War God Supreme

Chapter 2096: Shocked Taiyue

c_t; Dongmu Shengjing, Dongmu Square. Read the full text of the latest chapter. For more latest chapters visit: www. Please search for the most complete! The fastest updating novel

Countless strong men and monks have reached an unprecedented level of excitement.

The reason for the excitement is naturally that the name of Dongmu Shengjing and the name of Li Lingtian are constantly soaring. In just three days, Li Lingtian's points have increased by more than 9,000, and the ranking is close to 1,000.

The ranking is important, and more importantly, the origin of Li Lingtian's points. It is a miracle to be able to get so many points in just three days. Even if it is the powerful monster in the entire heaven, it is impossible to do this step.

Even if the genius strongman who enters it becomes a god, there is no such horrible reads;.

"In three days, it rushed from 8,996 to 1,008."

"The first genius in Dongmu Shengjing, this is the real genius."

"The geniuses of other holy realms are not as powerful as Li Lingtian."

"If you go on like this, even if you enter the top 400, there is hope to join Taiyue Shenting."

"Dongmu Shengjing is finally famous all over the world."

Countless powerhouses and monks are very pleasantly surprised, expecting Li Lingtian to get more points, and hope that Li Lingtian's rank will be raised to a higher level.

As long as it enters the top 10,000, it is the super genius of Taiyue Shenting.

If you can enter 400 people, you can enter Taiyue Shenting.

However, the further back, the harder it is, the remaining strong men become more and more powerful, the monsters they encounter become more and more scary, if they win, the points will naturally increase quickly, and if they fail, they will fall.

However, in the situation that all the strongmen and monks and countless forces expect, Li Lingtian's points will not move at all.

This makes countless powerhouses puzzled. It’s normal to say that it doesn’t increase points for a few days, because in places like Guixu, it’s not easy to meet a goal, but Li Lingtian’s points reach 20291. At that time, in the next three months, the points have not changed, but the ranking has been falling, and it has fallen to 1104.

They naturally didn't know that Li Lingtian was sleeping in the Shenlong.

And still sleeping in the center of countless powerful ancient ancient beasts and ancient ancient beasts, the level 3 stealth mode of the Shenlong was turned on, hidden in the mountain depression, and the mythical beasts could not be found.

In the Shenlong, Li Lingtian thought about the countermeasures, but none of them had any results.

So, I simply lay on the ‘bed’ and fell asleep, regardless of the points.

Three months later, Li Lingtian stood up and came to the main control room.

"Those who can threaten me are definitely not too ancient gods and beasts."

"It should be an unknown danger, or a more terrifying beast."

"If the beast is a god, the dragon can resist and attack, and can escape. The unknown threat, I am careful."

Li Lingtian looked at the crystal screen and talked to herself.

Countless red dots or monsters on the screen move on the crystal screen. These red dots and monsters are within a million miles of the Dragon Dragon. Only the monsters within a million miles will be scanned.

I have rested here for three months. Although there is a lot of time, it is difficult to get points later.

If you keep going like this, you will definitely not be able to enter 1,000, let alone 400.

Now, the key question is whether to go forward or backward. If you go backward, you will go back in a wrong way, or detour. If you fly directly, you will be bombarded by countless beasts and encounter unknown threats.

"First-level attack, prepare."

"Secondary attack, be prepared."

"Target and prepare."

"Go forward, attack."

After Shen'Yin' for a long time, Li Ling Tian Shen read the order, and his face'revealed' a firm'color'.

There will be no pie in the sky. Opportunities and dangers coexist.

I have been looking for a goal. Now that I am here, I can't retreat.

With the means of life-saving, it doesn't matter if you take a risk.

Suddenly, the stealth mode of the flying warship Shenlong disappeared, and both the first-level attack and the second-level attack were prepared, and the target was quickly moved forward, destroying the target, and killing the beast around this nearby attack.

He has fixed the position of the threat within 100 million miles. He is not advancing now. Taking the place of 100 million miles as the center point, he first solved the surrounding beasts and slowly approached the center.

‘Pulling away’ cocoons to solve the threat of this place. If you can kill the beasts in this place, your points will have a big increase in reads;.





Suddenly, the earth shivered and collapsed, and the space shattered.

The beam of destruction is empty, each blow will kill a great perfect ancient beast, kill a beast, and the flying warship will enter the stealth mode to quickly transfer the place.

Every minute, the second-level attack can even be brewed.

The second-level attack destroys the ancient beasts with might.

In the endless sky, the beam of destruction from the Shenlong Dragon killed the beast, and countless beasts roared and roared.

The devastating attack came from the bombardment of the Shenlong. Hundreds of ancient ancient beasts, bombarded on top of the Shenlong, could only slightly shake the Dragon, with no impact at all.

Because outside the Shenlong, there is a magical and powerful defensive formation. The Shenlong itself is made of hard materials, and the ancient beast cannot be shaken.

