War God Supreme

Chapter 2028: The secret of water unicorn

c_t; "Are you trapped here?"

"Who can trap you?"

Ascertaining that this iron chain was the place that trapped the water unicorn, Li Lingtian was shocked.

Although this water unicorn was injured by the sword array, he didn't think that this water unicorn would be so simple. It should be forbidden. Otherwise, Li Lingtian's cultivation is definitely not an opponent of the gods and beasts in the early days.

"The deity was born between primitive and primordial."

"If you can become an adult, even the Divine Emperor of Heaven Realm is not an opponent of the deity."

"It's just a pity that the deity was taken away from the original heart shortly after birth, and cultivation is always restricted."

"The deity searched for hundreds of millions of years, and finally found the original heart of the deity, but I did not expect that the original heart was not found, but it stuck my deity here for thousands of years."

Water Qilin's calm breath became a little unstable.

Think about it too, a powerful race born in the primitive period, if it is an adult, can reach the general existence of the human divine emperor, but it is taken away from the primitive heart just after being born. The primitive heart is equivalent to the true human **** The divine power of the strong, the golden power of the warrior.

Hundreds of millions of years in my life, I spent my journey to find my original heart, and it is not high, and it walks through this powerful and unparalleled heaven. I have to worry about being killed by the same kind and human powers. After finding his original heart, he was trapped again, not to mention the water unicorn, even if he wanted to collapse.

"Are you sure your original heart is here?"

"But how did you break free of this chain of life?"

"Since you have broken free from the chain of life, why not find the original heart back, but instead appear in the fairy sea to let human beings discover you, and you can also think that your cultivation strength is powerful, true God No one is your opponent, but what about the strong men above the gods?"

Li Lingtian looked at the water unicorn curiously and raised a pitiful heart towards the water unicorn. Although this water unicorn is a **** beast, the setback is even more pitiful than humans.

However, now he feels puzzled why Shui Qilin can break free of this chain of life, and then appear before humans after breaking free.

You must know that in the blue sea, there are three powerful monarchs, and the powerful monarchs are powerful enough to destroy the current one.

"Of course, the deity's own original heart must be inductive."

"This chain of life has almost no flaws and cracks, but this chain of life connects time and space reads;"

"For thousands of years, time and space have not fluctuated in the slightest, but, hundreds of years ago, time and space tremble, the power of the chain of life became weaker and weaker, but I still can’t break away from this chain of life, a few years ago The time and space are completely destroyed, and the chain of life is even weaker. A few days ago, the space and time changed, and the weakness of the chain of life reached a limit."

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, I broke free from the chain of life and left here."

"I originally wanted to take the opportunity to retrieve the original heart, but with my current cultivation as a strength, it is impossible to get the original heart. Even if I practice for hundreds of millions of years, I can't get it back."

"However, I found that the location of the spatiotemporal variation is very close to me. Based on the spatiotemporal fluctuations over several hundred years, I probably estimate that this spatiotemporal variation is artificial, so I left here to find the person who made the spatiotemporal variation."

Shui Qilin looked at Li Lingtian and spoke slowly, emotionally excited.

It was born in the primitive period. It is a family of high-intellect beasts and unicorns. It has experienced hundreds of millions of years of wind and rain. It is naturally clever and can be called the old monster among the old monsters.

Knowing that you have no primitive heart, it is impossible to reach the realm of Divine Emperor, and it is never possible, let alone Divine Emperor, even the Divine King and Divine Lord do not delusion.

This place, even if there is no chain of life to trap yourself, you can't enter it.

Rather than despair, it is better to take the risk to find the person who mutates time and space.

"It turns out this way."

Li Lingtian finally understood why this water unicorn could break free of the chain of life and why he felt his original heart and did not look for it, but instead ventured out of here to enter human sight.

It turned out to be the person who could mutate space and time.

However, he is the one who mutates time and space.

Hundreds of years ago, I was still on the Shenwu Continent, and took a roulette in the land of fortune. That roulette is a treasure of time and space. It may be because of that roulette that the space and time fluctuated.

Ascending to heaven, the time and space also fluctuated. During the ranking battle, the ice flame nineth heaven and the eighth heaven were used to freeze the space for one second, and the time was still for one second.

It is this one second of stillness that allows the space and time of a small corner in the boundless heaven to mutate, creating an opportunity for Shui Qilin to break free of the chain of life.

"As long as my original heart is found, I can practice normally."

"Now it is the median of ancient gods and beasts. If I can integrate the original heart, I can immediately reach the peak of the ancient gods and become the great consummation of ancient beasts. "

"In the future, it will become the existence beyond the Divine Emperor, arrogant of the primitive primordiality, and gaze at the stars."

