War God Supreme

Chapter 2030: Skyless Main Cave House

c_t; A moment of effort, thirty thousand miles will arrive. [Please see the latest chapter of this book]

Three thousand miles away is the end of the chain of life.

When Li Lingtian saw the end of this action, he was immediately blindfolded.

Originally thought that the end of the chain of life was fixed in a certain place, but when he saw the end of the chain of life, he was completely speechless.

Because, this chain of life is connected with the endless starry sky, there is no end at all, and there is no end.

This starry sky is illusory and not a real starry sky, but although Li Lingtian understands that this is not a real starry sky, it may be an illusion or lineup played by the Lord of No Realm, but he dare not easily touch this starry sky.

Seeing all of this, Li Lingtian shook his head and asked Shui Qilin to take him to the end of the other chains of life to check. The same is true for the remaining chains of life, where the connection is all starry sky.

"I understand this formation."

After Li Lingtian read all eight chains of life, the whole person pondered and reads;.

This chain of life is not the key to open the channel of time and space. This chain of life can trap the water unicorn. It is definitely not only the chain of life. Even if the chain of life traps the water unicorn, it also has a formation.

This formation should be related to the eight chains of life.

Therefore, if he wants to control the entire environment in his heart, if he enters this center, he will become a chess piece in the formation, and he will never be able to see the true appearance of this place.

As a powerful lineup, the most basic thing is to control the environment.

Take control of everything here, and then slowly find a way to break the formation.

"Are you going to fight?"

Water Qilin's eyes suddenly showed surprise.

"Only what you can't think of, nothing I can't do."

A confident smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face. What he was best at was Dan Dao and Zhen Dao. Wu Dao was the basic of a warrior.

Previously in Shenwu Continent, he was the first Celestial Division of Shenwu Continent and the First Supreme Divine Pill Division.

"It's better to be in a position."

Shui Qilin didn't say much to Li Lingtian, and retreated alone, so that Li Lingtian could understand the position here.

Li Ling sat cross-legged, staring at the starry sky at the end of the chain of life.

This starry sky is not a real starry sky, but it has a mysterious starry sky feel.

Moreover, the end of the chain of life is here, this place must have a magical means.

If you want to find the formation of this place, you must start from this place. []

Gradually, Li Lingtian entered the realm of emptiness.

For a full day, Li Lingtian opened his eyes, his body flickered, and flew towards the end of the other chain of life. After reaching the end of the second chain of life, he sat cross-legged and looked at the end of this chain of life. Mystery.

In this way, Li Lingtian shuttled back and forth at the end of the eight chains of life.

The day passed, and a month passed.

Shui Qilin is puzzled by Li Lingtian's behavior, but it can't help. It has waited for hundreds of millions of years. Naturally, it doesn't care about this little time, as long as it can take away the original heart when the heavenless master comes here. Too.

When the time comes to hide, after the cultivation is promoted, he seeks revenge from the Celestial Master.

It is not so simple to destroy the Lord of Heaven, everything must be considered long.

On this day, Li Lingtian's eyes opened, with a look of excitement in his eyes, this look with a trace of joy of success, after every success made a thing, that sense of accomplishment was exciting.

"It turns out this way."

"I didn't expect it to be an array of stars."

"It's a coincidence in this world."

Li Lingtian laughed loudly, and after a month of insight study, he finally came to study this formation.

I didn't expect that this formation was an array of starry sky. It had surpassed the ancient array of gods, and even exceeded the array of the ancient and early period, because this array came from the vast starry sky.

If he did not enter the vast palace of stars, he would not know these things.

However, this world is just clever, so clever that people can't believe it.

This formation, the starry sky at the end of the chain of life, and the magical formation of the starry sky, must have the power of stars to open. It happens that you have the power of stars and understand the formation of stars.

If you change to other lineup masters, you don't know this lineup, let alone know how to crack it.

"You cracked the line here?"

"Star array, how do you know?"

Shui Qilin heard Li Lingtian's laughter and was excited when she saw the excitement.

However, what shocked it was why Li Lingtian knew the formation of the starry sky. According to the truth, even if Li Lingtian was powerful again, he could not know the formation of the sky.

"I naturally know that because of the coincidence of chance, I entered the vast astral palace, cultivated the power of the stars, and controlled some of the starry sky array."

"There is no celestial lord, there are thousands of calculus, that is, if there is no celestial realm, some people will crack this array of stars."

Li Lingtian smiled. He was not afraid to let Shui Qilin know that Shui Qilin was now a grasshopper on a rope with him. Shui Qilin was afraid to tell him Li Lingtian's secret.

