War God Supreme

Chapter 2004: Xuanyue Shenyan

"The fire system meets the ice system, God!"

"I didn't expect to get rid of the burst nine in this simple way."

"It is terrifying to control such a terrifying ice supernatural power."

"This is the real ice."

"Frozen Miles plus the attack of flames, the two are in one, and it is strange that the flames are not injured."

"The means and supernatural powers of display are not repeated at all."


The strong man on Xiaoyun Island only reacted at this time, his face constantly changing.

The seemingly powerful nine-burst burst, coupled with the top-grade congenital artifact, was completely cracked by a frozen ice, which is really frustrating.

You know, Jue flame is the body of flames, controlling the realm of fire, and bursting nine types and top-grade innate artifacts. With one move, it can’t be caught, but Li Lingtian cracked it in the simplest and most direct way. And wounded with flames.

"Why are you so magical?"


The absolute flame was thrown a hundred miles, forcibly stopped, suspended in the air, with blood on the corner of his mouth.

The look on his face was pale and ugly.

Originally domineering, now no longer exists.

He never imagined that he was wounded as simple as that.

I can't accept this fact in my heart. The opponent has a sword domain, he has a realm of fire, the opponent has a body of heavenly sword, he has a body of flame, and he also has top-grade innate artifacts and burst nine types, occupying the opportunity Next, absolutely defeat Li Lingtian.

But the result is completely different from what I imagined, and it is too far away.

Obviously it is the realm of gold and the sword domain. To say the attribute, it is the gold system. The sword domain is only brought by the body of the sky sword.

But Li Lingtian did not show the sword domain and the gold domain, but restrained his ice system. And the power of this ice system is simply not understandable by him, and he directly destroys his flames.

It was like a fire meeting a Tianhe, completely overwhelming crushing.

"Why can't this seat control the ice supernatural powers."

"Take out your most powerful skills. Otherwise, you will have no chance, don't regret it."

Li Lingtian smiled. It's fun to watch this flame.

The magical powers and methods he controls are in the same rank, no one can contend with him at all. When facing the strongman of the same rank, any of his magical powers can have the effect of decaying into magic.

If you meet the upper true god, it will not be so easy.

Comparing with the strong men of the same rank, he doesn't need to use powerful magical powers at all, let alone the killer.

"Xuanyue Shenyan."

The look on Zeyan's face kept changing. Knowing that he has met an opponent, and is still a terrifying opponent.

There was no more hesitation, the Burning Gun was put away, his hands were waving in the void, and the wounds on his body recovered strangely, and the horrible blaze of flames wrapped around him. At this time, he was an invincible **** of war.

Shenyanzong Zhenzong's supernatural power, Xuanyue Shenyang, worked.

I saw a flame of one meter in size in front of Jueyan, with three colors in the flame. The blazing flame was like swallowing the mind, and the mind was shaking.

Fairy gas between heaven and earth. Also at this moment, the rapid cohesion, the sky even landed the sky fire.


Boom, boom

The appearance of Xuanyue Shenyan. Too against the sky, Jiu Xiao was furious.

In front of Xuanyue Shenyan, hundreds of thousands of strong men present felt the threat of destruction, and even the super-strong men of the upper real **** and the true consummation of the real **** changed their faces.

The magical power has not been exerted, it is already so horrible, one can imagine that when the magical power broke out, this power could not be imagined.

"His Xuanyue Shenyan. It's for you."

"Yes, we used to be the true gods in the past. He is stronger than me, but I reached the true gods twenty years before him."

"Xueyue's Xuanyue Shenyan. It should have come to enter the top 100."

"Indeed, this trick, ruining the world, even the upper real **** may not be able to resist it."

"I don't know what magic skills Li Lingtian has to resist this trick Xuanyue Shenyan."

"Let everyone defend, lest they be ruined if they are destroyed."

"The sea of ​​Xianhai is boiling, and I don't know how many monsters and beasts have been ruined before this trick."

Xuanyue Shenyan constantly rotates in front of Jueyan, absorbing heaven and earth fairy qi, burning the world-like flames, so that an invisible flame world is formed within the entire space, even the water of the fairy sea is boiling, endless The seawater quickly turned into mist.

The strong men on Xiaoyun Island, as well as hundreds of thousands of monks, all displayed powerful defenses so as not to be destroyed by this flame.

"Like your powers and magical powers, you can use at least one hundred methods to kill you in these times."

With a faint smile on Li Lingtian's face, the whole person was completely fearless in the face of the flames that burned the world, and there was no impact at all, because he had a multicolored light shield, and the terrifying **** body naturally did not fear this flame, let alone, He is also a fire department, and is more powerful than the flame body, the flame body.

It is a joke that a flaming body wants to use flames to destroy his flame body in front of him.

