War God Supreme

Chapter 2002: Shen Flame Sect

"A unique congenital artifact."

"Three million Needling Spirit Stones, and six turn immortals."

"Holy city patrol deputy commander, this position!"

"What a powerful reward is really enviable."

"A strong man, it is very powerful to have the top ten rewards in his lifetime."

"This competition is definitely unprecedented fierce."

"Holy Lord is really generous, and suddenly took out so many treasures and resources to reward Qinglu Xianhai."


Shocked, shocked, except shocked or shocked.

On Xiaoyun Island, no one is not shocked.

Even Li Lingtian was shocked. He was also shocked by these rewards.

Once the elixir is counted, the elixir of the four or five and the six elixir, but the existence of the sky.

Although I am the Supreme Divine Pill Master, I haven't refined the Immortal Pill, and I might have refined such a pill in the future, but at least I haven't refined it.

Not to mention the other, the blood of the Nether Dragon Turtle and the Nether Dragon Nether Dragon, but I need it.

I don't need other treasures and spirit stones, or medicines and treasures, or magical powers. He didn't look at the titles.

Because of their own treasures and immortals, their own exercises and magical powers, they all have them, and they are even more out of heaven than the holy city.

But he needs one thing, that is Nether Dragon Turtle Blood.

Ghost Dragon Turtle Blood is exactly what Blood Moon needs. With Ghost Dragon Turtle Blood, Blood Moon can quickly restore the original spirit, so that Tang Zimeng and others can also come out of the blood lotus.

But if you want to get the blood of the Nether Dragon Turtle, you must get the fourth place. The reward of the fourth place is the blood of the Nether Dragon Turtle.

But wanting to be fourth is definitely not that simple. Because the rewards are so rich, the strong of the three major schools, and the great consummate of the true god. As well as the upper real gods, they all compete.

I am just the median true god. The powerful people to face are super powerful.

Fortunately, the strongest of the three major schools will not participate, otherwise, the top three will have nothing to do with the true God.

The strongest of the three major sects are all gods and kings, who can crush the true **** with just one finger, although Li Lingtian is confident. But he is not yet confident enough to compete with Divine King.

Countless strong men, looking at the gleaming font on the plaque, greedy glow in their eyes.

But everyone knows that these rewards have to compete with strong strength. Which of the strongest people who can get this reward is not a powerful evil.

"The reward has been announced. Whether you have the opportunity to get this reward depends on your own skills."

Wang Tianling was shocked and envious of all strong men and was satisfied.

This time, it can be considered balanced. I envy these rewards myself, as do the other strong men and monks. Everyone is envious of this reward. Since it is a reward that everyone is envious of, it is normal for you to envy yourself.

If you are not envious of these rewards, then it is strange.

Indeed, no one does not envy such a reward, even Li Lingtian is envious, although mainly for the blood of the ghost dragon.

"Now, the third round of the test begins."

"The third round. The next true **** continues to test."

"Minglan's family, against Yun Lanzong."

Wen Rentian waited for Wang Tianling to finish his speech. Slightly sorted out the mood and announced loudly.

I knew that there were so many rewards. I went to participate in it myself, maybe I could still make it to the top 100.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Now, I can only watch these strong men competing for super rewards.

No one is interested in the competition of the next true god, unless it is the competition of the next true god.

The median true **** is also rarely watched. Except for the battle of a few strong players, in the median true god, Li Lingtian's competition is definitely the biggest highlight and hot spot of the ranking battle.

Now, there are super rewards. Most of the strong people put their minds on the rewards. Even if they are not qualified to participate in the competition, they are not in the mood to watch the battle in the air. The power of this reward is too great.

The Qingluo Xianhai, although only part of the Dongmu Shengjing, has a limited area.

However, there is no real figure out of this strong blue sea. At least within a few tens of millions of miles from the center of the blue sea, there is no strong man stepping on it.

Because the mist here is unclear throughout the year, and this mist also carries the gas of terror and destruction, eroding the gods' body and meridians of the strong, even if it is the super real **** of great consummation, it dare not enter it.

It can be said that this place is a forbidden place in Qingluo Xianhai, and no one dares to enter it.




It was in this mist called the Qinglu Xianhai Forbidden Land that there was a shocking explosion, a stream of water rising into the sky, and the fairy sea within a few hundred thousand miles trembling.

The space is constantly shattering, and at this moment, the water column is soaring into the sky, and the endless water column is constantly rising, connecting the sky and the sea.

In the blast, there was also a roaring sound, which shook for nine days.

Loud, roaring, never ending, there is no meaning to stop at all.

Gradually, the cloudless clear sky became dark clouds at this time, making it very dim, like the end of the world.

