War God Supreme

Chapter 1981: Back to Qingyuezong


The blood-red light penetrated the air and shot Long Tianyao's eyebrows.

Ignoring the speed of space and time, the blood-red ray entered Long Tianyao's eyebrows. Suddenly, Long Tianyao screamed and screamed throughout the world. I wonder how painful the blood-red ray entered the eyebrows.

Li Lingtian also stopped at this time, looking at Long Tianyao suspended in the sky.

Long Tianyao's body collapsed and Yuanshen appeared in the air, but Yuanshen was imprisoned by Li Lingtian.

The peak of the next true god, Long Tianyao, the **** body collapsed, and the Yuanshen was arrested.


Li Lingtian grabbed the void with one hand, and a space ring returned to his hand.

The exquisite lotus rune with **** red eyes disappeared, Li Lingtian reached out and wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, his eyes looked at Yuan Tianyao's Yuanshen, and his eyes showed evil smiles.

"what are you going to do?"

Yuan Shen trembles, seeing Li Lingtian's eyes, shouting in horror.

He regretted to the extreme this time, he was dying to provoke this Emperor Wu Emperor, did not expect this Emperor Wu to be a terrifying subordinate of the true God at the top, and the means were thorough.

"Just as you said, the king of the five elements, make it clear to this seat."

"Previously you said that you would pump souls and refine souls, would you like to try this one?"

The smile in Li Lingtian's eyes disappeared and became very cold.

Once caught with one hand, Yuanshen was caught.

"The King of the Five Elements is a legend that there are countless super geniuses in the Nine Heavens Court, born with five elements."

"And there are a lot of super strong people. It is said that a king of the five elements once appeared in the Jiutian God Court, and cultivated the five elements to the main state of God."

Long Tianyao's Yuanshen shivered more than this time. He has no other choice.

If you disobey this horrible figure in front of you, you will suffer from the soul-pumping.

The King of the Five Elements, he also knows from the legend that he learned a little in some ancient books. This time he saw Li Lingtian's colorful brilliance, which is somewhat similar to the King of the Five Elements.

"So it turns out."

"It's bad luck to meet this seat."

After Li Lingtian listened to the words of Long Tianyao Yuanshen. After a series of laws and regulations were displayed, the Yuanshen was sealed. Then it was thrown into the ring of **** fèng.

His eyes glanced towards the void, and a pill was thrown into the mouth, suppressing the injury just now.

Just after the war, he did not want to shoot. But it is impossible not to take a shot, there is already a wound on the body, and the gesture will affect the injury.

Under the shot is a powerful supernatural power, want to kill Long Tianyao.

However, Long Tianyao, who was the pinnacle of the next true god, exhibited the magical power of forbidden art, and wounded him, wounding him and wounding it, which was naturally uncomfortable.

After finishing everything, Li Lingtian looked at Xiao Mengxuan.


The colorful brilliance on Li Lingtian's body had long since disappeared, and he stroked with one hand. A light shield appeared around the two of them. Suddenly, the light shield shuttled through the sky like a meteor.

Xiao Mengxuan only really reacted to the wake at this time.

This senior who idolizes. Not a simple character, but a terrifying true **** who can destroy the terrorists of the same rank of the true **** strongman with a crushing trend.

"Senior, are you really a god?"

In the light shield, Xiao Mengxuan was taken away by Li Lingtian without going to fly, and his eyes looked at Li Lingtian curiously. Finally, he asked seriously, a curious look on his small face.


"This seat is seriously injured. You can't easily shoot."

"Remember, this pedagogical state cannot be known to a third person."

Li Lingtian nodded and asked Xiao Mengxuan.

He just killed the lower true **** himself, using supernatural powers and divine power, which affected the injury. Before the injury was restored, he could not let other people know his details.

"Xuan Xuan knows."

Xiao Mengxuan nodded cleverly, although the cultivation is not high, but she is smart.

Now she also knows why Li Lingtian, a super true **** strongman, still stays in Qingyuezong, it turns out that the injury is hidden here and she doesn't want other strongmen to know.


"Ancestor, there is news."

"The mysterious strong man of Qingyuezong is called Li Lingtian, and he is a loose repairer."

"I've already gone to the underground square of Akishima, and I've hidden repairs."

Hao Lingzong, a half-divine pinnacle of the great consummation of the strong, spread the news to the top of Hao Lingzong.

After a few days of investigation, although the mysterious strongman of Qingyuezong was not fully detected, it was able to find out that this mysterious strongman was not a conspiracy of the Qingluo Xianhai Sect.

Moreover, the mysterious strongman concealed cultivation practice and followed a disciple of Qingyuezong to leave.

The disciple who left was Xiao Mengxuan, Qingyuezong’s baby daughter.

"Huh, since it is not the conspiracy of other sect, Qingyuezong can be erased."

"A Qingyuezong is nothing. After the mysterious strongman returns, kill him together."

"Look at Qingyuezong a little bit, and even the slightest wind and grass will quickly return."

After getting the exact news, Black Shadow Patriarch pondered for a moment, and began to order.