"So it turns out."

"Be careful when entering."

Shui Qilin nodded his head. It’s no wonder that if other powerful people, even if they are strong, they can’t touch the starry sky. It has been on fire for hundreds of millions of years. They know a lot of things. Even the starry sky is scared of him.

"It's still early."

"Only by opening this line can the door of time and space be opened."

Li Ling froze for a moment, this water unicorn will still care about people, it is really amazing, although this is also related to its original heart.

After speaking, they began to break through.

In this way, Li Lingtian carefully broke the array, the formation method opened, and the door of time and space opened.

Li Lingtian stroked with one hand, and Bingyan Jiuzhongtian was exhibited immediately. Bingyan Jiuzhongtian was the eighth heavenly silence, a second of static space and time. In just one second, Li Lingtian passed through the ruined space-time channel.

Before the formation method was turned on, Li Lingtian had inquired a lot about Shui Qilin, knowing that the space-time channel was very close, only a distance of hundreds of miles, a distance of hundreds of miles, one second was enough.

After Bingyan Jiuzhongtian was exhibited, the space was instantly still.

Li Lingtian’s strange disappearance disappeared. After an instant of effort, the stillness recovered, and the space recovered. Nothing changed at all. The only change was that Li Lingtian was no longer in this space, and had passed through the space-time channel and entered the cave house without the celestial lord. Among.



With a slight sound, Li Lingtian's figure appeared.

Through the passage of time and space, came to a cave-like palace.

It is not so much a cave as it is a heaven and earth. This world has sun, moon and stars, and the environment is extremely beautiful. In this place, there is a rich fairy, and there is a mysterious power. This Li Lingtian can never be more clear. , Is the power of stars.

Two huge and luxurious palaces were suspended in the air, and there was no silence in the palace.

In the center of the two palaces is a huge altar, which exudes sky blue, and the faint light seems to blend into the starry sky.

Li Lingtian looked at the battlefield for a while. It should be an ancient teleportation battle. Li Lingtian didn't even know where it was sent.

However, at this time, he must first find the original heart, and the treasures without the Lord of Heaven.

It is easy to offend a strong man, and if he returns empty-handed, that is wrong.


As soon as the figure flashed, he flew away towards one of the palaces.

Above the palace, the word Wu Tian is particularly visible, and these two words carry the supreme Tao, and the two words alone give people a kind of oppressive destruction.

Li Lingtian didn't dare to read these two words, because he cultivated it too low.

Entering the palace suspended in the air, Li Lingtian's whole body was like a lightning strike, and his heart shivered. I saw that inside the hall, a huge light covered half of the hall.

Inside this mask, a strong middle-aged Taoist priest in his thirties sat cross-legged, as if he had settled in.

The whole person is not arrogant, with a superb dignity.

He didn't expect that there are still people in this place. Needless to say, this person is no heavenly master.

Isn’t the water unicorn saying that the Lord of the Heavens has already reincarnate? Why is it still in the hall, beyond the strong like the Divine Emperor, he destroyed himself in one breath, and broke into here by himself. Isn’t this death?


After a while, there was no movement from the Celestial Master, and Li Lingtian yelled tentatively.

Still nothing.

Li Lingtian walked cautiously into the hall and came to the mask.

Looking carefully at the middle-aged Taoist, the middle-aged Taoist costume is undoubtedly the Lord of Heaven. Just looking at this, it is obviously that the Yuanshen is out of it. There is only one deity here.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian was a little relieved.

At least the godless **** is not here now, which means that the godless **** is not a living person.

Otherwise, you won't get a magic mask to protect yourself.

Also, yes, there is a fist-sized diamond spar in front of this heavenless master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is no slight breath on the diamond spar, just like a normal crystal.

But this diamond-shaped crystal was covered with a magical seal, like a peerless treasure.

Moreover, this spar is still beside the Celestial Master. It should be said that this spar is very important to the Celestial Master.

"Is this the original heart of Shui Qilin."

Li Lingtian thought of the original heart, almost exclaimed.

He had never heard of the primitive heart, nor had he seen any primitive heart. He didn’t know the primitive heart at all, only to see that this spar is so important to the God of Nowhere, it should be the primitive heart.

Whether it is the original heart or not, just check it later.

Li Lingtian decided in his heart that he should first enter the mask to take away the treasures of the Celestial Master. Whether the spar is the original heart, he should take them away. It is absolutely not simple to make the Celestial Master so valued.


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