War God Supreme

Chapter 2028: Chain of life

c_t; "Yang Shengzhu, Li Lingtian is the body of the heavenly sword, the body of the flame, the body of the ice soul. [Please see the latest chapter of this book]

"Controlled the realm of gold, the realm of sword, the realm of ice, the realm of fire, cultivated the sword array, cultivated the magical power of the fusion of ice and fire, able to stand still for one second."

"The battle of rankings, the subordinates awarded three times the first place reward, let him challenge the first place, he gave up."

"The battle for the final ranking is fourth."

"However, there are horrible monsters behind the Qingluo Xianhai, and they can destroy Xiaoyun Island with demon power and demon qi at a distance of 100,000 miles. They can instantly swallow hundreds of miles of islands and devour fairy qi."

"The top 100 strongmen went to block the monsters, but the top 100 strongmen couldn't get close to the monsters at all, and even the sword of the Nalan Yunting, who was a perfect sword in the blood sword pavilion, could not shake the monsters. Instead of being deflected by the defense."

"Li Lingtian resisted all the attacks alone, and fought against the monsters, and everyone evacuated."

Wang Tian fell to the ground and spoke to the side of Qinglu Xianhai and his party.

In front of the Lord, he dare not have the slightest exaggeration and the slightest concealment, because he knows that if he wants to play a little trick in front of the Lord, he can’t escape the eyes of the Lord, and the cultivation of the Lord is powerful. In front of him, he was just a little ants.


"It is so."

"Sure enough, no wonder, no wonder."

"How about later."

That bland voice with supreme majesty sounded, and this time it was obviously a little shocked.

In the tone, as if he had known Li Lingtian for a long time, he also knew that Li Lingtian was against the sky, but he didn't expect to be so against the sky. Moreover, the master of this voice seemed to be familiar with Li Lingtian, at least to understand.

"Holy Lord, his subordinates stay and watch."

"Li Lingtian fought against the monster, although he didn't have the upper hand, but it didn't fall. It was just that the monster was cunning. After a long gestation, a third tentacle appeared, which caused Li Lingtian to be bombarded by destruction."

"But Li Lingtian's multicolored light shield was powerfully defended, and even his tentacles could not shake him, but his cultivation base was too low and was shaken, and, in the moment of destruction, he was still able to cross thousands of miles of space."

"Finally cast a sword array, wound the monster, and transform the monster."

"This monster is a mutated water unicorn. After the water unicorn has returned to its original shape, I don't know what to say to Li Lingtian. He took Li Lingtian away and flew towards the west of the immortal sea, obviously he didn't want to let his subordinates Know what.("

"The subordinates also saw clearly that Li Lingtian did not resist. With Li Lingtian's cultivation ability, there must be no problem in wanting to resist."

"The subordinates made the decision without permission and concealed this matter, only to announce to the outside that Li Lingtian was injured and disappeared with the monster after casting the sword array."

Wang Tianling talked about the battle between Li Lingtian and the monsters. After that, he quietly awaited the decision of the Lord.

However, there was no reaction or sound in the hall.

Even so, Wang Tianling did not dare to have the slightest movement, and could only lie down on the ground waiting for the Lord to send out.

"You handled this matter well."

"A few of the top 100 fell, and the reward was doubled to the sect gate where they were, and the next place was replaced, allowing the top 100 strong men to participate in the battle of God of War."

"Send someone to get Li Lingtian back to the deity. If you can get Li Lingtian back, you will have done it. If Li Lingtian is not found, you know how to do it."

"If you can solve this matter, you will be punished for a hundred years."

After a long time, the voice in the hall sounded again, and the sound was faint, making it impossible for people to know whether the Lord was happy or angry.

However, after listening to the words of the Lord, Wang Tianling was blessed with amnesty, and his face looked excited.

The Holy Lord said that he would have nothing to do, provided that Li Lingtian was to be retrieved. If he could not be retrieved, he would have to self-discipline himself, or he would wait until the temple to punish him.

As for the face wall, that is an opportunity that can't be met.

Because the face of the wall is the holy mountain, the entire Dongmu holy land is a holy place for cultivation, and in the holy mountain of the face, there are countless magical powers that can enter the inside for a hundred years, just like falling into the treasure house.

Such punishment is actually a reward.

"Subordinates obey."

After being excited, Wang Tianling quickly retired after saluting.

After leaving the hall, Wang Tianling couldn't help but smiled excitedly.

I didn't expect this time to give myself such an opportunity, but I also knew that it was all because of Li Lingtian. Otherwise, with the Qinglu Xianhai things, he would have vanished.

Now, the most important thing is to get Li Lingtian back and deal with the things that fall into the blue sea.