To kill a beast, Li Lingtian did not rush to take away Neidan, but after transferring the place, when the attack target of the beast moved to another place, Li Lingtian only performed five elements to move and take Neidan away.

For a time, Li Lingtian's points soared quickly.


"Li Lingtian's points soared quickly again."

"The points are rising fast."

Countless strong men and monks in Dongmu Shengjing exclaimed, with an excited look on their faces.

"Brother Ling Tian acted again."

"Points are increasing fast."

"Master is too powerful."

"The son didn't know what dangerous place he entered again."

Blood Dragon Holy City Tang Zimeng and others were in the mansion, watching Li Lingtian's points soaring, they were all very excited.

In the blood dragon holy realm, countless crystal screens, the ranking of the top 10,000 super geniuses is changing at any time, but when you enter the top 10,000, the points and rankings become bigger and bigger, but the speed becomes slower. stand up.

Li Lingtian, who had shocked countless forces and powerhouses, had not added a point in three months.

Let the strong men of the Blood Dragon Holy City feel puzzled.

"Hey, look."

"Li Lingtian has 1104 people and has 20291 points, which is now moving."

"It's fast."

"The points increase too fast, it's too scary."

"20293, 20294, 20299, 20300, 20301, 20401."

"God, this is a spike."

"Did he enter the area of ​​the beast?"

"Otherwise, it is impossible to quickly add 5 points and 100 points of integer points."

"21419, 21424, 21425,..."

"No. 1031, No. 1012, No. 1001."

"It's finally within a thousand, 991."

"It's too fast. What's going on?"

"It's terrifying to reach 960. Such an increase in points is unprecedented."

Nearly ten million strong men and monks on the Blood Dragon Square boiled. This is a day destined to boil the 20 billion strong men in the Holy City of Blood Dragon. This is a day destined to shock the 100 billion strong men and monks in Taiyue Shenting. day.

Enter 10,000, after reaching 1,008.

He was silent for three months, and no one point was increased, and his ranking declined rapidly.

But after the silence, it broke out again, and the level of horror erupted shocked all the powerful people and the holy realm under the Taiyue Divine Court.

On the first day, the points reached 21,490 points, ranking 960.

The next day, the points reached 22,707 points, ranking 948.

On the third day, the points reached 23590 points, ranking 916.

On the fourth day, the points reached 25,401 points, ranking 901.

On the fifth day, the points reached 26377 points, ranking 893.


On the 38th day, the points reached 58921 points, ranking 502.

Thirty-eight days, the points have not stopped, has been increasing rapidly, and the ranking has reached 502 from a thousand.

The Blood Dragon Holy City, Dongmu Holy City, the Forty Thousand Sacred Realms under the Taiyue Holy Court and countless super powers and super strongmen are all shocked and completely shake the Taiyue Holy Court.

In just over a month, the ranking climbed more than 500, reaching 502 directly.

You know, it is difficult for a super genius to enter the top 10,000, otherwise no one in Dongmu Shengjing has entered the top 10,000, and many holy places have not entered the top 10,000 for a long time.

After entering the 10,000, it is very difficult to upgrade a rank. Either upgrade the rank or directly disappear from the genius list. The disappeared genius indicates that it has fallen.

And Li Lingtian's ranking has risen rapidly. Such a horrible situation has been held in the genius list battle. I don't know how many billions of times, but it has never happened.

"Peerless evildoer."


"If it doesn't sound, then it's amazing."

"Don't be scared, the people swear to read;"

"Every silence is a prelude to the storm."

Taiyue Divine Court, the Forty Thousand Sacred Realm, the comments and evaluation of Li Lingtian by the billionaires and monks.

Jing Ruo's virginity moves away from the rabbit.

It's like the dual system of ice and fire he cultivated, ice, still and cold, quiet and quiet, fire, violent, destroying the world, can make the world tremble and destroy.

"not good"

In the main hall of the schoolyard, Lord Void, who was sitting on the throne, stood up, with a dignified ‘color’ on his face.

Extremely beautiful, a blaze of flame erupted in his eyes.

The terrifying momentum and Shenwei directly crushed the ten **** kings and strong men in the main hall, and the ten king kings who were talking happily fell on the ground, their bodies trembling, and their faces were pale.

I don’t even know what happened to Lord Lord God, but it will touch his mind.

"Master Lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what's wrong?"

Qing Qing Shen Wang shivered and asked cautiously.

Outside, he is the tallest king of God, controlling the life and death of the billionaires.

But in front of the Lord Lord, he was just a little ant Lord Lord Lord with a look to suppress him.

"He, if he got 18,000 points today."

"He, he will always be stuck in the land of the ruins."

The ‘color’ on the face of the **** of the imaginary column dignified and said coldly.

The tone is completely opposite to his ‘sexuality’, and suddenly the entire main hall is full of oppression.

It makes ten gods and kings feel puzzled, but even so, they are all nervous and a pity, because Lord Lord Lord means the heavens, what Lord Lord Lord said is the oracle, Lord Lord Lord said that it is definitely not wrong.


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