War God Supreme

Chapter 2030: Original heart

Li Lingtian looked at it for a long time in front of the reticle, and then he figured out the mystery of the reticle.

Everything here depends on the power of stars.

From the opening of the formation method, to the opening of the space-time channel, to the cave palace without the celestial lord, you need the power of stars. Without the power of stars and the means to crack the array of stars, you can never come here.

Even the powerful and array masters who are against the sky cannot come in.

Without the Celestial Master, he might have dreamed that someone in the Celestial Realm would be in the formation of the starry sky, and he also controlled the power of the stars. Otherwise, he would not keep his deity here.

If you use other approaches and methods, Li Lingtian can't really come in because Li Lingtian's cultivation is too low.

However, by other means, the Celestial Master fears that the powerful of Celestial Realm will enter here.

This may be luck. Thousands of calculations are included, including the strongest in the heavens, but it is not calculated that some people will still be in the starry sky and the power of stars.

Heaven's chances are exhausted, but it is defeated by luck.

This is God's will and luck.

The celestial lord did a lot of calculations, dominated the primordial heart of the water unicorn, and was ready before the reincarnation, and built the cave on the bottom of the most remote Qingluo Xianhai.

The water unicorn is trapped here, using the array of stars, and setting up countless illusions.

All this, in the eyes of the Lord of Heavenlessness, is impeccable.

You should know that in the Qingluo Xianhai, this place can be said to be the most remote and weakest place in the heavenly realm. There is no strongman at all. Moreover, under the Xianhai Sea, a magical battle line is displayed, and ordinary people cannot get close at all.

Even if the situation here is found, there is a water unicorn blocking it. Even if the water unicorn is killed, it is impossible to find the secret of the cave house here. Even if you know it, it is impossible to open the formation here, and it is impossible to open the space-time channel. , Because, here need the starry sky array and the power of stars.

In the space-time channel, if there is no star power, it will be instantly killed.

Such a heavy arrangement is absolutely impeccable.

The perfect calculation and layout of this heavenless lord was broken by Li Lingtian.

Entering the land of the Five Elements, obtaining the treasure, and finally taking the roulette away, the time and space fluctuated, Li Lingtian soared, and the time and space fluctuated again, Li Lingtian battled the ice flame nine times, and the time and space fluctuated again, causing the water unicorn to break free of the chain of life .

It can be said that the culprit of everything is Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian naturally knows these causes and consequences. At this time, he has no retreat, only hands-on.

The power of the stars is on display. There is the power of the stars. There is no slight obstruction in the mask. Li Lingtian enters the mask and sees the deity of the **** without a close range.

Although there is no Yuanshen now, and the Lord of Heavenlessness has also reincarnate, this deity gives people a kind of majesty of destruction, even if Li Lingtian is now the median true god, and his power is terrified, he can not bear this majestic crush.


Li Lingtian did not dare to have the slightest delay and hesitation.

If you lose time, you will be crushed and destroyed by this majesty.

With the waving of both hands, the power of the stars unfolds, the heart of the stars in the body rotates, a mysterious array is cast, and the last ray of light envelops the deity of the heavenly God.

The deity was sealed, the majesty disappeared, and the pressure on Li Lingtian also disappeared.

Without pressure, Li Lingtian can also take a closer look at this heavenless lord, but this is what Kylin Kirin said can surpass the general horror existence of Divine Emperor, I don’t know how it is.

However, Li Lingtian watched it for a long time, but could not see the slightest.

This deity, without the Yuanshen, looks like a living person.

There is no golden body of God Lord, but it can be preserved so well. This is a magical thing.


Li Lingtian grabbed it with one hand, and suddenly a space ring returned to his hand. Then he looked for a while, and Li Lingtian had three more space rings in his hand.

The three space rings were all found from the deity of the heavenless god.

Don't think about it, there is no heavenly wealth in this ring.

Reincarnation can only be the reincarnation of soul and primordial spirit, and it cannot bring any items.

Therefore, the treasures of the Godless are all here.

The average strong man will not go to reincarnation, because after reincarnation it is necessary to retreat and practice again, and practice will take two to three thousand years.

The benefits of reincarnation are that they can greatly improve their cultivation ability, and perhaps they can also get some kind of insight and opportunity. This is the benefit of reincarnation.

For such a strong man. If the soul spirit is not destroyed, there is no need to worry about destruction, let alone the problem of cultivation. For them, the time from the initial cultivation to the peak is only two or three thousand years. Opportunity and opportunity are naturally great temptations.

You must know that at this level of theirs, it is difficult to ascend a bit of cultivation, and reincarnation becomes the best way to improve cultivation.

However, reincarnation is also limited, and it is only possible to reincarnate once in 3,000 years.

When you reach the **** king, you can reincarnate once in three thousand years, but the **** king **** seldom goes to reincarnation, because after all, they are not gods and emperors, and it is easy to have an accident after reincarnation.

