War God Supreme

Chapter 1978: 1Return to Yuanxian...

c_t; "This seventh item is a magical skill. []-79-"

"It is also the magical power of destruction from ancient times.

"This supernatural power is of course only the strong people who have reached the level of the true divine realm can enlighten the cultivation, and the power is shocking, and there are thousands of years ago. ."

"Although this magical power is unmatched, it also requires opportunity to be able to enlighten and cultivate."

After Chen Xiaofeng took out the magic "Jade" Jane, he began to introduce the power of magic.

The strong man below heard the magical power of destruction, and the ‘color’ on his face suddenly changed.

It is more shocking and envious of this extinction. If you can cultivate this magical supernatural power, it will destroy the world and increase your strength.

However, it is clear that this peerless supernatural power is not so easy to obtain. Even if it is obtained, it may not be able to be cultivated, because this supernatural power can be said to be one of the most difficult skills in peerless supernatural powers.

Besides, from the magical powers that come out here, the price @wan@书@ロ巴, m grid is naturally very expensive.

"One million Need for Spirit Stone."

"1.1 million Needling Spirit Stones."

"1.2 Million Needs Spirit Stone."

"1.3 million Needling Spirit Stone."

"1.4 million Need Spirit Stone."


However, although it is clear that this trick is expensive and difficult to cultivate, but do not want to let go of any hope of improving their strength.

If it can really bring out the enlightenment, it will shake the heavenly realm and be invincible in the same rank.

Suddenly, a dozen or so powerful people began to compete.

Although there are only a dozen strong players competing, it has touched the minds of all strong men, and the level of excitement exceeds any previous item.

Li Lingtian looked at the intensity of the competition's "excitement", and his face was also "exposed" with an excited look. Although he was interested in this extinct peerless magical power, he was not interested in competing, and he did not dare to take it easy. competition.

My current situation is very embarrassing. These strong men completely regard him as a low-level strong man. If they call out the high price, they will definitely become the focus of all strong men.

Besides, the exercises and supernatural powers in their own hands are top-notch, and there are still some supernatural powers that do not have the time and strength to enlighten them. Naturally, they will not go far and venture to take some supernatural powers in their own hands.

"3.2 Million Needs Spirit Stone. (Advertising)"

Soon, the price stopped on the 3.2 million Need for Spirit Stone, and the hall was quiet at this time. However, it is still undecided in whose hands this trick will fall.

"3.2 Million Needs Spirit Stone, is there any price increase for you?"

Chen Xiaofeng waited for a while, and when he saw that no one had raised the price, he asked.

Although it's just an underground market, the rules here are the same as the auction house.

"The original **** produced 3.5 million Needling Spirit Stones."

"If there are more than 3.5 million Need for Spirit Stone, the God will give up."

A middle-aged man at the summit of the next true **** said lightly, his tone was very plain.

3.5 million is his entire net worth, and it is still the asset of the entire sect. If someone has a higher price than him, he can only watch others take away this magical power.

"Forget it, the deity doesn't need it."

"Don't need it anymore."

"There are not so many spirit stones on this god."

"The original **** also gave up."

Later, no one raised the price anymore, and gave up fighting for this peerless magical power.

After all, this peerless supernatural power is too expensive, and it is very difficult to practice after getting it. It can be said that it is a ‘chicken’ rib.

Peerless magical power, 3.5 million top-grade spirit stones become "cross".

Looking at these prices, Li Lingtian was satisfied. The treasures and supernatural powers on his body were extremely precious, and they were shocking enough.

The other true gods are fighting for a treasure and a magical power, but they have countless more magical and powerful treasures. These treasures and magical powers are their own capital. When their injuries are recovered, they must be serious. Work hard to give full play to your advantages.

"It's not verbose at all, I think everyone is the same."

"Congratulations to Your Excellency for extinction."

Chen Xiaofeng watched more than a dozen true **** powerhouses give up the competition, and knew the rules. These top powerhouses are giving others face, or rather a favor.

3.5 million is already the limit, and with so many spirit stones to buy a ‘chicken’ rib thing, not many people are willing to offend others.

The seventh item was successfully exchanged, and the eighth item came out.

All the strong players present were shocked and envious, but this is a supernatural power.

After a brief shock and envy, they all put their eyes and expectations on the eighth item. The eighth item is also what Li Lingtian looks forward to, because his goal here this time is this eighth item.

"The eighth item is a bottle of dan medicine reading."

"Xianxian Guiyuan, the one-turn Guiyuanxiandan."

Chen Xiaofeng took out a ‘jade’ bottle and introduced the ‘medicine’ in the ‘jade’ bottle.

In the underground square city, there are very few Dan ‘medicines’, and most of the strong men present were stunned after seeing the ‘Jade’ bottle.

