War God Supreme

Chapter 2036: Heaven world

After meditation in the room for an hour, Li Lingtian left the room alone.

When you came to the door of Yuranju, there was already a collection waiting.

"Predecessors are going to the Celestial Business Alliance."

After Li Lingtian got on the veterinary car, the middle-aged Emperor Wudi of the car asked Li Lingtian respectfully.


Li Lingtian nodded and then leaned on the veterinary car to rest and watch the scenery outside.

This veterinary car is three meters wide and three meters long, and it is luxuriously arranged. The sixth-order monster is pulling the car. The veterinary car quickly shuttles on the road without any bumps and sounds.

Along the way, the scenery inside the holy city is in full view.

In the Holy City, spaceship flight is strictly prohibited. The strong can use imperial flight or imperial sword flight, but it cannot exceed 100 meters in height. Generally speaking, veterinary vehicles are chosen.

Youranju is half an hour away from the East Realm Alliance Dongmu Shengjing Branch.

Half an hour later, the veterinary car stopped in front of a huge palace.

In front of the palace is a large square. The entire palace is two thousand meters long, two kilometers deep, two hundred meters high, and tall and towering, demonstrating the strength of the Celestial Business Alliance.

In the middle of the palace, the four types of the Celestial Business League flashed a magical brilliance, and the huge pillar on the main entrance could have the words ‘East Wood Sacred Branch of the Celestial Business League’ on it.

Li Ling got out of the veterinary car and threw a few superb spirit stones to the middle-aged driver.

Looking at the tall and domineering palace, Li Lingtian's face showed a trace of envy, and he walked towards the Celestial Business Alliance.

In each holy city, there is a branch of Celestial Business Alliance. There are various shops and transactions in the business alliance, as well as the business of handling the Lingjing card.

It can be said that the things in the Celestial Business Alliance are the most complete, and the price is also the fairest.

The price of the Celestial Business Alliance is the vane of the Celestial Price, just like the central bank.

This celestial business alliance can also be said to be the official power of the celestial business, but the official does not intervene, just supports the celestial business alliance.

In Dongmu Shengjing, there is only such a branch of Celestial Merchants Union, and there are branches in some large Shengjing and super large cities, but Dongmu Shengjing is too remote and too small and too weak. It is good to have one branch.

"Welcome to Dongmu Shengjing Branch of Tianjie Business League."

"I wonder where the Celestial Business Alliance can serve you?"

When Li Lingtian walked into the palace, a young man from Wu Shengxiu came over and said respectfully to Li Lingtian, because the crystal ball in Li Lingtian Celestial Union had scanned the Lingjing card in Li Lingtian's hand.

With the Spirit Crystal Card, you are already a VIP of the Celestial Business Alliance, and the VIP will naturally be treated as a VIP.

Most people who come here go to shops, not necessarily VIPs.

When I saw that Li Lingtian had a spiritual crystal card as a VIP, and Li Lingtian still had a black spiritual crystal card in his hand, the look on the youth's face was also extremely respectful.

"This seat will store spirit stones."

Li Lingtian was greeted by the youth respectfully into a elegant room and spoke to the youth.

"I don't know how many spirit stones the senior needs to save?"

When the young man heard that Li Lingtian was about to store the spirit stone, he asked with joy.

The storage of spirit stones is of great help to the Celestial Business Alliance, because in this case, the Celestial Business Alliance will have more liquidity.

"Count it."

Li Lingtian took out a space ring and threw it at the youth.

The young man took the storage bag, and his consciousness entered the space ring, his face suddenly changed.

With a black spirit crystal card, there are at least 10 million top grade spirit stones in the card. He sees that Li Lingtian came to save the spirit stones. There should be a lot of them. Because these strong people are looking for treasure outside, they may get storage from other strong people. Bag, or get the wealth of the ancient cave house, in this way, there are many ready-made spirit stones.

For the strong. The spirit stone is stored and it is more convenient to use.

But the youth did not expect that this strong man with black spirit crystal card has so many spirit stones.

As time passed, the look on the youth's face became more and more shocked, and only numbness remained.

After five minutes, the youth finished counting the spirit stones.

"Predecessors, a total of 100 billion Needling Spirit Stone."

After the young man finished counting the spirit stones, he said respectfully to Li Lingtian. At this time, the look on his face was more respected than at the beginning.


Li Lingtian nodded his head. He had already finished the inventory. His practice was so powerful that he could know how many things were in it just by glancing at it. It was not a few minutes like Wu Sheng.

Then, the youth forcibly recovered the shocked expression on his face, took out a space ring and a crystal ball from the room, and put the spirit stone into the space ring. The crystal ball recorded all the spirit stones.

A moment later, Li Lingtian's Lingjing card flashed a bit and received a prompt.

"Your account received 100 billion Need for Spirit Stone."

After glancing at the prompt, the account balance shows: 100015998882.

Seeing the balance, Li Lingtian nodded in satisfaction.

It is indeed the Celestial Business Alliance, the Celestial Business Alliance, and the efficiency of doing things is so fast.

"Senior, your account has exceeded 10 billion Need for Spirit Stone."

"This is already the highest-level spirit crystal card in the Celestial Business Alliance. You are holding a black spirit crystal card, and the juniors will give you a gold spirit crystal card."

