War God Supreme

Chapter 2079: Li Lingtian's Harvest

c_t; "God attack!"

The strong men in the Thunder Sanctuary and the Giant Whale Sanctuary have extremely ugly faces on their faces. [Update quickly, the website pages are refreshing, there are few advertisements, and I like this kind of website the most, I must praise it]-79-Please search to see the most! The fastest updating novel

In the realm of heaven, there are very few people who practice consciousness, and it is also difficult to achieve.

Not only is the mystery and practice of cultivating consciousness scarce, but cultivating consciousness requires talents against the sky. Among the thousands of powerful people, there can be someone who cultivates a powerful consciousness even if it is against the sky.

Besides, even the cultivation of consciousness, the achievement is not high.

The most important thing is to improve the consciousness a bit, as a kind of auxiliary, if you want to attack your opponent with the consciousness, it is very difficult, basically you can't do it.

I didn't expect a higher true **** to be able to use the spirit to attack and kill the true **** in a moment. How powerful is this kind of consciousness to be able to kill opponents step by step.

Divine consciousness is in direct proportion to cultivation.

Even if you have the talent to cultivate your consciousness, and encounter the skills and mysteries of cultivating consciousness, but you can rarely use your consciousness to attack your opponent. To be sure of the true God, at most, you can use your consciousness to attack your opponent, so that your opponent will be temporarily lost Attack your opponent instantly and seize the opportunity.

As for the upper real gods who use their consciousness to kill a real god, it is completely impossible, at least they have not heard of it.

"The genius who can attack with the spirit of the gods is extremely horrible at practice."

"And people with strong consciousness have magical help in the field of perception."

"I didn't expect such a terrible super genius to appear in Dongmu Shengjing. This is not a good thing."

The supernatural genius in Thunder's Holy Realm Flame Lord's face is dignified, a supernatural **** who can destroy the God's King, and a powerful horror consciousness. If such a super genius grows up, it will be terrible.

Immediately, the man with the thunder holy land drove the flying warship away.

This matter will go back and report to the Lord of Thunder Realm to see what the Lord has plans.

Watching the people in Thunder Sanctuary leave, the giant whale Sanctuary also drove the flying warship to leave quickly.

The spacecraft flew through the sky, and within a few days, the people of Dongmu Shengjing finally returned to Dongmu Shengcheng.

Along the way, Pingdong Lake asked Li Lingtian to tell the situation carefully.

Li Lingtian did not hide anything at all, and said the situation at that time. Besides, there were a few real **** strong men in Dongmu Shengjing, and it was impossible for him to hide anything.

Besides, he didn't do anything extraordinary.

As for the Soul Attack, it is at most one of his own talents.

The strong man didn’t have some secrets. Although Pingdong Lake was shocked, he didn’t ask much. He could achieve such an achievement in just a few hundred years. It’s no ordinary person. If there are no secrets and means, that’s a weird thing. . []

The eleven true gods have great respect for Li Lingtian.

I used to see that Li Lingtian was a median true god, even if he defeated their true **** consummation, but I was somewhat dissatisfied, but I was shocked to see Li Lingtian's horrible means of destroying the god.

"It's time to take out the treasures and materials you got, and the temple will give you the spirit stone."

"Of course, the treasure that everyone uses, the temple will not want you."

The spacecraft landed outside the holy city of Dongmu, and Pingdong Lake took everyone flying towards the temple.

While flying, talk to the twelve true gods.

Inside the Gale Gorge, there are some precious materials and treasures. Only two hundred people can enter each holy land. Naturally, the treasures obtained must be handed over to the temple.

The temple is recycled at the fairest price. Of course, if the treasures obtained by the strongman can be used by themselves, the temple will not be recycled, only some treasures that the strongman does not use will be recycled.

Li Lingtian listened to Pingdong Lake and didn't think much about it.

Anyway, he knew this matter long ago. In the nameless world, he has also sorted out some treasures and materials.

The treasures and materials and the "medicine" materials that I need are put in the dragon ring. The treasures and the "medicine" materials that I want to "hand over" to the temple are put in a separate space ring.

This time, his gains can be regarded as anti-sky reads;.

Soon, the group arrived at the temple.

In the temple, there are already a lot of powerful people waiting.

This puzzled Li Lingtian and other super powers of True God, but did not think about it.

In the temple, one hundred and seven powerful princes sat in two rows. On the most central throne, a vague figure was sitting on it. The mysterious breath was in sight. What is it like?

"Blessed Lord."

"The trip to Gale Canyon is over, and the genius strongman with Dongmu Shengjing returns."

Pingdong Lake is outside the hall and salutes in the respectful hall.

Shouted loudly, the expression on his face was extremely respectful.

After that, the whole person walked into the hall properly.

Li Lingtian and eleven other powerful real gods followed Pingdong Lake and walked into the hall.

In this hall, Li Lingtian had been here once and knew that the Lord was a'female' son, but he had never seen his true face. When he last came, there was only one person.

Now come here, but there are more than 100 super strong.

More than a hundred superpowers gathered here, and the invisible power made people feel oppressed.