Although there is only one word difference, the difference between the two is like a human and a god-man. The flame body is the body of the flame attribute, which is more terrifying than the general fire attribute, but the flame holy body But it is the general existence of the flame ancestors, and it can also be said that the flame ancestors are common.

Looking at Jueyan's magical powers is a terrible sight.

Where is the real powerhouse war, so that he can display his magic power so easily, but also for so long.

These times are already very short for ordinary monks, because there are only ten seconds, but in the eyes of the super powerhouses, there is no powerful magical power in five seconds, even if it is to death.

However, Li Lingtian’s magical power is instantaneous, and even more horrible, he can also display five magical powers at the same time, which is useless.

Suspended in the air, watching Ju Yan's magical powers is like enjoying a performance. There is no such thing as a war. At the same time, he has no magical powers and defenses at all. He is completely idle.

Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, all the strong men were shocked, but they believed what Li Lingtian said. After all, it took too long for Jueyan to perform magical powers.

"Destroy it!"

Jueyan only vomited blood in his heart, and was almost mad at Li Lingtian's words.

However, as a super genius, it will naturally not be irritated at this time.

A breath of blazing flames rose above the body, then Void Skyfire merged into Xuanyue Divine Flame. Suddenly, Xuanyue Divine Flame became a ten-meter-sized flame light group.

The whole person carried Xuanyue Divine Flame, and bombarded Li Lingtian like meteor.

The crushing momentum, the space trembling and destroying.

Countless strong men quickly landed and exerted their defense to the most powerful level.

Hundreds of thousands of eyes are attracted by the battle in the air. Xuanyue Shenyan and Jazz are magnificent, which shocks the minds of all strong men and monks. In front of this Xuanyue Shenyan, in addition to shock is destruction.

"Blazing flames!"

Seeing that Xuanyue Shenyan came to Ten Inside in an instant, Li Lingtian's body suspended in the air moved, and at the same time, he also shot.

Yes, Li Lingtian waited until Jueyan had finished casting Xuanyue Shenyan.

I saw Li Lingtian's one-handed stroke of the sky, the **** body exuded the blaze of flame, and the faint blaze of flame was printed with the colorful light shield. It looked extremely beautiful and unmatched.

In his hand, there has been a bowl of flame light group, but this flame light group has a bright brilliance, just like a piece of art.

The light cluster appeared, and it was thrown away. The flame light cluster rotated in the air, and with the force of rotation, it greeted the Xuanyue Divine Flame in the distance. A bowl-sized flame light cluster faced the ten-meter-sized flame light cluster. , Seems too small.

However, this seemingly incomparable flame light group has brought the illusion to all the strong people, and there is no feeling that this bowl-sized flame light group is smaller than Xuanyue Shenyan.

Moreover, when Li Lingtian's display of the Burning Flames rotates, it suddenly soars and grows quickly. The kung fu in the blink of an eye has risen to three meters in size. When two devastating flames collide together, Li Lingtian displays The flaming flame of Datiantian is already ten meters in size, which is comparable to that of Xuanyue Shenyan.

At this moment, all the strong were dull.

It was completely shocked.

Because I never imagined that Li Lingtian would perform the same flame magic.

It almost gives people the feeling that Li Lingtian's opponents display magical powers, and Li Lingtian can defeat them with magical powers of the same nature.

Moreover, looking at this flaming magical power, it is no weaker than Xuanyue Shenyan.

Soon, some true **** powerhouses discovered the strange changes in the sky, that is, Li Lingtian's burning flame, constantly occupying the entire space, Xuanyue Shenyan quickly assimilated when he met the burning flame.

"Full flame, rewind."

"This is the last three days of flames, and the burning flames."

Seeing the changes in the air, the Great Elder of Shenyan Sect suddenly thought of the burning flames displayed by Li Lingtian. The five words of burning flames awakened him and made him feel like ghosts.

Jue Yan is the first genius of Shenyan Sect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can't let Jue Yan be destroyed like this.

So he shouted loudly, reminding Jueyan to retreat quickly, it can also be said to admit defeat.

Shenyan Sect, naturally knows the horror of the flames of the Great Burning Heaven. In front of the flames of the Great Burning Heaven, the Xuanyue Shenyan is basically a little witch seeing a big witch. If you touch it hard, you will just find death.

Hearing the words of the elder Zongmen, Jueyan also reacted and shivered.

At first I didn't notice that Li Lingtian was showing the flames of Dafentian, but I felt that Li Lingtian's collision of a flame of light with the size of a bowl was not overwhelming.

However, it is too late.

Xuanyue Shenyan and Dafentian Flame collided fiercely.

Space, bursts of fragmentation, constant burning of air, constant boiling and atomization of Xianhai, and all flowers and trees on Xiaoyun Island turned to ashes. (To be continued)


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