But when Chen Xiaofeng finished the introduction, all the strong men were shocked.

"Isn't Shipin Healing Pill "medicine"? How did it become Guiyuan Immortal Pill?"

"Guilin Yuanxian, the healing sacred medicine."

"This Guiyuan Immortal Pill, although it cannot improve cultivation, is an essential "medicine" for the strong."

"Even if it's a turnaround, Guiyuan Immortal, it's 100 times more powerful than Shipin."

"I didn't expect Guiyuanxiandan to be a turnaround!"

"Sure enough, the means will go to heaven, and even the Yuanxian Pill will be there."

Some powerful people who know the contents of the "transaction" items in the underground market are puzzled and surprised. The original was a ten-level healing remedy "medicine", but I did not expect to change it to a one-turn Guiyuan fairy.

You should know that the one-turn Guiyuan Immortal Pill is only an equal distance away from Shipin's Pill "Pill", but the effect and power between them are quite different.

Li Lingtian was also shocked. When he returned to Yuanxiandan, it was naturally many times better than the ten-level healing remedy he needed, but the price was also numerous and expensive.

I am a super supreme Divine Pill Master. Dan Dao is against the sky. If I were not injured, I would not be able to take risks to compete with other common Pills made by other Pill Masters. This is undoubtedly an insult to myself.

Now there is a turn to Yuanxianxian, Guiyuanxianxian, even if it is a turn, it is much stronger than its own refined Shipindan'medicine'. If there is a return to Yuanxianxian, his injury will definitely recover Too.

In the past, I didn’t expect that I would suffer such a serious injury, nor did I look for Shipin Healing Pills “medicine” remedy. Healing Pill'medicine'.

"This was decided temporarily by us."

There is a slight smile on Chen Xiaofeng's face. This is strength. Replacing the'transaction' items is the best deal in the underground market. Besides, the replacement items in the underground market are countless times more precious than the beginning. Naturally, no one said anything. .

"1.5 million Need for Spirit Stone."

"1.8 million Need Spirit Stone."

"Two million Need Spirit Stone."

"2.3 million Needling Spirit Stones."

Although countless powerhouses are puzzled and shocked, but this return to Yuanxiandan is stronger than the ten grades, and it is naturally like it.

For a time, the intensity of competition reached a new height.

In addition to the strong under the pseudo-real world, the other strong start competition.

The half **** realm can also use a turn of elixir to heal, there is such an elixir, naturally desperate to compete.

"Six million Need Spirit Stone."

"6.1 million Needling Spirit Stones."

"6.2 Million Needs Spirit Stone."

"6.3 million Needling Spirit Stone."

The price has skyrocketed, and within a few moments, the price has reached six million Need for Spirit.

This price is more expensive than previous treasures.

Li Lingtian did not expect that the price of this pill "drug" was so expensive. As soon as the elixir was changed, the competition reached 6 million superb spirit stones. If he was not injured, he must refine some precious elixir to make a deal. There will be endless spirit stones.

Sixty-three million Needs Spirit Stone is equivalent to six trillion and three hundred billion, and more than six trillion is a bottle of elixir.

Moreover, the price is still soaring. I don’t know how much the price of the later "medicine" has reached.

"Compete with your predecessors for a while."

"You have questions about the younger generation, don't you know you can use the inferior spirit stone here?"

At the critical moment when dozens of true **** strongmen competed, a very dissonant voice interrupted the competition, and suddenly made the strong men present stunned, all eyes were on the person who spoke.

The person speaking is Li Lingtian, whose top-grade congenital artifact is only 1.2 million.

Moreover, what made people almost vomit blood was that the Wu Emperor asked such an idiot question.


"of course can."

Although he felt powerless about Li Lingtian's question, he still answered Li Lingtian.

Spirit stones are money in the eyes of the strong. The best spirit stones are cherished compared to the inferior spirit stones, but the degree of cherishing is still measured. A piece of excellent spirit stones equals one million inferior spirit stones.

"Since it's possible, then the younger generation made ten trillion inferior spirit stones."

A smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With one hand stretched out, a folding fan appeared in his hand, and the folding fan shook gently in his hand, looking like a scholar of a family.

This folding fan is also a congenital artifact.

"Ten trillion trillion inferior spirit stone?"

"Ten trillion trillion inferior spirit stone!"

"Ten trillion trillion inferior spirit stone!"

When Li Lingtian's price came out, he suddenly made all the strong men stunned, thinking they had misheard.

Or think that this young Wudi monk is joking, ten trillion inferior spirit stones, but it is equal to ten million indispensable spirit stones.

The strong man present, even the median true god, can't take the 10 million Need for Spirit Stone.

Unexpectedly, this always low-key monk monk, as soon as an export was a trillion trillion inferior spirit stones, for the powerful underground city, it is undoubtedly a huge thunder. ;


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