Li Lingtian sighed with a sigh of calm on his face.

The other eleven true gods are not so relaxed.


One hundred and seven superpowers looked at Li Lingtian and others. Li Lingtian felt a shock, but then calmed down.

He did not expect that the 107 strong men are all gods and kings. So many gods and kings are here, and it is strange that they do not feel oppressed.

"Have seen the Lord."

Li Lingtian et al. performed a respectful reads;.

This holy lord, Li Lingtian is grateful in his heart, because some of the words he said last time opened a big ‘door’ for him to a new world, and this holy lord is also a terrifying superpower.

Saluting yourself is normal.

"Okay, Dongmu Shengjing is able to return twelve people this time, beyond the expectations of this palace."

"You all know the rules, take out the items you got, and the temple will turn it back to you for the spirit stone."

"Or, you can exchange these materials and treasures for equivalent items."

The voice of the Lord sounded, and the voice was still so ethereal.

However, at least I can hear that the Holy Lord is male or female.

Li Lingtian did not hesitate, and immediately took out a space ring and handed it to Pingdong Lake.

Eleven other true **** strongmen also handed the space ring to Pingdong Lake.

Next, twelve strong masters of the True God Consummation came from the hall and began to count the treasures of the strongmen who came out of the gale canyon this time.

If the true God is fully consummate and powerful, the consciousness is powerful, and if the consciousness is swept away, the value inside can be roughly estimated.

Suddenly, piles of materials and ‘medicine’ materials, as well as some treasures laid out.

"Liu Donghao, thirty-seven innate artifacts, two innate treasures, cherish materials and "medicine" materials worth 1.1 billion."

"Bai Minghao, forty-nine congenital artifacts and three congenital treasures, cherish materials and "medicine" materials worth 1.3 billion."

"Han Wushuang, forty-eight congenital artifacts, four congenital treasures, cherishing materials and "medicine" materials worth 1.7 billion."


"Qingyuan, there are 61 congenital artifacts and 6 congenital treasures. The value of precious materials and "medicine" materials is 6.3 billion."

"Qingyuan, Bai Minghao, Han Wushuang, Liu Donghao, Qingfeng, Yunming, Liu Jiacheng, space rings obtained by seven people, thirty-one innate artifacts, twelve innate treasures, cherished materials and "medicine" materials worth 170 Six hundred million."

In ten minutes of effort, the twelve strong men said the number and value of the items they counted, but they did not say the number of Li Lingtian alone.

Counting Li Lingtian's true **** strong man, his face'shock' shocked, as if he saw ghosts.

This situation puzzled everyone.

"Shen Chongyu."

Pingdong Lake looked at the shocking look of the true **** strongman who counted Li Lingtian's items and shouted lightly.

All the strong men looked at Shen Chongyu, not knowing how much Li Lingtian had gained this time.

"Li Lingtian, 630 congenital artifacts, 88 congenital treasures, cherish materials and "medicine" materials, worth 6.3 billion."

When Shen Chongyu heard the sound of Pingdong Lake, the whole person woke up in shock.

This is the first time he has seen so many congenital artifacts and congenital treasures, and there are countless treasures of'medicine' materials and materials. These fortunes are simply not something that can be described as against the sky.


"So many innate artifacts and innate treasures?"

"Material worth 6.3 billion spirit stones?"

"Show this deity."

"Sure enough, all are "medicine" materials refined by the immortal pill, which are the key materials for creating a flying warship."

"In three years, I have found so many treasures."

"Couldn't it be in a treasure trove."

"Even if you enter the treasure house, there are not so many treasures."


One hundred and seven powerful gods, as well as Pingdong Lake and eleven true powerful gods, were shocked.

In three years, I have got so many treasure reads.

One person gets more treasures than all the powerful ones added up.

What kind of luck is it, and it's not just a matter of luck.

With good luck it is impossible to get without strong strength.

"Li Lingtian, how did you get so many treasures?"

The ethereal voice of the Holy Lord sounded, and a supreme majesty pressed against Li Lingtian, but majesty did not press on Li Lingtian, but an innate power.

She also wanted to know how Li Lingtian got so much wealth in three years.

"There is a magical method under control."

"I can sense all the treasures within a thousand miles, as long as there are treasures and treasures in the place passing by, I can be sensed by me for the first time."

Li Lingtian had long wanted to make a speech.

These wealth and treasures ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are all prepared by him long ago, anyway, this time the treasure hunt came out, just happened to deal with all the treasures on his body.

After taking out all the innate artifacts you got, you left a dozen pieces of innate treasures, as well as the super materials and ‘medicine’ materials you needed.

Naturally, what you need will not come out.

"Master the secret technique of treasure hunting!"

"Well, apart from this, there are not so many treasures that can be found within three years."

"You cooperate with Pingdong Lake to handle the matter here."

"Li Lingtian went to Ziyun Hall."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, the ethereal voice of the Holy Lord sounded. When the voice fell, there was no one on the throne and no signs of it.

All the princes and strong men, salute respectfully.


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