War God Supreme

Chapter 2011: Li Lingtian's distress

c_t; Quiet, very quiet. -79xs-

Xiaoyun Island, where hundreds of thousands of strong monks gathered, was very quiet at this moment.

This quietness gives people a strangeness.

The upper true god, Yun Tianfeng, used his killer magical power to bombard Li Lingtian and was counterattacked by Li Lingtian, but the magical powers of the two people disappeared strangely, as if everything in the space was engulfed by strangeness.

However, the upper true **** Yun Tianfeng flew out, Li Lingtian was suspended in the air intact.

What made the hundreds of thousands of strong monks quiet and shocked was that Yun Tianfeng confessed himself and even saluted Li Lingtian. The tone was very exciting. In this case, it is strange to not be shocked.

It is only shocking and impossible to allow a higher true **** to be so grateful to the middle true god, and to allow a higher true **** to admit defeat to the middle true god.

"Actually, I want to know your third trick."

"Practice is not easy, this seat is not qualified to destroy a person casually, unless absolutely necessary."

Li Lingtian smiled, his figure flashed, and he quickly landed on a challenging platform. He was chic and elegant, and his posture was dusty. ≦wan≦book≦roba, m couldn’t even see the battle.

His words shocked countless powerful men.

In this sentence, there is no pretentiousness, and there is no need to pretend to read;.

Only a truly powerful person can do this.

"Missed today, and then discuss with Your Excellency Ling Tian in the future, and you will surely let Your Ling Tian know your next magic trick."

Yun Tianfeng's body quickly flew over to the challenge platform. At this time, all the strongmen finally understood why Yun Tianfeng confessed to Li Lingtian and saluted with gratitude.

Because in Yun Tianfeng's eyebrows, there is a trace of blood, only a trace, a weak trace.

In addition to the eyebrows, there are also scratch marks on the ‘chest’ and the clothes of Shimoda.

Seeing this situation, we all know that Li Lingtian's supernatural powers have strangely removed Yun Tianfeng's defense, and also know that Li Lingtian's men are merciful, otherwise Li Lingtian's divine power will penetrate Yun Tianfeng's eyebrows and Xia Dantian and the'chest'.

The strong are against the sky and defend against terror, but the strong who breaks the defense is also very weak.

At the same time, breaking the defense and hitting the eyebrows and the lower Dantian and the "chest", not to mention God, even the supreme God King God Lord God Lord God, can not escape the fate of destruction.

However, Li Lingtian took control of the divine power to the realm, and it stopped.

"Li Lingtian, challenged the 100th place and won. The original ranking was the tenth place, and the challenge was the 100th place. The current ranking is still the tenth place."

"Yun Tianfeng, failed, the ranking is still the 100th, losing the opportunity to challenge. [Please see the latest chapter of this book]"

Above the platform, the strong man of Thunder Sword Pavilion and the ten messengers of the temple saw Li Lingtian's horrible means and strength, as well as his character, all admired and shocked.

Wen Rentian stood up and announced loudly.

Because Li Lingtian is in the tenth place and challenges the 100th place. After the victory, the ranking will not decline, and Yun Tianfeng is originally the last place in the 100th place, and it is impossible to decline.

Therefore, the rankings of Li Lingtian and Yun Tianfeng remain unchanged. The only change is that Yun Tianfeng has lost the opportunity and qualification to challenge, only the challenged.

"What a terrible magical power."

"It's so weird."

"I feel that the most critical moment of the two men's battle has become blank."

"That gap is the key to victory or defeat."

"However, we have no way of knowing what happened."

"I didn't expect that after the fusion of the ice and fire systems, they would have such terrifying power."

"It's terrifying, if one is accidentally killed by a second."

"I am farthest away. I feel that the space is weird and still. I don't know if I have hallucinations. This is impossible."

"It can only be described by magic and terror. It is not him. Other people simply cannot know what is going on."

Countless strong men, all talking softly, were against Li Lingtian and Bingyan. Silence felt horrified, not knowing what had happened at the most critical moment of the war between the two.

There are only some super powers, probably guessed some, but I can’t believe this is true, because it is too horrible and too unnatural.

This move left a terrifying fear in the hearts of countless strong men.

"Congratulations to Brother Li."

"Congratulations to Brother Li."

"Haha, Brother Li, it's impossible even if you want to be downgraded."

"Lord Tian is really powerful."

"I admire you."

Returning to the challenge platform, the strongman on the stage greeted Li Lingtian, and was upset with Li Lingtian in his heart.

Although Li Lingtian said that he was not qualified to destroy a person, he also said that unless it is a last resort, this last resort is when he is threatened.

It’s like after killing someone, saying that I don’t want to kill someone, this is my accidental reads;.

In this case, it makes some strong people feel trembling.