"You only need to help me take back the original heart, to ensure that you do not regret this trip, and when you retrieve the heart of time and space, you must use the primordial spirit to merge with the original heart."

"In this way, we are one. If you fall, I will fall. If I fall, you will fall."

"If I can go in, you will get a bigger harvest, but I can't pass through this time and space, and it will disappear before I enter."

Shui Qilin said, the voice was very excited.

Thinking of these hundreds of millions of years of hardship, I finally got the chance to find a character who can mutate space and time, and have the opportunity to find my original heart. This chance has never been possible.

In other words, it has no future, but the road to heaven without humans, did not expect a change in the law of heaven and earth, which was broken by a weak human.

"How can you know that I can go in."

"Or, how do you know that I must promise you?"

Li Lingtian looked at Shui Qilin and said lightly.

He didn't want to ask about some confusion in his heart, because in front of this beast that has gone through hundreds of millions of years, there is nothing else it can't do, except for some restrictions on its existence.

Also, why do you take risks without certain interests?

However, he still saw some benefits, that is, there are helpers such as water unicorn reads;.

But he still can't easily agree to it.

"Because this place is the main cave mansion without heaven, the heavenless master has reincarnation, but all his treasures are here."

"The Lord of Heavenlessness is already the 10,000th reincarnation, and each reincarnation is three thousand years. After each reincarnation, there can be a million years of Shouyuan not entering the reincarnation."

"You have been here, and if you wait for his reincarnation later, you cannot kill him, then you will disappear."

"So, you have to get his treasure and kill him before he grows up in reincarnation. Otherwise, even if you reach Divine Emperor, you will be killed by him, because he has surpassed Divine Emperor and is the Lord of Heaven."

After Shui Qilin finished speaking, the humanized smile laughed.

He naturally knew that Li Lingtian now wanted to kill him.

"Your uncle's, pit me to death."

"The person who originally took away your original heart is the celestial lord."

"The Lord of Heavenlessness wants to refine your original heart, right, how many years has the Lord of Heavenlessness reincarnate?"

Li Lingtian's fist bombarded Shui Qilin with a fierce smile on his face.

I didn't expect that I was pitted by this water unicorn, and I was also tempted by the celestial lord. Although I don't know how powerful this celestial lord is, at least listening to this name is not good to provoke.

Now he also understands that the enemy of Shui Qilin is the Celestial Master.

"Yes, the Lord of Heaven is my enemy, wait for me to recall."

"He has 800 years of reincarnation, 800 years of cultivation time, even if a person like him does not cultivate, the time of 800 years will at least reach the **** king, if the cultivation is faster, reach the god. It is not impossible to respect the Divine Emperor."

"However, according to the rules of time and space, he hasn't returned here yet, it should be that he has not reached the Divine Lord, otherwise he will have returned here to take away his treasure."

Shui Qilin was punched by Li Lingtian, but it had no impact at all, because Li Lingtian did not use divine power, let alone the magical reads;.

When I recalled it a little bit, I said that it was 800 years since the Lord of Heavenless Reincarnation, and it was absolutely amazing that the Master re-cultivated for 800 years.

"Is there any way to get in, try this one."

Li Lingtian smiled bitterly and said lightly.

Gradually, the whole person's state of mind calmed down. It was still time to come. He had already caused a lot of things, not one more. If he really got a strong harvest, he might be able to find Tang Qingyue as soon as possible. Wait for someone to break through, and then let them come to heaven.

"If you have the means to mutate space and time, you can destroy this chain of life."

"Each chain of life is 30,000 miles long and weighs 33 million catties."

"After the destruction of the eight chains of life, a formation method will appear. Cracking this formation method can open the space-time channel and pass through the space-time channel, which is the cave house without the Lord of Heaven."

Shui Qilin heard Li Lingtian promised to go in, and was very happy.

Kirin is mild in nature~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it were not taken away from its original heart and trapped for thousands of years, the mood would not be so excited.

"That is to say, if you want to enter this cave, you need to crack the formation."

"If you can't break the formation here, you can't enter it."

Li Lingtian shook his head, his face really bad.

Immediately, he sat on Shui Qilin's back and asked Shui Qilin to take him to the end of the chain of life. Only when he found the end could he destroy this chain of life.

He is an array master, and he has thought in his heart that this chain of life may not need to be destroyed at all, as long as he finds a way to touch the array.

Although the water unicorn has lived for hundreds of millions of years, it has not been with the real powerhouses, nor can it know the advanced position.

Next, Shui Qilin flew away with Li Lingtian towards the end of the chain of life.


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