Immediately afterwards, he entered the practice of retreat, and this period of time was a critical time for cultivation, and he could not easily do it.

If Yun Qi is good, the powerful supernatural power that has been cultivated over a period of time will be successful. At that time, the strength will rise, and the status and ranking of Hao Lingzong in the Qingluo Xianhai can be guaranteed, and maybe it can rise.

Ten days after Li Lingtian left Qingyuezong, he returned to Qingyuezong again, and Lantianyue was very happy.

During these ten days, Lantianyue was worried. First, he was worried that Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan would not come back from leaving here. Second, they were worried that Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan would be in danger.

Moreover, Qingyuezong also knew about the battle of the ranking of the Qingzong Xianhai Zongmen family one year later.

The entire Qingluo Xianhai, Zongmen and the family re-ranked and ranked. Naturally, Zongmen's super powers competed for the rank. The higher the rank, the higher the strength of the family and Zongmen.

Qingyuezong has no strength to compete. Or else compete and increase the ranking a bit.

Seeing Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan coming back safely, Lantianyue can be said to be excited. But it did not appear on the surface.

"Concubine welcomes the return of seniors."

In Qingyuezong, it was rude to Li Lingtianying.

His eyes swept over Li Lingtian, and finally his eyes fell on Xiao Mengxuan.

She was in the early stage of Semi-Divine Realm, and it was natural to see that Li Lingtian was injured again. Although the injury was not serious this time, she was shocked and could hurt Li Lingtian. Not a simple generation.

Fortunately, Li Lingtian was not seriously injured this time, and Xiao Mengxuan had nothing at all.

"This seat will be quiet for a while."

"If nothing happens, don't disturb this seat."

Li Lingtian nodded. Take a look at the blue sky moon.

He said lightly that when there was nothing wrong with Blue Sky Moon, he turned and entered the secret realm.


This time I went to Akishima underground city and got my own medicine. And this panacea is many times better than I thought, and I am very happy.

Now I wish I could take Guiyuanxiandan to recover the injury, time is money.

The sooner you recover from your injury, the more secure your own safety will be.

Watching Li Lingtian's back disappear into the secret realm, Lan Tianyue's face showed a trace of stability, more curious.

"Xuan Xuan, tell your mother what happened during this time."

Lan Tianyue looked at Xiao Mengxuan on one side and walked towards the pavilion on the side after he finished speaking.

The two came to the pavilion where Li Lingtian lived.

"I went to Arishima with my senior."

"Purchased something in the underground city of Akishima and returned."

"Shenxiu immortal elixir has returned to eternal elixir."

Xiao Mengxuan talked about what happened with Li Lingtian and Qingyuezong these days.

When speaking, the whole person was shocked. It was like that time when I was still in the underground market.

The blue sky moon on one side started to be curious, but I heard that Li Lingtian shocked people in the underground city. The whole person was shocked, completely shocked by Li Lingtian's means.

Millions of superb spirit stones, ten trillion inferior spirit stones.

There is also the magic formula of Shenxiu Immortal Pill, and once returned to Yuanxian Immortal, all of these are shocking the existence of countless true gods. It is even said to be a strong man below the semi-deity.

"Shenxiu elixir, once returned to eternal elixir"

"Shenxiu elixir is the most mysterious and powerful magical existence in elixir. The predecessor really is a powerful elixir."

"One turn to Yuanxiandan, although it is one turn, it is a holy medicine."

"Seniors got two items at once, wouldn't there be other strong men killing people and winning treasures?"

Lan Tianyue was quiet in shock, and woke up a long time later, showing more curiosity on her face.

So many super powerhouses go to participate in the underground market transactions, the transaction is only ten items, Li Lingtian got two at once, the other powerhouses will definitely kill others.

Moreover, after Li Lingtian's hidden cultivation, it was only the Emperor Wu. With such an identity, any strong man will raise the heart of killing treasure.

Thinking of this, I felt scared.

But Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan returned to Qingyuezong intact.

"Seniors started to be low-key, but the back is strong."

"This creates a kind of weirdness that puzzles all the powerful."

"After we left, there were only a few strong men chasing and killing, and later met a lower true god."

"Although the predecessor killed the next true god, he was also injured."

Xiao Mengxuan knew that he could not hide his mother, and did not hide anything, so he told what happened when he came back, but Li Lingtian explained to her ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ would not let her tell him about his cultivation, She did not say Li Lingtian's cultivation behavior.

For Li Lingtian's account, she will not have the slightest disobedience.

Besides, a strong man has his own plans, and Li Lingtian is kind to Li Lingtian, she will not say it.

"The next true **** chases you down?"

"Seniors will kill the next true god"

Lan Tianyue was completely dumbfounded, and his face was horrified, as if he had seen ghosts.

In her cognition, the next true **** is the true god, the God above.

The high **** is an invincible existence, and one finger can crush the peak of the semi-god realm to death. This time, Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan met the chasing of the true god, what a danger.

However, she did not expect Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan to return safely, and also to kill the true **** strongman. To be continued


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