War God Supreme

Chapter 2071: Heaven and Earth Sleepy Array

"Qingyuan, you people in Dongmu Shengjing, do you want to fight us?"

"Don't you know what level Dongmu Shengjing is?"

Bai Xiao's face was full of anger. Before, he didn't even look at the strong men of Dongmu Shengjing, and now it is the same.

Dongmu Holy Realm is one of the weakest Holy Realms in the entire heaven. Even if it is the super genius of Dongmu Holy Realm, it is nothing in front of them, but I did not expect that Dongmu Shengjing was completely obtained during the treasure hunt. The treasure in the most dangerous place in the unknown world, one of the two space rings fell into the hands of the strong man of Dongmu Shengjing.

According to rumors, this space ring contains awesome treasures. The space ring alone has the size of tens of thousands of miles, and the space ring of tens of thousands of miles, even if the entire Xuanyue Sanctuary has never appeared.

I wonder how amazing the treasures and wealth in the space ring are.

Specially for the treasures to come here to take risks, seeing the weakest Dongmu Shengjing Powerhouse get such a good treasure, naturally it will not let the treasure fall into the hands of Dongmu Shengjing Powerhouse.

But seven people from Dongmu Shengjing teamed up, although the strength was not the most powerful, but the number was indeed the largest. The three major Shengjing negotiated, and finally joined forces to resolve Dongmu Shengjing and then competed for this space ring with strength.

This is the source of this battle of destruction.

Of the three holy realms, I never imagined that Qingyuan had a great consummated ancient **** beast of pure descent. This ancient beast is equivalent to three or four human super-real great consummates.

For a time, the three holy sites and Dongmu holy site came to a standstill.

Both sides have losses, and the strongest of Dongmu Shengjing is naturally the most injured, but it is not so easy for the three major sanctuaries to destroy all Dongmu Shengjing.

"What's wrong with my Dongmu Shengjing, you just occupy more resources."

"If you thunder holy realm, Yuanlie holy realm, and sapphire holy realm, if they are strong, how can they come together to deal with Dongmu holy realm."

Han Wushuang's face looked like ice, and the blood on the corner of his mouth kept overflowing, making the whole person very weak.

This time he was the most injured and almost disappeared.

The three Holy Realms joined forces to make them feel angry, but this is also something that can't be done. In a dangerous place, it is normal to kill opponents, and the rules can't control them.


"It's not that the deity looked down upon you, Dongmu Shengjing."

"A group of true gods are fully consummated and defeated by a median true god. The first true **** strong man of Dongmu Shengjing is a median true god, which is a joke."

Si Yangxu laughed loudly, deliberately angering the strong men of Dongmu Shengjing.

In the super heart of Dongmu Shengjing, Li Lingtian defeated them by a median true **** and won the first place, making them feel dull. Even if they knew Li Lingtian's strength was more terrifying than them.

"Si Yangxu, aren't you the first true **** powerhouse in Sapphire Holy Realm?"

"Look at what you are doing now, it's not a fight in front of the deity."

"It's not that the deity looks down upon you. If you meet Li Lingtian, you won't even have the courage to speak."

How Qingyuan exists, the super powerhouse of the True God's consummation, has a very powerful state of mind. During the war, it is natural to know that the opponent intentionally angered him.

As a super powerhouse, naturally it is not easy to make such basic principle mistakes.


Si Yangxu snorted coldly, the magical power in his hand brewed, and the destructive attack was bombarded towards Qingyuan. The four super powers joined forces to fight Qingyuan. No one could defeat Qingyuan. It was terrifying in his heart. An ancient beast.



The blast of destruction did not stop from beginning to end, the bursts of space burst and recovered, and just recovered and burst.

The earth was constantly sinking and ruining, and the mountains and rivers were razed to the ground.

Eleven people are fighting against seven people, Qingyuan is one person resisting four people, Dongmu Shengjing is still at a disadvantage. Failure and destruction is only a matter of time. However, they do not want to give up, and even if they give up, they may not be able to escape.

More importantly, as long as one person escapes, they will be broken by each.

"Heaven and Earth are trapped!"

At this time, Bai Xiao and others glanced at each other, quickly backed away, and gave up Qingyuan.

While retreating, everyone casts a magical decision.

Suddenly, the world trembles and the space compresses.

The terrifying and powerful Heavenly Earth Divine Array of the heavenly realm was launched.

Although it costs a lot of money, but if you can kill the opponent and get the opponent's treasure, it is worth it.

Under normal circumstances, the strong will not use such a method. Moreover, it takes at least nine strong people of the same rank to perform such a method.

The strong men of the three holy realms negotiated secretly, and their movements were very tidy.

The strong men of Dongmu Holy Realm did not expect that the strongmen of the Three Great Holy Realms would join forces to cast such an array to trap them. If they were locked by the Divine Array of Heaven and Earth, they would only fall into it.

"not good."


Qingyuan, Bai Minghao and others exclaimed at the same time, the look on their faces was extremely ugly.

However, when they reacted, it was too late.

