitate.

Obediently left the pavilion. I went to Qingyuezong's bookstore and brought some ancient books and classics.

She naturally knew that Li Lingtian wanted to understand the Qinglu Xianhai and surrounding things, but she didn't say anything. However, she knew a part of it, but she didn't know that the question Li Lingtian wanted to understand was the simplest, that is, whether it was a heaven.

A few days later, Li Lingtian's face was calm. I was excited.

Because, here is the heaven.

The heaven realm that countless powerful people of Shenwu Continent look up to, the heaven realm that countless powerful people chase.

I really ascended to heaven.

In the past few days, I have also learned some basic things about this heavenly realm.

Heaven, one hundred thousand holy realm.

Hundred Thousand Sacred Realms is only a part of the celestial gods. No one knows how big the Heaven Realm is. At present, it is only about the Thousand Sacred Realms and some mysterious places.

The place where I am now is the Dongmu Shengjing in the 100,000 Sacred Realm. The Dongmu Shengjing is only the smallest of the 100,000 Sacred Realms. Dongmu Shengjing falls into the fairy sea.

Qingyuezong is nearly ten thousand miles from Qingmuxianshan. People from Qingmuxianshan generally don't come here.

In heaven, there are countless races. There are countless creatures, countless monsters, countless fairy beasts.

In heaven, everyone is called a monk.

In this place, there are rich fairy spirits and various rich resources. As long as you are born and cultivated a little, you can reach Wuzun Wudi. As long as your qualifications are slightly better, you can become a Wushen pseudo-god or even a demigod. It is not myth that genius reaches the true god.

Here, the etiquette is strict. The gap between the realm levels is large.

The powerful family and masters of Xianshan are true **** monks.

A holy place. Compared to the fairyland of Shenwu Continent, it is hundreds to thousands of times larger. There are countless families and scattered repairs under a holy land. The families and families compete with each other, and the monks compete with the monks.

It is said that the monks who control the Holy Realm must reach the realm of the Divine Monarch.

For a few days, Li Lingtian’s mind contained all the novel worlds and things, all of which were some basic knowledge of the heavenly realm. Only by understanding and mastering this knowledge can we survive in this heavenly realm.

After accepting these things, Li Lingtian was still unable to adapt for a while, and only had to slowly understand.

In other words, what he knows now is nine cows and one hair. After all, this heaven is too big. Even if it is a super god, it is impossible to know everything about the entire heaven. Moreover, these ancient books are only from the Qingyuezong. Most of the things are about In the blue sea.

Being able to determine the celestial realm here, he has been content, because he will slowly learn to adapt to other things.

It is not enough to understand one-sidedness, only by personal contact.

Even if you are in the Celestial Realm, the things in the Celestial Realm are not necessarily the same as those described in the ancient books. It is like you were in the Tianyunzong before, knowing that the Shenwu Continent is very big, but after you really walk out of Qingzhou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Began to understand the Shenwu Continent, and only finally knew it.

In fact, until now, he still doesn't know where the west of the fairy land is, and what the far west of the fairy land looks like.

Knowing this knowledge, Li Lingtian was in a good mood.

The speed of healing is also much faster than before.

Time, unconsciously in the past year, a year, Li Lingtian basically cultivated and healed in this pavilion, Xiao Mengxuan also practiced here, and rarely went out.

During this year, Xiao Mengxuan's cultivation progressed quickly, from Wuzun's fourfold heaven to Wuzun's nineth heaven.

Lan Tianyue was shocked to see that Li Lingtian's injury was stable and found that Xiao Mengxuan's repair was to increase speed.

However, Lantianyue rarely stays here. Basically, she leaves in a hurry after taking a look, and at this time, she still has a lot of thoughts, like what happened. To be continued


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