War God Supreme

Chapter 1996: 3 Grand Gate

"Sword Domain."

"The realm of gold."

"It is the realm of sword territory and gold."

"Take control of the two most overbearing areas."

"I didn't expect the two fields to be so controlled."

"What a terrible area."

"In front of the field, everything is in vain."

"The fusion of Sword and Golden Realms is truly earth-shattering."


Temporarily quiet and shocked, countless strong men finally awakened.

Just after Li Lingtian defeated Lin Invincible, it was extremely easy, and he was defeated in two fields.

I never imagined that Qingyuezong, the elder Taizong, controlled the domain, and it was still two kinds of domains. What was more terrifying was that the two domains were the most overbearing existences in the domain.

In the field, the true God is strong, and there is a 1 in 10,000 chance to realize it, but if you want to truly control it, it is difficult.

From the beginning to the end, Li Lingtian didn't move a bit, stood on the spot, did not display magical powers, did not have any treasure weapons, Lin Lindi, who was called the invincible hand in the median true god, was defeated like this, defeated and defeated, miserable. Awesome.

"Qingyuezong, Li Lingtian won."

Wen Rentian said loudly and declared Qingyuezong's victory.

At this time, he was still in shock. He was the master of the Thunder Sword Pavilion, and also the existence of the peak of the median true god. It was almost the same as the strength of Lin Wudi's cultivation base. Lin Wudi was defeated so badly, and he was not sure to defeat Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian.

"Qingyunmen vs. Wushui Pavilion."

After Li Lingtian's figure disappeared into the air, another group of median true gods began the competition.

However, all the powerful people talked about Li Lingtian, Qingyuezong, a powerful elder.

From Li Lingtian's battle to victory, no one can see how Li Lingtian shot, no one can see Li Lingtian's strength. This is what shocked them.

Because Li Lingtian's shots were all instantaneous, people could not see clearly at all, when Li Lingtian shot. The opponent has been defeated.

Everyone knows that Lin Wudi was in front of the swordsman of the Three Swords. Fortunately, there is a mysterious treasure shield, which didn't fall. However, even if there is a treasure shield, it was also directly stunned. I can imagine how terrifying the power of the three sword domains.

Jianyu Jianmang is terrifying in itself, and Li Lingtian's Jiudao Jianmang comes from the Jiutian Temple. With the power of horror and magic.

He used to control six of the nine Dao before. After training to achieve the median true god, he unexpectedly took control of all the nine Dao.

Nine Dao Jianyu Jianmang, Li Lingtian called the ultimate sword domain.

"I didn't expect that Lin Wudi would lose."

"Invincible Lin is the first genius of Tai Haozong. In the entire Qingluo Xianhai, it is one of the top ten geniuses. The pinnacle of the median true **** is said to be invincible within the median true god."

Back in his seat, Lantianyue reacted from the shock and said.

When talking, his face was still shocked. Shocked in her heart, she knew that Li Lingtian was powerful, but did not expect to be so powerful. It's beyond imagination.

"In front of the Taishang elder, he is not Lin invincible."

Xiao Mengxuan was very happy, and as Xiu was like her, she didn't even know the gap between the true gods, let alone the true horrors of the true gods.

However, the thought of Lin Wudi speaking his name loudly when he went on the field, but fell into the sea when he fell off, this situation makes people feel funny.

Lin Invincible, if he meets other strong men. As long as it is within the median true god, the title of invincible is worthy. But after meeting Li Lingtian, the name was somewhat ironic.

"No matter when. Always control the big picture."

"Today the median true **** should have no competition, just take a good rest."

Li Lingtian whispered that under such circumstances, you can't let other powerful people target you alone, avoiding trouble when you get it.

If you don't take it, it will be shocking and powerful.

Looking at the sky, the median true **** should have no competition.

And behind him, there are still less than half of the median true gods to compare, as well as the superior true god, and the great consummation of the true god.

Next, Li Lingtian carefully watched the battle of other median true gods.

After the battle of the central true god, it was the contest of the superior true god.

Seeing the battle of the upper real gods, Li Lingtian was shocked. These upper real gods, any one of the means of supernatural powers is unmatched, and definitely not comparable to the middle real gods.

It is said that Lin Wudi is the invincible player in the middle true god. If Lin invincible meets the upper true god, there is no chance at all. It may be powerful to meet the general upper true god, but when he meets the super upper true god, he can only escape. .

It can be said that any high-level true god, regardless of his strength, can easily defeat the median true god, and the spike may also be.

In the past, I killed two central real gods and killed some lower real gods, but I haven't seen the upper real gods. Now, when I see these higher real gods, I can really open my eyes and expand my knowledge.

What he didn't think of was that after the higher **** comparison was over, he stopped the competition, and the rest of the competition waited for tomorrow.

