War God Supreme

Chapter 2025: Water unicorn


"Poof. (Baidu search to Liwen.com has the fastest and most stable update).."

Suddenly teleported, not even Yun Gong needed. This is naturally Li Lingtian’s most powerful and miraculous five-element move, instantly spanning two to three thousand miles, reaching the median true god, the distance is farther away, and the control is more skilled. , As long as you feel threatened, it will instantaneously teleport.

Although he escaped the destruction of the three shots of the monster, but after being injured, he used the five elements to move the heart and shake again, and the destruction power when three shots approached also affected him.

"The realm of gold."

"Sword Domain."

"Destroy the **** sword."

"Forty-nine destroy the sky sword array!"

Beyond thousands of miles, Li Lingtian didn't pause at all, his body swayed and stood firmly in the air.

Nine days of divine power is running, the five elements of the divine spirit are running to the extreme, and the injuries on the body are automatically repaired.

Jinzhi Realm and Sword Realm broke out at this time, and Shen Nian moved. Thirty-six extinct **** swords appeared around him. The extinct **** sword also felt Li Lingtian's fighting intentions, knowing that Li Lingtian was in trouble.

Without waiting for Li Lingtian to run the sword array, the thirty-six extinct **** swords had already burst into the sky, and the nine-color swords were rising from the sky.

Jianmang rotates to form a hundreds of miles of destruction sword array, Tianhai trembles and mourns at this moment.

Wang Tianling saw Li Lingtian being bombarded by three tentacles, and fled to life when he was in a rush.

He didn't know how Li Lingtian did it, or where Li Lingtian was, but when he saw the ruined Jianmang thousands of miles away from the monster, he knew that Jianmang was the sword array exhibited by Li Lingtian.

Only Li Lingtian can display such a horrible and destroying sword array. He did not expect Li Lingtian to appear out of thousands of miles. Even teleportation was not so fast.


The sword array formed instantly. At the same time that the sword array was formed, the monster was also chasing Li Lingtian not far away. The huge tentacles bombarded the sword array fiercely, because Li Lingtian was in the sword array. Only the sword array could be destroyed. Li Lingtian.

The monster at this moment has already been consumed by Li Lingtian, just as if he did not stop without destroying Li Lingtian.

It is true that a small and weak human being constantly provokes its majesty, but it has not been able to kill Li Lingtian. According to the truth, it only needs a coercion and attack to kill this weak human.

Three tentacles bombarded the sword array fiercely.

Suddenly, the popping noise of destruction appeared, the sword field was sighed, and the sword mandrel swayed at this time.



Roaring and roaring, the monster was screaming in the voice.

The roar was also painful, because the three tentacles were bruised and bruised by the sword-man sword field of the sword array, and they were almost not broken.

The domineering of the sword array was destroyed by bombardment so easily.

At this moment, the sword array also bombarded the huge body of the monster.

A sword array of a hundred miles in size interprets destruction and power.

With a horrible sound, the sea was soaring, and the whole world trembled.

The sword array bombarded the monster, and suddenly the monster was bombarded by the sword array into the sea.

But the power of the sword array is not over yet, but has just reached its peak.

The screams in the seawater continued, and the monsters turned over, stirring hundreds of thousands of miles of seawater turbulence, and the space was constantly distorted and fragmented. The situation was terrifying, even more terrifying than the end of the world.

After a long time, the power of the sword array disappeared.

Li Lingtian shook his body in the air, a spit of blood spurted out, his face pale.

Eyes, quietly looking at the sea below, the water field is running, the whole person is connected with this piece of fairy sea, almost merges with the fairy sea, he must pay attention to the situation of the monster below.

A panacea was thrown into the mouth, quickly stabilizing the injury.

Because the battle will continue in a moment, how much can be recovered now, if it is really impossible to kill this monster, you can only escape, but at least some time is required, so that other powerful people can escape more far.



In the air, Li Lingtian and Wang Tianling startled at the same time.

With a horrified look in his eyes, he looked down at the fairy sea.

The monster that was originally the size of a mountain was injured by Li Lingtian's sword array and sank into the sea water, but this time it came out again, but this time, the monster was radiating magical light.

And the monsters are constantly transforming, and the magical light gives people a curiosity.

What shocked Li Lingtian and Wang Tianling was that when the monster was rapidly transforming, it continued to become smaller, gradually revealing its true colors.

Originally, from the appearance of this monster to the present, it is like a big mountain. Without eyes and mouth, it is impossible to treat it as a monster.

From beginning to end, no one knows what this monster looks like.

Now, when the monster is transformed, it shows its original face.

The body quickly becomes smaller, but even if it quickly becomes smaller, it can be a monster that is almost thousands of miles in size, and it is also very large after it becomes smaller. It is said that it becomes smaller, only relative to the largest time.