Therefore, I still choose to practice, even if I sit down, I will not go to reincarnation, unless I reach the Divine Emperor.

"Take away first."

Li Lingtian sealed the deity without the realm, and then ignored it.

Instead, he began to crack this fist-sized diamond spar.


For a moment, in the face of the power of the stars, the seal of the spar was broken. Suddenly, the spar moved a bit, as if there was life. This feeling was familiar to Li Lingtian.

Like the heart of the demon god, the heart of the demon **** will also beat.

This spar, like life, fluctuates as a sign of life fluctuations.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian determined that this was the original heart, but he didn't show his original face.

Thinking of Shui Qilin, if you want to take away this primitive heart, you must use his primordial spirit to merge with the primitive heart, so that you can also make a contract with Shui Qilin, he will be destroyed by Li Lingtian, Shui Qilin will be destroyed, Shui Qilin will be destroyed, Li Yuantian's Yuanshen will be destroyed.

"With the protection of the stars, there should be no problems."

Li Lingtian hesitated for a moment, he naturally would not worry about any conspiracy of Shui Qilin, because he had a few primitive gods, so there was no danger at all.

Shui Qilin didn't know that he had the power of stars, so naturally he didn't know whether Li Lingtian could protect the original heart, so he was asked to merge the original heart with Yuanshen.

"Forget it, or use the fusion of Yuanshen to avoid trouble when something happens."

Thinking of Shui Qilin's search for his original heart for hundreds of millions of years, he would also feel guilty if his Li Lingtian's intention caused the destruction of the original heart.

The fusion of primitive hearts with Yuanshen means that the primitive hearts are temporarily fused into one's own body, just like refining a treasure.

But this time he doesn't need refining, as long as he can integrate with him.

After all, it’s time to go out, and this primitive heart should be given to the water unicorn.

One day later, Li Lingtian left the palace without the Celestial Master.


Just as Li Lingtian left the palace, the reticle was destroyed, and the deity of the heavenless lord disappeared. All this disappeared like a bubble, and the palace disappeared.

Moreover, another palace disappeared.

Here, there is an ancient teleportation array left, seeing this look.

Li Lingtian did not dare to hesitate, the space-time channel opened, Bingyan Jiuzhongtian was on display, the space was still for a second, and the entire figure disappeared in the space-time channel in a flash. After an instant, Li Lingtian appeared beside the water unicorn.


Shui Qilin saw Li Lingtian's appearance, his eyes showed the look of expectation, and his heartbeat accelerated. This was the crucial moment. His heart was excited. The success or failure was in Li Lingtian's words.


"Quickly leave here."

"I erase the breath here."

Li Lingtian glanced at the sullenly excited water unicorn and said.

After talking, his body flickered and crossed in this space. When he flickered, he erased his breath. After a while, he returned to the place where Shui Qilin stood, and was excited and excited to see Shui Qilin's eyes.


Shui Qilin suppressed his excitement and took Li Lingtian to fly outward quickly. Shi Qilin took Li Lingtian to fly, and Li Lingtian was not idle, because he wanted to clean up his breath.

Whether it is useful or not, at least try it yourself.

He knew that the real body after the reincarnation of the Celestial Master must have known what happened here.

With such a character as the Celestial Master, there must be a lot of means and mysteries left behind.

In an instant, Li Lingtian and Shui Qilin disappeared, and finally entered the sea of ​​Xianhai.

In a certain plane, this plane is almost the same as Shenwu Continent.

It's just that this place is thousands of times stronger than Shenwu Continent, and the fairy spirit is also very rich.



In a palace, a middle-aged man was practicing, and suddenly his face was furious, and the whole person roared, as if someone had copied his family's ancestral grave.

"Who the **** are you, you have entered the cave mansion of this landlord."

"It also took away the original heart of the Lord of the Realm, and took away all the treasures of the Lord of the Realm."

"Three hundred years later, the Lord of the Realm will be restored to the Lord of God, and God will set you up."

Middle-aged said bitterly, his face was twisted, but how terrifying was his anger.

This person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Li Lingtian saw it, he would definitely shock him, because this person is the skyless lord who saw him in the skyless lord cave, but the skyless lord in the cave has no soul and spirit .

This middle-aged man is a genuine no-sky realm, but he hasn't recovered after reincarnation.

Now it is just an emperor in an empire, with a thorough cultivation practice.

He couldn't think of how someone in his cave house could enter, but he needed the power of stars to enter.

It turned out that after Li Lingtian took away the space ring without the Lord of Heaven, the original heart was refined, and the original heart disappeared, and he was disconnected from him, letting him know that someone had robbed his original heart and was able to grab it. Taking the primitive heart, treasure is naturally inevitable.

Li Lingtian's taking away of the primitive heart can be regarded as touching the final destruction prohibition of the heavenless lord. Except for his five heavenly lords, if others take away the primitive heart, everything here will be destroyed.

Fortunately, Li Lingtian is fast enough, otherwise it is really destroyed here.


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