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

In the void, a hundred-meter-sized light mask descended from the void, like a huge hood, covering the entire hundred miles, and the strong man of Dongmu Shengjing was covered in it.



There was a muffled sound, and Dongyuan Shengjing Qingyuan and others bumped onto the reticle when they teleported. They were all dizzy and turned, and even the teleportation was not time to escape.

The mask is getting stronger and stronger.

Power, more and more powerful.

And this mask is still compressing, just like crushing the strong men of Dongmu Shengjing in it.

The three powerful saints in the air showed a smug smile on their faces, and the decisive powers in their hands continued to be displayed. The terrifying divine power spread across the world, and the divine powers and divine powers descended toward the mask.

"Take a shot at a point."

Qingyuan shouted loudly that if this mask is compressed to the minimum, they will fall into it.

After speaking, the most powerful divine power is running, and the ninth reappearance of the Shenlong boxing.

A ruinous fist turned into a golden dragon bombarded towards the mask.

At the same time, the other six companions also ignored the injury and showed the most powerful divine power, and the destructive supernatural power bombarded with Qingyuan's fist.



Suddenly, the magical power of destruction landed on the mask.

The attacks of the Seven True Gods conquered desperately at the same time, and the mask kept shaking, but it did not look like it was broken. Instead, with the blessings of the three Holy Realm strongmen, the mask became stronger and stronger.

One hundred miles, ninety miles, eighty miles.

Gradually, the light mask is getting smaller and smaller, the area of ​​the strong men of Dongmu Shengjing in the trapped **** array is getting smaller and smaller, the fairy energy is getting less and less, the consumption is more and more, and the remaining divine power is insufficient The previous 30% became like this. If they continue to do so, they will not be trapped to death by the formation, they will also be exhausted and killed.

"All of a sudden, Dongmu Shengjing will be served."

"Haha, Dongmu Shengjing also deserves to enter the gale gorge, which is really funny."

"Unfortunately, Li Lingtian, the first true **** of Dongmu Shengjing, was not here, otherwise the top ten true **** strongmen of Dongmu Shengjing would be taken away by us."

"A median true **** who came here was either killed by humans or strangled by unknown threats. Now you think he is still alive?"

"Hurry up, after killing them first, let's fight for the treasure in the space ring."


The powerhouses of the three holy realms are suspended in the air to cast spells, and the divine power constantly crushes the heavens and earth and traps the **** array.

Gradually, the heaven and earth trapped in the Divine Array was only about twenty miles away.

Dongmu Shengjing Qingyuan and other people's divine power was exhausted, and the attack became weaker and weaker, and they could not have any effect on the trapped Divine Array.

Seven people, with a pale look on their faces, did not expect to leave here at first sight, but were all killed here without expecting it.


Yun Xiaolan's face was also desperate, but then there was a shock.

There was a shock in his eyes. Suddenly, the whole person was like a drowning man grabbing a straw.

"what happened?"

Qingyuan asked Yun Xiaolan in puzzlement.

At this time, everyone was desperate, and they were thinking of ways to escape this disaster, but there was no way to do it.

The weak attack also stopped and completely gave up the struggle.


"That's not Li Lingtian?"

Yun Xiaolan looked at the void in the distance and said in surprise.

"Li Lingtian?"

"Sure enough, I didn't expect him to be here."

"But even if he comes, there is no way. Even if he is strong, he can't be the opponent of the three great holy realms, not to mention that there are eleven super powerfuls in the three great holy realms."

"has hope."

For a time, everyone followed Yun Xiaolan's eyes.

I saw the sky, a water-colored water unicorn flew towards here unscathed, a young man in white on the back of the water unicorn.

Seeing this combination, the strong men of Dongmu Shengjing in the mask were shocked.


In the void, a faint voice sounded.

The voice was ethereal and cold, which made the heart tremble.

This sound hit the mind, the strong man present was like his heart was about to be destroyed. The strong men of the three holy realms suddenly frightened, and their eyes looked away, the power suppressed the mask.

Of the three holy realms, eleven true gods are perfect superpowers, turning to look into the void.

Seeing Li Lingtian on the back of Qilin in the air was shocked.

The median true god, Dongmu Shengjing, Li Lingtian.


It is Li Lingtian from the Holy Land of Dongmu.

Entering this gale gorge, there is only one median true god, and Li Lingtian, the first true **** strongman in Dongmu Shengjing.

When I saw Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I was shocked. A simple rolling word, the sound penetrated the space, making people feel trembling.

"Li Lingtian."

"Dongmu Shengjing Li Lingtian."

"It is not dead yet."

"Come here to find death."

"Just happened to solve the top ten people in Dongmu Shengjing together."

"One more person is dead."

The shock in the hearts of the three powerful saints disappeared in a blink of an eye. After all, it was just a median true god, who was crushed to death with just one finger.

Even if Li Lingtian is even more powerful, it is only the median true god. Even if it is the first existence of Dongmu Shengjing, it is also unbearable in front of them, and there is no effort at all.

Besides, no matter how powerful a person is, can they be the opponent of their eleven team?


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