After dealing with the spirit stone, the youth saluted Li Lingtian respectfully and said.

After speaking, after receiving Li Lingtian's response, he sent a message with a crystal ball.

In the Celestial Business Alliance, at any time, any transaction is recorded, and there will be absolutely no mistakes.

Soon, a senior man of the true **** came to Yajian, and when he saw Li Lingtian, a smile appeared on his face.

Being able to save 100 billion yuan is an invincible customer.

"Dear Excellency, congratulations on being the most esteemed customer of Celestial Business Alliance."

"This is the Golden Spirit Card for you, please confirm."

The old man handed a golden Lingjing card to Li Lingtian and said.

Li Lingtian turned out to be a golden crystal card. He felt that there was a mysterious power on the crystal card. His eyes looked at the crystal card. This card is the same size as the black card.

It's just that there is a faint golden light flashing on the reverse side. This golden light is like a projection.

Li Lingtian didn't know what the golden brilliance was for, and looked at the old man.

"This is exclusive to the customers of Golden Spirit Crystal Card, and it was created by the Master of the First Refiner of the Celestial Business Alliance.

"It can record your bit by bit transactions with the Celestial Business Alliance. At the same time, there are many functions that can serve the VIPs of the Golden Spirit Crystal Card."

The old man opened the introduction and asked Li Lingtian to confirm.

After confirming the information on the Golden Spirit Crystal Card, Li Lingtian dropped a drop of essence blood onto the Golden Spirit Crystal Card.

Subsequently, the old black spirit crystal card and the gold spirit crystal card were stacked together, and suddenly a golden light flashed. After a few seconds, the black spirit crystal card turned into ashes.

The old man handed the golden Lingjing card to Li Lingtian, who checked it again.

The balance and information of the spirit stones in the black spirit crystal card all appear on the gold spirit crystal card.

Moreover, the Golden Spirit Crystal Card is connected with Li Lingtian's Golden Elemental God. When the consciousness moves, the Golden Spirit Crystal Card disappears.

"Congratulations on your being a VIP of the Golden Spirit Crystal Card of the Celestial Business Alliance."

"Holding the Golden Spirit Crystal Card, you can travel with any Sacred Holy City in the Celestial Zone for free. Trading in any Celestial Business Alliance is 10% off, exempting transaction fees."

"You can search for shopping and selling items through the Golden Spirit Crystal Card, and learn about the items in the Celestial League first, and give priority to the items in the Celestial League."

"All functions are in the Golden Spirit Crystal Card. Thank you for your support and trust in the Celestial Business Alliance."

The old man said some basic functions of the Golden Spirit Crystal Card.

Hearing these functions, Li Lingtian turned upside down in his heart. This Lingjing card is completely a huge network, and the entire heaven is connected to the network.

As long as you have this spirit crystal card, you can learn more information and things, that is, as long as there is a spirit stone, this is omnipotent.

Moreover, the functions mentioned by the old man are just some basic things.

Half an hour later, Li Lingtian left the Celestial Business League branch with the courtesy of the old and the young.

In my heart, still shocked.

Heaven is completely different from Shenwu Continent, as long as you have money, you can do anything.

The premise is that you have money, but how can you have money? It is not related to strength. If there is no strength, where do you come from?

However, after you have the Golden Spirit Crystal Card, you don’t have to trouble yourself for some simple things. You need some precious herbs and items. You can directly offer a reward in the Golden Spirit Crystal Card. If you find the necessary items, you will pay directly for the reservation.

Now, to strengthen yourself and earn more spirit stones.

Gender cycle, the richer you are, the richer you are, the faster you can improve. However, if you don’t practice talents and talents, it’s also worthless, because the Golden Spirit Crystal Card can only provide some simple external services, not for you. Improve cultivation.

Speaking of which, the Golden Spirit Crystal Card is so versatile, but those who can have the Golden Spirit Crystal Card, in a holy realm, that is, some super powers are the only ones who can hope to have it.

Like Dongmu Holy Realm, there are definitely no more than three Golden Spirit Crystal Cards, and it must be counted as the Holy Lord of the Holy Realm. You must know that this is a 100 billion Needling Spirit Stone.

Li Lingtian also received so many treasures from the heavenless master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he didn't get the treasures from the heavenless master, his net worth would be more than 20 million, which is still a thousand bets. Six million, and previously brought from Shenwu Continent.

The highest in the Celestial Business Alliance is the Golden Spirit Crystal Card, which can be owned by a minimum of 10 billion, but Li Lingtian has 100 billion at a time, which cannot be described by terror.

"Go leisurely."

Li Lingtian was curious about the Golden Spirit Crystal Card and had no mood to hang out outside.

After leaving the Celestial Business League, he directly found a beast car.

He has to go back and check what functions are inside the Golden Spirit Crystal Card. After understanding this Spirit Crystal Card, he will be more convenient in the future, and he will save 100 billion Needling Spirit Stone all at once, but he has no worries. After all, this is Heaven. The Shangmeng, perhaps a hundred billion pairs of Dongmu Shengjing's powerful are invincible astronomical figures, but in the Tianjie Shangmeng, it is nothing.

Besides, the Celestial Business Alliance did not dare to divulge his information. It would not be cost-effective if this 100 billion spirit stone destroyed the reputation of the Celestial Business Alliance.


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