"Water unicorn."

After Wang Tianling was shocked, he exclaimed. He never thought of this powerful and scary monster, but it was the ancient **** beast Kirin, and it was still water Kirin.

However, this water unicorn is many times larger than the legend.

The appearance of water unicorn is similar to ordinary unicorn: moose body, oxtail, horseshoe, fish scale skin.

There is a huge horn on the head, and there are four tentacles on both sides of the horn. The whole body is azure blue, generally the same color as water.

Tall, mighty, and powerful.

Unicorn is an ancient beast, as powerful as the Shenlong.

The water unicorn is the most powerful existence in the unicorn. Like water, it is a water system, but it is also powerful on land. It can be said to be an amphibious waterway.

"Kilin, the ancient **** beast water unicorn."

Li Lingtian also exclaimed out loudly and fought countless confluences, only to realize that the monster was a water unicorn.

Where is this demon beast, but the ancient **** beast, the true **** beast, exists like the dragon.

According to legend, the water unicorn is a kind-hearted creature with strong demon power. It understands the world, understands the will of the heavens, can listen to the destiny of the world, and is the god's beast. In fact, ancient mythical beasts such as water unicorns are extremely spiritual and can know the will of God, but they are proud of their character and disdain to be an enemy of human beings. Therefore, this kind of behavior is questionable.

I didn't expect this water unicorn to devour the island and devour the immortal energy and become so brutal, which is not consistent with the legend.


Shui Qilin roared, and the violent breath gradually disappeared.

The body is still getting smaller.

The blood red in the eyes also changed to azure blue, and everything became calm, giving a sense of peace.

Li Lingtian's face showed a dreadful look, and the extinct **** sword around him turned quickly. If there was any change in the water unicorn, he would shoot again.

However, what Li Lingtian did not expect was that the violent breath of this water unicorn disappeared, but the plain and peaceful atmosphere was revealed.

In the end, the huge unicorn became only ten meters long, three meters high, azure body, and domineering appearance. It looked extremely powerful, but it did not bring any sense of threat to the people.

"This is the real beast in my heart."

Li Lingtian said secretly in his heart that this water unicorn is not much different from the unicorns he had seen in his previous life, except that there were four more tentacles on his head. The tentacles are only one meter long and look very cute.

"Human, do you still want to do it?"

Shui Qilin looked at the sky-killing **** sword around Li Lingtian in the air and spoke human language. The voice reached Li Lingtian's ear, and the sound was transmitted to the secret, and the voice did not leak at all.

Li Lingtian was stunned for a while.

"Just you."

Li Lingtian also heard the word. Since Shui Qilin didn’t want people to hear it, he also followed the water unicorn once. In this place, except for himself, there was only Wang Tianling in the distance. Shui Qilin certainly didn’t want more people to listen. To what.

However, Li Lingtian is still curious, because the water unicorn is now completely different from the previous one. The change is too big. It started as a brutal monster and even swallowed the island and the immortal gas, which completely represents destruction.

Now it is plain and peaceful, giving people a sense of peace.

"Go, take you to a place."

Shui Qilin glanced at Wang Tianling in the distance, and transmitted it to Li Lingtian. Suddenly, a strange force pulled Li Lingtian from the air. Li Lingtian sat on Shui Qilin all at once, and the Sword of Heaven Extinguisher was still turning.

Li Lingtian didn't feel threatened, didn't find that Shui Qilin wanted to shoot him, so he put away the God of Sword.

When he collected the Sword of Destruction, the water unicorn turned into a residual image, which was thousands of miles in an instant, and Li Lingtian came tens of thousands of miles in an instant, disappeared into the fairy sea, and flew towards the sky Shot away.

Wang Tianling was stunned by this scene, and he never expected it would be such an ending.

I didn’t expect that the original violent and powerful matchless monster was water unicorn, and he also informed the gods of the three major sects to come to kill this monster, but now this monster has changed back to its original after being injured by Li Lingtianjian array. Look.

Moreover, Li Lingtian also left here. Although it is not known where this water unicorn will take Li Lingtian, at least from the current situation, water unicorn is not hostile to Li Lingtian.

With thousands of years of experience ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ naturally know that Li Lingtian got the chance.

There is nothing in this water unicorn that he does not want Wang Tianling to know.

Later, this Li Lingtian was even more terrifying.

"This matter must be hidden for him."

"But I have to tell the Holy Lord that maybe Dongmu Shengjing will one day be famous for Heaven."

Wang Tianling looked at the water unicorn and Li Lingtian that disappeared in the sky. After a moment of contemplation, he said to himself, after shaking, his body shook and disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he had returned to Xiaoyun Island.

Because he still has some things to deal with, he cannot let Shui Qilin and Li Lingtian be known by other powerful people.

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