Moreover, a huge arc appeared in the void, and thunder was caught in it.

The thunder was rolling and the electric snake was criss-crossing. This scene looked terrifying.

At this time, a huge mountain appeared in the mist, and the mountain slowly rose from under the fairy sea.

Looking closely, this mountain is not a mountain, but a huge terrifying monster, ten feet high and dozens of miles long, and the whole body is covered with dark mist.

The blood-red eyes are bigger than the lanterns, and they look like they are going to choose people and eat them.

Standing tall above the fairy sea, the tall monster beast roared towards the void continuously. In front of the destruction power of the monster beast, the space bursts and Jiu Xiao angered. It was like destroying this terrifying monster, a series of devastating electric snakes bombarded down and split on the monster's huge body.

"The deity has been trapped for thousands of years. I thought this would suppress the deity."

The tall monsters roared nonstop, like venting.

Endless electric snakes and thunder landed. The sea of ​​immortal sea around the tall monster is surrounded by monsters, as if they are under the control of monsters, they generally welcome towards the void.

At the same time, the dark light curtains on the monsters shattered and finally turned into nothingness.

This time, the dark curtain of light disappeared, revealing the original face of the monster.

I saw that the monster was aqua blue, with a light green color, and it was unclear whether it was aqua blue or aqua green. But it looks tall and mighty.

Tall monsters constantly mobilized the sea water of Xianhai to meet the devastating electric snakes and thunder.

At the same time, this tall monster also constantly devours the fairy energy in the space, devours the nutrients in the sea water of the fairy sea, constantly strengthens itself, and the entire huge body, like an endless black hole, will endless fairy energy Devour it.

Even more frightening is that the monsters quickly swallowed the mist around them.

I don't know how long it has passed, the mist of a size of tens of millions of miles was swallowed and energized, and the fairy energy here was swallowed up. Feeling weak in immortality, the monster moves quickly and swallows away into the distance.

"Too elder. Your next team will be your turn."

On Xiaoyun Island, the ranking battle is going on. The comparison of the lower true **** takes only two hours, and there is not much left for the median true god.

Upon receiving notice from the judges, Qing Yuezong's battle is coming.

Seeing Li Lingtian close his eyes and rest, Lan Tianyue shouted softly beside Li Lingtian.

This is Qingyuezong's third round of competition. If the third round of victory is won, it will enter a hundred, although it will still be challenged by countless strong men. But at least one hundred before the challenge.

In the third round, after the competition. There are only a few people in the upper real gods and more than twenty in the middle real gods. The others are the lower true gods. In this way, the top one hundred will come out. After the top one hundred are settled, they will accept the challenge of other powerful men.

It can be said that the lower true **** and the median true **** have a chance to enter the hundred before the elimination competition, but after the challenge, the lower true **** and the median true **** cannot become the top one hundred.

The top one hundred are basically contested in the upper real **** and the true consummation.

"Well, this seat knows."

Li Lingtian nodded and opened his eyes slightly.

His eyes glanced at the powerful in the air war, and the whole person's spirit returned to the peak state at this time, because the next is his war.

No matter what kind of strong man he is facing, he will go all out during the war to avoid overturning the boat in the gutter.

"Too elder."

"The opponent of Qingyuezong's third round is Shenyanzong."

"The first genius of Shenyan Sect is the ultimate genius, the peak of the true god, and he controls the Shenyan Sect Xuanyue Shenyan. It is extremely powerful and terrifying. It is more powerful than Lin Wudi and Gao Tianyao. treasure."

Lantianyue told Li Lingtian the news he had inquired about.

Knowing oneself and knowing the other is a battle, even Li Lingtian.

Only by understanding the opponents can we better cope with it. Although the blue sky moon is not high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but I know a lot, after Xiaoyun Island came, I will share some of the news of the top sect and strong. Probed one by one.

Knowing that Li Lingtian's opponent is the flame of Shenyan Sect, Lantianyue was also shocked, but she couldn't help Li Lingtian with the competition, only to help Li Lingtian inquire about some news and prepare Li Lingtian.

Lan Yueyue already knew that Qingyuezong's opponents must have been deliberately arranged by Thunder Sword Pavilion. Otherwise, why Qingyuezong's opponents are so powerful every time, and each opponent is stronger than the beginning.

However, such a thing is clear to her heart, and it is useless to argue about things without evidence.

"Qingyuezong Li Lingtian."

"Shenyan Sect's Absolute Flame."

Just in the blue sky month, he told Li Lingtian the origin and strength of Shenyanzong Jueyan, and the air battle was over.

After the air battle ended, Wen Rentian announced the battle of Qingyuezong and Shenyanzong loudly. (To be continued)


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