Li Lingtian did not move for two days.

In these two days, he has crossed countless miles of fairy seas.

All of this is due to Shui Qilin. Shui Qilin took Li Lingtian to fly fast over the fairy sea for a thousand miles in an instant. Such a speed is simply appalling.

But now Li Lingtian is used to it, no wonder.

He was gratified that his injury was recovered by half, and as long as he was given a few more days, the injury could be fully recovered.


At this moment, Li Lingtian felt a shock and the space fluctuated.

The whole person seems to have entered the undulating space, the water unicorn has entered the endless fairy sea, and the blue-green water is swaying with beautiful ripples.

After flying for two days with Li Lingtian, Shui Qilin plunged into the sea.


"This sea water..."

Li Lingtian followed the water unicorn into the sea water. The water unicorn is a water system. It can be said that it is the overlord of the water. When entering the sea water, the sea water cannot naturally come close to it. Naturally, there is no problem.

When I first entered, I just felt a shock, and thought it was a shock caused by the impact of power and seawater.

But after coming in, I found that the sea water was different from what I thought.

This sea water carries a magical array, which makes the whole person seem to enter the time and space. When he discovered this problem, Li Lingtian was horrified.

If you go on like this, you will be destroyed in this time and space.

Even if it is not destroyed, Shou Yuan should be lost and die here. Now, he has already felt his Shou Yuan is being lost.

"I can't die."

"Through here, it will cost you up to a thousand years of life, but only reads;"

"Every thousand years of Shouyuan, but only nine cattle and one cent, is nothing."

There was also a trace of surprise in Shui Qilin's eyes. He didn't expect this human to discover the seawater problem so quickly, and also found the horror of this place.

Then he said disdainfully. At this time, it was no longer a voice, but a speech.

Passing through this piece of fairy sea to enter the place where you are trapped, is it just a thousand years of Shouyuan?

The millennium Shouyuan is simply nine cows and one hair.


"Millennium Shouyuan, you bullshit."

"Thousands of years are just nine cents for you, but for me, one-ninth of Shou Yuan is not nine cents for one cent. Don't be wrong."

Li Lingtian was stunned, almost suddenly run away.

Although he with more than 10,000 Shou Yuan does not see it as a thousand Shou Yuan, because he can practice breakthroughs, and Shou Yuan will increase by then, but if such a vain loss of Shou Yuan for a thousand years, he still cannot accept it.

"At that time, your harvest will far exceed the Shouyuan of this millennium."

"Do you still care about Shouyuan for a thousand years?"

"Don't talk now, when you enter it, you know it's worth consuming 1,000 years of Shouyuan."

The speed of the water unicorn has not slowed down, but has accelerated.

As he walked, he said.

The mythical beasts left in the early days will naturally not be threatened by time and space.

Li Lingtian did not dare to carelessly, holding Yuan Yuan Shouyi, his eyes closed, and entered a state of emptiness.

This place has the same blue-green ripples everywhere, and there is nothing good to see.

Feeling the rapid loss of Shou Yuan, I can only ask for more blessings in my heart. I hope it will not be contained here. If it comes, it will be safe. At the same time, the heart of the starry sky in the body slowly runs, and the power of the stars protects itself. At that time, even if something unpredictable happens, it won't go away.

And he is a strong lineup, although he dare not rush into the formation here, but he can keep himself.

Li Lingtian himself did not know how long it had passed, whether it was an instant, a day, a year, or a century.

He couldn't remember it, and when he woke up, Shui Qilin had stood at the end of a huge passage.

The passage, thousands of kilometers high and thousands of kilometers wide, I don't know what it was made of, it looks indestructible.

At the end of this passage, it is like an endless void, with azure blue everywhere. Li Lingtian doesn't know how big it is, it is like an endless starry sky.

This feeling is the same as in the vast Star Palace.

In this place, there are eight huge iron chains, which are the size of two people together. The eight iron chains are southeast and northwest, southeast and northeast, and southwest and northwest.

The power of terror exudes on the chain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as if there were life.

I don't know what the material of this iron chain is. It feels that kind of indestructible.

It's just that now the iron chain is broken.

In this way, the iron chain is used to trap a super huge monster.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian glanced at the water unicorn. The water unicorn started to be hundreds of meters in size. The iron chain should be trapped in the water unicorn.

"Yes, the deity was trapped here before."

"This iron chain, called the chain of life, is constantly indestructible, and it will devour the life and longevity of the trapped. Over time, even the Yuanshen and soul will be destroyed by the chain of life."

Seeing Li Lingtian's vision, Shui Qilin nodded and said.

In the blue eyes, there was obviously hatred and fear for the iron chain.


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