War God Supreme

Chapter 2023: Single War Monster


"Jiuxiao Thunder. Baidu Search to Liwen Literature.."

Li Lingtian naturally saw the tentacles bombard him, and if he was hit by this tentacle, even if his **** body was overbearing and he had a multicolored light shield body, he would also be seriously injured if he died.

This monster is too horrible to shake him at all.

This feeling is more empty than when he met Wushen when he was Wu Sheng.

Even monsters who can't be shaken by the strong man of the True God's consummation, it goes without saying that there are so many strong men.

The first time he faced a monster with a supernatural power, he was shocked. The space supernatural power and the world of annihilation can resist the unintentional attack of Yuwei by the monster, but he was also injured.

I knew in my heart that this monster's horror cannot be bumped against this monster, if it was bumped, I would find myself dead.

At least, you can't easily collide until you have figured out the monster's routines and strength.

Instant supernatural power is his talent. Watching the two tentacles bombard, the space supernatural power is displayed, and the strange shape disappears, flashing from between the two tentacles.

Impressed by the consciousness, Jiu Xiao Thunder, an innate artifact, came out.

Nine Xiao Thunder is a treasure of the thunder system, a scepter, and its power is not inferior to the magic wand of the devil.

There was an innate artifact, and a powerful artifact pressure broke out in the air.

With a wave of his hand, Jiuxiao Thunder gathered a devastating thunder attack and bombarded the huge monster. The thunder and lightning passed through the space and bombarded the monster.



"Roar, roar!"

The unprecedented full blow of the celestial artifact, with a destructive and terrifying lightning attack, bombarded on the monster, the monster also felt a pain, and this nine thunder thunder is a treasure of the thunder system. The thunder and lightning have paralytic properties.

The monster is an attribute of the water system. In the water, the bombardment of thunder and lightning gives the monster no chance to dodge.

In the distance, countless powerful men saw the treasure in Li Lingtian's hands and showed shock on his face.

These people have all seen Li Lingtian's power. Li Lingtian rarely used weapons. In the last war, the destruction of an innate artifact became a fragment, and it was the only time he used weapons.

I did not expect to use a treasure, and it is still a natural artifact.

If you don’t take it, it’s amazing.

If you don’t display treasures, the treasures displayed are the most innate artifacts. In Li Lingtian, whatever is the most horrible and powerful.

This is Li Lingtian's impression to all the strong people. The strong people on Xiaoyun Island are also shocked.



"Boom, boom!"

"Roar, roar!"

Li Lingtian's figure carried a brilliance and flashed rapidly in the air, attacking around the huge monster.

The body method is extremely fast, completely detached from the strong man's consciousness and vision.

When everyone saw Li Lingtian appearing in the east, Li Lingtian had gone to the west to exhibit a powerful magical power. The quick and agile body, coupled with the power of Jiu Xiao Thunder, Li Lingtian bombarded magical powers on the monster beast.

Although the monster's tentacles are extremely fast and powerful, but they can't keep up with Li Lingtian's speed.

For a time, the entire sky was the remnant of Li Lingtian. The monsters on the fairy sea roared and roared continuously, and the coercion of the heaven and earth was constantly crushing Li Lingtian, trying to devour Li Lingtian to destruction.

The monster, temporarily entangled by Li Lingtian, cannot go forward, and can only be consumed here with Li Lingtian.

Moreover, the body is constantly being attacked by thunder, even if the monster is strong in defense, but it is also very painful under such a thunder attack. At this time, the strong man in the distance, seeing Li Lingtian entangle the monster, is also preparing to jointly bombard Monster.

"What a terrible speed."

"Only he can resist the overwhelming attack just now, otherwise, even if the true God is fully consummated, he cannot resist such a powerful attack."

The expression on Wang Tianling's face was constantly changing. He thought that Li Lingtian had resisted the attack of monsters and beasts for all the strongmen alone, and made everyone want to escape.

"He took control of space supernatural powers and used space supernatural powers to counteract some of the power of those attacks, and then exerted an overbearing supernatural power to completely counteract the attacks. His supernatural powers were against the sky, but he was repaired to a low level, otherwise he would not be injured."

"If he reaches the completeness of the true god, there is also a glimmer of hope to deal with this monster. Not to mention the completeness of the true god, even if he reaches the peak of the upper true **** or the median true god, it will not be so difficult."

Wen Rentian looked at the war on the mirror-like ripples, and said.

Shocked by Li Lingtian's cultivation strength, now, he would rather be the last great **** to complete the strong man than to meet Li Lingtian. This Li Lingtian is too terrifying.

"This man is against the sky, give him a little time, a strong man who will shock the court will appear in Dongmu Shengjing."

Wen Renwuhen also nodded his head, and highly praised Li Lingtian.

At this time, I want to see Li Lingtian punch out the real body of this monster, so that I can see the origin and cultivation of the monster and the strength. At this moment, only Li Lingtian can be entangled with this monster, other strong people. There is no such fast speed and response at all.