Li Lingtian did not expect that he would make a mistake. He challenged the 100th place in the tenth place. The opportunity was to give up the high rank and choose the low rank. In order to test the higher real gods, but he did not think that he still did not drop the rank, drop nothing. There is no way to drop, who will win? If you lose, you will become the 100th place. There is no chance to challenge. You can only wait for others to challenge you.

"It seems that the top ten is really hopeful to stabilize."

"This time our firm lost miserably."

"Fortunately, there are not many people who are in the top ten, otherwise I will be finished."

The dealer who was betting at the Yunhai Commercial Bank saw Li Lingtian's strength and smiled bitterly on his face.

The ability to defeat the true God in this way can be imagined.

The ability to beat opponents across borders has broken the rules. He has broken the rules, and with the means of terror, he hopes to keep the top one hundred or even higher. Maybe the top ten can really be kept.

"As long as I know, I should press the top ten, at least the top 50."

"I'm in the top thirty, I should hope very much."

"The top ten of my total net worth of 300,000, Ling Tian, ​​you don’t want me to give up my family."

"The top twenty, it seems that my one hundred thousand Needling Spirit Stone can be pressed."

Countless powerful people pressed Li Lingtian's bet. After seeing Li Lingtian's horror, they all sighed. Some people worry that some people have hope, and some people are even desperate.

I never imagined that Li Lingtian was so powerful, and it was beyond their expectations, beyond their imagination.

"It seems impossible to pull into my Blood Sword Pavilion."

"Such a person, the Holy Lord should have known it for a long time."

The elder of the Blood Sword Pavilion sighed, and now he is completely stubborn about Li Lingtian of the Qingyue Sect. It is simply impossible to pull into the Blood Sword Pavilion.

This Li Lingtian is too terrifying.

"I didn't expect such a horror. Zi Yuanzong couldn't get this person. I believe the other two have no ability."

"As long as he doesn't join the other two, I will not be threatened."

The elders of Ziyuanzong also secretly rejoiced. With their understanding of the strong, such a peerless person would definitely not join the three major "gates", and he did not like restraint. His three major "gates" could find this person, the temple The messenger must have reported back long ago.

"If this Li Lingtian can enter my diversion pavilion, the diversion pavilion can definitely dominate the Qinghai Xianhai, and even be famous for the Dongmu Shengjing, but the diversion pavilion cannot win this Li Lingtian."

"I really don't know what luck Qingyuezong has gone, but there is such a evil demon."

The elders of the Fenhui Pavilion, thinking of Qingyuezong's red-level sect'door', had such a wicked genius who was full of envy and jealousy.

But this kind of thing is not jealous, and the watershed can't move this character. This character is not only cultivated as a horror of strength, but also may have been targeted by the temple people at this time, if other people dare to easily To move this person, it is a strange thing that the temple does not anger against the sky. The Dongmu Shengjing, who dares to anger the temple, is simply looking for death.

After Li Lingtian's challenge ended, it was blank for a while.

However, the rewards of "temptation" and "confuse" still make countless powerful people rush.

Next, there were more than 40 high-ranking true gods off the stage, all challenged again, there were more than a dozen people who won the challenge, and there were more than a dozen names on the ranking list.

However, these strong men all bypassed Li Lingtian and did not challenge Li Lingtian.

The top one hundred, basically the strong outside will not come to challenge, because those who can have the qualifications and strength to challenge are all the upper true gods, and now the upper true gods have all challenged.

If no one challenges a higher ranking, this 100 ranking will be settled.

"If there is no one to challenge again, this ranking battle is like this."

When Wen Rentian saw that no one had challenged for another five minutes, he stood up and asked aloud. When he spoke, he reached out and pointed at the ranking list. He looked at the reward plaque reads intentionally or unintentionally.

This action suddenly "excited" the urge of dozens of strong men.

For better rewards, for better ranking and status, there is only one fight, let alone, the top 100 will definitely come down, even if it fails, it will also be the top 100.

Unless you are unlucky enough to be challenged by others after your failure, your ranking will drop even worse.

"Me, challenge the 60th."

A high-ranking true **** ranks 64th and now has to challenge 60th.

The reward of 64 is not the same as the reward of 60. Sixty is a watershed. Sixty-four is so close to sixty. It is definitely eligible to challenge once. If it is won, the reward will be more. .




The challenged strong man ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not allowed to refuse, otherwise it will be defeated.

Therefore, you can only accept the challenge.

Suddenly, the air war broke out again. One round of war, either challenge victory or challenge failure, or land again after being challenged after being defeated.

Challenge the stage, it seems strange.

All the upper real gods come and go, that is, they don't move Li Lingtian, the median real **** and the three great perfect masters.

Li Lingtian looked at the battle in the air and challenged himself once. There were two chances of challenge. He was in the top ten and had to accept at least three challenges, or challenge the top ten strong three times.

Isn’t it a joke, I’ve challenged myself once, and I’ve already accepted it once, but the other strong guys just don’t challenge myself, I can only challenge the top ten, and at least twice.

Thinking of this, Li Lingtian could not help but shook his head. ;


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