Because there is no need to compare the power of the True God Great Consummation. When the time comes to arrange the ranking, you can challenge if you are not convinced. This is the identity and fame of the True God Great Consummation strong. They are also their strengths.

Besides, there are not many high-ranking true gods and great gods who are fully consummate and strong. I don’t want the lower and middle true gods to be hundreds of thousands.

The lower true **** is more than three thousand, the median true **** is more than seven hundred, and the upper true **** is more than one hundred.

"Everyone, the first round of ranking battle on the first day is over."

"Tomorrow morning, the second round of the ranking battle."

Wen Rentian waited until all the strong players had finished the test and announced it loudly.

The red-level Zongmen clan challenge on the one side is also half done, and the progress is similar to the orange-level Zongmen clan.

The order of the final ranking will not be counted until all clan sects are settled.

After the test, all the strongmen left Xiaoyun Island.

The strong players who participated in the ranking battle returned to Xiaoyu Island, and some strong players who watched the battle also returned to Xiaoyu Island. Some strong men use spaceships to rest in the air.

Li Lingtian took Lan Tianyue and Xiao Mengxuan towards Xiaoyu Island and flew away.

Back on Xiaoyu Island, the strong men met greeted him, although he couldn't say it. But with a familiar face, after meeting three-pointed love.

"Brother Li. Real people don't show their faces."

"Lord Tian Tian, ​​the means is really powerful, even Lin invincible easily defeated."

"If I meet Brother Li, I'll be out of luck."

"When I meet Brother Li, Brother Li must be merciful, at least don't let me fall like Lin Wudi."

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​do you want to drink a few glasses."

Along the way, some of the strongest real gods made a big move with Li Lingtian. It looks enthusiastic.

Some of the lower real gods saw Li Lingtian as a courteous salute.

Lan Tianyue and Xiao Mengxuan looked at these tall and powerful gods so politely in front of Li Lingtian, not to mention how happy they were, the two did not expect that Qingyuezong had such a beautiful day.

"Son, this is the third invitation to jade jade."

"Would you like to take a look, this is the invitation of the three jade gates of the Qingluo Xianhai."

In the small pavilion, Li Ling sat cross-legged, recalling today's wars of the central real gods and the wars of the upper real gods. The means and supernatural powers of these powerful wars flashed through his mind.

and. He keeps in mind some powerful killers and magical powers, because he might encounter them.

In my heart, these magical powers and killer skills are dealt with one by one. When encountering such supernatural powers and killer skills, what methods and supernatural powers should I use to crack them.

This time I gained a lot of insights, opened my eyes, and saw a truly powerful world and stage.

No matter in this ranking battle, or in the future, you must be cautious and say that you may not meet these strong men one day, so you must remember the strength and means of these people.

Lantianyue has received three jade slips in a row, and this jade slip is no different from worldly letterhead. It's just upscale and confidential.

These three jade pieces. It was from the three sects of Qinglu Xianhai.

But Li Lingtian was practicing and did not watch it.

She is not high. But I know a lot. Li Lingtian's performance is amazing, and he is still very young. It is definitely a stunning genius. The three major sects naturally want to pull such geniuses into their own sect.

Although she did not want Li Lingtian to leave Qingyuezong and go to the three major schools, she knew that Li Lingtian had to decide these things. Besides, from her understanding of Li Lingtian's character in the past two years, even if Li Lingtian entered the three major schools, Qingyuezong He will also be sheltered.

Moreover, if Li Lingtian enters any of the three major sects, and his status rises linearly, no one dares to easily provoke Li Lingtian, so that Li Lingtian is safer, and Qingyuezong is also safer.

However, thinking of Li Lingtian might leave Qingyuezong, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Take me a seat."

Li Lingtian opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky.

At this time, Xiao Mengxuan had already returned to his room to practice. Only Li Lingtian and Lantianyue were in this parlor. If it were not for this jade jade, Lantianyue would also go back to cultivation.

"This is the jade slip of Blood Sword Sect."

"This is the jade jade of Ziyuanzong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the jade jade of the watershed."

When Lantianyue stepped forward, he respectfully handed the three jade slips to Li Lingtian, and told Li Lingtian the origin of the jade slips. After that, he stepped back two steps and stood on one side respectfully.

"The three main gates of Qingluo Xianhai, and the yellow gates are indeed powerful."

Li Lingtian took over the jade jade, and some time ago, he already knew a bit about the power of the Qingluo Xianhai, and he knew a lot about these big gates and super powers.

He didn't expect that the three major sect gates gave him the jade jade at the same time. Even if he didn't read the jade jade, he probably knew what the information was.

He can't afford to provoke the three great sects.

Because the three major sect gates are the Huangzong sect gates in the Qingluo Xianhai, there are not only countless true gods, but also gods and powerful men. The upper true **** and the true **** are fully confined, so that he will be tied up. If you are not careful, you may die, let alone Terrifying prince. (To be continued)


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