Li Lingtian flashed in the sky, bringing the supernatural power of heaven and void to the extreme. The Shenfeng family is the natural space controller. Li Lingtian is the body of the Shenfeng, the Dragon family is the power overlord and the space controller. Li Lingtian is the body of the real dragon .

In the air, although it cannot be said to be the master, it is like a fish.

He didn't know how much the monster was bombarded to thunder, but the monster didn't even attack his shadow.

Thunder attack, destructive terror, Jiuxiao Thunder is an innate natural artifact, the power is naturally not comparable to the previous innate artifact, even if the demon beast is strong defense, but such continuous bombardment on the body is enough for it to suffer.

On the body of the monster, there were constant subtle sounds of thunder and lightning, and his body was attacked by thunder and began to slowly collapse.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian's face showed an excited look. In this way, his own depletion of power quickly, but there is hope to destroy the demon's defense. As long as the defense is destroyed, other powerful attacks can also shake the monster. Too.

Naturally, Nalan Yunting and others in the distance also saw the situation of the demon beast, and were shocked by Li Lingtian's strength.

He is the strongest who knows the monster's defense. Even the sword of his own sword has not shaken the monster's defense. Instead, he was bounced off by the monster's defense. He didn't expect Li Lingtian to be alone with this monster. Entangling like this, it also shakes the demon's defense.

"The top 20 are left, the others leave here."

"Be prepared and wait until Lord Ling Tian has destroyed his defense and join forces to bombard it."

"Pay attention to dodge, don't be bombarded by tentacles, or you will fall even if the defense is strong, after all, we are not Li Lingtian."

Zhao Yuxiao looked at the destructive power of Li Lingtian's unique congenital artifact, and saw that the monsters roared again and again, and the defense on his body was almost destroyed, and he shouted loudly.

Let all the people other than 20 leave here. Except the top 20 strongmen, other strongmen are unable to deal with this monster, and there is no chance of shooting or dodge.


Suddenly, dozens of strong men left quickly. Although some were dissatisfied with Zhao Yuxiao's words, Zhao Yuxiao said the facts. They were too far away from Li Lingtian.

Even if the True God is fully consummated, there is no confidence in the face of this monster, let alone them.

Li Lingtian naturally heard Zhao Yuxiao's arrangement and didn't want to spend it here.

At this time, the nine-day divine power of the whole body was running to the extreme, and at the same time, the ice **** was also running.

Impressed, Jiu Xiao Thunder put away.

"The realm of ice!"

"God King Amethyst Ice."

"Qingming Saint Sword!"

With a soft drink, the sound of the dragon sounded through Jiuxiao.

When the sound rang out, the ice-cold breath erupted throughout, and the field of ice unfolded.

Beside him, the world of glaciers is a hundred miles away. This is the field of ice.

At the same time, Li Lingtian waved his left hand, and a ray of light appeared in his hand. God King Amethyst Bing exhibited. Then, God King Amethyst Bing bombarded the monster.

Suddenly, the destruction and bombardment of the monsters came.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian's **** amethyst ice had been exhibited, and thousands of miles of space was frozen.

The sudden ice freeze suddenly caused the monster's attack, and the power suddenly weakened.

The ice is frozen, and the monster is frozen inside.

At the same time that the **** king Amethyst Bing was on display, Li Lingtian's right hand already had a slender long knife, and the long knife exuded the horror of the artifact's coercion.

Qingming Saint Emperor's sword was raised, and the power of the heaven and earth was suddenly rushed to Jiuxiao. Above Qingming, the mysterious breath merged into Qingming Saint Emperor's sword. Li Lingtian held the knife with both hands at the moment, and cut it hard .

Daomang, Fenghua is absolutely gorgeous, unmatched in the world.

It's like cutting the whole world in half.

Seeing the order in which Li Lingtian performed magical powers, Nalan Yunting and others also knew that it was time to start, because Li Lingtian's magical powers came to break the demon's defense.


Daomang, chopping through a hundred miles of space, bombarded the monster beast that had broken through the ice fiercely. As soon as the demon beast cracked the ice, he suffered a peerless destruction of Daomang.

Daoman bombarded the monster with no suspense, and suddenly, there was a loud noise.

A tall monster like a mountain peak erupted in a terrifying breath and light. Li Lingtian also flew up before this breath and light.

The defense finally broke through.




Just as the defense was breached, the attacks of Nalan Yunting and others were also bombarded. The attack of nineteen overbearing destruction landed on the monster, the defense was broken, and the monster was strong, and it could not stand more than a dozen. The bombardment of a top powerhouse.





A roaring sound ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a loud sound.

Above the fairy sea, the battle of destruction continues.

At this time, Li Lingtian also withdrew hundreds of miles, throwing a panacea into his mouth, and stabilized his shocked mind.

The look, looking at the huge monster, showed a shocked look on his face.

I didn't expect to see such a horrible monster in Qingluo Xianhai.

If he could bring HeiLin to Heaven, and let it grow for a while, he might be able to fight this monster, and HeiLin's body was almost the same size as this monster.

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